X-Men: Next Generation



Like = Accepted

Character Sheet


( Surname, Middle Initial, First Name)


(What they prefer to be Called.)


Loyal to:

(Either X-Men or Brotherhood of Evil)


(13 - 35 for X-Men)

(16 - 24 for Brotherhood of Evil)

( 27 - 35 for Teachers )




(About 2 paragraphs)


(Do not make yourself invinsible. Even if you are a mutant everyone has weakness. Be specific. Min. 1 paragraph.)


(The stronger you are the higher the faults. Be specific. Min. 1 paragraph.)


(Include how you acquired your abilites, or if you were born with them and how you found yourself at the Institute. Min. 1 well written paragraph.)


(Real Images and/or Gifs only.)

{Feel free to Include a Crush Section but be sure to PM the person your character is interested in before making it official.}


Brotherhood of Evil

-Ariana Kane @Apollogy8

+ Emma Frost

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Kane, G. Ariana




Blast (I hate aliases
xD )

Loyal to:

Brotherhood of Evil








Adriana is well, a typical teenager with a grudge. Deep down she is truly a good person who only wants to see the good in people, but has been cut too deep for that to happen. She may not mean to come across as rude, but she had become so used to being that way, she just naturally is. Don't get me wrong, Adriana is a keen girl who has been hurt too badly by those around her. Now she wants revenge.

Affixed to her ways, Adriana has become a bit of a flirt. Finding ways to lure you in. Her heart has never found 'the one' and she has pretty much given up on love. After many tries and fails at the 'L' word, flirting has become second nature as has the typical snarky comments. Many have said that she is an attention whore, though it is just the opposite. Attention is a slut. All it wants is to find her and get up in her business.





When Teresa uses her Amtokinesis, she requires a basic atmosphere to work within as well as h2o for most manipulations. As well as once she creates a form of weather depending upon where the storm is or how large the manifestation is, she may not be able to control it. She can not use aerokinesis against fire or electricity wielders to full effect due to the electrons and hydrogen found in oxygen.


As a young girl, her parents treated her fairly. She would get T.V time and friends over and her parents wouldn't get headaches from her whining. Her mother worked in a power plant down the road and her father was a lawyer. Growing up, she was a class pet. A darling. Never said anything bad about anyone, ever. Around age 10, her parents had a job transfer in which they picked up and moved from Detroit to Portland. Never once did she question the move other than why they were leaving and if she would see her friends again. But when they arrived, it turned out that her parents had lied to her. Having been told they would be stopping for ice-cream, she got out of the car eagerly only to be face-to-face with a man in a lab coat. According to the story that the man gave her later, her parents were concerned about her. Saying when she slept that her hair blew with wind only around her and in the snow, she never had a snowflake land on her. It was odd behaviour for a 10 year old. Especially one who had been raised protectively. After her parents had pretty much signed her over to the government, she was now 14. She had learned of her powers and that the proximity to chemicals in her neighbourhood that she had been exposed to as a fetus, she had developed genetic mutation that allowed her control over those elements. The month of September she escaped the facility with the help of a janitor who had befriended her but she had been so hurt by her parents those long years, that she vowed never to become attached to somebody again. Ever. So when she was approached by a man who said he knew somewhere she could be safe and learn to hone and improve her powers, she agreed reluctantly. Though once at the academy, she joined the Brotherhood.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/imagesB7673K2I.jpg.9a4ae1ae239c393f1f4cf3a44f97e81b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39855" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/imagesB7673K2I.jpg.9a4ae1ae239c393f1f4cf3a44f97e81b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Badgley, A. Michael





Loyal to:











Barrier Generation



Can not defend against water or energy chord attacks

Receives headaches and migraines that can lead to unconsciousness or nosebleeds.




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/thBR87TZ57.jpg.013bbb59583e25670066e89086e013c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39857" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/thBR87TZ57.jpg.013bbb59583e25670066e89086e013c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Verrica, A. Kilyun

Keep hoping all you want... I already new this game was won before it even began...



|pronounced Lily|


Belle Morte

Loyal to:

Brotherhood of Evil








|Log Execution|

By holding eye contact for any time period exceeding five seconds Kilyun can "hack" into her opponents brain, separating their consciousness from their body and turning it into the same energy wave as transmitted data. This causes the opponents physical body to be left vacant.


The Program is Kilyun's ability to create falsified reality using technology and active programming. To focus this ability she uses a device called TET which contains a programmable space she can alter to create a suitable game environment.

|Energy Chord|

Kilyun can harness the erect created by altering the energy produced by her opponents altered brainwaves to create chords of highly concentrated


|Weakened Sight|

Using Log Execution puts a large amount of strain on her eyes contributing to her having weakened sight as well as light sensitivity.

|Body Vacancy|

When Programming Kilyun also vacates her body, sending her consciousness into TET as well. This leaves her body vulnerable.


Using her Technomancy

skills taxes her mental facilities contributing to frequent migraines.

|Physical Strain|

Harnessing the energy required for her to use the Energy Chords causes physical strain and nosebleeds.


Kilyun Arabell Verrica was the only child of the Verrica family, a powerful corporate family known for its parts and machinery companies. Her father Raphael and mother Ariani ran the company together. As a result they had high expectations for the child who was destined to take over the family business. At first their hopes seemed well founded. From a young age Kilyun exhibited an uncanny level of attentiveness and cleverness for a child.

By the age of five Kilyun could read and speak 3 languages and regularly ransacked the houses library to satisfy her desire for literature. The child was undeniably bright and showed and aptitude for learning that soon earned her the title of prodigy. By the age of 10 Kilyun had studied and gained a near masterful grasp on a wide array of topic both practical and historical. However her interest in practical knowledge was visibly waning.

It was during this time that she first developed a taste for puzzles and logic or strategically based problems as well as matters of probability. It was also during this time that her tendency to be reclusive and often passive aggressively morbid became evident. By the time Kilyun was fifteen she had become a near recluse and become deeply involved with console and online gaming. Relishing the challenge these varying and evolving game worlds provided Kilyun existed solely through her online persona named Belle Morte.

Kilyun's powers developed at the age of sixteen, a latent trait inherited from her mother. The manner in which these powers were revealed however was utterly accidental. For nearly a year Kilyun had been working on an advanced online gaming system called TET, a task that dominated her time and focus and kept her in her room. Her parents, fearing that she was wasting her life and health attempted to intervene. Torn between her parents and her passion Kilyun was at a loss as to how to communicate the importance of her task to her parents. As a result she unknowingly triggered her Log Execution, pulling both herself and her parents in to TET. In a game world entirely under her control Kilyun easily eliminated her parents.

Shortly after she joined the Brotherhood, deciding they would be a suitable means of entertainment.


Kilyun's personality can be described as eccentric at best and psychotic at worst. She lives her life based on the principle that the world is simply a poorly constructed game. This attitude contributed to a devil may care perspective on the value of life and contributed to her natural narcissism. Despite a sweet personality Kilyun can be twisted and sadistic, often toying with her enemies.

energy that she can manipulate at will.


All of Kilyun's abilities spawn from an innate talent for Technomancy.



Osbourne, A. Keira








Loyal to:













Anne is a very strong character. To say it in simple words, she's like a grenade of emotions. Her abilities make it hard for her to control her emotions due to the fact that they are so developed. Usually she can be kept at bay, if there is no one agitating her. On certain occasions she can be very rude, especially if she feels like she's being judged. Her life has always been filled with many failed romances and because of this she tries to avoid getting attached to anyone. This problem to develop relationships can also be explained by the sudden abandonment she experienced as a child.

Although she does have many emotional issues, when she meets the right type of people things tend to flow smoothly. Once when she believed to have found the one she called "the one" there was an anti-mutant rally, and Matthew seemed to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Unfortunately, he was killed when he was identified, laid in the lawn of the school with the words "Repent" scraped over his bare chest. This was the last straw for her, and since then her happiness has seemed to fade and she's become reserved. People judged her for not being able to move on, but how does one move on from something so tragic?



+Magnetism Manipulation

+Limited Telekinetic Abilities

| Her powers are linked to something similar to Magneto's. She can manipulate metallic objects, and limitedly control the mind of another person because of the metallic particles present in the brain. Anne can also presently use her mind in telekinetic ways, similar to Jean Grey. However, she is not nearly as powerful as the Phoenix was.|



Her magnetic manipulation is something that drains a lot of her energy and if used in excess can cause extreme fatigue and even physical damage. She is also limited to the existing magnetic things within a 300 yard radius. Her telekinesis has the same type of limitations and can cause damage to the victim since she can't control it very well yet. Under certain times of heavy stress she may not even be able to use the telekinetic counterpart of her ability.



Keira Anne was born to Michael and Caren Osbourne, two of the richest people in the cut throat Wall Street business. From an early age, her parents could tell that baby Keira was not just any drooling toddler, she was a different kind of special. When she first began to develop her powers, her father and mother seemed to have no problems with it, accepting their child for her talents. This all changed when a boy who used to babysit her, tried to take advantage of her when she was 10. Out of panic and an attempt to defend herself, her mutant gene was fully awakened and without realizing it she manipulated a candle holder that drove all the way through his chest. Mike and Caren could not have someone as dangerous as her near them, they wanted her gone. How would their socialite friends and business partners react if they heard that Keira, their only child was a Freak? This incident resulted in her sudden abandonment. One day, she came home and their apartment was empty, no trace of anyone ever living there. The adults left no address, no phone number. Nothing. To what extent had her parents gone to keep her away, you might ask? Mike and Caren changed their names in order to never be tracked down. She was nothing. The prestigious school which she attended was no longer an option, since she had no money. A representative from the Institute found her, and personally escorted her to the safe haven she now calls home. Although she's had a rough life, and she now seems out of the hands of happiness she tries to keep the hope that she'll have a real happy ending like the story books.
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Hammer III, A. Justin


Master or Mr. Hammer when possible



Loyal to:

Brotherhood of Evil








Justin is very extroverted. He enjoys being around people, if only to show off his "success". Justin uses his own intuition to make decisions. This means he is a quick-thinker, and problem solver. However, this also mean, Justin will often not consult with his group about the course of action. This makes Justin brash. He is an intellectual, and use logical thinking over personal feelings. This may lead to fairly gruesome cases of logic over emotions. Justin hates being bested, especially in wits. He has a desire to prove himself better than those around him. Justin enjoys debate, that is argument both strategically, and for leisure. He is an expert at stalling opponents through conversational exchanges.


Anything Justin is actively touching, he can change his body to be. If he's holding gold bar and standing on marble floors, Justin can change into gold or marble. Justin changes at one foot per second with the change originating from the material.


His ability also extends to liquids and gases to an extent. Justin, however would die immediately after changing. Attempting to become multiple things at once is impossible to him. Trying would result in cardiac arrest. Also, letting go of the object which allows LJustin to change would result in him reverting back to his usual human form.


Jonathan was set to inherit the Hammer empire for his father, Justin Hammer Jr. Jonathan was eager to impress his father with his persuasiveness, and brilliance. Before that could happen however, Jonathan's powers were made known. In the Hammer Tech lobby, he accidentally turned himself to solid marble. Those at the board of directors were disappointed and horrified. Justin's father shunned him and removed Justin form the will. Due to this, Justin stole from his father, and ran away. Eventually, the money ran out, and Justin was starving. The Brotherhood took him in, and fed him. Since then, Justin has been working for them, working his way to the goal of reclaiming Hammer Tech.


(Real Images and/or Gifs only.)



Auro, G. Jason



Loyal to:









(About 2 paragraphs)


Aurokinesis: The ability to manipulate gold and in solid or liquid form. He often uses this to create golden weapons with which to fight or fire golden bullets directly from his palms.

Several applications of his Aurokinesis include:

- Golden touch: The ability to turn objects to gold

- Flight: By controlling the golden components of his clothing, he is able to simulate flight.

- Golden skin: Can turn himself completely into gold to sustain more hits.


Gold is very malleable, ergo in gold form, Jason is somewhat easy to kill. Also, anything he turns to gold also become as weak as gold. Turning large objects to gold or many objects to gold in a short period of time leaves Jason weak. Undertaking anything more than piano-sized objects would result in his death. Jason can only turn things to gold through direct contact.


Jason had a relatively normal life and childhood for that matter. Raised by two loving parents who quite frankly spoiled him. However at the age of four his powers began to manifest. His parents were both human and decided that for the best interests of everyone he would hide his powers from the world. From an early age he was taught to forgo his abilities, scolded whenever he used them. So he suppressed them, only using them in exceedingly rare occasions on his parents request.

At the age of fifteen he was crushing hard on a girl and in order to impress her he demonstrated his abilities, gaining her attention. The thing is he also gained the attention of some others. A week later a group of men burst into his house in the early hours of the morning. Thy killed both his parents and kidnapped Jason. The next two years were spent using his powers to fund various criminal activities. One day however he couldn't take it anymore and he escaped, killing seven men in his prison break purely by accident. Though he knew these people were criminals he was filled with guilt at their deaths and sought out the Institute in order to hone his powers and learn to control them.




Burnes, E. Nicholas



Eddie, Nick





Loyal to:

Brotherhood of Evil












Sarcastic and cold, are an understatement of Nick's personality. His alias might be Inferno, but he's more like an Iceman on the inside. Lots of past scars reflect on the way he acts towards others. Nicholas doesn't give a crap about anyone other than himself, and under the circumstances he's been in, you wouldn't blame him. I mean, how would you act if your parents tried to kill you in your sleep because they feared you were a child of Satan? I know I wouldn't be happy. He has deep hatred hidden in the depths of his inner self, something that reflects in his cold way of treating others. Narcissism and selfishness are also major properties in his personality.




|Nicholas possesses the ability to manipulate, create, generate, shape, increase any properties of fire. The rapid oxidation of a material in the endothermic process of combustion causes the releasing of light and heat, fire being it's visible result. Depending on the impurities in the air, the flames can catch different colors although the damage is all the same.|



He is unable to create actual fire, unless it's relatively hot. When it's cold, he is limited to manipulating only any exiting flame sources. Nick must also always be aware of his flame control, careless use can be catastrophic. When the atmosphere to too moist, there is a possibility that his fire will be weak, and rarely non-existent and he's obviously weak to any water type attacks.



Nicholas Edward Burnes was born into a very strong Christian family. His father was a Pastor at a widely recognized church, and his mother often helped with many services. For years, the couple tried to conceive a child and failed. Finally, they opted for a surrogate mother and 9 months later, received Nicholas. The couple was so overjoyed, for months they showed him off to the world. He was the little angel they'd always wished for. "God is good." They always repeated to him. His life seemed to be a piece of cake, until at the age of 6 when his house was left in ashes after an accidental scare that activated his X-Gene. This even scarred his parents, and terrified them to the core. How could the child they had longed for, be so satanic? Why had God punished them? They grew to fear Edward so much, that one night they tried to smother him under a pillow. Not only did it not work, it made Nick grow a deep resentment. He left home and after wandering the streets for a while, became a part of the Brotherhood.


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Alfonse and Junx, C. Lufwentzia


One little change of luck can do so much...

As you wish...mi'lady...




Guarddog||Lady Luck

Loyal To:










||Blood of the Beast||

Alfonse is able to increase his physical abilities such as speed and strength by relying on his ability to channel the physical attributes of a dire wolf in proportion to his natural size and weight.

||Beast Within||

Alfonse can assume a shape between human and beast. In this form he is at his physical peak and also gains wolf like characteristics such as unusually sharp claws and teeth.

||Resonating Howl||

Alfonse's howls turn the very air itself into a weapon by focusing strong sound waves to blast the enemy by creating a finite



The ability to manipulate the probability of an events occurrence to influence good or bad luck by creating a finite pocket of quasi-psionic force to cause disturbances in the molecular level probability-field of a target.


The power to convey or share feelings, sensations, and emotions with a target. (Joy, Sadness, Physical Pain, ect.)




Alfonse's animal like hearing and sense of smell make him susceptible to strong scents and certain sounds.


Alfonse has an acute allergy to silver in any form.

|Physical Strain|

Using his beast form pushes Alfonse's body beyond normal human limits leaving him fatigued and weak if he remains transformed for any period exceeding a hour.


|Karmic Return|

In exchange for manipulating probabilities on a large scale Lufwentzia alters her own luck. [Large Positive<=>Large Negative]

|Empathetic Blowback|

Just as Lufwentzia is able to convey her emotions through empathy she is also capable of receiving the same from any to whom she is linked.

|Mental Strain|

Use of her empathy link tires and weakens Lufwentzia the longer the connection remains.


Born to a poor family in a bad city Alfonse was raised by a alcoholic father and hard working mother. While Alfonse's mother, Bethany, worked two jobs to support her son and husband Marcus, Alfonse's father was an unemployed and frequently abusive drunk. Growing up in a household were each moment was lived either fearing Marcus' next drunken rage or wondering were the next meal would come from Alfonse was a sullen and withdrawn child. At the age of 16 Alfonse ran away from home, choosing to strike out on his own in the streets.

With little world experience Alfonse found himself working as a runner for a local gang. Fast enough to get away should trouble arise but unassuming enough not to raise suspicion he soon excelled at the menial task set aside for him. With steady work and the gang to protect him Alfonse had settled into a rather routine existence and after a year had cemented himself a place in the gang.

One day while returning from a run Alfonse came across a girl collapsed with a fever, asleep on the rain in a small local park. The girl appeared no more than four years younger than him. Unwilling to leave a young woman defenseless and alone Alfonse took the strange girl back to his home and nursed her back to health. When she recovered Alfonse discovered that the girl, whose name was Lufwentzia was mute.

Lufwentzia was the only child of a small practice doctor who had lost his wife during her birth. She had been born without the ability to speak and as such had fee acquaintances outside of her father. However recently her father had become deeply indebted to a local loanshark. Since he had been unable to pay his debt the loan shark had intended to take Lufwentzia as payment. Despite her young age and disability Lufwentzia possessed a unique ability to alter probabilites to influence luck, a useful talent in the underworld. Her father had died ensuring Lufwentzia's escape.

Finding himself stuck with a disabled orphan Alfonse swore to take care of and protect Lufwentzia, a promise that was soon tested when the loanshark caught wind of her location. Faces with heavily armed gang members but unwilling to break his promise Alfonse discovered his own mutant ability, the power to become like a wolf, and used it to protect Lufwentzia.

At the age of 18 Alfonse took the then 14 year old Lufwentzia to meet the person he hoped would provide them with an adequate source of protection. To do this Alfonse had sought out the help of one of the most powerful gangs on the city the Junx Syndicate, a gang known to work with those with unusual abilities. Lufwentzia was introduced to the syndicate boss, a man by the name of Varnius Junx.

Recognizing Lufwentzia's powers as useful Varnius agreed to not only protect her but to adopt her. Lufwentzia agreed but on the grounds that she would never be seperated from Alfonse. The heir to the the Junx Syndicate, Lufwentzia was treated like a Princess in exchange for using her powers for the syndicates profit. After four years however internal power struggles threatened the syndicate. Under from lower bosses placed not only Varnius but Lufwentzia's life in danger. At Varnius' order Alfonse removed Lufwentzia from the city.

At Lufwentzia's urging the two joined the XMen though the exact reason is yet unknown.



Raised in a tough and unstable environment Alfonse is highly self reliant. Observant and intelligent there is very little that goes without his notice. Though he can be gruff and reserved in demeanor Alfonse is a very protective and caring person. He openly dotes on Lufwentzia, who he refers to as Lady or Mistress.


Mute by birth and frequently exploited for her power Lufwentzia is the "caged bird" type. Smart and sensitive she comes off as both graceful and restrained. Lufwentzia is known for her emotional nature as she can not articulate her feelings other than through expressions and writing.




LeBeau, E. Remy














As a child, Gambit was trained to be a thief which helped him get more of a mysterious yet charming personality. He is a sly person who uses his words and wit to get what he wants. His way with words are quite unlike anyone else's. They can have you head over heals, enraged, or worse. Though part of this might be because of his charm, but the wording he uses does help extremely well.

Deceitfulness comes with the whole thief deal and Remmy is no exception to that. He doesn't feel remorse when stealing, lying, or worse. However, now that he's reformed...he does care a little bit more about this kinda thing and tries his best to fix it.

Most of the time, Remy is calmer than most. He isn't one of those people who get angered easily, even when insulted or offended. This doesn't mean he won't fight back, it just means he does it more calmly manner. Over the years of staying at the Institute, Remy started feeling more for the students there. He doesn't try and baby them, but he does feel that because they are just learning...things shouldn't be so harsh for them. Hell, life is already harsh when being a mutant, they don't need the teachers against them either.

Gambit is also known to be a player, able to easily have girls fall for him. And yeah, he does fall for some as well...namely Rogue. He has a tendency to flirt with women and often addresses them as "Cheri".


Gambit has the mutant ability to tap into the potential energy contained within an object and transform it into kinetic energy by touching it. When Gambit thus charges an object and throws it at a target, the object releases this energy explosively on contact. The power of his explosions is dependent on the mass of the object he is charging, for example, a charged playing card explodes with the force of a grenade. Gambit can also use his mutant abilities to accelerate an object's kinetic energy instead of converting its potential energy; for example, he can charge his Bo staff with enough kinetic energy and power to level a house.

Gambit's ability to tap kinetic energy also grants him incredible superhuman physical abilities (strength, speed, reflexes and reactions, agility, flexibility, dexterity, coordination, balance, and endurance), as his body constantly generates bio-kinetic energy and so is perfectly constructed for constant motion. This gives him an added edge that he has used to his advantage by developing a unique acrobatic fighting style.

Gambit also possesses a hypnotic charm that allows him to influence over them, suggesting them to do things, and allowing people to believe in what he says. This charm is so powerful that it is said that it could charm the Shadow King himself. however, this charm does not work on people who know about it.


Gambit's powers need time to charge an object. The small the object, the less time it takes to build up the kinetic energy. Which is why he uses playing cards as his main weapon since they take little to no time to charge. He can charge bigger objects or even people, however this would take a long time to charge and I'm not just talking about five minutes. But it really just depends on the size.

As said with hypnotic charm, it doesn't work on people who know about it (example; people he's told). Reading his mind to figure out this would be hard to do since he is able to create static preventing telepaths from reading his mind for a short period of time.


Remy Lebeau was born to family but due to his eyes being an inhumanly color or red on black, his parents thought he was of the devil due to the eyes looking satanic. He was stolen from a New Orleans orphanage by the Thieves Guild and given to Antiquary, a collector of children, who considered Remy a perfect work of art. There he was given the name Remy. At age eight, Remy met and befriended a young girl named Bella Donna. A few days later, he was taken in and adopted by the leader of the Thieves Guild, Jean-Luc himself, after a failed pickpocket attempt which had been secretly arranged by Jean to meet with the young mutant.At the age of fifteen, Remy began discovering his mutant powers.

Later, Remy met a de-aged Storm As a result of her transformation into a child, Storm had amnesia. Gambit helped free her from the psionic entity, the Shadow King. The two formed a partnership as thieves and Gambit looked after her as they worked their way along the Gulf of Mexico, robbing people as they went. When Storm was returned to her true self, she lobbied for Remy to be admitted into the X-Men. Looking to make up for his part in the Mutant Massacre years ago, he accepted and joined the X-men.​
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Anderson S. Tucker





Loyal to:


Age: 17





Personality: Adventurous | Curious | Honest | Daredevil | Sarcastic

He always loves a good adventure and will go out of his way to make something ordinary into something extraordinary just to mix things up. He can’t stand a set schedule or routines.

He’s very curious about the world around him and all of the weird things that humans seem to always find so necessary for their daily lives. He has a tendency to barrage people with questions so he can know and understand more about everything around him, including the people around him.

He’s very honest in any given situation. He can mostly keep a secret, but if confronted directly then he’ll most likely give away the secret. He hates being dishonest and lying to anyone because that’s what the scientists did to him all the time and it was morally wrong.

He loves to live the dangerous life, as if he wasn’t already, and will usually take the more dangerous route in everything that he does. He absolutely loves to get the adrenaline going.

He’s highly sarcastic when he’s irritated, just joking around, or when he’s just merely teasing someone in a friendly manner. He loves to be sarcastic with his enemies as it’ll piss them off, making them more dangerous and thus getting his adrenaline going.


- Shape-shifting: Tucker can shape-shift into any animal, existent, extinct, and mythological, but he has to see it first. If he can't remember what it looks like or knows what it looks like, then he can't shape-shift into it.

- Strong Reflexes: Can react quickly to any sudden movements near him as well as recognize threats ahead of time.

- Self-Healing Capabilities: His body is self-healing and while his injuries heal faster than the average human, but he still can suffer plenty from muscle and bone injuries, as well as bad gashes.

- Enhanced Senses: Pretty much self-explanatory, all of his senses have been enhanced beyond the normal human's senses.

- Photographic Memory: Tucker only has to read about and see an animal once for him to be able to remember the animal and then shape-shift into it at a later point in time.


- His reflexes will work more like a human's if he can't see the potential danger or hear it. His reflexes heavily rely on his adrenaline levels.

- Can sometimes overreact with his reflexes and get freaked out for absolutely no reason other than assuming something was a threat to him when it wasn't.

- Screeching noises can cause his ears to hurt and possibly even bleed.


Tucker grew up in Australia, one his own from the start. He never knew his family and he assumes it's because of his obvious mutations that he was left on his own at such an early age. He quickly became friends with a few mutants that he managed to run into while on the run. They were attacked by a mob of humans at one point and driven into a forest, and cornered. Tucker broke from the group as they were overwhelmed by the mob and saw one of the mutants, who was able to manipulate fire, accidentally start a forest fire near them.

Desperate to save his friends, he flew in and out of the fire to get them to safety. As he went for the last mutant, a female child, a burning tree crashed down before he could grab her. It separated the two and caught his right arm on fire. Dancing around and yelling in pain, he eventually got the fire out on his arm, but not before the burns covered his arm. He never was able to find the girl and assumed that she’d died in the fire. Feeling beyond guilty about what he’d done to his friends, he flew away and didn’t even bother saying goodbye to any of them.

After aimlessly wandering around Australia for a couple years, he decided to get away from the country as nothing good was there for him. He snuck onto a plane flight to the USA and was helped by a mutant in the airport, who helped him find his way to the Institute. The mutant turned out to be none other than Kurt Wagner himself.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/tumblr_lfyfn3HSqk1qasg1jo1_500.jpg.b9aba9dd66ca1db857264d18fd1d51ee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39980" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/tumblr_lfyfn3HSqk1qasg1jo1_500.jpg.b9aba9dd66ca1db857264d18fd1d51ee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Basically, he looks like the above image, but also has the tail, arms, and hands (including gloves) from below)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/the_monkey_king_by_lollyst-d6u04tn.png.29ccbfe243f647f04fbccba532471f6f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39919" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/the_monkey_king_by_lollyst-d6u04tn.png.29ccbfe243f647f04fbccba532471f6f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Due to being born in Australia, Tucker has a very strong Australian accent.


Wagner, Kurt





Loyal to:









Kurt is an extrovert and an introvert mixed together. He can have his outgoing moments, but generally prefers his solitude. He loves to help others and will go out of his way to do so. He's very kind overall and can even get flirty sometimes with the girls, though he's yet to have any luck with that. Kurt can also be sarcastic sometimes in his replies, taking a more smart-ass overtone with it.


- Kurt possesses above average strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise. At his peak, he can lift about 250 lbs.

- Teleportation: Ability to teleport himself, the clothes he is wearing, and within limits a certain amount of additional mass which is in contact with him.

- Micro-Suction Discs: Kurt can stick to objects with the surface of his hands and feet. This enables him to scale surfaces.

- Flexible Bone Structure: Kurt's bone structure allows him great flexibility. He can remain in a crouched position for a long time and perform contortionist type feats without causing any damage to his spine.

- Camouflage: He has limited abilities to blend into shadows, both as a result of his indigo fur and his connection to the light-bending attributes of the dimension through which he teleports.

- Prehensile Tail: Kurt's tail allows him to grab onto objects with relative ease. His tail is strong enough to not only support his body weight but also lift an adult man completely off the ground. It is deft enough to fight with like a sword or blunt object.

- Infrared Vision: Kurt's always glowing eyes grant him a marked degree of heightened night vision as well.

- Master Combatant: He is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and a master at fencing, which he can even perform with his tail.


- Despite Kurt's superhuman powers, he is just as susceptible to disease and physical injury as any ordinary human. Also, because he is a Neyaphem, Angel's blood, which heals everyone else, hurts him, normally adding to whatever injury he received.

- Subconscious Spatial Awareness: Kurt has a very limited subconscious extrasensory ability that prevents him from teleporting himself so that his feet, for example, would materialize below the surface of the local ground. Because this ability is so limited, however, Kurt will not teleport into any place that he cannot see or has not seen in the past. If Kurt teleported himself into an unfamiliar area, he would run the risk of materializing partially or entirely within a solid object. If too much of his body materialized within a solid object, he would probably be killed.


Kurt was born to a mutant just like him, but she disappeared shortly after his birth and he was given to a local orphanage to grow up on his own. He quickly was turned into the punching bag for all of the bullies for his odd appearance, but his powers slowly began to surface and he soon was able to fend off all of the bullies. He then learned his ability to teleport when one of the bullies waved a gun at him and his adrenaline and fear both mixed together at a high level.

He started to use his powers for the wrong reasons and robbed a few banks before being caught mid-robbery by a mutant of all people. He was strong enough to freeze everyone in the bank and gave Kurt a grand offer of a home to stay in so he wouldn't have to steal anymore. A secure place to stay was more than enough for Kurt and he agreed to go to the Institute.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Unknown.jpeg.0887d5d3ec4fc7f39f91e6ceade88ba1.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39982" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Unknown.jpeg.0887d5d3ec4fc7f39f91e6ceade88ba1.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Realistically looks like above plus the blue fur and other attributes from the image below)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Nightcrawler_by_dragonnova.jpg.b37c3c67e192ade1e1bbff53d616e5ae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39921" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Nightcrawler_by_dragonnova.jpg.b37c3c67e192ade1e1bbff53d616e5ae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Kurt has a strong German accent, which he's somehow managed to maintain since he was a child. This gives him hints that he was originally born in Germany, but his origins are still unknown to him.



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Sullivan, E. Maggie













attracted to anyone after experiencing a long emotional bond



Maggie has a very outgoing personality. She isn't afraid to do or say what she thinks is right. Most the time she can be blunt with her words when talking to people, preferring to tell them the truth rather than beating around the bush. Her patience isn't always stable and will loose her temper when annoyed. That's normal with almost anyone though.

She gets along with people really well and knows how to keep the conversation going. Though she does have major trust issues due to being hurt before. She doesn't just give out her trust to anyone, you have to earn it. And once you have it, she'll stick with you till the end...but break her trust...things get a whole lot more complicated. You'll most likely never regain that trust and she'll probably hold a grudge against you. And when she holds a grudge, she hardly ever just lets it go. She needs to work on controlling her anger and letting go of her hate, but it's harder than it looks.



Wing manifestation;

Maggie is able to manifest insect like wings on her back allowing her the ability to fly through the air at varies speeds. Her wings are not strong enough for two people or heavy objects and can't fly too far up in the air. Her wings are harder to use when wet.

Danger Intuition;

This allows Maggie to sense upcoming danger with in five seconds. However it could be fooled by someone you trust. (Example; your best friend literally stabs you in the back and you wouldn't sense it).

Size Manipulation;

She is able to shrink to the size of five inches or able to grow back to her normal size. She can only change her own size, no one else's. She can't grow taller, no matter how hard she tries...only to the size of five inches or to her original height.

Energy Attacks;

She can use balls/beams of energy to attack others. Her own energy can harm her if she isn't careful. (like if the attack was reserved). She also can not continuously attack for it wears her out.



Wing Manipulation;

She is not able to carry more than herself and light items. Carrying anything heavier or even another person could greatly damage her wings. She can't fly too high up in the sky due to her wings not being strong enough and she can't fly in rain or bad weather.

Danger Intuition;

She could easily be fooled if it was by someone she trusts. This powers works around emotion. If she was scared, her danger senses would go off more due to her current state of emotion. If she was happy, she would probably only be affected if the senses were true.

Energy Attacks.

Can not constantly use since it will wear her out. The bigger the attack, the more of her physical energy and strength it requires.



For most of Maggie's life, everything was great. She was born into a financially well family who often gave the child what she needed. Her parents were always working, and because of that, she was allowed to have many things to keep her entertained. Her older brother, Camden, would watch her time from time to help out with the family. It wasn't till she was around fourteen when she discovered her powers. Maggie happened to be in a small fight with her brother, but as the fight raged on...so did her anger. Camden eventually got so upset that he ended up throwing a controller at her. In self defense and out of instinct, Maggie shot it down...surprising her and her brother.

For a short period of time, her and her brother kept her powers secret. But as the days passed, her powers became stronger. Wings began forming on her back which wasn't easy to hide. it didn't take long for her parents to notice. At first they were shocked, not knowing what to do. They looked around for a while, pondering what sorta thing they should do. Maggie overheard them talking, mainly about sending her off somewhere. Shocked by what she heard, Maggie couldn't take it much longer and ran off from home. She stayed on the streets not much longer than a week before founding the institute. She figured that place would be better than actually going back to her home and pleaded for them to allow her to stay. Xavier wasn't keen on keeping a runaway child knowing it must had been hard for the parents. He soon called up her parents and discussed things with them. They eventually agreed to allow her to stay there.


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| Name |

Frost, G. Emma


| Nickname |

Em , Emma

| Alias |

The White Queen


| Loyalty |



| Age |


| Gender |



| Sexuality |


< Emma tends to be attracted more to the male populations but once in a while feels romantic emotions towards women >


| Personality |

Emma Frost is a very selfish soul. Although she is currently an assistant teacher at the Institute, there is still a small spark of evil doings deep inside her. The woman refuses to let people show her up, or disrespect her in any way. Most of the time, she'll act like any other helpful human being. But be aware that any sign of snobbery or mockery towards her will unleash the wrath of the White Queen. She never forgives anyone who crosses her.

Emma is also stunningly beautiful, making it easy for her to get the things she wants. In past events she has flirted with and seduced many of the older males and on rare occasions even a woman or two. However, she does tend to form bonds with students she seems to understand. Sometimes the advice she provides can be very misleading or hypocritical in the ways that she doesn't act as a role model should.


| Abilites |

Emma Frost is a mutant of enormous telepathic ability, and is also capable of transforming into an organic diamond state with enhanced strength and durability which suppresses her telepathy. She possesses such power that she's been clasified as an Omega Class Telepath. Her skills include communication through the mind, alteration of memories, psychic shielding, and astral projection. She is so strong that she rivals even Charles Xavier.

In her Diamond form, she is able to retain the ability to move freely. There is also an immense level of invulnerability while in this state. Because she is comcompletely diamond through this change, she has no need to eat, breath, or ingest liquid. Fstigue is another thing that doesn't affect her, and any other telepaths in the area will be blocked from her mind in this form. Emma has enhanced strength through this form.

| Weaknesses |

Her telepathic abilites tend to cause very frequent migraines due to mind strain. She is also limited to using her abilities to people within a 3 mile radius, or people she can see. For example, if you wanted her to control someone in Germany she'd need a visual, such as a picture. Emma must also be completely aware of everything happening during her Telepathic states or she could cause unwanted chaos.

Although her diamond state seems almost faultless, there is weakness in everything. A shot from a diamond bullet while she is in this state can cause her entire body to shatter.


| Biography |

Emma Frost was born in Boston, Massachusetts, to the wealthy Winston and Hazel Frost; she is the third of four children, which include her older brother, Christian Frost, her older sister Adrienne Frost and her younger sister Cordelia Frost. From a young age, Winston was always cold, ruthless and domineering. He often imposed his children to impossibly high standards, while their mother abuser prescription drugs to cope with the tensions in her home. Because of this, Emma never received the type of care and support she needed during her childhood. Her in school life was nothing better. She was ruthlessly bullied and found support in one of her teachers.

She fell in love but her father immediately crushed her chances. Emma tried to cope with her failed love by blackmailing her father. He offers her the family fortune in order to eradicate the problem but she ultimately refused and left it all behind. Em used some stolen money to try and put herself through University. Eventually the money ran out and she became homeless. She was saved when she came across the Institute and was offered a teaching position, being recognized for her immense power. She's been there ever since.


Name: Mcangus, K. Robert

Nickname: Bob

Alias: Altitude

Side: X-men

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Neutral

Personality: Bob is a curious guy, who kikes finding new things. It's partially the reason why he joined the X-men in the first place. He probably earned that trait because of his power, flight.

Bob, is usually very friendly to others. However, do not get him mad. When mad, he goes from speaking with a mad tome to SUDDENLY SHOUTING! If really mad, he may hit someone.

Abilities: Bob is capable of flight, and growing up in Ireland, he actually was able to keep up with the Concorde when he buzzed planes. When he was caught in a fight, he found he had the ability to fling people several yards, at the minimum.

Bob can also sweep the enemy from a low altitude and fly into them.

Weaknesses: Although capable of flying at supersonic speeds, Bob is not bulletproof. He would need armor or something like it for protection.

Bob is also not invincible. In his plane-buzzing youth, several times he has almost been sucked into an engine. So far, he's got lucky, and he hopes it stays that way...

Bio: Bob was born in Dublin, Ireland, where he discovered his power of flight. Every summer he would go to the southern fields, where he would fly up to the great jet liners on their way to and from London and other cities in Europe and buzz them. It was a happy time, albeit almost getting killed a few times. after growing up, Bob spent a lot of his time travelling. And stopping a fight or two. Upon hearing about the X-men, he felt it would be cool to join, being a curious guy.

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pokemariofan64 said:
Name: Mcangus, K. Robert
Nickname: Bob

Alias: Altitude

Side: X-men

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Neutral

Personality: Bob is a curious guy, who kikes finding new things. It's partially the reason why he joined the X-men in the first place.

Alright. Make sure you make it as detailed as the rest and make sure you read all of the rules.
Scott Summers (Guest Post)

| Name |

Scott Summers


| Nickname |

Scott, Cyke

| Alias |



| Loyalty |



| Age |


| Gender |



| Sexuality |



| Personality |

The mental makeup of Scott Summers has many major influences. Being born into a family of soldiers already pre-disposes him to someone who can fight, strategize, and lead. It also pre-disposes him to favor discipline and loyalty more strongly. It has the effect of giving him a ridged, often stoic personality. Having looked up to his parents and ancestors as soldiers, he too strives for those kinds of qualities and is more likely to gravitate towards solider-like tendencies.

Going along with this is the important role that control has in his psyche. Scott Summers is plagued both physically and emotionally by a lack of control. In a purely physical sense he is at the mercy of his powers, which he cannot turn off. If he is unable to control these powers, the people around him get hurt. Having already lost so many of his loved ones, he is very cautious about protecting what family he has left. This leaves him vulnerable to punishing himself for his failures and being overprotective at times.

But beyond the physical aspects of control, the emotional control is often just as serious. Growing up he was already influenced by the military to restrain and discipline emotions, but seeing his parents die in a plane crash pushed those emotions to limits his young mind couldn't handle. So growing up he has to deal with chaotic emotions that he doesn't always understand and has difficulty expressing. So normal acts like showing affection to someone he cares about and seeking intimate relationships are much more difficult.

In the end, what guides Scott the most is his extraordinary discipline. Even though he struggles with control, his sense of duty and discipline hold him together personality wise. This along with the military influences in his early life make him a perfect fit for the types of duties the X-men carry out. Working as a unit and going on missions is just like being a soldier to him and the cause he's fighting for is a cause he truly believes in. Between discipline and control, Scott Summers has a psyche that is ordered and structured. Sometimes it is ordered to a fault, but he is able to make up for these faults with the morals and guidance instilled in him by Professor Charles Xavier and the X-men.


| Abilites |

Cyclops possesses the mutant ability to project a powerful beam of concussive, ruby-colored force from his eyes. Cyclops also possesses an uncanny sense of trigonometry, in this sense used to describe his observation of objects around himself and the angles found between surfaces of these objects. Cyclops has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to cause his optic blasts to ricochet and/or reflect off those objects in a trajectory to his liking.

In addition, Cyclops is trained in un-armed martial arts, and resistant to the effects of his own powers. Lastly, years of being in intimate situations with telepaths have allowed Cyclops to hone his mind to the point where he can resist telepathic intrusion and withhold certain information from high level telepaths.

| Weaknesses |

Due to psychological trauma and physical injury at a young age, Cyclops is unable to control his optic blasts. In connection, his eyes have become more reliant on the ruby quartz he uses rather than affecting change to the injury.

Scott Summers also has a short delay between his optic blasts. Firing them one after another makes him very weak, so he avoids this by waiting about 5 seconds before shooting off another blast. If he were to get tired by loosing multiple blasts, he would need to rest for 15 minutes before being able to use them again. Taking off his glasses (if he ever does), tires him out even quicker.

If one were to remove his glasses, Cyclops would either stay still and surrender, or try to run away. Under no circumstances would he open his eyes.


| Biography |

Scott Summers was the first of two sons born to Major Christopher Summers, a test pilot for the U.S. Air Force, and his wife Katherine. Christopher was flying his family home from vacation when their plane was attacked by a spacecraft from the interstellar Shi'ar Empire. To save their lives, Katherine pushed Scott and his brother Alex out of the plane with the only available parachute. Scott suffered a head injury upon landing, thus forever preventing him from controlling his mutant power by himself.

After finding himself caught up in the wrong crowd, Scott was eventually found by Professor Xavier. The man immediately took a liking to Scott and invited him to be the first mutant ever to join the X-men. Since then, Scott has faced ups and downs, but till this day, continues championing all that Professor X hopes for mutant-kind. Above all else, for the safety and protection of mutants world-wide is why he wakes up each and every morning.

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Name: Soryu Raito

Nickname: Rai

Alias: Voidsummoner

Loyal to: Brotherhood of Evil

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Personality: Raito is best described as selfish, maniacal, loud-mouthed, short-tempered, flamboyant, destructive, and cruel. He is a psychopath with no regard for human life or remorse for the atrocities he commits, and revels in the suffering of others. He treats most of his opponents as mere pests in the way of his withstanding goal, and often kills them, as they are deemed by him as "too weak" to survive the Void. He may seem cocky, but his power is a force to be reckoned with, for it defies known science. A nihilist, he seeks to send the universe, including himself into the Void, a place of nothingness, where even time has no meaning. He declares the lives of mortals insignificant finding no meaning in things like love and hope, and seeks to destroy the bonds of existence itself.

Abilities: Summon the Entropic Dragons!: Raito can summon 2 Dragons from the Void, both he met when he began Astral Projecting into their home, the Void.

Chaos Breaker Dragon:


This Dragon has what is best described as a twisted personality, it takes pleasure from seeing others falling into despair. It devotes itself to tricking warriors of other realms. Due to its habits of using honeyed words to deceive others, friend or foe alike, other beings of the Void despise it and title it The Clown. However, its ability to achieve outstanding military exploits in all occasions win it the respect from the main force.

Unintervened hearts are neither hopeful nor desperate. Therefore, instead of merely creating despair, this dragon finds it more effective to terrorize its victims by tricking them with false hope first. It's fond of singing its words, "Hope may exist, but it won't come to save you in the end.".

Its victims are given false hope before they are kicked down to the bottom of despair. The fools' paradises are meant to be destroyed. The moment the light disappears from the eyes of the hopeful ones, the edges of the chaotic clown’s mouth twist into a smile. It's scythe signals the end of "hope" and the beginning of despair.


Chaos Drain: By using the powers of nothingness from the Void, it fires a dark red beam of energy at the target, which if it hits, will drain the victim of a substantial amount of energy. Individuals with a lot of endurance may be able to recover quicker than most others who are hit by it.

Scythe of Despair: By slamming it's Scythe into the ground, spikes of red energy erupt from the ground and rise to 18 feet in the air and chase their target. Upon impact, they will be electrocuted as if hit by a bolt of lightning, with far less severe effects.

Lock: Simply by pointing at it's target, a red sphere of energy races towards the target. If it connects, the target is surrounded by the sphere and sent into the Void, what the inhabitants called being "locked". The lock can be broken with large amounts of positive energy.

Infinite Zero Dragon


It was born as a mutant creature on a small planet with endless conflict. The star that the planet orbited was consumed by Infinite Zero Dragon itself, and the Solar System it was in was destroyed. It accepted the power of the Void voluntarily so as to reinforce itself instead of being warped and distorted. As a result, it maintains its ego and consciousness. Unlike other Void commanders like Chaos Breaker Dragon, who adopt cunning yet effective means, Infinite Zero Dragon insists to collect data by direct combat. It is probably due to its pride, as the strongest creature reigning in its planet for a period of time, which only remains in existence in one place; the darkest corner of the Paradoxical Dragon's consciousness.


Paradox Synthesis: By fusing a ball of pure positive energy and a ball of pure negative energy, Infinite Zero creates a white and black energy ball that when it connects with it's target, explodes violently.

Singularity Burst: By compressing matter down to a Singularity, it creates a miniature black hole, that when it connects with it's target, pulls a portion of them into it before disappearing due to the effect of Hawking Radiation.

Lock: Simply by pointing at it's target, a red sphere of energy races towards the target. If it connects, the target is surrounded by the sphere and sent into the Void, what the inhabitants called being "locked". The lock can be broken with large amounts of positive energy.

Weaknesses: Raito cannot fight without his Dragons, if his connection to the Void was lost, he would be as weak and helpless as the average person, he would only remain conscious for 5 minutes before falling into a coma, which if the link to the Void is not reinstated, he would never recover from it within an hour.


Raito was raised in Tokyo. His father, Hideo was unable to spend as much time with him as he would have liked, due to his work as a cabinet minister.

Some known stories of his past include the time Raito fell asleep waiting for her father to come home for his birthday. When he got home, Hideo carried him off to bed and left a present next to him. The next day, he opened the present and thanked his father. He wanted to play chess with Hideo but was unable to as promised, due to the fact he had to leave for work and wouldn't return for a month. This caused Raito to storm off crying that he hated him.

Hideo eventually managed to make time for a game. After being interrupted by his cellphone, Hideo had to cancel the game and leave, Raito chased after him, before falling down the steps leading outside and hitting his head, putting him into a coma. He began to astral project a few months into his coma, and found Chaos Breaker Dragon and Infinite Zero Dragon, and began to talk to them, finding out that he hated the world, finding similarities between him and them. He eventually woke up and tried to contact the dragons again, causing his powers to manifest and appear for the first time. Hideo becomes injured in the process as Chaos Breaker Dragon is summoned for the first time. Confused and scared, Raito approaches his father asking for help, but is called a monster and told to stay back, causing him to cry. He tries to apologize, but Raito is already stung by these words.

Raito became distanced from other children, due to his abilities. He once summoned Infinite Zero Dragon using his powers and set it on a group of other children who bullied him. Hideo slapped him, as punishment. Raito believed to have deserved this, because he is a "monster".

Raito gained entrance to a boarding school. His parents hoped some one there could teach him to control his powers, although he was sent forcibly as they were terrified of his powers.

At the age of about thirteen, on May 15, he harmed one of the boys at the school during a fight with him, as he attacked him with Infinite Zero Dragon. More incidents followed, causing Raito to become feared and not have any friends.

He ran back home one day, only to find his parents living happily without him. As a response, Raito used Chaos Breaker Dragon to destroy his family's home and decided to continue living without them, believing that they never needed him or loved him as their only son.

Raito gained entrance in the fighting underground and quickly made a name for himself. His powers kept growing unchecked and hurt many on the battlefield. He eventually decided he could not handle the guilt anymore and created the "Voidsummoner" persona to deal with the rejection and terrorize his opponents. After alone for so long, he was pushed in the direction of being a villain, going by the belief that "The only way to stop others hurting you is by making all fear you instead." After that, he went down on a path of destruction, before being found by Magneto and accepted into the Brotherhood of Evil.



Piper Solstice





Loyal to:

Brotherhood of Evil








Piper is extraverted and very flirty. She's very playful, almost childish, and is very curious about any and everything. Piper is also very optimistic so she'll rarely see the downside to anything. This said, Piper can break down mentally occasionally and this will result in her becoming very narcissistic. When this happens, she'll have a major mood swing and you probably don't want to be around her when this happens as she'll easy be angered as well.

All in all, as long as you don't piss her off or cause her to have a mental breakdown (i.e. remind her of her past, pester her about her past, or just press her buttons on purpose), then you'll be good to go! Piper does enjoy pranks quite a bit so she'll occasionally pull one off and her favorite result of her pranks is to see the person visibly upset about whatever she did. She loves a good reaction to one of her pranks. Piper is also a bit of a trickster, so she loves to lie and cheat to get her way. She much prefers to win indirectly through some kind of cunning plan as opposed to having to fight to win.


Piper is a kitsune so she has Kemonomimi appearance of a fox and can completely morph into a fox that is almost bear-size. In addition to this, Piper can manipulate fire and create heat. Depending on her adrenaline levels and/or anger/stress levels, Piper's fire can chance from an orange/red/yellow color scheme to a blue scheme. When her fire turns blue, it becomes a strong and deadly level of heat to which she can melt metal. Also, Piper is immune to burns and fire in general so fire and heat can't harm her.


Piper is immensely terrified of any and all dogs, including even mutant dogs. If she sees anything resembling a dog, then she'll tuck her tail between her legs and run like a coward. Piper also can lose control if she gets too mad, as she'll start just attacking everything in sight and lose sight of who her allies are. She can also lose control if she gets overly stressed and scared, as she'll then turn tail and run like if she'd seen a dog. Piper's fire is also highly dangerous to both friend and foe, and without control, Piper can hurt her friends. Piper is currently lacking in proper control and so she's actually afraid to use her fire powers in any situations and so her fire powers are a last resort for her. Piper also reacts harshly to cold weather as her fire will be harder to summon and she gets cold very easily.


Piper was born with her fox powers and grew into her fire powers with time. When her home was mysteriously burned down by a fire that there seemed to be no cause to, the police deeply investigated and Piper was found at fault. In the midst of the fire, Piper's parents and little sister had all passed away from either debris in the burning home or harsh burns. Piper escaped from the police using her fox and fire powers, but not before badly injuring several of the cops. Fearing herself and what damage she could do unto people, Piper tried to hide in several homeless shelters, but everywhere she went people feared her and would attack her out of fear. Feeling entirely isolated from the world, Piper then ran into one of the Brotherhood mutants and was welcomed with open arms. Finally feeling at home again, Piper joined up with the Brotherhood and was more than happy to go against the humans after years of mistreatment from them.

Other: Piper is a phenomenal drummer and always has drumsticks in her back pocket of whatever pants she may be wearing at the time. Piper also hates cold weather with a passion for obvious reasons. She loves to be in any heated and warm environments.


(Piper also has fox ears, a fox tail, and fox eyes)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/The-Stunning-Redhead-Beauties-006.jpg.6eaba14e95d2453b34f7b987f4c1fde2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40769" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/The-Stunning-Redhead-Beauties-006.jpg.6eaba14e95d2453b34f7b987f4c1fde2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Piper's fox form; This form is bear-size)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/IMG_8116.JPG.2efe08e1c3ffba256ff55c65387bad81.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40770" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/IMG_8116.JPG.2efe08e1c3ffba256ff55c65387bad81.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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Name: Izayoi Aki ((The Japanese don't have middle names.))

Nickname: Aki

Alias: Black Rose Witch

Loyal to: Brotherhood of Evil

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Aki has a very cold and distant nature to her demeanor, a result of spending years being treated as a monster. She views everyone around her as her enemy and has stopped caring about other people's feelings. It wasn't until Magneto took her into the Brotherhood of Evil, that Aki began to have hope in her life again. Despite this new feeling of self-worth from Magneto, Aki's rage at the world continues to grow, which Magneto is intentionally driving her towards. Her parents, the people who unintentionally drove her down her hate-filled path due to their fear of Aki's powers, and distanced themselves from her, they tried to show how sorry they were for their mistakes and wanted her back with loving intentions, however Aki has rejected them, saying she no longer needs them. However, she wants to pursue a relationship, but her violent mind and near-uncontrollable psionic abilities are what she thinks are preventing her from doing so.

Abilities: Aki has a very dangerous power, which allows her to materialise monsters from her mind, imaginary friends she made as a child, which

are usually plant-themed, due to her love of nature. Here are a few monsters she can summon.

Black Rose Dragon: Generally considered her signature Monster, she uses it as the main fighter in her Army. It stands at 60 feet tall and is destructive by nature. It can either shoot purple fire or attack with it's thorny vines.

Rose Tentacles: A large rose with thorny appendages like Black Rose Dragon, it is used by Aki to ensnare her opponents whilst also hurting them, by crushing limbs caught in it.


Gigaplant: A nightmarish Venus Fly Trap, This Monster is defensive and carnivorous, luring it's prey in with pollen that causes visual and auditory hallucinations, before grabbing them with it's leaves and eating them. People with psychological training or mind powers can resist the effects of the pollen.


Weaknesses: Hurting or killing Aki's monsters will also hurt Aki's mind. She can only summon one Monster at a time, as she can only control one at a time. Overusage of her powers will make her fall into a coma, also, if she is rendered unconscious, all her Monsters disappear. She also must keep her powers under control, otherwise she will become mentally unbalanced and see everyone as an enemy.


Aki was raised in Tokyo. Her father was unable to spend as much time with her as he would have liked, due to his work as a cabinet minister.

Some known stories of her past include the time Aki fell asleep waiting for her father to come home for her birthday. When he got home, he carried her off to bed and left a present next to her. The next day, Aki opened the present and thanked her father. She wanted her Father to play with her but he was unable to as promised, due to the fact he had to leave for work and wouldn't return for a month. This caused Aki to storm off crying that she hated him.

He eventually managed to make time to play with Aki. After being interrupted by his cellphone, Hideo had to cancel the game and leave. Akiza got upset and used her until then unknown abilities to create Black Rose Dragon and attack him with it in a fury, causing her powers to manifest and appear for the first time. Her father becomes injured in the process. Confused and scared, Aki approaches her father asking for help, but is called a monster and told to stay back, causing her to cry. He tries to apologize, but Aki is already stung by these words.

Aki became distanced from other children, due to her abilities. She once summoned a Gigaplant using her powers and set it on a group of other children. Her father slapped her, as punishment. Aki believed to have deserved this, because she is a "monster".

Teenage life

Aki gained entrance to a boarding school. Her parents hoped someone there could teach her to control her powers.

At the age of thirteen, on May 15, Aki harmed one of the boys at school during a fight, as she attacked him with Rose Tentacles. More incidents followed, causing Aki to become feared and not have any friends.

She ran back home one day, only to find her parents living happily without her. As a response, Aki used her psionic abilities to destroy her family's home and decided to continue living without them, believing that they never needed her or loved her as their only daughter.

Akiza gained entrance in the fighting underground and quickly made a name for herself. Her powers kept growing unchecked and hurt many on the battlefield. She eventually decided she could not handle the guilt anymore and created the "Black Rose" persona to deal with the rejection and terrorize the population, until Magneto found her and told her about the Brotherhood of Evil. She joined, cold, lonely and hungry.





Dominikos Ioannis Petrakis





Loyal to:

Brotherhood of Evil








Avalanche is a troubled teen who loves to go wild. He is very into the opposite sex and flirts constantly, playing up his rebellious attitude and boyish charms. Though not liking to cause serious issues with his powers, he doesn't see why he can't use them casually just to mess around. He is dirty, messy, lazy and rarely takes responsibility for what he has done, or should be doing. If you were to ask what his dream would be, it'd be this: taking a trip to Hawaii and staying there forever.

In regards to girls, Dominikos is very pushy. If he sees something he likes, he's going to do everything he can to go after after it. If it takes a little bit of force to get what he wants, who cares? He is the man! Rarely does the man say sorry, but has moments where his horsing around does lead to a bit of remorse. At heart, he is a truly gentle and caring person, the problem is that after years of mental/physical abuse, you have to bring it out.


Can generate powerful seismic waves from his hands, creating highly destructive effects. The waves can cause non-living objects to shatter or crumble into dust. When directed against large objects like buildings or upon the earth itself, the seismic waves can produce effects similar to those of an earthquake or avalanche within limited areas.

Avalanche need not touch an object to affect it; he can direct the waves against it from some distance away. Avalanche himself is immune to the generation of his own vibratory waves.


If the seismic waves were reflected back at him, he would be injured. The waves are not strong enough to make an earthquake. Can only affect the surrounding area he's in. The powers have no effect on anything living. Doesn't have much control over what he wants to damage, everything in the area gets hit.


Dominikos was born in the Central United states to two dead-beat parents in a trailer park. Day after day they would physically and mentally abuse him to soothe their anger at how horrible their lives were. One day, they took it way too far when they locked him out of the trailer for coming back home late from school. He was upset, he was enraged, he was utterly incensed and that caused his powers came to the fore-front. With palms on the trailer as he cried, it crumpled over onto itself, killing both parents inside.

Unable to face the law with no relatives around, the boy had no choice but to travel all over on his own, scrounging around for scraps of food that kept him thin for weeks on end. Eventually he was found by the Brotherhood; taking him and and giving him something he truly longed for: a home.


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Jackson, W. Helena





Loyal to:









She is kind, but very shy around people. She has anxiety and PTSD so she generally doesn't get attached to people. She chooses to avoid people and keep to her self. She has a hard time accepting help because she is afraid of having people think she is weak.

She is afraid she is going to hurt people with her power. She fears her power for what happens when she can't control it. When she does get attached to people, she is overly trusting and that can lead her to get hurt as well. She can be overly emotional, going from really happy to depressed almost instantly if something happens.


Helena has Psychokinesis/Telekinesis which allows her to control objects with her mind. She does not have very much control over it. It will activate itself sometimes, like when she sleeps. It also acts up when she is having an anxiety attack or PTSD episode. She has no idea how powerful her telekinesis is yet because she chooses not to use it.


As mentioned, her PTSD causes her power to act up when she is having an episode. It has unexpected affects, she can hurt others or herself by accident. Her power also acts up while she is sleeping, also causing accidents. Her PTSD is also a weakness because it causes her to be vulnerable to anyone and she cannot realize it. Even when she wants to use her power it might not activate, because she doesn't fully understand how to use it.


Helena's parents were murdered before her when she was a child and she developed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as well as Anxiety. That is also when she developed her powers because she accidentally use them to kill the murderer. She always hid and never stayed at foster homes and trained herself to fight. She developed powers at a young age and had trouble controlling them. She got her Mutant name because people saw her always being the fortunate one who survives. One day, she was watching television when she saw about the school and decided if anyone was going to help her, it was them, and that's why she is here.




Eden Lena Osborne




"The Copy Cat"

Loyal to:









Quiet and quite subdued for a girl her age amongst peers, it takes a bit for Eden to open up to others, as cautiousness due to a past riddled with scars forces trust to the far corners of her mind. Loyalty is one such emotion that Eden believes in fervently, towards friends, family - anyone she cares about in such a way.


- Can mimic others powers

- Can s
teal energy from others

Contact with a mutant is not required for this power, only being within the range of the person can allow Eden to absorb their powers (without taking them) and keep them.


The one flaw to this power is Eden can only adopt three mutants powers at a time, and the stronger the power, the higher the risk of her losing control of them and risking an explosion. she must also keep her emotions in check, or risk losing control.


Orphaned at young age due to the brutal murder of her parents and twin she witnessed at a young age, Eden's earliest memories of childhood are spent in an orphanage in London, unwanted by even the kindest visitors. Stealing quickly became a hobby of hers, to pass the time, and quickly, the barely 10-year-old girl found herself on the other side of the law. Getting herself out of situations such as these required power, power that she so happened to possess after discovering her ability to absorb others energy while running from police. Other sects to her powers were quickly found as time passed, and Eden quickly joined a gang, who called themselves Victorious. After falling out with the gang's leader, Eden found herself running once more, this time from those she'd considered her friends. Most of this part of her life was spent on the run, a time she refuses to talk about. At about 15 years of age, Eden discovered a group of mutants quite similar to herself, who referred to themselves as the X-men, and offered her membership, as well as friendship. Though quite wary to groups such as these, due to past experiences, Eden joined and hasn't regretted it. Yet.



Character Sheet


Fiora Almas Lauret


Fiora or Fio


Flash Foil

Loyal to:



Ancient, around 2900 (will explain in bio), however she is 18






Fio is a calm, levelheaded and talented girl. She is a typical teenage girl, she loves sleeping, reading, listing to music and fencing. She takes to people well and enjoys the simple things in life. Somewhat of a girly girl, Fiora takes pride in her appearance and skills as a fighter. She always takes a good hour to get ready, no matter what is happening. he takes charge in the battlefield using her skills and strength to gain a tactical advantage against her opponent. She is cold and calculating using her sword to accurately attack the most vital part of her enemy. Fiora loves to party, dance and train like crazy. If she isn’t in the club, then she is in the training room, on level 200 defeating monsters ten to a hundred times her size.

Fiora isn’t very trusting of people she hasn’t fought with. Once she sees you on the battlefield that she will decide if you are friend or foe. Although she is serious about battle she is very laid back off the clock. She wakes early in the morning to have a nice breakfast and long brunch and then spend the rest of the day training until class starts and or there is a mission.



She has a odd power, she is able to create shadow clones of herself and her weapons and teleport from shadow clone to shadow clone. Fiora can also teleport without the need of a shadow clone however, she leaves a trail of purple dust in her trail. She prefers using the shadow clones over straight teleportation. She hates the feeling of breaking apart and being reconstructed, it freaks her out.

Power Sword and Daggers

  • The user can use a sword or other such bladed weapon to fire powerful energy beams or use the beams to enhanced the slashes and stabbing powers of the swordsman.
  • Has a collapsable sword and a varying amount of daggers on her person at all times.

Teleportation Level and Style

  • Advanced Level: User is capable of teleporting large distances, from one side of a field to another, or a few kilometers or so. User can teleport limited mass, equal to several people/heavy household appliances.
  • Location Swapping (Switching/Trading): Distort space to exchange one subject with another. Which in this case is swapping with her shadow clones. Shad clones are tangible and can take and give damage. The only varying difference from Fiora is that they are a shadowy purple color, have no personality and cannot stay for long periods of time.
  • Deconstruction"The body breaks up into various materials (i.e. ice or crystals, rose petals, in this case purple glitter) and reconstruct elsewhere, possibly moving as the materials. In some cases, the user's limbs and body simply separate and reform in another location.


  • Teleportation may cause spatial disturbance, allowing highly sensitive opponents to track down destination.
  • She can only produce 3 Shadow selfs at one time.
  • She is not able to teleport things separately without her being there or in contact with her.
  • She isn’t able to transport very heavy things, she is limited to the mass of several people or a car.
  • May be required to know the area they are teleporting to in order to teleport properly.


Fiora was born with the unnatural ability of knowing her past lives. Each one was a skilled fighter who was full of wisdom and skill. Her powers seemed to have stemmed from her first past life interacting with a foreign object. It was a odd illuminating purple rock with strange shadowy power forming from it. Ever since the first Fiora interacted with the stone every other Fiora has the knowledge of the past one. Fiora has easy access to her latest past selfs, they do not control her body, but are more of wise leaders of he past. She has attempted to reach her earlier past selfs, however they only show her what they want. She has a vast amount of personal experience and knowledge of the past.

Fiora born with this knowledge was different from other children. However this didn’t stop her from being her own person. Fiora still learns new things and doesn’t act like she knows everything that happened. She stills have problems controlling her power and her body is still underdeveloped for most of the skills her past lives have taught her. With her skills she took to fencing at a young age and has loved it ever since. However, she accidentally used her shadow cloning ability while in the middle of a competition and was disqualified for being a "mutant." The X-Institute finding out about her they decided to see if she was willing to join. She was introduced to the Institute at the age of 10, and jumped at the chance to be able to train and mature quicker. She has been in the Institute ever since and has grown faster as a skilled swords woman, than any past life before. She has spent most of her time abroad for training and researching her mysterious origins. Now she has come back to the institute to continue her heroic studies.



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Character Sheet

Name: Ushima J. Ryumi

Nickname: Ryu

Alias: Dragon Flare

Loyal to: X-men

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Ryu always wears a mask to hide his true persona. This mask makes him seem like a bubbly, happy-go-lucky person. The reason for the mask is that his parents were killed by a person who he thought was his friend. All because he was a mutant and the 'friend' knew. He didn't want to be hurt like that ever again, so he never trusted anyone ever again and tends to hid his true persona.

Though, his true persona is one where is silent yet kind and extremely intelligent. His silence comes from the fact that he was never all that talkative and constant bullying from other kids. He choose to ignore them and remain silent only talking when he wants to say something. His strategic brain comes from his dad always playing strategic games like shoji and stuff like it. Finally his kindness comes from his mom telling him to always remain kind to others.

Abilities: He can transform into a dragon and control anything to do with heat. When he transformed into a dragon he is a black and red eastern dragon. He always loved the heat and hated the cold as well as water. When he first found out he could control fire, a small camp fire someone had left behind was attracted to him and burned his shirt off but didn't harm him at all. He had found out he could transform into a dragon by accidently transforming into one when he was at the orphanage and in his bed. He was kicked out into to the streets after that.

Weaknesses: He has never liked the water and can't be in the water for long periods of time. He also tends to hide under his mask and has never showed anyone his true persona after he was betrayed. He also gets colds really quickly and he gets really grouchy in the cold and rain, it's like his fire has been put out or something.

Bio: He was born in Dallas, Texas and he had a loving family all the way up until his parents were murdered. His parents and him were camping when the fire was attracted to him. His mom and dad told him to not tell anyone, he didn't follow that when he met his 'friend' who killed his parents. This 'friend' who he trusted with his life that betrayed him when he found out he was a mutant. Ryu had told him that he was one and the 'friend' betrayed him and killed his parents. His 'friend was never discovered as the murder and he was sent to an orphanage where he first awoke his powers. He was kicked out of the orphanage when he was awoken by him transforming into a dragon then back into human. He quickly ran away after that and he ran into Professor X where he explained that his mutant abilities where a gift and he could help him control it. Ryu didn't have a choice but to follow the professor and so he did. He had joined the X-men about three days ago from the present.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Ryu.png.1e6ee5519a0f701a6f4edd61d3aea939.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64202" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Ryu.png.1e6ee5519a0f701a6f4edd61d3aea939.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@Sheaon13 I'm pretty sure this RP has died off a while ago. You're a bit too late to the game, sorry.
If you want to join RPs then make sure that you check the time of their last active posting. This one has been dead for months now.

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