Wyld Whispers on the Wind (OOC) [A Legacy of Dreams and Destruction]


Well to start off, are 'each man to two different positions' plan is in danger....

Major Graces So far.....


Entertainer (Cup)


Worker (Ring)

Entertainer (Cup)

Worker (Ring)


No diplomats (Staff)

I'm thinking a courtier which helps with that

but would that leave me as vizier of both....?
I might be willing to switch from Artisan to Panjandrum. I have only one question for our fearless DM:

Would causing the Freehold to erupt into a musical be more of a Cup or Staff action? :wink:
Glorious ST, can you outline for us what to keep in mind when we build our characters?

Like, regarding the freeholds etc., do we pay for 'em in background-dots, do we just get 'em?

If I we don't have to mind anything, my character is done... ;)
I would say it is Staff Gryffon.

I haven't quite pegged down Chargen. I wanted to give everyone a free locked in birth of 3. If you don't like it I can understand, plead you case and I might fold on it. It's a free three points you don't have to worry about, helps keep some things equal, and from the descriptions on the different trait levels on p97 it is appropriate for your characters. There will be other things as well, I have a couple of parties to go to, and I have three shows to perform this weekend, so I will probably get all this stuff to you guys early next week (Monday most likely, maybe Tuesday).

Locked in, free Freehold of 3 as well. You all have two pennants but you will most likely not be getting a hold of the Cysts, at least easily.

Also let me know what you think of locked in free Gossamer of 3. Possibly four. Hoping the "yay free stuff" masks the obvious balancing between the groups. If you would rather buy up your own Gossamer so that it can be higher or lower priority that is fine, it would just be free for all of the group or free for none of the group.

More to come. I need to get some sleep.
Also, obviously keep in mind that you will have to work together. We should also start establishing some of our little slice of Wyld/Creation. What direction(s) are you guys interested in? Location isn't really a big deal in the Wyld, but what chunk o' Creation do we want our stability side Freehold to be in? As well as settling some group dynamics. I would prefer we work on our characters out in the open instead of in cloisters so that we can get a nice cohesion going. This isn't a DnD "for some reason all of you are in a tavern, busty wench says there is trouble in the hills" sorta thing. I am not insinuating that is what is going on, just giving an extreme example, no insult intended.
I like Free Things, but I'm not as keen on Locked-In. It's sort of a strange area where...I mean, any of the Fey Backgrounds are going to give us oodles of nifty. The jump from Artifact 3 to 4 for Raksha is pretty extreme, and Style 5 is certainly nothing to scoff at when you waltz into Creation. As you said, we're working together. It behooves us to function with our own specialties. And honestly, if someone wants Gossamer, it's not even that hard to get a terrifying amount with a few simple charms and a scene or two of work. So I don't really see it as as much of an issue. If we were competing, I'd feel differently. But we're not.

With that said, could I craft an Assumption charm based on the appearance of Magitech? It's a consideration I've been working on.
Well, my char, as it stands now is planned with a 3/4 dot Gossamer, so all that'd be cool with me.

So I'll get rocking on that Xia - I can still adjust the dots I guess.
I like the free stuff, and it makes sense since we're all siblings at least in our origins......that said, some siblings could be better at different thingswether it's more in tune with the gifts of the Birth or more skilled in the gathering of Glamour......perhaps allow locked in stuff to be bought up for 3-4 bp per dot, giving the option to those that so desire it (even if it is a little inefficient....)
Gossamer was just thought of for balance reasons, but if it feels too constricting I will just leave it be at the free Freehold background and possibly the birth, because I am still not entirely sold on freeing that up.

There will be a fully fleshed out chargen either tomorrow or Wednesday as I get my life back.

Also, Gryffon, you are go to develop magitech assupmtion tree. I dislike the inability to be a metal man from beyond the bounds of reality, and there is no one currently without a liberal interpretation of the elemental assumptions. What kind of things were you wanting it to do?
Personally, I'm still confused over how Fey versions of Artifacts work...

Also, if you're giving free points, why not start us all with that and let us develop on our own from there? We have to use freebie points to raise above 3 on backgrounds anyway, after all.

Edit: Re-reading the artifacts section, I'm starting to get it.
Copied from Echoes of Absence:

I am ill. I won't be doing much work on my game. Sorry players.

I am not oinking to the best of my knowledge so I should be back on my feet soon.

Yeah, artifacts are made from graces. Not necessarily yours. And depending on which grace it is it becomes a different kind of artifact. If you want "normal" artifacts you want Ring artifacts.

EDIT: Better?
Speaking of Graces and artifacts, I'm planning on giving my character a Srishti Oath. I'm assuming that such an oath has to take the form of an actual item but I'm uncertain. If so, I'm thinking of having him have followers whose Heart Graces he owns and whose Staff Graces he uses to shape the oath to keep him from putting his own at risk. The problem is, I'm not sure what artifacts can be forged from a Heart Grace...
Axelgear said:
Speaking of Graces and artifacts, I'm planning on giving my character a Srishti Oath. I'm assuming that such an oath has to take the form of an actual item but I'm uncertain. If so, I'm thinking of having him have followers whose Heart Graces he owns and whose Staff Graces he uses to shape the oath to keep him from putting his own at risk. The problem is, I'm not sure what artifacts can be forged from a Heart Grace...
Hokay, just as Graces are Things, Artifacts are things--Oaths might be a vague prophecy scribed in the band of an unadorned golden band, or a large sandstone tablet ala the Ten Commandments. No artifacts can be made from a Heart's Grace: Staves become Oaths, Rings become Treasures, Cups become Spells, Swords become Behemoths.

Common practice states that most Raksha don't turn their own Graces into Artifacts--that makes them more attractive to steal, yeah? So Graces you've bought or won in Quests are commonly turned.
But the book specifically mentions under Retinue, five dots, that...

"You command a legion of 300 commoner raksha and five heroic commoners whose Heart Graces you possess (assuming you possess an Artifact rating high enough to justify such possessions)..."

So that would seem to be a problem here. I'm just curious about this for the sake of the Retinue background.

As for the Assumption Charm bit, if that was directed to me in any way, I'm still honestly overwhelmed with possibilities. I'm starting to think some animal aspect combined with the fire aspect will be likely.
Axelgear said:
But the book specifically mentions under Retinue, five dots, that...
"You command a legion of 300 commoner raksha and five heroic commoners whose Heart Graces you possess (assuming you possess an Artifact rating high enough to justify such possessions)..."

So that would seem to be a problem here. I'm just curious about this for the sake of the Retinue background.
I'm thinking it's a ST matter, but most other Retinue levels seem to assume that you don't have to purchase Heart's Graces you own as Artifacts, even less so considering that they don't provide benefits beyond the scope of Retinue itself. It'd chalk it up to a throw-away line that meant to infer that poor Raksha don't often own Heart's Graces.

As for the Assumption Charm bit, if that was directed to me in any way, I'm still honestly overwhelmed with possibilities. I'm starting to think some animal aspect combined with the fire aspect will be likely.
I think it was referred to me.

...I have no idea what to make the benefits of being Magitech.
Gryffon said:
...I have no idea what to make the benefits of being Magitech.
A point of reference might be the Dragon king TechnoMorphic path or if you have access to a copy of the old alchemicals book(or better yet the new one, though that will be a few weeks/months yet). Also, I have this image of a classic transformer fae headmaster........Battle begins and you turn into a giant robot head, then your warstider body comes along and put's you on top of it's headless body.... In a more mundane approach, think of charms derived from the magitech implants.....

And of course you need a charm to replicate an essence cannon.....No proper cybor-magi-almagam-thingy should go around without a built in Laser arm.....
Alright, well, I'm going to have a Retinue. Calmcacil is a perfectionist of the art of war, and he's naturally cowed more than a few opponents into service and drawn more than a few admirers.
Just wanted to drop a quick line: I'm quite sick at the moment.

So my character's gonna take a little longer, I'll get to it when my head doesn't feel like exploding anymore.
Axelgear said:
Alright, well, I'm going to have a Retinue. Calmcacil is a perfectionist of the art of war, and he's naturally cowed more than a few opponents into service and drawn more than a few admirers.
Keep in mind, the explanation need not be so in depth, with just a few charms and a dash of glamour you can craft your own entourage easy enough....
Yeah but... What's the fun then? If you're just creating your followers, there's no challenge, any more than one might find challenge in swinging an ax.

Which is not to say that he doesn't have a horde of created warriors, it'd be inefficient to gather them all, but it's far less interesting to do that for all of them. Besides, a retinue means he doesn't need to divert himself from his drives and distractions with things like crafting.

Celebrimbor Calmcacil takes an interest in Creation. Fighting in a place with laws and definition to him is like a mortal warrior fighting with a hand tied behind their back or a blindfold on; it adds to the thrill of it all. If all you want to do is sleep in your dreams and fantasies, why ever leave the Wyld?

That's his point of view, at least, or the one he pretends to have.
ha! Too true good man, can't let things get boring....

A thought struck my on the magitech thing last night.....What about a charm that effectivly duplicates a Skin Mount Amulet but is designed to house a cyst or pennant instead...?
Sickness is waning and my show is closing this weekend. My work will continue and I see no reason that we won't have a first post of actual gameplay the following weekend.

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