Yaoi role play, please? Getting kind of desperate!! (Ignore Post Count) Updated 6/29

Totally and completely desperate here.....okay...maybe not that extreme...
I've never done one of those...want to message me to talk about ideas and stuff?
Okay...wow...sorry...for some reason I just didn't see this...but that works...
Hi! I know really new to the site but I'd like to try Rping with you. I've ben Rping for about a year now on another site and I tended to do a lot of yaoi RP's and I'd like to try your delinquent-good kid pairing if you don't mind.:smile 2:
I would love to do that pairing with you! (I haven't done that one in forever...) Want to PM me so we can talk about things?
Alright! And yeah. (Even though I don't really know what the PM is and I'm assuming it's the conversation till someone tells me I'm wrong.)
So, my last semester is finally almost over...so I'll have more time for more role plays!
Just saw this here, and it definitely caught my attention! Haven't had a good yaoi rp for quite some time. I didn't bother to read through all of the pages, so I'm not sure if this one's taken... But is the Bully/Bullied still open as a possibility? Please let me know, thank you! :)
Hey! I saw this and thought it would be cool to try out!(:

I can do any of these.. with any character.. except for (I'm sorry ...) the master-pet one. I'm extremely unfamiliar with it... but what I *have* seen of it.. I don't like.

But I can go for Bully/Bullied or Jock/Nerd or anything else, really. You decide for me. (: I truly am okay with anything.

What you should maybe know first: I am a tad experienced. I've Role-Played off and on for 5 years, a year of that was solid Yaoi lol.

I will try and reply as often as possible, but you know. I may not always be able to make it. Still! I'll try. (:

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