Other Writing Samples & Stuff


Unlucky Member
Hey, TechnoMantis here! I just thought I would share some writing samples here when given the chance. I don't know how often I'll do this but if inspiration strikes me, I'll post something here. Well, that's about it. Happy reading!
The shrill beep of an alarm clock pierced the quiet morning air. Jarvis groaned, his hand fumbling across the nightstand until he found his phone and silenced the intrusive noise. For a moment, he lay still, eyes closed, savoring the warmth of his bed.

With a deep breath, Jarvis pushed himself up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. His bare feet touched the cool hardwood floor, sending a shiver up his spine. He stretched, arms reaching high above his head, feeling the satisfying pop of his joints.

Shuffling to the bathroom, Jarvis flicked on the light, wincing at its harsh glare. He splashed cold water on his face, the shock fully waking him. As he brushed his teeth, he studied his reflection in the mirror, noting the pillow creases still visible on his cheek.

Back in his bedroom, Jarvis pulled on his running clothes and laced up his sneakers. The early morning air was crisp as he stepped outside, the neighborhood still quiet. He started his jog, his breath creating small clouds in the cool air.

Thirty minutes later, Jarvis returned home, feeling invigorated. He showered quickly, the hot water soothing his muscles. Wrapped in a towel, he padded to the kitchen and started the coffee maker before returning to his room to dress for college.

The aroma of fresh coffee filled the apartment as Jarvis, now dressed in a blue sweatshirt and blue jeans, re-entered the kitchen. He poured himself a cup and added a splash of milk. As he sipped the steaming beverage, he checked his phone for messages and scrolled through his calendar for the day.

Finally, Jarvis grabbed his things and keys. He headed out the door, ready to face whatever the day might bring.

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