Story writing while on a train


For here I come to kill the rotten heart.
"The hell you want?", was the first reply Kuu got. The guy in the door standing there in just boxers and one sock had the darkest circles under his eyes that Kuu ever saw. He wondered if that really is the house of the guy he's going to work for the next year's. The guy in the doorway was already closing the door again, seemingly pissed. "Ah sorry! Are you by any chance Mr.Lee?", is the only thing Kuu stammered. The only answer he got was: "Hu?! Can't you read signs kid?" And he pointed with his cigarette in the direction of a completely overgrow sign at the garden gate. Kuh looked into the direction just to turn back around right after. "Uhm Mr.Lee my name is Kuu. I was sent from the headquarters, I'll be your new assistant from now on." The man before Kuu looked him up and down making him feel even more uncomfortable as he already was. After staring Kuu to death for what felt like minutes he just turned around going back into the house without having said another word. Except that he left the door wide open. Kuu has never before been so unsure about entering a house. Is he now allowed or not. With those thoughts he fastly catched up to the man. They arrived at a living room, or that's at least what Kuu could make out in the dimly lit room. The room was a monsterous mess, everywhere old boxes of ordered food, tones of books midst piles of clothes. In the background Kuu heard music playing with the dirtiest lyrics he would have imagined. The guy seemingly being thee Mr.Lee scratched the back of his head before just shunting away a tremendous amount of old magazines away, which seemed to only contained certain pictures Kuu would have preferred to not see. Finally a small bit of a desk became visible. "Well if you are this assistant you claim to be, you've come at the wrong time. I only work at night. But if that's nothing for you, I'm completely capable keeping track of my deadlines myself kid.", Mr.Lee said unfazed. He disappeared into another room without another word. Kuu stood there not really knowing what to do. He decided to go for now. "I'll be going then. I'll be back at six." and with that Kuu closed the front door behind him.

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