Other Writings mainly based off / fanfic on BSD!


Your Local Wanderer
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
A BSD AU --->

Chuuya Nakahara has one of the biggest bounties off the black market, yet no one figures out why until they see him. Which would be the last thing they see. Dazai works under an organization named the Armed Detective Agency, yet the head of the Port Mafia has struck a deal to this fine boy. What was the deal exactly? Another undercover spy, just for the likes of Chuuya. The Port Mafia be world wide known, they are still considered one of the most deadly. Mainly because of their control and how to make others fear, as well as the amount of money they put to their technology.
The Armed Detective Agency also had an upgrade. Ever since a brunette thy is so fond of, Atsushi had entered the crew. Their goal? What detectives do, duh. Yet on all of their minds lay the blue-gray stormy eyes held from only the one who wields such fiery flames for hair. But what comes to be when Dazai hits a nerve on Chuuya's spine? They always say the back bone is the most important bone in the body. One that keeps everything intact. Just like memories. So when Chuuya finds himself stuck in a trap, conflicted on catching his memories, the only one to look up to would be the bandaged freak.
"What are these red lines-"


"If you could do anything, what would it be?"

"Go back in time and re-do the shitty things I regret."

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ·˚ ༘ ꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ ♡



I scaled the thick, stoned walls that was in my way, tree branches tangling in my hair. I was in a hurry. Hurry? What for? I had no apparent reason to be rushing, but my guts told me what I had to do. It told me. I let out a shaky breath when I reached the top, my gloves already mangled and dusted. I could've sworn my cheek had a small cut from a twig, but I paid no attention to that. I had the perfect view of the city. Yokohama. Buildings were scattered near every open space, and night walkers whished past in hushed voices. The moonlight lit up my eyes as I gazed upon such beauty, the beauty of a galaxy. A galaxy of stars. My only time filled with peace be here, because around this area, no one ever looks up. No one can spot me. I am just a rouge.

Just somewhere off, I heard a rustle and I let out an annoyed sigh. Though I find peace here, there are few people that know this place. And one of those people just had to be him. Him.

"Gazing back up at the stars again, fellow twilight fox?"

I clench my fists but lower myself so I was in a crouch position, both arms at my side.

"What are you doing here, bandage wasting machine?"

I heard a low chuckle above me, and a few seconds later the brunette was standing with arms crossed besides me. Tch, just as I was saying people never look up...

"All I'm doing is going to your favorite place to annoy you, but don't worry, if it gives reassurance I can say I came here to give you some company. Though I'm sure a loner like you wouldn't want that."

"I know your mischievous schemes, young bastard. Your here for something else, but be glad I have no time to pry in things that aren't important."

The sound of a pair of soft lips inhaling entered my ears, and Dazai's voice clearly lowered on purpose.

"Ah, you seem so interested in seeing such pathetic view yet the life you live barely grants you much favor..."

I give an eyeroll, but don't meet his gaze. The light wind seemed to be teeming with tension, and my lips were pressed together.

"If you question humanity, humanity will question you."

Oh boy do I have a story to tell you.

Chapter 1 New
The wind whistled through my ears as my hair flew like pools of clouds in the sky. My joints ached, feet sore from all my running. How did it even get to this in the first place?! Can't believe that bastard actually managed to-


I suppose I should explain...


On the day of one of Yokohama's biggest festivals, I was out and about. It'd be a rare time to see me in broad daylight, yet being hidden by a mask cut me some slack. People were bustling around in all kinds of traditional clothes such as kimonos and montsukis. Bright lights were displayed in nearly every building and booth while music sounded. The noise level was so high I could hear my ears ringing. What festival is it exactly? Yokohama's sparkling twilight festival. It was odd to think my birthday was just the next day when I turn seventeen, but giving myself a treat once in a while was normal.

Not normal for a criminal.

Tonight, people were supposed to gather and light fireworks to show their spirit, all the while wearing masks. The masks were really just for cultural reasons, but I'd put it in a way that it showed you can have fun with anyone, despite their hidden looks.

I was casually strolling around on the wide paths, blending in with the crowds as I went, when a booth caught my eye. It was merely gloomy, as if it was a drug dealer's stand, and when I got close I saw a young brunette smoking in the corner. He seemed to be around my age, come to think of it.

Smoking at this age? Then again, I would too.

I held back the urge to cough at the smell of smoke filling my noses in waves as I approached. A few other men were also hanging around the stand, hanging up a few charms. My eyes narrowed as I watched one man fiddle with something tiny. A red light flickered on and he stuffed it in another thing that was supposed to be set out for onlookers to buy.

Cameras? That's a new one...

I only gave a glance more at all the items splayed out, before starting to leave when a tall, somewhat handsome man with a shade of brown hair I couldn't quite distinguish called out to me. It even had a reddish tinge, as if the color of a nice blush.

"Not interested in any of these, are you?"

I slowly turn around, thinking they found me out, when I caught the slight amusement in his gaze. I gave a curt nod, thinking I could leave when he spoke again.

"Then what things are you looking for?"

I sighed and walked back over to the booth. It was clear I had no way out of this one.

"I'm not really looking for much, especially here. After what I've seen, I decided I don't want cameras in the things I buy. Privacy is a need for any human being, and I'd suggest you all respect that, unless of course, you lack that trait."

The man seemed slightly surprised, then chuckled.

"Those could be explanatory. We do have things 'camera-free' though. Care to buy few Chinese Drawing Candies? Us countries do have similarities in the things we make, and it seems these small treats are a big hit."

I watched him set out a few sticks covered in some sweet liquid that had to be dried to take the form it is now. These were actually quite good, and I haven't come across another stand that sold these. I lifted a finger and pointed at a quite detailed sugar dragon.

"How much for this?"

The man seemed to look to the side where a paper was glued to some wood, clearly the prices were written there. Something shimmered near his chest, a pin, that undoubtedly read his name.

Oda Sakunosuke.

Oda, huh? Sounds...

"That'll be ¥411.29 yen, please."

I let out a small huff. In American currency, that'd equal to 2.89.


I take out the exact amount from the pockets of my outfit, slapping it on the table. Odasaku seemed pleased though it was just a little amount of money. I bowed my head, about to excuse myself with candy in hand, when I felt the strands of my mask begin to slip off. The red markings and white base with carved fox ears flashed before my eyes as it fell to the ground with a thud. I stared dumbfounded at it for a few seconds before I realized my face was showing. Wasn't covered. I was close to panicking and before I could bend down to lift the nearly shattered traditional, and well worshiped mask, the brunette boy did.

Don't look at me...

Don't look at me...

Don't look at me...

He looked at me. We locked gazes and I could've sworn I saw surprise etched along the rims of his eye lashes and brows under the façade of coldness. It was clear he was well done with poker faces because as soon as I caught the look, it vanished. Was I imagining it? Our fingertips brushed as he handed me my mask, a all I could manage was a small squeak of,

"Thank you..."

My Japanese was so out of the jar as if I didn't know how to speak the language. I quickly attempted to shove the mask back on, giving a long look to the bandaged freak boy before scurrying away. I hadn't even responded to they way my hands shook, how the candy I bought merely fell from my fingertips, and how I scrambled away to let it be trampled on. Why was I so scared exactly?

That boy was from the Detective Agency. Osamu Dazai, Nullifier of All Abilities. No Longer Human.

He was known for being one of the few people in this world that had an ability, a powerful one at that. And being in such organization didn't put me at ease. The Agency was looking for me, and if he finds out...


What exactly was that boy doing with such men? From whenever I ever came across posters of the Detective Agency, he always wore light colored schemed clothes. But right now he was matching the men around him.


What exactly was Dazai doing, matching with these men? They all gave off some odd aura, an eerie one that I'm not too happy about. That Oda man...I heard his name before. Sounded familiar. For Dazai trying to blend in meant some sort of alliance. But between whom? An alliance for something big...cameras...an alliance that possibly had to do with me?...

I only know few organizations that stand a chance capturing me.

That man Oda had to be from the Port Mafia, but why were two enemies collaborating?

Chapter 2 New

When I had escaped the bright lights and terrorizing glare from that boy Osamu at the festival, I panted against a wall. I wasn't sure how long it had been, but the moon was already drifting. I slid my mask to the side so I could breathe fresh air. Ever since Dazai handed me back my mask, it felt suffocating to wear as if I were drowning in a ocean, always close but never close enough. Seeing the creepy eyes that were painted on it made me shiver.

Taking a few minutes to have a breather, I heard a small ring and a gentle vibration against my thigh. I had attached several hidden pockets to my kimono for tools, and I had to admit, over the months I had been using them they became more and more useful for solving undercover 'self-missions'. I fished out my phone, reading the caller entitled 'Aku ׂׂૢ ♡︎'.

"Akutagawa, at this time...?"

I mutter, answering the call. A slightly rough voice sounded at the other end of the line.

"Chuuya-san? Where are you? It's getting late, don't you think? I got some news about that festival you're attending, you really shouldn't be-"

"The brat from the Agency? Yeah, I ran into him by accident. He saw my face."

"You should be more careful next time. I can't afford for you to-"

Die on me?

"I know, I know. I will be...promise."

I say, cutting f the younger male. Our relationship wouldn't really be considered deep since we only share a home. Technically he'd be my only 'family member' left that I'd consider, but nothing more. We are both loners. When we have our own 'missions', we go our separate ways. I guess you could say we're each other's life support, only company?

"If you're worried when I'll be back home, chill, kid. I'll be back soon in thirty minutes or so."

Akutagawa was currently 14, and I had known him since he was 10. We both had no parents, so we took refuge in an abandoned home after I found him on the streets. I couldn't leave him, could I? I stole money to support us, and now we lived in a fine house. Sure, I had fears Akutagawa might turn me in to the police force, but he also had a bounty from the crimes he committed. We were bonded, strung together. Sometimes, I wished we could live off the amount our bounties were. Life would be much easier then. But then again, life never was easy.

"Right, see you soon, Chuuya-san. Be quick, I just ordered food. You wouldn't want your meal to be cold for tonight."

The call ended and I stood there in silence. I shoved my phone away, glancing at the duffle bag I had set in the alleyway I was in earlier.

"A little night walk in peace would do me good."

⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪

I walked along the ridges of the bridge, the road silent. No cars passed by, which was odd, though it was reasonable since the festival must've caught everybody's attention. I let out a sigh of relief, relishing the new sense of peace.

Before, I had changed clothes in the alleyway with the clothes stuffed in my duffle bag, but I still wore the mask I got from a merchant in the festival which was settling at the side of my head.

The dead silence irked me, but I sat down on the railings. Not being scared of heights was a good thing because I enjoyed seeing such scenery to much of an extent. If only I was free, away from the clasps of any pair of cuffs...

A bell rang in my head and my thoughts went back to that brunette. He had a sweet ability. It was sad I didn't have one. Kids before the age of 15 can successfully achieve the honor of getting an ability, but if you don't, you're stuck being basic.

I let out a soft hum, blowing away a loose strand of my hair that fell before my face.

What ability would I want if I could get any?

Being sixteen, well seventeen since it'd be considered the next day, irritated me. Those without an ability like me were useless, defenseless. I, over the years of my youth, trained hard so I was well done over with physical combat. That's what had helped me after all the worst scenarios you can imagine happened to me. Yet physical strength cannot help with everything.

Over all these things, one problem I couldn't solve that always nagged me for all the time I lived would be my identity. I didn't know a single inch about it, at least not behind the years of 7. 7 be my favorites number, and also a nightmare. I wasn't even sure if I was human, or if this body be mine. Was this why I had no ability? Am I that pathetic and weak that I must be counted out of the human population? Am I living off lines of code?

No, Am I even real? Is this all a dream-

A sudden flutter of a paper gliding in the wind broke my thoughts, and in seconds, I spotted a crumbled piece of worn out paper settling in my lap. Cautiously, I unfolded it to read a set of scribbly hand writing.

Someone sure was in a rush...

I looked around, but I couldn't see any trace of someone lurking around. So I decided to read the small note. It was a gut feeling, not me.

"You look as if you are tainted by sorrow..."

I stare at the piece of paper, letting the words seep in.

What did that mean?

I threw away the paper, watching it float away so it drifted into the water below. I didn't realize my body was so tense, so I inhaled a few deep breaths like I did in the alleyway. Gradually, my breathing slowed. After a while I let out an annoyed groan. Anyone would be paranoid, especially if you're thinking someone was following you and calculating your every move.

"Who the fuck is out there?!"

I clench my fists as I stood up. No reply came, but I didn't expect one. Only the sound of the soft buzzing of fireflies were heard, a soft glow basking my face each time they got close and lit up their tiny 'tails'. I caught sight of some flickering movement and I wasted no time in leaping off the railings. Something was running away, and I needed to catch it. Off the bridge I went, past the several twists and turns of the road as the fleeing 'thing' took a hard right to an old gravesite. I slowed my pace, scanning the area.

They vanished?! But how-

I take a few steps forward, checking all the graves as I went.

"Piece of shit! Why waste my damn time..."

I growled, sitting besides a grave. I let out a sigh, reading the lines that were engraved into the stone.

- Paul Verlaine
Ability Name Not Found
Ability Use: Gravity Manipulation
Titles: King Of Assassins
Personal Information Missing

"Holy shit, he's gotten himself an interesting life..."

I mumble. I had the choice to go back home and eat the food Akutagawa ordered, or starve while sulking at how I lost the bastard that was following me. I slid the mask off slowly, heart skipping a beat when I saw a flash of right light inside. I froze.




There was a camera in my mask.

Chapter 3 New
Dazai does not work.
Dazai is in the Armed Detective Agency.
He is a spy, but not a threat to the detectives.
What will Chuuya do?
Will death be at his door?
Or will it be from within?

"Why do you wish for death so greatly?"

"What is the point of life when the happiness you seek in the end never comes?"

⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪


The gentle sound of 'whoosh, whoosh,' rolled by each time I spun around in my chair. Per usual, I wasn't working, but come on! Let a sixteen year old have a break for once. Yet again, it was my fault for deciding to join the Armed Detective Agency.

Oh wait, introductions...

I'm Dazai Osamu, but don't expect me to smile when you consider me by first name. Let it stick with Dazai. I joined this so-called Agency a year ago and also managed to snatch a kid besides me while I demonstrated one of my famous suicide methods. You should try it sometime. Anyhow, that kid-

That kid was an orphan.

He unfortunately was kicked out from the orphanage he stayed at for personal reasons, so when he ran into me, he had the instinct to save my poor little sorry ass from the beautiful currents of Yokohama's rivers. Great. Just great. To top it off, that kid's name was-

"Hey Dazai, you know Kunikida is going to kill you when he finds out you've been 'kindly' forcing me to do your work. And this has not been going on for just today."

- Atsushi Nakajima. That's his name. Due to being in an orphanage, his white cherry blossom colored hair had been cut with jagged lines going in every direction. How utterly awful. Soon after we 'joined', or more like was on 'hold', we were tested for our entrance and found out our abilities. Atsushi's ability, Beast Beneath The Moonlight, would be a cool power to be if only I didn't nullify it the second it-he touched my skin. My own ability's name though was much more reasonable.

No Longer Human

I wasn't human, and that could be easily seen. The way I wish to save lives despite wanting to end my own. The fact I always imagine seeing screeching kids begging for help while I shoot their mother in the forehead. Three times.




No. It wasn't like me to think such things. I was a mistake being simply brought into this world of living hell. I could hide my emotions well behind my faithful mask of lies, yet I feel so empty inside. Lonely...so very lonely. I wasn't human, no, I was a monster to society. A psycho. I'd die laughing at bleeding corpses, soon to become one of my own. Why am I like this? Why?

The day I entered the Armed Detective Agency, a old man approached me. He made a deal with me. Who was it exactly? Ougai Mori. The Port Mafia Boss, leader of one of the most feared organizations in Yokohama. That deal, 'till this day, is making me shiver. That old fool promised he'd make me feel human, apart of this world, so long I help him with his own problems. Few of his problems.


"When you kill humans, the population decreases and when that happens, you'll slowly blend in with the others. Having too much is always bad, aren't I right?"

My eyes were cold as ice, a mere frown slipping past my lips. Blood spattered my face as a knife was sliding across a man's throat. The final wail, final breath, and final time they would widen their eyes in such fear. Their body convulsed, then went dead limp. My pupils were slits as I stared at the body that would soon be eaten alive while rotting, being fed to the small insects and bugs the outer world holds.

'I'm only fifteen...what did I do?'

End of Flashback

"Dazai? Are you oka-"

I shot up in my chair almost immediately, then shrank back. I smiled in a jolly manner, but I was practically scowling inside. My stomach clenched, as if fighting the urge to spill out all the emotions I was containing.

"Yes-yes, very fine. You already know I want death, so Kunikida-san would be doing me a favor! Now, are you going to help me work on these files? They sure are a l-"

A loud, angry voice rang over mine as a yellow haired man (that couldn't be counted as blonde) stomped forward so he was in front of my desk. I nearly jump when the older one slapped his hand against the wooden frame I was leaning on.


I heard Kunikida hiss, and I could've sworn his nostrils flared with actual smoke going into them.

Oh yeah, this was Kunikida. Though his appearance may seem like a math teacher, don't let it fool you. He was so easy to rile up and very obsessed with his ideals and schedules. I swear, he can marry them one day! This man was supposed to be my 'partner-to-be', which meant I had to wait two years before working by his side. Romantic, isn't it? Actually, I'm getting sick while thinking about that...For now, me and Atsushi had to stay away from 'battle-field' cases, such as when things get a little bloody. Why was this so complicating?
"Sorry Kunikida~!"

I grin, holding up two hands in surrender. My tone was playful but the latter clearly disliked it. Atsushi on the other hand simply sighed, walking away from all the chaos to come. I would've too, if I could.

"Sorry?! Then I should say sorry for what I'm going to say! YourlazybehindisnottoleratedhereandIhavetherighttomentionthistoFukuzawa. Soifyoudon'tworklikehoweveryonehasbeendoing,consideryourselffired!-"

Re-lax! I 'will' work...later, and besides! If you keep yelling at me like that you'll get wrinkles. Angry temper always makes hair loose."

Kunikida paused, taking out a small notebook.

"Is that so? Don't get angry, hair loss..."

He spoke, walking away from my desk. I laid back in my chair, relieved to be done with that.





I groaned, but pick up the phone from the slot that sat on the desk near the stack of papers I had to do...'later.' When I answered, the voice on the other end seemed in a rush.

"Dazai! Boss sent out new orders, and he's requesting you to deal with this. Odasaku just now realized at that festival, that ginger haired boy, is-"

Right. That boy. I forgot about him. His storm gray eyes with a blue hue were so...dazzling. I couldn't even sleep last night because I was thinking of him! I should've asked for his name...oh how I wonder how nice it'd be. That boy seemed shy, though. He probably wouldn't answer to a freak like me. His hair color was also one I've never seen in real life. Heh, one of a kind, I suppose?

"-is Chuuya Nakahara!"

I pursed my lips. Chuuya? Pretty name...wait-

"You mean the one with the big bounty?!"

"Yes, him! We just recently checked the camera you slipped in his mask and the footage showed..."

But by now I had ended the call.

I had met the great Chuuya Nakahara and complimented him?!

≪ °❈°≫≪ °❈° ≫∘₊✧──────✧₊∘≪ °❈°≫≪ °❈° ≫




There was a camera in my mask.

≪ °❈°≫≪ °❈° ≫∘₊✧──────✧₊∘≪ °❈°≫≪ °❈° ≫

How? How did that boy manage to-


Of course. No wonder he was so quick to grab my mask.

I stared at my camera, teeth gritted, as I noticed something off. How the camera was purposely around / near the areas my mask had holes, and faced away from me. I gasped, plucking it out and crushing it.

They recorded my voice. They know I'm with Akutagawa. They saw his number, and where I am now. Are we in danger? What now?

I threw the mask away, stumbling to my feet. So much had gone wrong in heartbeats, and I couldn't even fix it. Yet. I was putting Akutagawa in trouble. We had to move. That was the only way. If I kept the house still under my name, that stupid Agency- or was it just Dazai?- and Port Mafia will think I still live there. I give one last glace at the grave, wondering if I should visit again later, then walked away.

Why did I want to visit that stupid person?

hat, I did not know. But I did know it was a gut feeling.

But from now on, I know I have a very clear rivalry. That rascal, Dazai Osamu.

Chapter 4 New

My heart thrummed in my chest, breathing ragged and uneven as I spammed the doorbell. My mind was blank so my body couldn't even process I had the keys in my left pocket. A moment later, the door swished open, the young black haired male I had been waiting for all this time on the other side.

"Chuuya-san?! You're late-"

I silence Akutagawa by taking him in a warm embrace. I knew he wouldn't like the news I was going to tell soon, so I took a few seconds to calm down. Akutagawa seemed to understand, and we stood in the doorway, the cold air occasionally making us shiver.

After what felt like hours, I broke away, but my hands remained on his shoulders. Akutagawa's hair, which ended in white tips, tickled my fingers gently as I stared at him intently. I took a few deep breaths just like how I always do when I get too angry, anxious, and...you get the idea.

"Let's...settle inside. You're probably wondering what happened, so I'll explain once I change out of these clothes and relax with that food you ordered, 'ight?"

Akutagawa nodded.

"Sure, Chuuya-san!"

✰¡! ❞✰

I sank back into the leather couches of my home, possibly the last time I ever would. I stabbed a chopstick through a whirlwind of noodles, (the one dear Aku ordered but id now cold) then shoved whatever I got onto it into my mouth. I knew it wasn't the proper way to eat with chopsticks, but I didn't care to eat with manners right now. Akutagawa sat across from me, lips pursed.

"What did you want to say to me earlier?"

Why were you in a rush?

I swallow the last bits of the noodles in my mouth, thinking of my next words carefully. How would he react?


I gulped, setting the cup in my hands on the coffee table in front of me. My throat felt so very dry, like a desert."

"That boy you mentioned before, from the Agency, I did tell you I had run into him. Him and some other Port Mafi member, which clearly meant an alliance between the two, were selling few traditional items. I bought a candy, and...well, my mask fell off and they saw it just like how I told you. Unfortunately, Dazai picked it up before I could and therefore managed to slip a camera in my mask."

Akutagawa narrowed his eyes.

"When did you realize?"

I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Too late. They've recorded my voice and know I have few things tied to you. Soon enough they'll find our house too."

Akutagawa practically jumped to his feet.

"What?! I know what you're implying, but I have no intention of moving. All our hard work can't go to waste now!"

I look up at the furious 'child', ( which he was, of course ) with a flash of sadness creeping along the outlines of my face. ( No shit ofc your outlined...)

"Akutagawa...moving away is better than our hard work going to vain and going to jail-"

"Maybe being sent to jail is the better option! What life do we have, Chuuya? If it weren't for our continuous stealing we'd be on the fucking streets! We lost the ability to live a normal life, lost our family, and now we can't even have a damn home?"

I stood up, bending down only practically a centimeter to be face level.

"We aren't going to be living in the alleyways like wild dogs, Aku. We'll get a home don't you worry. This house will still be under my name, so after they realize it's a decoy, we'll be back here in no time."

Akutagawa gave me a small glare, then looked down. I knew by now tears would be pooling around the rims of those eyes of his so I puled him into another hug. This time, instead of fear, a hug full of trust and comfort. The tiny sniffle from the younger one was muffled by my shirt as I pat him gently on the back. Sensitive as always, little Akutagawa.

He took a few more minutes to calm down and wipe away his tears before breaking away. I give him a small smile, to which he only mirrored back.

"Now, why don't you go to your room and pack up the most important stuff? We'll be up at 6:30 AM, so you'll need your beauty sleep."

I give him a wink and the latter nodded, stalking into the hallways. I heard the groans and creaks from here, which meant he obeyed and was going upstairs. I shake my head and chuckle to myself.

Now where is your resilience, hm?

After a while, I follow suit and trailed off to my bedroom. An oddly chill wind brushed against my skin and I caught sight of the window open, the curtains billowed in wavy shapes. Had Akutagawa opened the window? No, he would've informed me and closed it when he left my room.

I shut my bedroom door, a red light flickering somewhere. Turning on the lights, I saw a small piece of paper sitting on the windowsill. Again? Who was sending these? I carefully picked up the note and slipped it open to read:

"A fox roaming around midnight...daring much."

I snickered at the nickname, crushing it in my palm. I close the window and toss the note into the garbage can.

I had no time for such stalkers, so why even bother?

↺ ᴿᴱᴾᴱᴬᵀ ‖ ᴾᴬᵁˢᴱ ≫ ᴺᴱˣᵀ ˢᴼᴺᴳ ∞ ↺


Outside a light drizzle was playing as me and Akutagawa kept heads bowed. We went this early knowing only those who worked would be out, but who knew crowds of people worked at his time. Every now and then, someone would bump against me as I hissed, then I'd have to lower my hat more s no one would recognize me. Akutagawa had it easier. He wasn't really a top criminal, so he wasn't popular, meaning a single hood would do him good.

My nose twitched at the smell of a sweet aroma coming from a stand nearby, but I kept my mouth shut. I knew Akutagawa was hungry because he kept glancing at all the food booths we went past. But we knew we couldn't buy anything. Yet. We were in a rush.

I suddenly let out a small yelp when I ran into a woman. She had bright red hair that matched her soothing lips that seemed more heart shaped then normal, and even a paper umbrella that was shoved under one of her arms to protect herself from the little rain. The woman turned around and smiled.

"It's alright, darlin', just watch where your going next time."

I nod, and she turned to Akutagawa.

"Is that your brother? He sure got fine looks like you. Where you two headed?"

I grimaced. I couldn't afford a small talk, but something about this lady made me feel...calm?

"Ah-actually, we're..."

She widened her eyes, then let an apologetic look sprinkler face.

"Orphans, I see? Do you have an orphanage? Or are you two on these bare streets?"

I clenched my fists. We're not that filthy, old hag...We still had a home-or, well, a decoy now.

"Neither, really. We're actually looking for a home. We-"

Akutagawa tugged on my sleeve and I shut up. The red headed female softened her gaze.

"Oh really? Bad situation, I suppose. If you want, I don't mind helping...!"

I cocked a brow at her, even Akutagawa puzzled. No way in hell was she going to help us. Doesn't she know we're criminals? Unless-

"I just moved into Japan this week and Yokohama called out to me so I bought a home. I was actually born here but then moved away when I was young...anyways, my new home has two bedrooms, so I was thinking if I could take you two in? You don't need to accept, it's only an offer. You can leave anytime, like when you buy that house your looking for!"

Right. She didn't know I had a huge bounty over my head because she just moved in here. Great time to take advantage of that.

I was quiet for a few moments, then broke into a smile.

"Yes, thank you ma'am! I'm handing my respect to...?"

The red head grinned back.

"Kouyou Ozaki, but from now on, you can call me Ane-san."

Akutagawa and I both bowed our heads at her slightly, before she clasped both of her hands in hers. I was surprised by the warm gesture, but slowly adjusted to it.


It was mid evening when me and Akutagawa entered Kouyou's house. We were late because Kouyou had a whole shopping spree for extra food, snacks, and even clothes despite us already having some.

The smell of fresh flowers just blooming was scented everywhere as the two of us check out her home. Kouyou- or 'Ane-san' had already said our bedroom was the mauve colored one. Akutagawa and I split ways, me going to the kitchen and him leaving for the full upstairs. Where I went, the air changed into a cinnamon and spice scent and I could see Kouyou dishing up a few things. I sat on one of the 'high' / 'bar' stools, watching her do her thing. I wondered why I accepted this offer. To me, she just seemed honest and actually interested in our lives. Did Akutagawa want to be here? I never asked for his opinion. Am I too hard on him?...

I hadn't even realized words flew out of my mouth before it was too late.

"Ane-san, why did you consider taking us in so fast?"

I saw the older one pause in her duties, her head craning over her should to look at me as she replied.

"You both don't deserve to live in the wild. No one does. You two just proved my point. Sure, you have some money and are planning to buy a house, but you're still children. And...well, you seem like you'd be actually my relative.

I flinch, looking down. Was that last part even true? Kouyou really did look like my sister or aunt. Perhaps it was our vibrant hair color that matched? I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You alright? If you aren't comfortable staying here, you can just say it-"

I instantly replied in heartbeats, flabbergasted at how she thought how negative I was.

"No!- I mean...no, it's not you. It's just that I feel guilty, doing this to a woman like you."

Her brows furrowed.

"What do you mean? Why would you be guilty?"

"It's because I'm a criminal."

Chapter 5 New

"It's because I'm a criminal."





Kouyou gasped, then lowered the heat of the stove as well as her voice.

"How? What such things have you done? Is this how you lost your past home?"

I kicked my feet slightly as they hung in the air, too short to reach the bottom to where the floor was at.

"Complicated. It'd take a while to explain. But if I had to keep it short, I'll say I sorta stole from a few places and did really shitty-bloody stuff to buy a house. Yet all of that went to waste because someone caught onto my tail. So now, I'm just using that house to, well, divert attention..."

My voice level continued to decrease until it stopped running. Even Kouyou was quiet, which made fear crawl up my spine.

Did I scare her? Will she turn me in with Akutagawa? Was this a mistake?

But as soon as those thoughts chilled my mind, the red headed woman let out a faint chuckle. Surprised, I looked up, beyond my orange strands of hair that covered my face like a cage a flames.

"Chuuya-kun, if you really think I'd hate you for doing those, you're wrong. Sure, you did plentiful bad things, but a child should be forgiven. If such adults didn't, we'd be the monsters. Every kid needs a childhood, do they not? Life will always bring karma as punishment anyway to those not faithful."

Her cheerful tine kept me astonished, but I gave her a tiny nod.

"Sure, any kid does."

The two of us continued our chat as she resumed cooking dinner. I also gained more knowledge about her like how she worked as an accountant in one business, and as a secretary in another. I didn't even know one could be both, which made the tiny lump of suspicions grow. I shoved it away quickly. If Kouyou worked hard, good for her. That's one more person to look up to, and I'm not proud saying that.

The buzz of a phone jolt me and 'Ane-san' waved a hand around as she answered the call. I got the hint, finding the urgency for privacy high. I excused myself from the kitchen and headed for the hallways. It was quiet, meaning Akutagawa was probably asleep.

Poor kid.

If it weren't for me, he probably would've gotten money and lived a normal life normal humans lived. But now he's stuck with a not-sure human. I probably cursed him. Akutagawa didn't have an ability yet either. In a year and few months, it'd be impossible for him to get one, and I knew he wanted one. Badly. I dreamed of getting my own, but has he? Has he ever wished for a certain ability? Has people ever started stalking him? Sending flying notes on the windowsills of the house you can't even recognize as home yet?


Never mind. That was me. It's always been me. My cause, my fault, my existence. Me. I accepted living here with Kouyou. I was the one who let my face be seen. I was the one who corrupted Akutagawa's life. And the odd thing was, the younger one never blamed me. Not once.

<-- Ugh I feel like this is repeating -->

I crept up the stairs, a room's door slightly ajar. I pushed it fully open to hear the soft breathing coming from the limp body on the bed. Akutagawa's chest rose up and down in swift motions. I took a few steps to the child that looked so utterly vulnerable and tiny. Shaking him, I whispered a few words.


Aku~! 2

Aku~! 3

"Aku...food is almost done. You'll be starving in the morning."

The soft groan that was heard left the latter's lips as they stirred. His nearly shoulder length hair was disheveled and eyes half lidded. I knew he was hungry because we didn't have anything besides that morning before we ran into Kouyou.

"What...? Seriously? I was having a good nap..."

I snorted, seeing the pout on his face.

"Then have a nap with an empty stomach, see who feeds you."

"What do you mean? You're obviously going to make me food because you care too much about me. I'm so special." (Material Gurl?!)

He said, crossing arms over his chest.


"Well, it won't be just me. We have Kouyou now, remember?"

At first, he looked confused, before realizing what I meant.

"Oh...right. Forgot we switched homes. I just-"

"Yeah, yeah, attached too much to your little prized possessions. You'll have to get used to living here though. We probably won't be able to afford another house until a month, with or without stealing."

Before he could interject again, I quickly reply.

"Now run along. Ane-san is probably sick of us continuously coming late. Don't be rude! She seems like a...fine lady."

Akutagawa gagged, but sprinted out of the room and down the stairs. I snapped my fingers, and the small note that was tucked behind the closet doorknob reappeared in front of me.

"Jeez, what stalkers actually know how to stalk properly these days? What ability do you even have?"

I sigh and take the paper in hand. I've gotten used to this routine, though I've only read it twice other than this. But sometimes it got on my nerves. By sometimes, I mean all the time. My fingers unfolded the tiny object, eyes scanning over the words.

"Don't run away from me. Important information is all you need, and all I have. One who you think is kind may have a mask on now, or in the future. Tread lightly, my little twilight fox~"

I scoffed at how the air in the room changed so quickly. First they stalk me, now they're offering help? Utterly ridiculous. What kind of maniac would do that, are they mental or something?!

I clenched the papers, holding in a breath as I though.

Who were they referring to? There'd be only one kid I trust, that's for sure.

I heard, from downstairs, Kouyou calling my name so I hid the note in one of the drawers of the nightstand. With controlled, steady steps, I made my way out of the room. But when I looked at Kouyou and Akutagawa, I couldn't feel the same about them anymore like before.

·̇·̣̇̇·̣̣̇·̣̇̇·̇ •❣•୨୧┈┈┈୨୧•❣• ·̇·̣̇̇·̣̣̇·̣̇̇·̇

After gaining the permission, I was able to explore the inside of Kouyou's office. I didn't mean to be nosy, but it didn't take much to convince her either. It was well furnished despite her just moving in, yet was also clean. Clean besides her study desk / office table. Papers were scattered everywhere on the smooth board and even stamps were in a frenzy. Other things-pins, clips, highlighters, pens, pencils-weren't in the right place either. It looked like a rabid dog went through all these things, searching for something particular.

I let out a huff, gathering a few files which were empty. A good guest should help out. Not that in any way I was good.

In went the writing utensils into a cup, while I used the clips to keep everything together section by section. Having this much stuff really did prove she worked jobs. Though...I did have a small urge to read some of these. Being a bit cautious always done someone a good favor. Especially if your life may be in danger you don't knw about. So as I stacked these papers together, I read few lines. Just a few. Few became paragraphs, and paragraphs became full papers.

I was about to drop my guard and give up on all this searching for 'nothing' when something else caught my eye. Two big letters were splattered on a case that was in the desk's drawer, one that I had opened.

Hm...suppose I read it.

: ̗̀➛𓆉`✦ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹✧.*ੈ✩‧₊˚⤝

The halls echoed the click of my heels as I smiled without a stop. These corridors be s darn long it wasted my time. A fan was propped in my hand, fluttering uselessly at my face. My pale skin lit up from the vast amount of sunlight coming from the huge glass window on my left. An old man's voice called out to me.

"I've been waiting, Kouyou."

I nod, seeing him sitting on a chair that faced the scenery.

"I know, Ougai. I have reports on that child. He even has another with him."

"You know I'd rather you call me Mori. It's what I always go by, though don't think we're close in that way. I prefer woman under the age-"

"You continue that sentence and I'll happily gouge your eyeballs out."

I say, walking past yet behind the chair he sat on. I stopped few feet away from his desk.

"Seeing my executives happy brings me my own joy, so I'd rather you not. But that's a offer I'll remember. Now about that boy, Chuuya-kun..."

I lower my fan and instead bring up the sleeve of my kimono near my mouth, as if in a polite way to speak.

"Well there's no doubt he has no ability. He hadn't talked or shown any signs of one. The young boy besides him, Ryunosuke, still has a chance. About a year, but I'm pretty sure it'll develop. He has a strong bond with the ginger, and they aren't biologically related to have the same genes. I guess Dazai-kun's camera did help after all. I figured he just wanted to stalk the beautiful boy. What a good lad. He should join us (Dazai) then stay in the filth he is in now. Chuuya-kun already counts me as a sister, and I too for confessions have to say I'm quite attached. Keep him alive when I bring him. He'd make be a faithful member."

Mori smiled along, his usual, as he intertwined his fingers in his iconic way of sadism.

"Your opinions are priority, as always, Kouyou. Suppose Dazai-kun handle Chuuya-kun though? Both aren't in the mafia yet, but if they form a bond, that's one less person needing some 'convincing'."

"Right. I can't ever go against your orders anyways. When do you want him?"


Bonus! New
"Ah, the irony drips from your words like ink spilled upon parchment, an attempt to paint me with shades of lament. To revel in insignificance, dear interlocutor, is to embrace the shadows that swirl around one's very essence. In my critique rests the truth—an unflinching gaze into the abyss of our shared inadequacies. As for Dazai's praise, it is but a fleeting whisper upon the winds of fate, sought after like a phantom in the night. I do not dance upon the strings of validation, nor do I wither in despair without it. My existence resonates within the darkness, a resolute echo in the shadows. Praise from the illustrious may elevate the soul, yet here I stand, encased in the elegance of my own darkness—both a phantom and a master of insignificance, defiant in the face of fading light."

- Akutagawa

I'm just making quote ideas...

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