Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches! {CRAVING/DESPERATE}


The Duck Overlord
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
I have a whole other thread dedicated to other 1x1 stuff, which you can find HERE if you're really interested in seeing just how crazy I am.

Alas, I have not yet found what I am looking for...
...which is Miyamura from Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches.

I really just want a casual 1x1 to match this OC idea I got. I'm totally willing to double as anyone else in the series (especially Yamada) if anyone so wishes...
...I just want my Miyamura fix.

I only ask that if you're interested in doing this with me, you're fine with slow responses (maybe one a week, two if I'm lucky) and at least two/three/maybe four paragraphs per post. I loooooooooove writing, which means I do a lot of it when I can, so if my posts are long...

Please comment below if you wanna help me out here! :P
Meh not entirely sure, I can definitely Miyamura for you though. I am quite interested in this OC of yours.
//OvO// I remember this anime lool, if I played fandom would so be up for it lool
I never went beyond expressing my happiness
Did you mean you could play Miyamura for me?
haha, sadly I can't do fandoms, especially not this since I in fact sadly didn't finish he anime due to school urgh.

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