Yay limbs!


New Member
I just wanted to say that I completely and wholeheartedly prefer the new style! You were right; the art evolved and the stick limbs were out of place now. I also think that these first arms look quite good!

Keep going!
Rad said:
I just wanted to say that I completely and wholeheartedly prefer the new style! You were right; the art evolved and the stick limbs were out of place now. I also think that these first arms look quite good!
Keep going!
So if the level of detail one perceives is a function of sorcerous initiation, what must Misho see, at Solar-Circle Sorcery?
Another thumbs up for the new art style. It looks so natural that it took me a while to figure out why Marena and Secret were screaming.

Also didn't figure out till I read what under NEWS. I like their look but with further review in this topic I'll wait few more strips.
THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!!! HAHAHA. Now clotheslining someone is possible in a fight. So secret is white because she's undead-ish. And Ten Winds is white because he's "made out of ice". Right? He just looks pastier now.
I made an account on the forums just to say that the new style is a million times better. :wink:
I like it, I feel it makes the characters look more natural. I think stick figures work well for Order of the Stick, because everything, characters, background, wardrobe, and all, are very stylized. However, here in Keychain, all of that has become more realistic as time has gone on, particularly the wardrobe, which has significant effects on the character appearances. I think the best example of that is Misho, who, when clad all in robes, already looked more realistic then the other characters without them. I recall specifically Comic 100, where Misho's stick feet looked very out of place. Won't be a problem with this new style. However, I have to agree with others here that musculature and hands need a bit of work.

As an aside, we'll finally be able to see Ten Wind's Pants.

Edit: As another aside, I think another part of it is that OotS uses the three line stick hands, where Keychain has used the rounded diamond hands since it's inception.
I support the limbs and necks. The faces are a little strange sans noses now, but that's acceptable.
cdi said:
Another thumbs up for the new art style. It looks so natural that it took me a while to figure out why Marena and Secret were screaming.
Agreed there, I might not have noticed for a while if I hadn't come here before remembering to look at the comic first.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Rad said:
I just wanted to say that I completely and wholeheartedly prefer the new style! You were right; the art evolved and the stick limbs were out of place now. I also think that these first arms look quite good!
Keep going!
So if the level of detail one perceives is a function of sorcerous initiation, what must Misho see, at Solar-Circle Sorcery?
Claymation, mostly.

I suppose it's a moot point, anyway. Jukashi, being the evil genius that he is, will likely refrain from showing us the answer as long as Leg-O-Vision remains in effect.
It's an interesting change, and in all truth, I think an improvement. It makes the characters feel a little more...finished. With the detail of the faces and bodies, the stick limbs don't fit as well, and the addition of actual limbs seems to improve the appearance of the comic as a whole.
Irrespective of the actual art, this is the best lampshading of an art-upgrade ever. :lol: I showed it to a friend who summarized it as "Arms: AAAAAAAAAHHHH"

I want to see more of this new style, but I like the one page that's up so far. It also means more work for when I mess around blatantly and shamefully aping Jukashi's art style, but eh, I should feel bad for doing that as is. If it's harder maybe I'll improve suck less and find my own style or something. :(

On an unrelated musing, is this art-upgrade going to upgrade the buttons at the top and bottom of the page?
The new arms still really look good; I'm quite impressed. Secret's leg we saw today though... didn't. Her knee is... not there (her leg should probably have included the part that is her hand as well, and then have her hand on top of it).

Keep going! Yay for the limbs!
I would just like to say that integrating new art into the moment your characters percieve the world differently is pretty darn good planning. Kudos.
I like the design of the new swirly tattoos for Marena's arms - I wonder if there's any chance we could get a rear-shot of her, to see how they spiral around? I'm wondering if they're connected, or independent patterns.

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