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Cat-girl central.™
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Going to use this thread to put my samples/random writings so there's a place peeps can refer too for some examples too see if we'd mesh style wise. ♪
A witch on a journey. [Original world]
“Look, I can understand not wanting them to tag along, but you really want me to stay home too?” The pout is evident in her voice even if Iliyas animal form couldn’t physically express it. A feline of small stature and pitch black fur would jump from her spot on the desk to the unmade bed in the middle of the room, making a show of going into the girl's open bag that was still being packed.

“You can just pretend to be alone, I won’t make even one single peep.” She’d begin to purr, about to get comfortable before interrupted by Alouette’s hand reaching in and lifting her out by the scruff of her neck.

“You mean so I can do the work of carrying you the whole way?” The young witch would reply, eyes rolling as she gently places the cat down on the bed.

“Is it so wrong for me to go somewhere by myself for once in my life?”

“When it’s leaving me…Yes.”

Alou couldn't help but smile at that, shaking her head in comical disbelief as she reached into the large maple wood wardrobe to gather a few more of her clothes. When she turned around, she saw Illiya had transformed again, her human form now lying across the bed with her tail swaying back and forth languidly, black cat ears laying flat in clear dissatisfaction.

“And what if you get hurt?” She’d ask, her voice laced with an uncharacteristic concern.

“Look, dad thinks I’m equipped enough to do it. That should be all the reassurance you need.”

Iilya sighed dramatically, her limbs hitting the mattress in defeat.

"I don't even get it," she said. "It's a five-day journey one way, and that's only if the weather's good! Aren't you going to get bored?"
"Some of the best magic thrives in solitude," Alouette replied.
"Blah blah blah, whatever. By day three you're going to be out of your mind and then the madness will take over. You'll be wishing you included me!"
Alouette laughed, even though she could feel the treacherous threads of guilt tugging at her heart as she lied to her father’s familiar.
"C'mon," she said, slipping her fully packed bag over her shoulders as she motioned for Iilya to follow her to the front of the compound. "I'm sure everyone will want to see me off, and I need to get going before day break.”


The dappling sunlight that filtered through the gaps between the leaves would shine over a sizable sphere of labradorite, its iridescence flashing deep blues and bright greens, the colors dancing across the stone while the winds rustled the branches of the trees. The seal that would prevent the sphere from being moved would give way to the recognition of what blood ran through her veins, letting her fingers trace over the symbol carved deep into the small wooden shrine, the runic letter one of her fathers own creations.

It would be a clear marker she was going the wrong way– if she had any actual intentions of traveling to where she had told her father.

The truth would be she’d been crafting a plan for a few months now, slowly working on him, getting him comfortable enough with the idea of her going on one of her routine routes around the base of the mountain without some of his familiars or himself tagging along. He’d been reluctant at first, but she told him she’d stick to the same route they’d been taking since she was sixteen and eventually he’d caved.

Having mapped out the nearest city, she made sure it was about the same distance as the trip she had proposed to her father. The young witch felt confident she could traverse the surrounding forest and be able to make it back, maybe even sooner than she’d estimated if she didn’t stop for too many breaks. While she really would have liked Iliya for company– she couldn’t risk her father being able to sense his familiar leaving the barrier.

As she stood up from admiring the shrine, the invisible line marking the end of his territory did feel….daunting.

The barrier kept out ill-intentioned beings from being able to harass the towns and villages that surrounded the base of the mountain, the five shrines connecting the lot under a vial of powerful magic and she had, admittedly, never stepped a single foot outside of it. Practically taboo, if he ever found out there was no doubt he’d flip his lid– but his refusal to up her training was getting ridiculous. If he didn’t want to teach her, it only forced her to take the matter into her own hands.

Alou would hold her breath, holding on tightly to the straps of her back pack as she shut her eyes and took one long stride. She’d pause, looking around to see if perhaps her father would instantly appear out of nowhere and ruin her trip before it truly began. However, after a few moments of nothing but the sounds of the forest, she would give a reliving sigh and smile brightly to herself. The afternoon sun gave her hope that this was going to be good, a shining future was ahead.

After all, how bad could it really be?


The first day of travel was uneventful, a simple trek that was not unlike what she was already accustomed to and by the second day she was confident that the whole trip was going to go completely smooth– that perhaps her dad really was just overly paranoid.

It wouldn’t be until noon on the third day where things would take a turn.

The sun would be unable to penetrate the thick, dark clouds that had shrouded the morning sky. This wouldn’t usually be a problem, but this was a dense part of the forest and now it was painted a gray and gloomy hue by the lack of light. The vibes were not it, but she didn't have much choice. It would take more than a few rain clouds to scare her away.

Walking the overgrown path she couldn’t shake the feeling of eyes on her– chalking it up to paranoia she wouldn’t pay much mind, humming to herself to keep her own mood bright as she continued on.


Alou would immediately stop her little song, turning on her heel as she quickly looked behind her. Finding nothing she tries to laugh it off, she’d been raised in the forest– was she really going to freak out because some animal broke a twig?

Before she resumed her light-hearted tune, she noticed something peculiar. The forest was eerily silent, devoid of any other sound. This was when she began to take her feelings seriously. A quiet forest was never a good sign. While her anxiety began to rise, she kept herself calm, more aware of her surroundings as she traveled further into the depths of the forest. The rumbling of thunder could be heard in the distance, indicating that the storm was rolling in faster than she had expected.

By this point not only was she on edge, she could sense something, or someone. It builds up and builds up until she suddenly turns around– ready to confront whoever this could be as she hears the rustling of a bush. She waits for a moment with baited breath as the sound from the thicket gets closer until— A rabbit would jump out! Its nose twitched at her before quickly disappearing into the underbrush. Staring for a moment in disbelief, she’d breath a sigh of relief.

“Ha…Haha..” Calming her racing heart she’d turn back around, only to be met with a man standing incredibly too close to her the same time a rumble of thunder shook the ground.

She’d scream, leaping back, as he’d smile- the sharp, inhuman teeth of a demon gleaming in the dark forest.

“I must say, I’m surprised you caught on so early. Most humans aren’t so…Perceptive.” He’d say, casually speaking to her as if he didn’t just contribute to the worst jump scare of all time.

Alouette placed a hand over her heart and tried to calm her breathing as she assessed him. If it weren't for his teeth or dark eyes, he could have passed for human. Everything she had read about demons suggested that they didn’t really enjoy the overworld, preferring to stick to the under. So what was he doing up here..?

Hostility at least seemed veritable, maybe she’d get lucky.

“I didn’t think another one of you would come this way again after the last batch” He’d continue thoughtfully, taking another step forward. “Did I not make it clear last time? I don’t want another one of you on my territory.” while the words were accusatory, his tone stayed light-hearted.

“Oh uh..Totally my mistake,” She says, giving a laugh as she sheepishly rubs her neck in hopes he’d be reasonable. “I’m so sorry. I can turn around right now, don’t want to continue to be a bother as you enjoy your alone time!”

He shakes his head, moving closer to her. “Oh, no, no. In fact, I’m glad you showed up today.”



“Yes, I was getting quite hungry.”

….Not lucky.

He stops in front of her and looks almost remorseful for a moment, “I’ll give you two choices. If you stay still, I’ll make it quick. Run and I’ll make sure to have some fun.”

Alouette would stare up at him, even if the terror was clear in her eyes she’d carry herself as if she wasn’t about to die.

“If..If I don’t run, can I pray first?”

The demon would tilt his head but quickly shrug, crossing her arms as he nods.

“I’m a demon, not a monster. Say your prayer.”

She’d wring her hands together, fingers moving in off motions while she says a few words under her breath. It would only be a few moments later before she sighs.

“Alright, I’m read–” and before the sentence could be finished the young witch would be turning and running as fast as her feet could possibly take her.

The demon smiled, clicking his tongue..

“They always choose run.” He is about to pursue her but as soon as he tries he finds his feet stuck to the ground, unceremoniously falling face first. He growls, yanking his ankles only to find some kind of root had taken a hold of them. His head whips down the path the girl took as he rips through the fibers.

A million thoughts would race through the young girl's mind as she desperately tried to think of something she could do. She'd been able to stall him long enough to fall for it but she doubts she’ll get that chance again. Before any kind of plan can form there’s a burning sensation suddenly taking over her scalp and she's yanked backwards. The demon lifts her by her hair, his smile replaced with something more strained as he throws her hard against the trunk of a tree.

It knocks the winds out of her and she finds herself scrambling to get up, gasping for breath while she can hear him laugh

“That kind of force would have immobilized a normal human….But you aren’t one, are you? That little trick you pulled back there…I must say, It’s been quite a while since I got to play with a witch.~” He hums, crossing the distance unhurried as she tries to get up to run. Just as she’s made it to her knees he grabs her arm and lifts her up again. His claws dig deep into her muscle as he dangles her in the air, blood running down from the wounds as she screams and thrashes against his grip despite the pain.

“Tell me,” He’d say, a curious tone taking over as he pulls her close for a moment. “How much do you think your body can take?” There would be no time for the answer however as he tosses her back down to the ground, watching as she writhes for a moment before still being determined to run. He lets her get to her feet. Running a few feet before she stumbles and falls over, forcing herself to get up once again. He pursues her with no urgency, enjoying the show.
Adventures in Paldea. [Pokemon OC]
Porto Marinada, despite the time of year, seemingly always held onto the warmth the shining sun would still provide the seaside town. It was a welcome change to the chill that had recently begun to take hold in Lumiose and she was more than excited to be absent during the end of year rush that always hit the streets as people desperately tried to get some last minute shopping done.

Blonde curls whipping from the sea breeze as their boat continued to chug unto port, she’d give a small glance down to her pokemon partner- whom looked terrible, glaring at the waves as if they were the cause of his misery and not the fact that he’d refused to get into his ball even when being prone to seasickness.

“Maybe you’ll actually listen next time, Brioche.'' She chastised the poor dachsbun, leaning down to pick up the miserable creature while trying to ignore the warning sounds of his breakfast threatening to make a second appearance over the railing of the ship.

“We’re almost there! Just hold it together a little longer, okay, buddy?” The pokemon gave a weak wag of his tail and Paisley would try to keep him steady in her arms as she called out for her Rotom phone. The small device yanked itself from her pocket and floated conveniently in front of her as she tried to nurse her poke-partner to some kind of stability. Paisley would go over her recent communications- it was a bit poor on her end, if she was honest.

The professor had suggested trying to get to know one another, but with the chaos that was trying to figure out what she’d be needing to make this move, that little task fell by the wayside as she’d return texts with the bare minimum possible. The most she’d typed had been just this morning, giving her time of arrival to the young researcher as well as some generic message about being excited and thankful for the opportunity.

She’d have the little electronic helper send another confirmation text, telling him that her boat was pulling into port soon. Dachsbun seemed to perk up as the ship came to dock, eager to not to be on the vessel, he’d wiggle his way out of her arms and through the legs of the crowd of passengers lining up to be checked off the boat.

“Brioche!” She’d call out, trying in vein to reach for his ball in her pocket but- he’d be too far gone for the device to capture him any longer. She’d curse under her breath as the dog pokemon made his way gleefully off the ship. He’d planned to just wait for her to get off as well, but as soon as he darted out of the boat he was greeted by a full port- eager chefs and auctioneers waiting for high value items from their connections overseas. The chaos and yelling was enough to set him running again in a panic, frantically ducking and dodging the people around him until he finally backed himself up against one of the brick buildings. Set on edge in the new atmosphere, he’d growl at passerbys as he tried to rein in his own feelings.
Hellhound doesn't know what fairytales are. [Helluva boss OC.]
“So - Goldilocks, like, just breaks into a house that belongs to three burly gay guys and while she’s there using all their stuff, she hears a knock at the door!” The hellhound would pause for dramatic effect, curls matching the namesake of her costume framing her face in a rare instance where she actually wore it down. “The wolf says ‘goldilocks, let down your hair or i’ll blow your house down.’ and since she’s *not* the owner and doesn’t know if they have insurance, duh, she of course does it. So the wolf comes in and..” Jezebelle would pause, looking in thought for a moment before shrugging- their ride coming to a stop in front of the loud bumping bass that poured from the club studioes.

“Uh, there’s something with her being in a coma and then a *kiss*-” She’d bat her eyes at Mo, playfully, as she said the word “-from the wolf that wakes her up! She puts on glass slippers and then they all eat something called ‘porridge’ and live happily ever after!” She claps her paws together, the driver of the car coming around to open the girls doors.

“Human fairytales are so exciting! I’m so happy you agreed to do this with me!” Her tail wags fast enough to sway her canary yellow skirt tantalizingly from side to side after she steps out of the car, heels clicking as she’s quick to not linger in the crazy streets of pride. Jezebelle would interlock her arm around Morello’s while letting her eyes roam over her the *millionth* time tonight.

“Plus, I knew you’d look *right ace* in this costume!”
Posh buisness pup. [Helluva boss OC.]
In the world that Jezebelle had slowly been crafting for herself since leaving home, there was no room for something like *self-doubt.*

*‘Insecurity is a killer,’* she could hear her mothers voice, *‘So you strangle that bitch before she can get to you.’*

Her parents were both egotists, driven to be the best by way of self pressure and expectation in their respective lines of work and it was a trait that was easily passed onto her. It wasn't that she thought she was better than other people, but the trust she had in her own judgment and belief that she always did what was best, definitely made her *feel* better than the average hellborn.

So as she finishes unwrapping the last of blonde ringlets from the curler in the bright light of her vanity there’d be no pep talk or self-help voxtube videos playing in the background to hype her up for her first time topside alone, instead only the sounds of *her* girl’s new song came thumping melodically through her sound system. She’d long memorized the words, but it was always good to have them fresh on the mind. The succubi going up top was sweet, sweeter than most of the stars she’d had the ~~dis~~pleasure to work with.

But with that came a bit of shyness, a reluctance in her demeanor that was great for the camera and drooling creeps over the internet but not so much for charging their way through the other candidates. Giving stars an ego boost was all part of the game and she planned on making this girl into the cash-cow she knew she could be. Hopefully she could pass some of that lovely wisdom from her parents over to her without crafting a grade A bitch in the process.

And speaking of the proverbial devil, There would be a sudden vibration that’d cut its way through the blaring music and with a quick yell of ‘***Sexlexa, pause***.’ she’d be unflipping her cellphone, holding it up to a twitching ear as she checked herself out in the mirror, immediately going into a tirade she was more than prepared for.

“Honey, baby, you’re going to do great! It’s– … Oh. Already?..... Yeah, it’s no problem. I mean ***told*** him 9:**45** not 9:**30** but, you know. It’s so totally chilllllll.” It was, in fact, not chill. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll be outside, no worries.”

She’d snap her phone shut and send a small glare to the open window, true to the succubi’s word the uber she’d scheduled had arrived earlier than expected. Maybe a bonus to some, but not to one who likes to plan every minute of an important day. Quickly packing her the hot pink purse that’d match her power suit, her heels would click against the marbled tile of her apartment as she made her way out the door, taking a large hit of her vape pen in the process.

It wasn’t that big of a deal and as she slide into the car next to the succubi she wouldn’t let any annoyance show, only a bright toothy smile as she kissed the girl on her cheeks in a greeting before the driver would begin the route to the office.

Lucky for him the former aggravation would easily be forgotten as she opened her phone once more, fingers scrolling to the very top of her text messages where a contact named ‘Bartender Babe [Morello]’ stood first and foremost. It’d been a few weeks since she’d met tall, dark and ~~goofy~~ beautiful bartender but it’d been clear from their first interaction that, at the very least, they has some *very* compatible tension. Her smile would turn to something more genuine as she was careful to tilt her phone in a way that prevented her client from seeing the rather risque pictures she’d sent the other hellhound a few days ago, under the guise of just wanting an opinion of her latest lacy purchase, of course. Below such would be the plans for today, the latest having let her know that she’d be meeting her at Ten in front of the office building.

Jez had of course offered to pick her up as well, but the hellhound had insisted she had her own means of transportation. Which might have worked out for the better– A hired bodyguard arriving independently looked better on paper, anyway. After she’d send a quick ‘See you soon.~’ she’d tuck the phone back into her bag in favor of talking up the succubi’s talents, reassuring her that today would be no problem.

The bright purple neon sign that’d read ‘**STYX CO.**’ would shine brightly against the perpetual dusk the lust ring found itself in, the building itself was large and imposing though still managed to blend well with the architecture that would surround it. As the driver opened her door she’d feel a familiar sense of excitement rise the day ahead.

“Oh, go on and head in, Emmaline.” She’d motion for the girl to enter the building, “Someone will grab you some coffee, I’m sure. Make yourself comfortable, I’ll be there soon.”

Jez couldn’t help but vividly remember the hesitation that’d cross the bartender when she suggested the idea of tagging along topside but she’d hoped those worries would be quelled when she saw it really was pretty lax up there. At least…The times she’d experienced. Sure, there was *recently* an attack by some fish monster during one of Verosika’s sets but the chances of something like that happening twice in a row was just asinine to assume and thus, that thought wouldn't even be able to grace her thoughts as she eagerly waited for her other diamond in the rough to arrive.

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