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Multiple Settings ᴄʟɪᴄᴋ ʜᴇʀᴇ ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴏxʏɢᴇɴ --(ᴘʟᴏᴛ ɪᴅᴇᴀꜱ ɪɴꜱɪᴅᴇ--->)


I find a good song--then I listen to it 1000 times
Isn't Roleplaying Great?
I'll skip the chit-chat and give my plot ideas!


M x M : Story Line 1

Male 1 Is a Jock--he's with it when it comes to the popular crowd. He's less of a pain than most people think he is. Male 2 is a `Nerd`, thought he looks like your average teenage male. Male 2 gets great grades in every class--except for PE. Male 1 seems like the perfect guy, until Male 2 finds out his secret. Male 1 finds out about this and is devastated about loosing his ranking for being popular, and loosing his reputation. Due to Male 2 knowing about his secret, Male 1 sticks around to learn more about him, and to try and bribe him from telling anyone. After spending time together..they fall in love ❤. (things can be changed to your liking.)

M x M: Story Line 2

Male 1 is your average Human, a college student attending a rich school. He gets good grades and lives a normal life. Until, he meets a demon. Male 1 thought this was impossible until he met Male 2, a demon. Male 2 describes his dilemma with Male 1 and persuades him to let him stay there.

M x M/M x F: Story Line 3

Character 1, a teenage witch..sounds like fun, huh? WRONG! Responsibility is a bummer--but thats something Character 1 could care less about. Life is laid back, and playing spells on regular humans is just too much fun!
Life was all fun and games, until Character 1 cursed the wrong person. Meet Character 2--a great writer who is a college student. Things continue to turn bad when character 1 and character 2 are together, but then a bond starts to form between them.

M x M/ M x F: Story Line 4
Ever think about being the richest person in the world? Well, that's the case for Character 1. Character 1 is everything everyone wants to be--Rich, Attractive, and Worry Free. That's all the opposite for Character 2..Rent problems--stress with family--and character 2 just got out of a toxic relationship. But that all changes when they meet.

Gender Doesn't matter on this one: Story Line 5
Character 1, his life seemed like it had came out of a horror story...He was convicted of murdering his Parents. No one would believe was that he was framed. He was sent to prison for a year--he was sentenced for life, but was let out due to the police finding a coworker of his Father to be the murder. Prison was terrible, not only was his joyful spirit and his parents taken away--but his reputation. All of his friends had left him. The only one who helped him was his Aunt. So he moved there with her--a fresh new start. (there will be a second character who goes to character 1's new school.)

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you're interested in! <3 :33: ~

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