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Fandom Xavier's Dream (Lost Martian x Endless Grimoire)

Lost Martian

Man or Muppet?
It was the start of September here in Westchester County, which meant one thing, new students at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. The Xavier family mansion, now converted into the mentioned school, was abuzz with activity. According to the Professor, this year had the highest enrollment in the history of the school existing.

Jean Grey could remember back when there was just five students, including herself. Known as the First Class, they were also the first X-Men, heroes dedicated to helping mutants and humans. All of the X-Men had some sort of mutant power, such as Jean’s telekinesis, which she had used to fly up onto the roof of the academy. It was a place of solitude where Jean could relax, away from the powerful minds of the young mutants below. Though even up here, Jean was still getting some surface level thoughts of some students. It was still something that she had to work on with the Professor, as even nine years later, Jean still didn’t fully control her powers.

It was with that lack of control that Jean accidentally tapped into a mind she loathed going into. Scott Summers was the head of the X-Men, and also in charge of guiding new students this first day of class. He was also Jean’s ex who cheated on her telepathically. So definitely not a mind Jean would like to connect with as she reeled back her telepathic abilities, trying to just focus on her own mind.

That only worked for a little bit before another mind reached out to her. It was Professor Xavier reminding all academy teachers to be present for an assembly to introduce them to the new class of young mutants. That was something Jean didn’t mind doing as she loved teaching the social sciences at Xavier’s academy.

Using her telekinesis, Jean would float back down to the ground of the Xavier estate. A she did she noted just how many new students the academy had gotten, as she had never seen this many young mutants just running about. But that was a good thing in her mind, as it meant more mutants were receiving the help they need. Charles Xavier was still rescuing them all these years later.

Jean would then enter the auditorium through the back door, ending up in a staff only area. Already several of the other teachers or academy staff were present, including ones that Jean didn’t recognize. Of course with an expanding student base, Xavier would’ve needed to hire more teachers. Jean made a mental note to introduce herself to them after the student assembly.

Rogue was currently off campus when the first day of school began. The young mutant had decided to take the day off, driving down to the nearest town to the academy. While Rogue was technically staff at the school, she currently wasn’t assigned any class to teach. She realized that she wasn’t really qualified to teach anything, only having a high school education, which she finished at Xavier’s academy.

Standing outside a coffee shop next to her motorcycle, Rogue sipped on an autumn themed latte. While not necessarily her favorite, it did seem to be the preferred beverage of this time of year, what with September just starting. It was tasty enough that Rogue didn’t mind the flavor, but was rather upset at the cost.

Westchester County was a lot different to where Rogue had grown up. Instead of an economically depressed region of her youth, the area outside Xavier’s academy was definitely a yuppie place, with overpriced knickknacks and signature food and drink. It was pretty much culture shock to Rogue.

As Rogue finished her latte she saw a happy couple across the street, kissing. Years of loneliness suddenly washed over Rogue as she knew she would never feel touch again. Her mutant power had made that her life. Suddenly Rogue wasn’t thirsty anymore, and tossed the mostly finished latte in the garbage.

Rogue then got on her bike, unsure of where to go next, when a presence touched her mind, <<I hope that I’m not intruding,>>

Even through psychic speech Rogue recognized the Professor. While she still wasn’t a fan of people going into her mind, Rogue did appreciate that he essentially knocked before coming in.

<<No. What’s up Professor?>> Rogue asked without moving her mouth.

<<I was hoping you’d be present for the first assembly of the school year. I wanted the new students to meet all the staff.>>

<<But I’m not staff. I’m just kind of rooming there.>>

<<Actually we had a position come up. Our mechanics teacher Forge had a family emergency, so we need someone to teach that class. And I looked at your scores from when you took that class, and they were exceedingly high. I would love for you to teach that class.>>

<<Really? I mean, I have no traditional qualifications.>>

<<Well we aren’t a traditional school. At the very least I ask you to consider it and return for the assembly if possible.>>

<<Sure, I’ll think of it.>>

Xavier’s presence then left Rogue’s mind as she started her bike up. Heading back north to the Xavier estate, Rogue wondered if helping kids who are messed up as her would be a worthy thing to do with her life. Perhaps if she couldn’t have intimate fulfillment, then platonic fulfillment could enrich her life.

Rogue would then pull her motorcycle right up behind the auditorium, seemingly getting in last. She just took a spot next to Jean Grey as the curtain began to raise, revealing Charles Xavier and his faculty for Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.

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