Yaoi role play, please? Getting kind of desperate!! (Ignore Post Count) Updated 6/29

Tinker Bell

Three Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Bear with me, I know this may seem like a lot, but I'm not really all that demanding...just please read all of it....

As of now I would like more YAOI and prefer to play the UKE (BUT if you're one who doesn't use labels, I won't use them either!) I kind of have some stuff that I want people to know first...typical stuff...

♪ Please be active

♪ Please be able to write in proper English (no text talk)

♪ No god-modding...

♪ Willing to work with me (and deal with my weird self!)

♪ I can't do fandoms

♪ I like to make friends, feel free to talk to me (or not)

I am currently craving something with nekos (so that'd be great if we could do something with that!)

Onto the pairings I want to do! ("♥" means I'm craving it!) (Bold is who I'd prefer to be)


♪ Popular/jock-nerd

♪Delinquent-Good kid



♪Foster brothers

♪Step brothers





♪Celebrity-Fan/Not Fan

♪Father-kid's friend


♪Master-Pet/Slave ♥♥♥♥♥

Logical Person-Artistic person ♥♥

♪ 'Normal' person-Deaf Person

♪ Mafia/gang leader-Innocent Person


Human-Mutant (Willing to play either) ♥♥♥♥♥

♪Scientist-Experiment ♥♥♥♥

I hope to hear from ya'll soon! Leave a message here or PM me! I am willing to (within logical bounds) combine/mix any of these pairings
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Hey :wink:

So, I'm pretty new here, and honestly I love every one of your ideas. I've been RPing for a while so if I'm in the mood I can write seven paragraphs, or if I'm feeling pretty low with the work I can write two or less. Other than that I'm pretty versatile, so I can bend myself an way you want.

I don't mind playing males, but I'm not very good at that. If you're up for doubling, we can do any two of the ones you mentioned.
Awesome, I'd love to double too! (But I don't do much past two good paragraphs...) How about the delinquent-good kid and stalker-victim ones?
I've done the delinquent-good kid idea before but never the stalker/victim one before...how do you plan to do that?

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The stalker-victim one, I was thinking that maybe they went to the same high school at some point or attend the same college and the one found out that they really like the other and try to get closer to them...
And thus making the other one feeling a little bit creeped out in turn?

It'll actually be a new one for me but new is good.

PM me?

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I've been looking for teacher/student and step-siblings :3 but im open to pretty much all these. Also, do you like the idea of Master-Butler?
I love both of those pairings...obviously...and I haven't thought about Master-Butler...but I'm willing to give it a try if you really want to do it...
Okay...what if we do like the step-siblings one and the Master-Butler one...because I want to give that one a try...
Sounds good to me :3 I mainly rped through messages, it was just easier (Im using my phone to do this.)
I do messages too...and I'm on my iPod at the moment...I'm about to disappear...I'm almost done with the break in class...
Hm. Im comfortable with anything, except heavy bondage. I like details, but not too much detail, and too little detail is a bit nerve-wracking. Erm, I do like someone who can reply within a reasonable amount of time, with a reasonable amount of length to their replys. Also, I do not like the use of ducttape, whatsoever. Its personal thing, but I'd appreciate it if it wasn't mentioned or used. Thats really all I've got to tell.
I'm good with all of that...I was talking more about who plays who, especially for the Master-Butler one...Oh, and do you like doing profiles or using pictures or no? I'm fine either way...
Okay, well im more of a seme type ^^" but I can play uke if you'd like. I can adapt really. As for the Master-Butler, I'm much better at the Butler, but I can do the Master as well. And I like profiles AND pictures :3
That is perfect, I am so much better at being the uke anyway! I can be the Master (yay learning experience!) and what do you like to put in the profile and what type of pictures (I'm pretty flexible...)
Heh good to hear :3 usually its:




Sex:(This is ommited for us.), Talents/Hobbies:



Awesome, and what type of picture? Or does it not matter? And age range for the two stories? And...almost done...thread or PM?

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