Story writing while waiting for a train


For here I come to kill the rotten heart.
Well that has been a weird encounter. Kuu was happy being out of the dim house. But he did say hello be back at six..if this has been a good idea, if stuff keeps going like this Mr.Lee might be working in complete darkness at night. No this would be absolutely weird, and he didn't want to think about this lonesome life he'd would live through then. A huge sigh escaped his lips. Then he decided to call his chief. He needed someone to give him advice how to handle this guy and yes by this guy he thought about Mr.Lee.
"Hu, Kuu you??", the first perplex reply of his chief. "Yes, it's me. Sir, I ... I know you said this'll be a new challenge but exactly how?", he regretted it instantly having said it that way. He sounded completely desperate. On the other side of the line his chief started laughing and not just a bit but nearly manically. The signature laugh of his chief. After he catched his breath: "Now come on Kuu, you've never been someone to just chicken out because of a difficult start. That's why we think you'll be a great addition to this old gorgon.", seemingly happy he added: "Ah but if you want some advice he absolutely adores curry. Something about spice helps him collect himself or so. But I have to go now!", and the call got cut. Kuu who wasn't able to process what just actually happened stuffed his phone into his pocket after just standing there for straight up one minute. He decided to go home for now, search up a good indian restaurant and visit Mr.Lee at six with some curry.
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