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Multiple Settings XOXO Hollywood


❛ it's only love, nobody dies ❜

I expect literacy from you. Be able to put a sentence together properly.


No one liners-- there is a two paragraph minimum per post.


I'm not saying you have to post everyday, but a few times a week would be nice. Please don't express interest if you can't meet this requirement. I know that things come up, and that's not what I'm talking about here.


Be polite and respectful. If you can't manage this, you will be kicked, and YC will be killed off. (ha.)


This is not first come, first serve. There are 3 female roles taken by myself and my 2 co-gm's ( jasmyn jasmyn + MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ). Since we want to accept even genders, that means there's room for 1 more female and 4 males. The roles are not gender locked.


Romance isn't a must, but it's encouraged/enjoyed by most. (Note, I said most). But don't break RPN's rules. Fade to black if needed.


Be mature. Not saying this RP is going to break RPN's rules, but i'm saying there may be mature topics/triggers. Do not bash anyone's character or anything like that.


On the topic of triggers, please be respectful. Do some research if you have to. Triggers are nothing to take lightly, and if someone gets upset, don't bash them for getting upset. Warn us if your post or character has triggers/trigger warnings.


If you have an issue with someone, come to me first. Or be a big person and actually talk to them about it.


There will be a discord for OOC chatter.


Everyone's heard of it, and most people would kill to be there. Making it is what some people strive for; they throw everything away just for the beast that is known as fame. Some are born into it; some forge a path towards it. Not everyone makes it, of course. Some die trying.

Is fame really everything, though? Having cameras in your face 24/7, never being able to do anything without it being scrutinized by the public. No secrets. At least, that's how it seems to those who are watching from their couches at home.

For whatever reason, the eight characters in this roleplay have agreed to be on a new reality show to compete for money for a charity of their choice. It's another chance to get into or back into the spotlight. But with secrets lurking in the shadows, waiting to be exposed, will everything be smooth sailing? Ha, doubtful.

After all, this is Hollywood.


The Child Actor

The Singer turned Actress

The Scandal Baby [RESERVED]

The Rising Star
The Behind the Scenes [RESERVED]

The Party Animal

The Accidentally Famous

The Heir/Heiress

hollywood is wonderful. anyone who doesn't like it is either crazy or sober.

coded by natasha.
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This looks fun! Will it be old Hollywood vibes, or more modern? And what is the competition?
This looks fun! Will it be old Hollywood vibes, or more modern? And what is the competition?

Probably set more in modern times, but nothing wrong with your chara having an old Hollywood vibe! Although we (the GMs) haven't decided on events for the competition yet, the characters are simply trying to gain money for a charity/get into (or back into) the limelight. I hope that helps ><
I'd like to express my interest in this as well. I'm always a sucker for a little drama.
Interested~ If the spot is available, can I reserve "The Rising star"?
Though this roleplay isn't first come first serve, I can't wait to see what you create for the rising star!
Great. Also I don't think links to the chara-sheets or main are working on the initial post..

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