WWe (Actual RP)


New Member
Finally! an Rp that involves WWE its been awile but the actual RP is up finally so have fun and dont forget... if you havint joined already, heres the link for the sign up thread http://www.rpnation.com/index.php?threads/wwe-rp.11138/#post-404716

it was January, the begining of the year for the wwe once again! Everybody is now looking forward to royal rumble at the end of the month. This was the first Raw of this year and cm punk is going to start things off with a bang when his music is the first to go off on this episode of Raw.

everyone was quiet at the begining of the show some people still coming into the arena for the upcoming show when The cult of personality's song rang acrooss the stadium everybody stands up screaming.

After the second's went by cm punk walks down the ramp toward the ring. after getting into the ring cm punk looks around the audiance not surprized that the stadium was packed for the begining of the year.

"So! is everybody ready for Raw tonight!?" cm punk stops himself to here the audiance scream the answer "yes!"

"Good! but there is one person tonight that is not looking forward to the year! nor is he looking forward to tonight because that... person will have to face me the best in the world...Tonight or else ill make him and that person is... John Cena!" he stoped to here the crowd scream and cheer for what they just herd!"

"cause you see im the best in the world and i have to prove that because apperently john think his time is now! Pfffft! thats a load of crap cause tonight tonights cm punks night and im here to prove that!" there were allot of cheers and allot of booing when cm punks music started again, as he proceeded to exit the ring!
(((If I got the two commontaries wrong just tell me. Its been a while since I've Role

Played on wrestling. Ring rust if you will.)))

*Shadow by theory of a deadman starts to play thoughout the P.A. Surround sound

systems. Bandit starts to walk out down to the stage. With a clam, and looking alive.

He doesn't look to pleased to see the crowd. No motion from him, at all except him

walking to the ring. And ignoring CM Punk. Holding the mic. In hand. The crowd has a huge reaction and mixed. Not sure how t0 react to seeing a deadman walking. As reported was on the news everywhere around the world.*

Cole:Oh my, its the legend. Bandit "The Show Stealer" He's supposed to be....dead?

Tazz: Cole, the last time we ever heard of Bandit. He had a date with the reaper. By

reaper, I ment death. What a shock. I didn't go to this guys funeral. I just heard. I

mean..? Literally a shock what is he doing here in WWE? Did Vince...?

*As Bandit slides in the ring. Taking his time to get up. But just really crawls on

the ring mat. Crawling around, walking like a dog as if. He smiles at the cameras

below the ring. And nods in a yes since.*

Bandit:Don't fear the reaper.

*After being on the floor for almost one full minute. Bandit gets up, with his music

still playing. Bandit starts to fill of his body, his chest, gut, and face. While

holding the mic in the other hand. His music stops as the fans start to chant

something. Bandit understands what they are chanting and just looks around at all the

fans. With a pleased look as if he enjoyed fooling them all. Fans believing he was

dead for over three years.*

Fans:Faker! Faker! Faker!


*Bandit begins to speak into the mic. But he decides not to...letting the fans finish

chanting. Bandit walks over to a turnbuckle and sits and waits. He even checks his

watch on his left hand wrist to check the time on how long this is going on for. Then

looks around at the fans.*

Fans:Faker! Faker! Faker!...

*Bandit then interupts the crowd*

Bandit:Alright thats enough. Shut the hell up...

*The fans, all of the fans even Bandit's old fans. Those who remember him even boo him for the disrespect. Bandit chuckles to himself.*

Bandit:Oh come on! You know you love me! Three years I've been gone and wrestling has been dule! We all know why!...

*Bandit mocks what John Cena doe's. A you can't see me mock. Bandit continues laugh to himself.*

Bandit:The reason I am alive is becasue no man alive can keep me down. Not the reaper, no one.

*Bandit looks into the cameras. Actually talking to the Undertaker.*

Bandit:Most of you are probley thinking I'm digging my grave for talking sh*t but being away from this ring for years. Makes me crave there rage to kick my ass. I want them to be mad. I want the chellange. You all know that! Why did I fake my death? Why was it soo real?

*Bandit licks his upper and bottom lip. And looks at the camera thats in the ring. At close range.*

Bandit:I did have cancer. But I beat it...I beat the reaper...when your sitting on your bed..believeing your going to die...things start to come to mind...past and future...this...

*Bandit points at himself. Pointing at his middle chest.*

Bandit:I'm not done in this life just yet. It cost me a few to make the news believe I was dead. And a few extra..I have a few more goals to accomplish. One being bringing back hardcore to this place. bringing back blood, sweat, tears, enough of this PG bulls**t! Let me be this first of tonight to dare to chellange anybody...Undertaker...Cena...Triple H...one of you want to come out here and shut the jack in the box up? Or do I have to come back there and kick your ass Bandit style?!

*Bandit looks at the ring camera. Shots a bird, and doe's a just bring it sign. Ready for someone to come out. And respond.*

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