Yaoi RP?

Soul Eater Evans

Junior Member






My Character:

Name: Bryce Swayn

Nickname: B.

Age: 16-19

Gender: male

Personality: quiet, shy, independent, understanding, caring, sweet and kind

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/uploadfromtaptalk1372132179074.jpg.e8d6f5307175f52af9cb707e90434abb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2208" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/uploadfromtaptalk1372132179074.jpg.e8d6f5307175f52af9cb707e90434abb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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My Character:

Name: Bryce Swayn

Nickname: B.

Age: 16-19

Gender: male

Personality: quiet, shy, independent, understanding, caring, sweet and kind

Name: Alexander Hart

Nickname: Alex, teddy(his sister calls him that)

Age: 17-18

Gender: Male

Personality: caring, kind, shy, stuborn, smart, independent, keeps to himself

Name: Darien Ellyas


Age: 17

Gender: male

Personality: Darien is the sort of person who would find happiness in a house made of dung. He's almost constantly content where he is, if only because where he came from was always worse. When he lived on the streets he learned to be thankful for every little bit of cover and scrap of food, so now a couch is like a goose-down mattress with silk sheets to him. He can make himself happy in just about any situation he's put in, and because of this he often never tries to better himself. He'll be utterly content in slum-like living conditions, and never think to want something better, because it's already a lot better then what he was in before. Because he's happy where he is, he doesn't think that he can be happier anywhere else, and so he doesn't try to be. As such, he doesn't usually realise he wants something until after he has it - he didn't know he wanted a couch until he was sleeping on one, he didn't know he wanted a bed until he'd been moved to that. He didn't realise how much better it was to have new, clean clothes until he had the money and means to pick up a few new shirts. Likewise, he rarely realises that he likes someone or wants to be in a relationship until he already is, and can rarely think to make the first move. He doesn't understand the consumerist need to want more more more, and likely never will.

That being said, there are some things he will never stop striving for, the foremost of which is normalcy. He strives to be normal in every way - it's his dearest wish, the thing he wants most to fix about himself. He feels as if something must be inherently wrong with him to have made his parents give him up, and despite the fact that Warren has taken him and made him part of his family he constantly feels that there must be some part of him that's wrong and that will make people abandon him again. This is also why he isn't very open about his orientation - while he's not ashamed of who he is and who he likes, he knows that it's cause for being ostracised, and as such doesn't like to talk about any 'abnormal' part of him, as he sees it. Sometimes he wonders if he acted too foppish when he was young and that's why his parents gave him up - he doesn’t really know why they did it so he often likes to think up reasons that they might have, with the empty hope that if he could change that part of himself they'd come back and want him again.

He likes animals more than people for a number of reasons, one being that he was just never a very social creature. He gets dogs and cats and birds, etc., more than he does humans, if only because they share his essentially simplistic view on life and ability to accept and often even be happy in whatever situation they're dropped into. He also adores them, at least on a subconscious level, because of how loyal some animals can be. Animals don't care that he's socially awkward and used to be homeless or that he's gay, and they certainly wouldn't disown him for it. The simple acceptance that he finds in animals is more then he's ever expected from a person, and as such he loves them all dearly. He cannot understand why any human would willingly leave behind or hurt an animal, and can at times be scarily protective of them, even ones he's never met before.

He has a similar protectiveness over Warren, who he sees as the closest thing to a family he's ever going to have again. If anyone ever speaks poorly of the young man who's taken him in he's likely to fly into a rage and go after them - he certainly has every time someone's threatened Warren, which happens more often than not given the people whose company the older man tends to keep. Like the dogs he loves so much, he tends to be an incredibly loyal person and once he's determined someone is his friend he won't leave their side - no matter how horribly they treat him.

When it comes to sports, Darien is highly competitive, and borderline obsessive. He's incredibly active, and spends more of his time in cleats then he does regular shoes. He'll practice for hours a day, and when he has a game coming up he often calls extra emergency practises, and will run his team ragged up until the day before the game, then let them have a full day off to rest. He trains relentlessly and takes extreme joy from all forms of sport, though sometimes others find his willingness to give up a social life for training to be disturbing. The thing is, sports are his social life - he doesn't have many friends, so his teammates are the closest thing he's got. It's one of the only ways he can hang out with people his age, given that he's too old for sleepovers and the like, and when he was young enough he didn't exactly have any parents around to take him to one.

Interests/Hobbies: Darien is interested in almost anything sports related what so ever - he's a very on the move, athletic sort of guy. He also loves making jewellery, but he feels like it's too girly to admit to.

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc4834bf_tumblr_miiaqhuOSE1r5n34uo1_500-Copy-Copy.png.d92a6a4b5d72cfac220bb26d28c4fa39.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc4834bf_tumblr_miiaqhuOSE1r5n34uo1_500-Copy-Copy.png.d92a6a4b5d72cfac220bb26d28c4fa39.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Because of his infatuation with sports, Darien has always been somewhat muscular. Unfortunately, given that he almost exclusively plays football (soccer, to the American's in the audience) his upper body isn't all that put together. While there's not much extra fat there, most all the muscle on his form has taken up permanent residence on his calves and thighs.

He has olive-toned skin, hinting at Mediterranean origin, though due to a heavy amount of his time being spent in the sun and a more African family line on his mothers side he tends to edge towards a darker hue. His brown hair is often scruffy and uneven, given that he cuts it himself, and it defiantly doesn't help his over all appearance, given that most of his clothes are full of holes and poorly patched up. He tries to look generally clean. Up until recently, Darien has looked rather like a ragamuffin, but lately he's been being kept fairly neat, if only because Hyun-ki and Warren won't let him leave his room without at least looking SOMEWHAT presentable. Between the two of them Darien is regularly forced into new, non-ripped up shirts and shorts, and has his hair almost routinely combed. The only bit they haven't managed to get rid of is the shoes - affectionately named "duct tape sneakers" by Darien and so called because they're about eighty percent tape, fifteen percent staples and glue, and five percent shoe. He maintains that they're still usable, so why would he throw them out?

In terms of clothes, he generally wears shorts and t-shirts, simple and easy, and all bought from good will, or picked up out of the trash if he sees it and thinks it's still usable. He can come off as a little bit grungy, but that's only because he's still not used to living a life where he can shower every day and afford new, clean clothes.

Name: Nikholas Castairs

Nickname: Nick

Age: 21

Gender: male

Personality: Because of his powers Nick is incredibly sensitive to others. He often knows what they would normally only tell him after years of having a trusting and open relationship (because he's already lived those years and had those conversations) so he can be overly intuitive without meaning to be. Because of this he has to step very carefully so that he doesn’t upset someone for prying into something they don't actually want to tell him for months or years to come.

He's also highly sympathetic - it's hard not to be when you can fall in love with someone just by brushing fingers. He gets attached easily and quickly, and often acts as if he's known someone for years when in fact he's only known them for days. He also has a tendency to be overly emotional due to the fact that every time he touches someone he lives a full lifetime of emotions (on the flipside of this, if he's recently experienced an intense emotional connection through his powers he can feel highly emotionally drained for a long period after as he's recovering from the initial intake). He can also feel quite distant at times - as if he's living another life or another place. This is often because he is - he's remembering your fortieth birthday when you're only eighteen, or the way he held you when your dog died ten years from now. It makes him seem quite withdrawn, and he has trouble fixing this about himself. Or he's thinking about how you'll break up with him or he with you and how lost he'll feel when it happens even if you're still in a relationship now. It's hard for him to stay in one time when he's living in many at once - sometimes he can't tell if he's actually living his life with someone or if he's picturing it because they're touching, and the idea freaks him out. After all, it's very hard to tell as the 'visions' feel very much like reality to him.

He moves very quickly, in part because he feels as if he's already done all the waiting, and can sometimes push people too fast and ruin what might have been a perfect thing if he had waited like he was in his head. But it's hard, when you've been in love with someone for ten years and you've only known each other six days.

Apart from that he really likes bad sci-fi movies and is a generally easy-going guy. He's a sucker for romance and likes taking people out on super cliché dates. He takes life slowly as it comes to him when he's not living it a second time, and is a very 'play it by ear' kinda planner

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc4878b3_Nikpicture.jpg.bdacff1d541313b43c5efc0f01f22e95.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2221" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc4878b3_Nikpicture.jpg.bdacff1d541313b43c5efc0f01f22e95.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Yes, he has abilities. If this isn't okay please let me know.)

Name: Remy Lemont


Age: 19

Gender: male

Personality: Perhaps the most notable feature about Remy is his charm - he's all about the performance he gives and he very rarely comes off stage, even when living his every day life. He makes an effort to give of the strongest "charming rogue" vibe he can. He can usually be found wearing a not quite wicked grin, and is usually at the ready to pull a flower out of the ear of any cute boy or pretty girl who happens to catch his attention (and often comes with a ready supply of quips and general witty repartee for any other person he might be interested who doesn't fit his idea of the type of bottom he likes to go for). He's used to getting what he wants romantically, and his absolute favourite thing is to get someone he's interested in to gasp with wonder and delight at the latest trick he's pulled.

He doesn't always fight fair when it comes to getting what he wants, living very much by the idea that the ends justify the means, so he has no problem lying or cheating to achieve his ends. None of his family is really set at moral north, and he's not an exception to that by any means. While Remy is generally a good guy, that doesn't mean he's one all the time, and that doesn't mean he'll always do the right thing (and just because his intentions aren't bad it doesn't mean his actions are right or in any way considered good).

Remy is a bit of a kleptomaniac. And by "a bit" I mean to say that if he were to be seen by a therapist or a psychologist he'd be clinically diagnosed with the disorder. He can't help himself - if he sees something and thinks for even a short moment that he wants it it's incredibly hard for him to resist just taking it. He mentally cannot stop himself. It's not so much the will to take or the rush of stealing as it is a compulsive behaviour he can't resist due to improper treatment of his undiagnosed disorder. Were he ever to get caught he'd likely be ordered by a court to receive psychiatric help, but because he's a magician he's very good at slight of hand, and his room is full of things he's taken off street vendor's stands and occasionally things he's picked up in stores. Just trinkets, really, he's like a crow in that he likes small shiny objects, so he rarely takes anything larger than the inner area of his palm. He's yet to get caught taking something, and as such he's grown rather cocky about it. He feels like he can take what he wants when he wants it, and he doesn't really feel like that's a bad thing.

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/27525390_m.jpg.33ed38f9a1409d61b9840bfdf45b5094.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2222" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/27525390_m.jpg.33ed38f9a1409d61b9840bfdf45b5094.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Alexander Bergman

Nickname: Alex

Age: 16

Gender: Gender fluid (physically male)

Personality: Alex is quite the friendly person - she's quick to say hello and even quicker to declare you his friend for life. Alex forms attachments very quickly and tends to be an exuberant, highly talkative person - she'll go on endlessly about her friends and family and crushes, sometimes non-stop. An extrovert in the extreme, Alex sometimes has to be reminded to stop talking, and to date the only person who has successfully made Alex shut up for more than a minute is Bobby, through the legendary combination of being the object of Alex's affections and stealing Alex's first kiss on a bet in a bowling alley.

Alex often seems like the typical teenage girl - he joined the cheerleading team not so much for the love of the sport as for the love of getting to know the guys on the football team, and she can talk for hours about actors and designers and who did what with who... but then he'll also be able to talk about the scores from last nights game and how much bullshit that one ref's call was.

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc48e48f_Alexanderschool.png.66f8c2ec462a7530beca4dddb77b6b71.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2223" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc48e48f_Alexanderschool.png.66f8c2ec462a7530beca4dddb77b6b71.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Harland Boyd

Nickname: Harley (but only to his friends)

Age: Almost 17

Gender: GQ (Sex: Male)

Personality: Harland is quick to judge others, but might change his mind later if given enough reason to. He likes just about everyone and definitely falls into the realm of "overly affectionate", which gets him in a lot of trouble. He over-analyzes things lying in bed at night (who doesn't?) and even though he's over affectionate , if other people show affection toward him, he can get very shy very fast. He likes to think of himself as everybody's best friend and he sleeps like crazy.




Picture 1 is his head, picture 2 is his body.
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Name: Hiro Loyce

Nickname: Prince (Usually only his friends)

Age: 16 and a half

Gender: Male

Personality: Loves music and will listen to it all the time. He can be really mean if you mess with his music. He is caring to his friends, not so much to strangers. Hiro falls under the protective category. Once he likes someone, he doesn't let them go until he loses interest. He loves sweets and will do just about anything to get some. Hiro can be childish at times but is pretty mature most of the time.

Name: Tamaki Chan.

Nickname: Doesn't have one.


Personality: He loves to dance around and just be himself, but when you first meet him he's rather shy. His friends follow him almost everywhere. Tamaki is very sweet and loves to be around people that make him happy. He is mature but can be childish at times. 
Looks: http://favim.com/image/647312/
Name:Tatsuya Shinonono




Personality:Yuki is a fun loving passionate and hard working individual his music is his everything sometimes he can be rash and is a bit of a flirt as well as childish although he can be mature when it counts but when he loves he loves extremely hard since he comes from a rich family Tatsuya isn't used to the word no and when there's something he can't have he will not stop until it's his

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Sebastian-Michaelis-sebastian-michaelis-19912006-1280-720.jpg.441443311ad4c278ef4f46f069546907.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2456" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Sebastian-Michaelis-sebastian-michaelis-19912006-1280-720.jpg.441443311ad4c278ef4f46f069546907.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Aoi Nanase

Nickname: N/A unless anyone wants to give him one

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Aoi is a bold and daring young man (and quite the lady killer). Aoi has a very girly first name, and is very embarrassed about it. Although his name is girly, Aoi is a trouble maker and gets into fights a lot (also part of a gang). But, deep inside, Aoi cares a lot about everyone and wants to make friends (but is too scared to admit it). He has a thing for maid cafes...



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