• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern YD&B Characters


Junior Member


"The Reasons We're All Fucked Up"


Name: Quinton "Q" Washington

~Not-So-Friendly Neighborhood Drug Dealer.

~Has never had a 'real' job.

~Angry+Violent. Probably Fluent in Murder.

~Has spent more than half of his life in Prison.

~Runs a group very close to something resembling a gang but it's totally not one.

1. Male - 21 years old Open
2. Female - 19 years old Open
3. Hadley Zola Washington - 17 years old eunoia eunoia

The scariest family in Chicago. The Washington's are South Side's go-to dealers if you need to take the edge off. Though he's been in and out of their lives due to regular trips to Prison and his tendency to flee the state with pretty blondes half his age, Q at least still considers himself a father. All three of his children came from different mothers, none of which he committed to, but his great granny left him a house so he took custody of the kids to raise more helping hands for the family company.

Kid #1
~His mother was a woman that traded sex for free drugs, so she was more than happy to hand over custody of her mistake as soon as possible.
~Q went to prison when #1 was two years old, and didn't get out until he was ten. #1 spent this time in foster care.
~Throughout his teenage years, Q developed a habit of beating #1 to teach him to be a man.
~Q and #1 have a very strained relationship. As in #1 fucking hates him and Q is indifferent towards #1.

Kid #2
~Two years after his first kid, Q got his best friend's girl pregnant, and she gave birth to a baby girl.
~Soon after she was born, Q went to Prison for 8 years. She spent this time with her Latino grandparents on her mothers side.
~Q introduced her to drugs at the age of twelve.
~Q has been known to purposefully scare off every significant other she introduces him to.

Hadley Zola
~Conceived when Q received furlough from Prison, Zola lived with her hooker mother for fourteen years until she overdosed and custody was given to Q.
~Hadley moves drugs for Q at school.
~Because he's the only parents she has left, Zola does their best to make Q proud.


Eduardo Vincente Rosario

~Suave, charismatic Latino wet dream.

~Smuggles drugs for frienemie's, the Washington's.

~Has been married eight times.

~Doesn't know any of his kids names.

~Registered Sex Offender

1. Bianka Martin Rosario - 19 years old Heim Heim
2. Female - 18 years old Open
3. Female - 17 years old Open
4. Male - 17 years old Open

The Rosario family is the largest on Roosevelt Avenue, containing eight kids in a four bedroom home. Primarily looked after by their senile grandmother while Eddie was off smuggling drugs over the border and forgetting their existence, these kids have pretty much been raising themselves.

Main Character Kids
~Spent six months on their own when the oldest was 11 years old when Eddie went to jail for sexual assault. His mother had just been deported so when he was arrested he told the police they lived with their mother in Mexico.
~Eddie can't tell them apart and only speaks to them or shows up at the house when he needs money or an alibi.
~The older kids have taken on the responsibility of giving up shots at a future to raise their siblings.
~Watched gangsters kill their grandmother in their livingroom a few years ago.


Penny Brancati

~Enforces 'Hugs not Drugs' but pills and cheap wine don't count.

~Tries to pretend she's not a racist homophobe by offering incentives for her children to stay away from the other kids on Roosevelt.

~Calls the law on everyone and peeks out of her shades all day to watch for suspicious activity.

~Thinks music is work of the devil.

~Still makes her kids say their prayers before their prompt bedtimes.

1. Jonathan Reuben Brancati - 20 eunoia eunoia
2. Virgo Maia Brancati - 16 Doubt Doubt

Penny is a helicopter mom who has been working as a waitress in Chicago her entire life and even though she thinks she doesn't belong in the city, she's far too sheltered to ever leave. She's a devout Christian and judges everyone for their sins but puts vodka in a water bottle to take to church on Sunday mornings in order to cure hangovers. She formed a neighborhood watch program and holds meetings that no one attends. Her husband committed suicide six years ago and she's gone just a little insane.

Jonathan Reuben
~Was very close to his father and can't stand his mother but plans to stick around until Virgo graduates.
~When he was eight Penny succumbed to the result of a handful of sleeping pills with a lit cigarette and burnt their house down, killing his first and only pet.
~Penny sent him to military school when he was 16 because he was 'unruly and disobedient' and he returned when he came of age.

Virgo Maia
~Penny's favorite child.
~At 10 years old she was the first to discover her father's body.
~Desperate for a perfect child, Penny ignores any and all problems that occur in her daughter's life and refuses to get her counseling or let her have friends.


Names: Toya and Chris Sullivan

~Extremely poor and unemployed.

~Both have warrants out for their arrest

~Hopes their kids become successful criminals and take care of them.

~Three teenagers, two adults, and four Pit Bulls reside in the small three bedroom house.

~You can find their sex tapes on any porn site.

1. Xavier Rashan - 19 years old Entropy Entropy
2. Emilia - 17 years old Heim Heim
3. Male - 17 years old Open

If the Sullivan kids weren't capable of kicking ass, they would most likely be bullied. Their home life is embarrassing and their parents are useless. They're the breadwinners of the household through purely illegal means, and it's common knowledge around town to just not fuck with them. They have the worst lives on Roosevelt street by far.

The Kids
~All three children were born addicted to meth and suffered terrible withdrawals.
~Chris and Toya sold their daughter to a man when she was 14 but her brothers found her and the three of them almost accidentally beat the man to death with baseball bats.
~Last year Chris and his oldest son got into an argument and Chris planted drugs and got his son locked up.


If none of the family roles suit your fancy or you just have a really good idea for a character, apply for one of these miscellaneous roles. These two characters must live together, be it for romantic or roommate reasons.

1.Julian Vargas - 19 Entropy Entropy

Full Name:
Sexual Orientation:
Occupation: (How do they contribute to the household financially? Doesn't have to be legal.)
Song Inspiration:
Detailed description: (only if you opted out of using a realistic faceclaim)
Clothing Style: (links or description is fine)
Distinguishable Features:
Body Modifications:
In Depth
Personality: (no length requirement. I'm trusting you to make them feel realistic with as many words as you need.)
Relationships: (Leave blank until acceptance.)
History: (Make sure to read through their parents information to get a good idea of how their childhood would have gone, and build on that.)
Writing Sample: (A couple paragraphs in first-person, as if your character is writing an essay about who they are to represent your writing style.)
The Washington's
1. Male - 21 years old Open
2. Female - 19 years old Open
3. Hadley Zola Washington - 17 years old eunoia eunoia

The Rosario's
1. Bianka Martin Rosario - 19 years old Heim Heim
2. Female - 18 years old Open
3. Cricket Rosario - 17 years old NPC
4. Male - 17 years old Open

The Brancati's
1. Jonathan Reuben Brancati - 20 eunoia eunoia
2. Virgo Maia Brancati - 16 Doubt Doubt

The Sullivan's
1. Xavier Sullivan - 19 years old Entropy Entropy
2. Emilia Sullivan - 17 years old Heim Heim
3. Male - 17 years old Open

Other Roles
1. Julian Vargas - Entropy Entropy
2. Open

bbcode is not required
But if you'd like to spruce up your CS and don't want to make one yourself, feel free to use the code below. Everything is spaced so that the required information is very easy to find and fill out. To add pictures, locate the image tags (as shown)
[img]hhtp://loremipsum.com/example [/img]
and replace the image link with one of your own, as long as it's reasonably sized. I worked hard on the code, so if you use it elsewhere please give me credit and tag me. I don't mind if you alter colors and fonts as I left this one very basic for that purpose. Additionally, if you need help figuring bbcode out or getting it to work, I'm always happy to assist for the sake of aesthetic's!
[centerblock=80][tabs][tab=The Basics][bg=#72634D][bg=#5C6E73][bg=#C5C0C1][border= 2px double #C5C0C1][row][column=span4][IMG]https://manhattan.edu/_files/images/placeholders/placeholder-320x320.png[/IMG][/column][column=span4][accordion=100%]{slide=center | [bg=#C5C0C1][COLOR=#72634D][SIZE=7]BASIC INFORMATION[/SIZE][/COLOR][/bg]}[bg=#C5C0C1]

Full Name:





Sexual Orientation:

Occupation: (How do they contribute to the household financially? Doesn't have to be legal.)

Song Inspiration:

[accordion=100%]{slide=center | [bg=#C5C0C1][COLOR=#72634D][SIZE=7]AT A GLANCE[/SIZE][/COLOR][/bg]} [bg=#C5C0C1]



Clothing Style:

Distinguishable Features:

Body Modifications:

[tab=In Depth][bg=#72634D][bg=#5C6E73][bg=#C5C0C1][border= 2px double #C5C0C1][row][column=span4][IMG]https://manhattan.edu/_files/images/placeholders/placeholder-320x320.png[/IMG][/column][column=span4][accordion=100%]{slide=center | [bg=#C5C0C1][COLOR=#72634D][SIZE=7]PERSONALITY[/SIZE][/COLOR][/bg]}[bg=#C5C0C1]


[accordion=100%]{slide=center | [bg=#C5C0C1][COLOR=#72634D][SIZE=7]MISCELLANEOUS[/SIZE][/COLOR][/bg]}[bg=#C5C0C1]




Relationships: (All characters are close knit, so discuss their relationship and history with the other accepted characters before the roleplay starts.)

[tab=Background][bg=#72634D][bg=#5C6E73][bg=#C5C0C1][border= 2px double #C5C0C1][row][column=span4][IMG]https://manhattan.edu/_files/images/placeholders/placeholder-320x320.png[/IMG][/column][column=span4][accordion=100%]{slide=center | [bg=#C5C0C1][COLOR=#72634D][SIZE=7]HISTORY[/SIZE][/COLOR][/bg]}[bg=#C5C0C1]


[tab=Introduction][bg=#72634D][bg=#5C6E73][bg=#C5C0C1][border= 2px double #C5C0C1][row][column=span4][IMG]https://manhattan.edu/_files/images/placeholders/placeholder-320x320.png[/IMG][/column][column=span4]
[accordion=100%]{slide=center | [bg=#C5C0C1][COLOR=#72634D][SIZE=7]WHO AM I?[/SIZE][/COLOR][/bg]}[bg=#C5C0C1]

Writing Sample: (A couple paragraphs in first-person, as if your character is writing an essay about who they are to represent your writing style.)


In Character
Soon to Come: NPC Info
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Julian Ivan Vargas





Dream A Little Dream Of Me



February 17 / Aquarius


Sexual Orientation:

Waiter at TJ's Bar and Grill

ESFP (Entertainer)

Song Inspiration:




Distinguishable Features:
// Healthy, styled hair // so many tattoos // track marks //

Body Modifications:
// Thirteen tattoos //

// Stay Sober // Buy a Car // Achieve a manager position at TJ's

// Drinking // Comic Books // Video Games // Tinder // Dog Walking //

// Cigarettes // Whiskey // Smirking // Flirting // Yawning //


Having been so close to the brink of death, Julian tends to live his life in the right now. He's a bold, social individual that's always up for stepping out of his comfort zone and experiencing new things. It's rare to find Julian alone, because his energy makes even the blandest of situations feel like a party, and others flock to his aura. Desperate to make his existence mean something, Julian has dedicated himself to making others feel comfortable with themselves. He's the guy that you pass on the street that compliments your outfit just to make you smile, or the stranger that starts conversation with you on the L that you wish would leave you alone, but by the end of the ride you're in a better mood. While Julian is comfortable in the spotlight and adores admiration, he doesn't seek it out. Much the opposite, he'll sooner land a spotlight on you than himself, as he enjoys getting to know people and observing their stories and motives. A wonderful listener, he has the tendency to make the person he's talking with feel like the most important person in his life.

Julian loves people with such compassion and conviction that it's often times difficult for him to stay interested in just one romantic interest. He's a naturally touchy, overly flirty, and compelling man so romantics come pretty easily to him, but there are just so many different people to explore and minds to search through that picking just one person for the rest of his life seems ludicrous. This often results in accidentally broken hearts or revenge plots against him, and while he does dislike hurting others, it's not as if everyone he sleeps with doesn't know beforehand that he's not looking for serious commitments.

It's not all swooning strangers and adoring friends, though. Julian does well to stay away from heroin and stroke his will-power, but even the strongest of men can't resist the pulls of addiction and you'll occasionally not hear from him for days as he holes up in his apartment and drinks himself into a coma to deal with the parts of life that drugs used to help him handle. He's grown into a rather mature young adult, and he's capable of handling these dark times on his own, but that doesn't make them any less rough.

Julian got a job and his own place weeks after almost dying, and he's very proud of these steps he's taken towards bettering his life. His work ethic is determined and raw, making sure to never miss a day or show up late, and his bills are always paid on time. Living on his own has allowed Julian to develop a sense of freedom and strength in himself. While he is indeed always up for a party, he shows up to work the next day on time with a fist full of ibuprofen to kick the hangover and never complains.

The nineteen year old, however, is extremely resistant to drama, or conflict, making him especially difficult to be in a relationship with. For example, if you see him hugging another person and ask him about it, he's more likely to laugh at you than give a straight answer. He'll ignore texts that seem to be fishing for arguments, and it's nearly impossible to make him jealous. At times, this will make it feel like he has no feelings, or he's cold, but anyone that knows him well can testify that it isn't the case. He just goes out of his way to avoid conflict because he would always rather be having fun. At the same time, though, Julian tends to be very sensitive. Not outwardly so, but if he's critiqued in any way he takes it personally and will break his back trying to change your mind.

Julian entered the foster system at the age of three when his parents went to prison for manufacturing meth in their home. They soon dropped off the face of the Earth, and if they are out of prison, they certainly don't want to be found. The system was gentle to Julian for the most part. His first foster family kept him for five years before they lost their jobs and were evicted for failure to pay rent. The government deemed them unfit to foster, and the child was thrust back into the system where he was juggled around for a few years. At thirteen he found a family that loved him dearly, and although they were broke, and he was one of six other foster children in their house, they treated him well. It wasn't necessarily their fault that Julian turned out the way he did, although living in the slums probably didn't help.

It was around this time that girls and friends started occurring in Julian's life more often. He started having sleep overs, and developed his love for superheroes and video games and even comic books through his new friendships. Just as he was beginning to discover himself, the world decided on different plans for him. A group of kids in the neighborhood took a special interest in Julian and decided to take him under their wing. The preteen was just excited to have older friends, and at that age he would have done anything to be cool, so when they started robbing convenience stores, he stood watch. When they beat up strangers for looking gay, he lied to the police. And when a spoon and lighter were passed his way, he took it without missing a beat.

Julian struggled with himself for years, because what he was doing just didn't feel like who he was, but quitting wasn't an option anymore, he needed the substance to survive. Somewhere along the way, he lost himself and there was no trace of the boy left. The drug consumed him, and everything he did was to get him closer to his next high. Nothing else mattered.

While he did manage to graduate high school thanks to low education standards and a ton of cheating, he didn't do well. Instead of starting a career and future after his graduation, he celebrated by going on an eight-day binge with his boys. Two others ended up in the hospital with him in the aftermath, but only Julian survived. Afterwards, Julian decided to turn a new leaf. His friends weren't good people, and he's aware that they would never amount to anything in life, but they were still his people, and losing someone you spend that much time with changes a person. Julian is now a little over a year sober, and within his sobriety he has begun to find himself again, making regular visits to bookstores to load up on new editions of his favorite comic books, and playing a lot of basketball with guys on Roosevelt. The biggest self discovery, though, came from a late night at TJ's, when a customer of the male persuasion slipped Julian a napkin with his number on it, and the two of them went on several dates. Growing up, being interested in the same sex could get you killed, but now that he can hold his own and be free, Julian has embraced his bisexuality with open arms and has resolved to love others regardless of what's between their thighs.


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Requisite Name | Virgo Maia Brancati
Nickname | Go-go / Angel / Make One Up
Age | Sixteen
Birthday | February 23
Zodiac | Pisces
Gender | Cisgender female
Occupation | Doesn't Work
Theme Song | xxx
|| Height ||

|| Weight ||

|| Clothing Style ||
x - o - x - o

|| Distinguishable Features ||
Her father's eyes

|| Body Modifications ||
ears pierced
Of Tears
At first, Virgo may seem like an innocent and devoted Christian like her mother but in honestly, she's the complete opposite. Virgo is known for her stubbornness like her father, she's always questions things before doing anything. She's also a curious woman as well which can lead her into trouble, Virgo loves to explore things and her curiosity can get the best of her at times. The brunette is also quite sensitive to most things, her heart is bigger than her body and struggles to contain her emotions.

But with the bad comes the good. Virgo has always been compassionate and creative, she loves to express her emotions in her art or outfits, everything and everything can be a creative outlet for her. Virgo is also very affectionate towards other, she's loves to hug people and sit in other people's laps. As a child, she struggled to show affection towards her mother and Virgo dreams of running away and falling in love.

graduate from high school - apply for art school in NYC - to leave her mother's grip

drawing - water colors - painting

plans outfits the night before / fiddles with her writing utensils /twirls her hair
On Your
|| History ||
Virgo's life was once normal before her mother's world crashed down into flames, her parents loved her and the Brancati siblings were inseparable. The Brancati were born and raised in sunny Los Angles, they lived life in luxury and happiness as a family. Everything seemed perfect in Virgo's little world, her talent for art continued to grow each day and she was succeeding in school, despite the fact she struggled to focus, but once Virgo found him, everything went to shit for the Brancati family.

She was only ten year old when she found her father's body laying on the floor, pale and lifeless with his beady blue eyes staring right at her. Virgo, only being ten and innocent, screamed for her brother's help. The ambulance soon rushed to the family home and Virgo watched the beginning of the Brancatis downward fall. Soon after her father's death, Virgo's grades dropped greatly. From being an A student she dropped to a C student, her attention span became shorter and shorter by the day. Her teachers recommended a child psychiatrist for Virgo but her mother denied every time, her mother was delusional believing that Virgo was going to be alright.

But things only became worse after that, Virgo watched in sadness as her mother forced her older brother to military school. It was finally just Virgo and her crazy mother, the mother-daughter duo moved to the south side of Chicago with the little money they had left after her mother secretly spent their funds on drugs and cheap spirits. Virgo waited impatiently for her brother to return home as she continued to draw to escape from her horrible little world. Nowadays, Virgo believes she suffers from ADHD but without her mother's help, she's struggling to finish school.
|| Writing Sample ||
Virgo sat quietly in her room on top of her rickety bunk bed, her favorite Pink Floyd vinyl playing quietly as her pencil etched a simple sketch on her mother's Bible. Her long brown hair tied up in a messy ponytail as she tried her best to focus on her drawing. Virgo knew that her mother would be popping pills and sipping on wine downstairs on the couch by herself, probably on their new neighbors as well in case they decided to try be friendly to Virgo's mother. Virgo knew that it was best to leave her mother in peace, it was the best option she could think of since her brother was shipped off to god-knows-where.

The brunette released a small sigh as she fell backwards into her pillow, dropping the pencil onto the Bible as the music echoed through her ears. She wondered what would've happened if her father never decided to commit suicide, or if she never found his body first. Questions about her father began to flood Virgo's mind along with horrible memories of the dreadful night like a tsunami of memories, causing hot and salty tears to well up in her eyes. Virgo sat up from her bed as she heard her mother climbing up the staircase.

She quickly slammed the Bible shut, slipping the Holy book underneath her pillowcase as she leaped from her bed and raced to her record player. Virgo quickly unplugged her record player as her heart began to pound loudly in her ears, if was caught by her mother hell would reign over the house. She quickly raced to her white wooden desk before opening her maths textbook and pretended to write something down. Virgo's gaze went to mother as she watched her drunkenly open the door. Her mother raised a curious yet drunk brow at her daughter as Virgo flashed her a smile, causing Penny to leave Virgo in peace. Virgo huffed in relief as she leaned back in her chair. She was safe once more.
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Full Name: Emilia Sullivan
Nicknames: Em, Bitty (A nickname that stuck when a boy who had asked her out refuted to her breasts as ‘itty bitty’)
Age: 17
Birthday/Zodiac: 4th January, Cappricorn
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Strips at a shady strip club down town, has a fake ID that she used to get herself a job there, not that the owner really gave two shits.
Song Inspiration:


Height: 5’8"
Weight: 110lbs
Clothing Style: x x x x
Distinguishable Features: Two piercing in earlobe, one at the top of her ear.
Body Modifications:


In Depth
Emilia isn’t very outspoken. She isn’t mean or intimidating, nor does she ever try and start confrontations or fights unnecessarily. She will very rarely say anything at all unless it is both thought out and she deems it necessary. She doesn’t let anyone get inside her head, it is almost impossible to get to know her unless she lets you and gives in. She may be quiet but she is in no way a pushover. If someone challenges her to a fight she will show up and follow through, if someone tries to bully her she will defend herself, she just doesn’t want to start anything. She’s trying to get through high school, and through her home life alive.When it comes to most insults, she hears them often, and tends to blank them out like they are nothing. If someone gets physical with her she will never cry. She was taught by the streets and by her brother that she should never let her weakness show, no matter how much pain she is in. Her resolve will break eventually but it is very strong.

Emelia LOVES her siblings, however. She will defend them with her life. She is especially protective over her younger sibling, and she respects her elder brother, and is forever defensive over him, always staring up for him. Emilia can be quite difficult to work out. One moment should could be quietly trying to study for a test in the corner of the school library, and then next she could be at someones throat with a pocket knife for looking at her little brother funny. Obviously, Emilia hates her parents with a passion, but she very rarely shouts and screams at them, and tends to keep quiet and brood silently so she can go on having a roof over her head. She knows if she steps too far out of line she could end up homeless, or worse than that. She believes this kind of logic is more valuable to her than pride.

Because of her brother’s reputation, very few have the guts to try and bully her at school. This is an advantage to her because she can focus on her school work. She wants to break out of this world she’s stuck in so desperately. She struggles with subjects like English and History, but always aces maths and science subjects. She wouldn’t be top of any other class but here, her grades are near the top.

Despite her profession, Emilia hates any kind of sexual or even romantic physical contact. She is known as ‘frigid’ at school because she turns down every boy who asks her out and has never even held hands with some one, let alone had sex. She actually has an extreme fear of intimacy, which threatens to cause shakes and hyperventilation at even the most insignificant of touches. At work, she blanks everything out. She is only able to do it because of two things: It is only a job and she doesn’t have to fuck anyone and 2: Should anyone so much as touch her one of the security guys will throw them out. Emilia usually gets blind drunk after work every night to deal with her anxiety.

Emilia is a bit of an alcoholic. She has been known to bring vodka in her water bottles to school and she always has a drink after school as well. Most mornings she is hungover, but she still functions. She has never bought drugs before, but has tried them all. She dislikes them and is not addicted, but she knows that there are times where it’d be dangerous to accept and even more dangerous to refuse.

Emilia has the potential to become a real success if she’s smart. She hopes she can take her siblings with her when she finds it but she isn’t really sure if she believes SHE can make it out, let alone all of them.

Goals/Aspirations: To go to university after high school, to learn a skill other than stripping and find a better job.
Hobbies: Singing (Only when alone) Reading comic books, Sudoku, Long Distance Running
Habits: Drinking, Smoking cigarettes
Being born sick was a real battle for her and her siblings. The withdrawals formed from their parents habits were brutal. Things did not get much better for them as they grew up. Her elder brother dealt with it first, of course, and he created their reputation. Emilia was as quiet as a child as she is currently. Her mother and father didn’t seem to carry much hope for her. She just hoped they would go to jail so she wouldn’t have to deal with them. As she grew into adolescence she remembers all of her parent’s friends and how they used to look at her. She developed quite quickly and the men who came round noticed. Her mother must have seen them all sneering at her and touching her constantly but she did nothing to protect her from them.

Her father had an idea that sprung from this. She overheard him one day when she was just 14 years old talking to an older gentleman about her. He was saying awful things about her body and about her complacency. She didn’t understand what exactly he was doing until she found herself travelling in the car with him back to his place while her father sat at home counting his new wad of cash. Emilia’s siblings were out so they couldn’t stop it. By the time they had found her she was half naked in the mans living room, tears streaming down her face while the older man watched and caressed her.

Her brother found her there and beat the man within inches of his life and took her back home before he’d stolen anything from her except her dignity. Emilia watched every minute of the beating, she didn’t allow herself to look away once. And after that, she never looked away from any violence ever again, and she also never allowed any male to come anywhere near her ever again. After that day even her brother hugging her could make her feel shaky and sick. But she also became so much more devoted to protecting her siblings after that. They were all in the same team, no matter how different their lives would become from one another, that would never change.

Emilia went to school the next day after that event like nothing had happened. She would study for tests and do her assignments, unlike 90 percent of her class. She was rarely in a fight with anyone because she made an effort not to aggravate others. She kept to herself. She began drinking some of her mothers Vodka after school and replacing it before she noticed. Her parents were constantly telling her she was a useless little shit because she wasn’t making them any money, so when she turned 16 she got a job waitressing at a strip club. Unfortunately about 6 mounts in her boss made her strip for the customers, or she’d be out of the job. Not wanting her father to sell her body to more of his ‘friends’ she regrettably agreed. At least she didn’t have to prostitute herself this way.

Her drinking got worse, however and every single day she was at school with a hangover. It was a real struggle to stay on top of her grades, and because of this they were mostly just average, with the exception of maths class. She really snapped when her father decided to send her eldest brother to jail. She screamed at the man, and got a slap across the face that sent her to the floor. She kept on standing up though, eyes dry as a bone, expression stoney. She visited her brother every single possible chance she got. When he got out she was the first one to see him.
Writing Sample:

Its hard to know where to start really. I guess I’ll begin simple. My name is Emilia Sullivan, I am 17 years old and I’m not really good at expressing myself. Before I started writing this I must have worried for at least an hour. What if someone I know reads this? What if anyone reads this? Is the release really worth those risks? But I’ve come to a realisation now that none of those things really matter. In my time I’ve been called many things by many people. Everyone makes judgements about everyone else based on tiny things. I am not perfect, of course, and I have done this plenty of times. No one in my life is perfect, some less than others. With me, people like refuting to me like I am an object. I am not strong, like my brother, or overly talented at anything in particular. My job involves becoming less than human to please others. And I put up with it, because one day, I will become someone special.

I have a lot of hatred balled up inside me, and so do my siblings. They deal with it in different, usually louder and more aggressive ways. I, however, drink, seethe, and remain quiet. I don’t like making trouble, not because I am scared of conflict or disruption but because I am smart enough to realise that making trouble only begins a cycle hard to break. And that watching and waiting for an opportunity to rise up is usually a better solution to my problems.

I slipped up last night though. My face hurts a lot. My father sent my brother to jail, and I was so angry that I lashed out at him tooth and nail. This didn’t get my brother back from jail, not did it help me in anyway. I’m left now with the same emptiness with the addition of bruises which are now going to be a point of interest for others, especially Rashan. Theres a bottle of whiskey in front of me and as I pour it my hands are shaking. Alcohol is a problem, and I know that as well as the next person. Nobody is perfect, all we can do is try to be… better.

I hope that one day I can pull my siblings from this life with me, but I fear that I won’t even be able to pull myself up. I have so many fears. But that won’t stop me. It wont. I won’t let it. If I do then what am I? Nothing. Worthless.

So if anyone does read this, maybe it will annoy, maybe it will inspire, maybe it won’t effect them at all. But this isn’t for anyone but myself.

How do I end this? I’ll end it simple
My name is Emilia… Sullivan.
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    Full Name: Hadley Zola Washington
    Nicknames: Most of her friends call her Zola, she doesn't really like the name Hadley.
    Age: 17
    Birthday: 21st October
    Gender: Female
    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
    Occupation: Helps out with the 'family business.' Sells and moves drugs in school.
    Song Inspiration:


    Clothing Style: Crushed velvet, cami dresses over t-shirts. Faux fur coats, tall heels. Chokers, mom jeans. Band tee-dresses and lacy bralettes. see attached pictures x x
    Distinguishable Features: She has her mother's eyes, which are always one of the first things people notice about her.
    Body Modifications: Septum piercing, various little tattoos including one on her rib cage reading 'jolie' and '=' on her wrist.


    Personality: Zola is indifferent towards most people's opinions of her are. Her 'give no fucks' attitude and fiery temper would probably exclude her from social circles if it wasn't for her father's reputation and her looks. Instead she is rather popular, with people seeking her out when they need 'a breath of fresh air' or a breath of 'something else.' Although she's famous for her bluntness and brutal honesty Zola has little qualms about lying. Instead, she's honest simply because she doesn't see the point in lying to be nice. While Zo doesn't care what the majority of people think about her, she cares greatly what those she respects think; for example Q. Zola is very clever and would excel at school if she actually turned up to class, the only classes she actually attends are History and Art. She loves learning and you'll often find her reading a book, although if asked about it she'll complain about how her teacher is 'forcing' her to read it. Zola finds it hard to build meaningful relationships with people and only has a handful of people she really trusts. However, she has many other friends and acquaintances that she has a good time with.

    Goals/Aspirations: Although she would never admit it, Zola desperately wants to go to college, she loves learning, particularly history, it fascinates her and she secretly would love to study it. However she never will as Q would almost certainly dissaprove and all Zola wants is for him to be proud of her.

    - reading
    - listening to music
    - learning
    - getting high
    - partying
    - going on adventures

    - when she's nervous drums her fingers on her thigh
    - she's getting impatient when she places with her hair
    - when she's attracted to someone she insults them

    Relationships: (All characters are close knit, so discuss their relationship and history with the other accepted characters before the roleplay starts.)

would be interested in co-gming if I get accepted you're up for that Entropy Entropy
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✯ G A B B Y ✯ R O S A R I O ✯
full name = Gabby Erica Rosario
nicknames = Gabs, Eric
age = 18
birthday/zodiac = August 14th, Leo
gender = female
sexual orientation = bisexual
occupation = works as a barista and helps out with her sisters jobs sometimes. sells drugs on the side if she has to. siblings has no idea.
song Inspiration = -+-+

Height = 5'6
Weight = 153 lbs
Clothing Style = +/-/+/-
Distinguishable Features = has scar on upper eyebrow and an scar on her cheek that looks like a minus line. She also has scars up and down her arms from self-harmed
Body Modifications = pierced nose
Personality = Gabby is very protective of her siblings. She hates when anyone messes with them. She will kill you if you hurt any of her siblings. Or get one of the sullivan kids too. She is the same way with her friends. That ends up making Gabby the only other bad girl in her school. She is stubborn and she will not move on an issue if she thinks it's important. She is untrustful of people that are not her close friends or her siblings. She hates being touched by anyone and will definetly punch them if they do.

She is kind, to little kids and has always wanted her own little ones but she doesn't want them around to be raised with her father around. Especially with him, running around selling and smuggling drugs. Gabby isn't an open person. she is very closed off actually. Even with her sisters, she is closed off. She barely talks about her feelings or how she is dealing with things. People may think she's just like that by nature but that's not true. She's like that because she thinks her sisters has enough to deal with without her problems. She hates herself and sometimes think of sucide.

Goals/Aspirations = Have kids. + Get the fuck out of Chicago or somewhere in a safe neighborhood with her sisters. + actually graduating college.
Hobbies = Reading, Playing with little kids, Singing and playing her old guitar that was her grandmothers, and schoolwork.
Habits = biting lips, tapping foot, smirking uncontrollable

Relationships = N/A

History = Gabby was the second to be born. And by the time she was 8, knew that she wasn't loved by her dad. The fucktard doesn't even remember her or her sister's names. He wasn't even home, half the fucking time and when he was drunk, he brought woman home who would always boss her around and she would get protected by her older sister who either pranked the woman or driven them mad. Gabby helped out with that. Her younger siblings were just babies and didn't know how to take care of them self and her dad wasn't any help. So she was raising them with the help of her older sister. She never asked for her father's love because she knew in her heart that she would never get it. She decided when she was 10 that she didn't need it. All she needed was her siblings,

She doesn't like talking about what the hell happened in her past. She remembers being slapped by her dad's fourth wife. Gabs remember that even before her older sister caught her getting her by her stepmom, they were beatings and a lot more slaps. She remembers her older sister just yelling at her dad for doing nothing and C taking care of her dad because she wanted daddy to love her. She hated her father, in her mind he was just a sperm donor and her mother was her older sister. She remembers her older sister coming home yelling at them for something that not done or just being there.

Gabby thought she hated them. She still does because if they weren't here maybe, her life would be better. Gabby kinda blamed herself a lot for that which is why she never talked to anyone because she didn't want to be a burden on them like she was her sister. Gabs always picked up Cricket when their older sister tore her down. She protected both of her siblings when she went too far. Because of that, she resented her sister. Yea she was her mother basically and that's a lot on her shoulders but she never thought to think that maybe Gabby was doing the same. Taking care of her siblings has been all she ever does. She worked day and night to bring in money even if it wasn't always the legal way.

Now things went bad after their grandmother was murdered in front of them. She remembers her older sister screaming and crying to spare them. Gabs was protecting her siblings surrounded them with her body trying to cover them up in a sense to shield them, she in that moment was praying to whoever was out there to spare her babies and her mother. Because her sister wasn't the only raising her siblings, she was too. Her siblings were her babies too. In the end, they killed their grandmother. After that day, she has been angry at her father. No one else but her father. She hated him. She completely was disgusted by him.

Her older sister got more and angrier and aimed it at Cricket. Gabs was always standing up for her and fought back against her words. She never grew angry at her older sister knowing the guilt she must have felt doing that time, and knowing how angry she was at C for not showing up at the funeral. She didn't know where she was during that time but she knew that it must be the sperm donor. After that, everything returned to normal well sorta normal. Her older sister backed off of her younger sister Cricket. But their bond never got fixed and now she hopes it never does. She doesn't want to burden with her mind as she grows up and sees her father in her. As she grows up and hates herself.

Writing Sample = Why the fuck should have I been born? I fucked up my sister life. I fucked up my younger siblings life. I'm just a wasted space. I hate myself everything and I see myself becoming my evil ass sperm donor.
I don't want this. I don't want this for my family. I want to be happy and free of any burden. Why the hell should have this life been given to them. They deserve some much more. I should have been given this life not them.

I am so weak. I cannot protect them from anything and that's gets me so fucking angry. All i want to do is pull my damn hair out. All i want to do is take my damn razor is slice my skin wide open. Give me some sort of punishment.
For being so damn useless. Yea I bring in money but not enough. Never enough. For once I want to be enough.
I want to be good enough. I need to be enough. I'm drowing out here.

I'm drowing all alone. All alone without anyone.

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    Full Name: Jonathan Reuben Brancati
    Nicknames: Everyone has different nicknames for him, but apart from family no-one calls him Jonathan, most people call him Nathan or Nate.
    Age: 20
    Birthday: November 4th
    Gender: Male
    Sexual Orientation: Closeted bisexual
    Occupation: Since returning Jonathan has gotten a job as the church verger and is saving up to go to college.


    Height: 6ft 2
    Weight: 155lbs
    Clothing Style: Leather jackets, monochromatic clothes. White t-shirts and skinny jeans. See attached pictures; x x x
    Distinguishable Features:Always has a bit of a scruffy beard and messy hair. His eyes almost seem to change colour with his mood.
    Body Modifications: None.


    PersonalityJonathan doesn't quite fit in with his peers, he doesn't do drugs (usually) he doesn't have any tattoos and... well, he's white. However, despite his mothers best efforts to keep him away Nate does have some friends who are involved in some less-than-legal business. Nathan doesn't partake in that though, he still calls himself a Christian and doesn't believe that it's right to hurt people, whether that's intentionally harming them or giving them ways to harm themselves (e.g. drugs) Rather charming, Nate isn't short of female attention, although he's rarely interested in girls, in fact; when Nate went to military school he met a boy who he had feelings for, he doesn't know what this means, considering that he's always been taught that it's wrong to be gay and it is a constant worry of his. Nathan graduated from school with relatively good grades (3.6 GPA) however he isn't sure what he wants to do with his life, instead he's chilling in Chicago to keep an eye on Virgo and make sure their mom isn't too overbearing on her.


    Goals/Aspirations: Doesn't have many; to make sure Virgo gets out of Chicago and into a good college. To get out of Chicago himself; maybe start a business or something.
    - Playing Piano (He often plays in the worship band in his church.)
    - Video Games
    - Drawing
    - Getting High

    Relationships: (All characters are close knit, so discuss their relationship and history with the other accepted characters before the roleplay starts.)

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    Full Name:
    Xavier Rashan Sullivan

    Zay - Pet Name for Friends but usually just girlfriends.
    Prince - Street Name


    November 5th/Scorpio

    Cis Male

    Sexual Orientation:

    Occupation: Works as one of Q Washington's goons, makes a decent salary. Runs somewhat of a side business in scamming unsuspecting victims into buying him nice things so that he can pawn them off for benjamins. His scamming skills even reach as far as building trusting relationships with people over the internet and having them send him money and gifts. He's also got some decent mechanic skills, so he charges to fix up cars in the neighborhood, but it's South Side so that business isn't exactly booming.

    Song Inspiration:



    215 lbs.

    Clothing Style:
    X X X X

    Distinguishable Features:
    // Full Lips // Height // Broad Shoulders // Blank Expression //

    Body Modifications:
    Across his back - Paid for by his ex.
    Right Shoulder - Received in jail.
    Under Left Elbow - His first tattoo. Received at the age of sixteen in a friend's basement.

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Full Name: Bianka Martin Rosario
Nicknames: Bee, Momma Bee, Anka (Usually used by siblings)
Age: 19
Birthday/Zodiac: November 7th, Scorpio
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Occupation: Runs a Kindergarten for all the local children and toddlers. Mind you, her business will never grow because, technically she is not qualified, does not hold a legal right to look after children, nor does her business technically exist. But her community knows, and trusts her, and she usually sees the same faces every day with the occasional new one. She Runs this from her home whilst she takes care of her own younger siblings as well.
Song Inspiration: Our Own House - MisterWives


Detailed description: Jessica Ball - Found on starnow
Height: 5'8"
Clothing Style: x x x x
Distinguishable Features: Reading Glasses, always wearing baggy clothing and usually a pair of jeans, never wears dresses or skirts
Body Modifications: Pierced ears


In Depth
Bianka is a business-like woman who does not take any shit. She is bossy, organised, strict and tough as nails. Bianka matured well beyond her years and it has left her with a compulsive need for routine and order. One could say she is a little obsessive compulsive. Everything must always be done a certain way, or not at all. Her clothes are all co-ordinated by colour, type and style. There will never be anything left on her floor. Her socks are always paired properly. Her room couldn't look more perfect if she tried: it's like a damn ikea showroom. Anka get flustered and stressed easily, but she is very skilled at hiding it and putting on a calm and collected facade.

Bianka doesn't like being wrong, and finds admitting her mistakes to be very difficult. She is a stubborn girl, and always has been. There is no doubt, among her sisters and brothers, she was 'The Boss'. It wasn't all about her, of course. She felt the weight of responsibility at a very young age and as such, she developed protective and caring traits as she nurtured, cared for and provided for her family. She has a kindness and a softness too her, and if you play your cards right and don't annoy her, you will usually see it fairly swiftly.

Bianka is ultimately pretty selfless, even if she does come off as harsh and mean on the surface. She doesn't mind giving up her chances of a life in order to give her younger siblings a chance. For them, she learnt how to cook, she delivered papers to all of the drug den's, she skipped school in order to run errands for people for money, and eventually began her little side business when she turned seventeen. She is good with kids, and hopes one day she can raise some of her own. She often dreams about adopting a cute set of abandoned children with a lovely wife by her side in their cozy little white-picket-fenced house. Being a caregiver is the one thing she is extremely good at.

Goals/Aspirations: To get married and adopt kids, To run her own legal childcare service one day
Hobbies: Going to the gym, swimming laps, cooking, solving crossword puzzles, photography
Habits: Popping anti-depressants, Weed
Bianka was the first to be born into the Rosario family, and bore a lot of responsibility. She was a rather bossy, outspoken child who always wanted things her way. She often fought for her fathers attention as a young child, but as time passed and Anka grew bigger and smarter, she realised that there was no point. He was never home, and when he was home he was never sober. He always brought home women who liked to try and boss her and her siblings around. Anka would always drive them mad, pulling pranks on them, annoying them and just generally being a rude little madam! She never had any discipline, of course, so she was a little wild and unruly as a child. She found her Abuela to be boring and figured the old lady favoured Cricket anyway. Cricket always looked after her father while Bianka tended to her younger siblings and made sure they were all fed, clothed and healthy. It always annoyed her that any of her siblings should spend any time looking after the man at all. In her mind, she was doing his job.

Anka remembers quite clearly yelling at her father on multiple occasions. She complained because he sat there getting high while his baby boy was crying for food. She yelled at him because he couldn’t even remember Cricket’s name even though she’d looked after him so well. She screamed at him when she caught his fourth wife hurt her baby sister, and he was too out of it to do anything about it. She was forever getting angry and it made no difference. things still went on the same. Anka was always tired. Ever since she was fourteen years old she worked very hard. She delivered papers, she skipped school to run errands for cash, she walked the neighbourhood dogs and she would look after the odd child when his or her parents couldn’t.

Anka worked hard for her family, and because of this she was always tired and stressed, and she was always mean. She protected her family, but she also treated them unfairly. She’d often be in a bad mood, and though she would try, she’d often take it out on her sisters. She can remember a few times coming home from a hard day on her pushbike delivering papers and see Cricket sitting on the couch relaxing, or reading or watching TV and just losing her head at her. She may have contributed a little to Cricket’s self esteem issues by calling her unhelpful mean names and saying nasty things when she was pissed. It was hard for Anka to apologise, but she always did, eventually.

Things fell into a comfortable pattern for a while. She would work, cook and her siblings would clean and help her with chores, she would try and go to school but ultimately she sacrificed a lot of time there in order to make sure they had money to feed everyone and barely scraped a pass in half her subjects as a result. Everything turned on it’s head when Anka turned sixteen and their father brought yet more problems for her and the kids. Thugs burst into the house and threatened them all. Anka offered herself as bait, protectively standing in front of her family. She wishes she could say she kept her cool that day and saved everyone. But she remembered cracking under the pressure, balling her eyes out, hands shaking while she begged them to spare them all.

In the end they decided to murder their Abuela. Anka had never felt like such an asshole in all her life for the indifferent way she treated the lady in her life. She felt such immense guilt. At the funeral she was the one who had the responsibility of saying a few words. When her younger sister Cricket didn’t show she was so angry. She wasn’t really angry at her sister but at herself. Cricket, unfortunately, was her punching bag.

There was a rift between the four siblings after that day, and it did sadden Anka. She wants to become close with them all, like the old days. She dropped out of school and became a stay-at-home. She advertised a local daycare for the children of her town. A few people who had used her before as a babysitter vouched for her, and in the end she was getting fairly steady money from the job. She ran her business, always had dinner ready for her siblings when they came home from school and tried her best to control her anger and bossiness around them all. Socially, she is known of, but not known by many people personally. Last year she finally got her first girlfriend, however it only lasted 6 months before she was dumped. She has romantic aspirations, but is very socially awkward and not great at the whole ‘romance’ thing.

Writing Sample:

Indie music is playing the the background of my room and I’m knelt on my bed flipping through the photographs I’ve taken on my cheap little digital camera and smiling. the happy pills haven’t even kicked in yet and I’m really smiling! Because I can see all their faces smiling back at me. In a world like ours, all we have is each other. I know I’m such a bitch sometimes. I make everyone else feel bad so I can feel better. I know how much I hurt Cricket today. I told her she was a crybaby and she should toughen up. If she was unhappy with herself then she needs to do something about it. I was annoyed because I can’t even be nice and offer my help without her getting upset. I bought her a gym membership as a present, and told her I’d go with her and help her out. But apparently I’m the worst person on the planet!

I went off track a little there huh…

Ruby’s face flashed onto the screen. She was the youngest of them all, so tiny and cute. And she was such an angelic toddler. Cricket was playing with her in the picture and they both look as warm and gleeful as I feel when I watch them. My days are hard and long, but at least they are never lonely. I always have someone to talk to. But in the outside world I guess I am alone.

I have a few girls and boys who I talk to at the gym, some who go swimming with me, I know all the parents who drop their kids off, but none of these people are close friends of mine. It’s like I don’t know how to be myself around other people outside work and outside family. I’m a real hermit apart from the gym and the pool. Maybe I should hit the bars every now and then. Then again, maybe I’ll just stay in and get high instead. All the kids are asleep. There is peace and quiet. Time to relax… Oh… I think that was the pills hitting me…


Everything Rocks.
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    Full Name:
    Winifred Asako Sato
    Nicknames: Winie
    Age: 20
    Birthday: March 16
    Gender: Female
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    Occupation: She's attempting to start a singing career but as of now she works as a bartender.

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I love books

Full Name: Yun Austin

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Nationality: Chinese/Caucasian

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation: Right now is working at her grandmother's restaurant.

Height: "5'6

Weight: 120

Clothing Style: View attachment 288222

Distinguished Features: none

Body modifications: pierced ears
Because they help you escape reality

Personality: Yun's personality is beyond words. She has a very crazy and hyper personality, making her very energetic. Her personality is somehow attracts people to her. Though she has her heart in the right place, she's quite oblivious about matters that involve the bigger picture of things and lacking knowledge in some areas, or math to say in the least. She also quite oblivious to when it comes to romance.

Yun constantly has a deep sense of right or wrong and will go to extremes to correct situations if they are involving those she is close to. She has a habit of picking up strays. She is also very kind, and will do whatever she can do to help people. She will also go to the full extremes if needed, as that is apart of her personality. She also makes sacrifices when it comes to someone very dear to her. Despite her naïve nature She is very peculiar about not hurting anyone she is around.
Which is why I want to write. So someone can escape even just for a little bit

Goals/Aspirations: Wants to be a writer.

Hobbies: Community Theater

Habits: She has a habit of getting into other people business.

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full name - Malik Cole Sullivan
nicknames - Cole, Mal [only his sister gets to call him that]
age = 17
birthday/zodiac = January 17th, Capicorn
gender = female
sexual orientation = pansexual
occupation = helps his brother run drugs for Q, makes a decent money with that. Runs a side buisness of getting payed to beat or scare people who owns someone something.
song Inspiration = ----

Height = 5'9
Weight = 138 lbs
Clothing Style = +/-/+/-
Distinguishable Features = has scars on belly and chest from fights.
Body Modifications = tattoo on left upper arm

Personality = Malik is very protective of her siblings. Especially his older sister. He protects her like an older protective father. Especially since the time his older brother has been gone. He became the one that made sure his sister was safe and no man ever went near her or they would go to the hospital. He has anger problems. Especially around his sister and his sister. Malik almost killed his father for sending his brother away and slapping his sister, if his sister didn't calm him down. He would be in the jail cell with his brother. He is caring towards his siblings and only his siblings and shows them a soft and funny side that not many people have seen.

He is closed off to all but his sister. All you can tell he is extremely close with his sister and would do anything with him. Malik is wise beyond his years and gives out great advice. He is a player and has bedmates from boys to girls.

Goals/Aspirations = Get his sister the fuck out of Chicago
Hobbies = Fucking, Singing, and beating up people, and boxing.
Habits = biting lips, smirking uncontrollably, groaning

Relationships = N/A

History = Malik was the third to be born in this fucked up family. When he was 3, he thought that his sister was his mother. When he was 6, he discovered that getting beat by his high ass father was painful. He hated his parents. Never loved him, all they wanted him to do was become a rich criminal so they could be lazy all they wanted. Little they did know, as soon as he makes enough money, he was gonna turn their ass into the police and kicked their ass out of the house. Malik was the funny one, the relax one. The one that was making all his siblings feel relaxed.

He never talked about his problems like the fact, he can't read and his constant mood swings. He kept silent about that and only told his sister when he had too. Malik is the one who calms his siblings down if he has to. He doesn't like his siblings mad or upset because it makes him upset and he cannot control himself upset. The last time he was upset, he almost killed a man for almost raping his big sister. In destroying in a way where she couldn't be touch by her brothers. Something that his siblings didn't know is that he went back and finished the job. He was so angry and all he was thinking was how this has broken his older sister. Something snapped in him and that next day, he fucking killed the man who bought his sister.

Malik after that was quieter and less funny. He always tried to protect his siblings but he controlled his anger so he couldn't kill anyone else. After that, he started to help work for Q with his brother. Took money to beat up people who owned someone something. He acted like he was normal, he wasn't blaming himself for the fact the man was dead. He was happy that he was dead. Malik was angry that he was letting his anger control him. He swore to never let it happen again. He also swore to always protect his older sister, no matter what.

When his older brother got sent to jail because of his father, his sister was so fucking pissed and snapped at their father but then his deadbeat father decided to slap her. He snapped again, he was ontop of him punching and punching never stopping. He kept muttering between each punch 'never touch her again'. His sister pulled him off of him before he killed him. He looked at his barely awake father and said 'I dare you to fucking take me to jail. I'll just kill you next time or turn you in to the police.'

His older sister calmed him down after that and his father now kept a distance with him barely speaking with him. His mother was high all the damn time and barely cared about her kids. All he had was his siblings. He'll do anything to keep that safe.

Writing Sample = I'm a killer. I'm a fucking killer. I don't regret it. I hope that man rots in jail. My name is Malik Sullivan and I killed a man. I don't feel bad, I'm fucking crazy because I don't. I don't regret killing him, I don't regret protecting my sister. I dare anyone else but me, say I'm a killer. I know what I did and I'm afraid of what I can do.

I could fight you and protentially kill you and I might feel bad but that is unliking. I don't feel bad. I feel angry. I feel calm because I know that after you are down for the count, you can't get up again. You can't hurt me anymore. And that scares me. So I'm afraid and scared of you being stronger then me so I beat you up while you are weak so you can't kick my ass.

I am not my father. I am me. I am Mailk and I don't regret. I just hurt. I just hurt and destroy because that is one thing I can control. That is one thing that I can do whatever with. So i'm gonna hurt and destroy because I can and you cannot stop me. Touch me, and you are dead. Touch my siblings and you are signing your death certifcate. Just stay away from me because if you come near me, I'll fucking end you. I am a damn Sullivan right.

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Name | Quentin Dash Warner

Nickname| Dash, Dice( more commonly said by the local bangers)

Age | 18

Gender | Male

Sexual Orientation | Heteromantic

Birthday | March 4

Zodiac Sign | Pisces

Occupation | Fixing up bikes/ Dealing for the Washington's

Like most people growing up in the rougher end of Chicago, Quentin was no stranger to a broken home. A father that spent more time in jail than his own house, selling drugs and gang related crimes made him nothing but a mere dream in Quentin's mind. He learned what loss meant early on, holding his father's body as he bled out into the corner of the streets at just seven, and life quickly spiraled downward after that. His mother was always out, dressing up and getting drunk to the point where Quentin had to drag her body into the house from her passing out on the steps and nursing her back to health.

By the time Quentin was eight his mother's presence in the house became less and less frequent to the point where she would be gone three or four days at a time with little to no notice, leaving Quentin with one of her friends named Rita who took an interest to him and would molest him until he was nine when she got killed by a drunk driver while on her way to his house. Being that Quentin had no guidance the streets became his home and the walls and blocks were his canvas to free his creativity. When he wasn't fighting, and playing corner dice with the his friends ( to what others would call the local thugs) Quentin often painted or did graffiti art whenever he could get his hands on some cans.

Eventually Quentin's mother found herself a reason to come home more often. Her shitty excuse of a lover , Jerry or what Quentin often called him, Jackass. He was the typical lazy man with no means of looking for a job, and his form of income was selling drugs in and out of the house which led to many strangers crowding Quentin's home and the exposure to drugs. Jerry wasn't as physically abusive as he was mentally, often raining down insults to Quentin and slapping him around in means of "toughening him up" which often lead them going blows for blows and his mother kicking him out the house.

His mother eventually had a breakdown, stabbing Jerry fifteen times for cheating on her with some chick in her house. Quentin was fourteen at the time and was sitting in the living room when it happened, and the vivid image of Jerry's death as well as his mother being dragged away from the house screaming for him, saying that she'd come for him. It's been four years since he's seen or heard from her. After her being locked up Quentin spent time couch hopping for awhile and ended up staying with one of his boys before he got some chick pregnant and needed the space. Quentin ended up saving up enough to rent a split apartment with his roommate while more or less continuing to go to school.

Height | 6'0

Weight | 127lbs

Hair Color | Brown

Eye Color | Brown

Tattoos/Piercings | Both ears are pierced/ Has a sleeve on his right arm and tattoo's across his chest as well.

Goals| Being better than his father/ Getting the hell out of Chicago- go to an art school.

Habits| Leg Shaking, Jaw Clenching, Rambling in Spanish or French when mad

Hobbies| Late Night/ Early Runs, Basketball, Smoking, Tagging with his bro
Personality- Stubborn- Dash is known for having a one track mind and when he's right he's right and even when he's wrong...he's right. /Distant- Despite being around a handful of people often Dash isn't really in tune with their conversations or even going to social events unless it's necessary or a friend convinces him. /Hot Headed- When Dash is mad he lets it be known from body language down to the fist connecting to said person. There's no in between with him, either he's calm or he's not. /Laid Back- Dash isn't the kind of person that always up and about, getting work up over mundane things and instead usually kicks back and watches the mayhem unfold around him rather than join in.

Background Check

Writing Sample/RelationshipsDrowning. The feeling of air escaping your lungs that you can't get back. The heavy pressure on your chest and the overwhelming feeling that you can't move not matter what you do, and the images that you see are so surreal you can't tell if it's a dream or not. That's how it felt to have a night terror, that's what it felt like to me every time I closed my eyes. Sweat trickled down my face as the sound of my heart pumping through my ears left me still. It was the some dream again. I had been drowning like weights had been attached to my ankles and there was no way up...only down as my arms reach out for help and I faintly make out the hazy figure looming over me. My mother. Her eyes vacant, the blood on her shirt, face, and hand seemed to phase her in the least but she didn't help, instead a cruel grin formed on her lips before tightening the grip on the knife and lunging at me. And then I was awake again, awake from a nightmare to live another day of hell.

Coding By: Z Greatest001
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