Story Writing dump I guess.


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All things I’ve written. Most of which are wips.

here’s one lol: ocs Captain Borwant & Captain Refholt. not adding context bcuz don’t feel like it.

There’s wallowing echoes of dying screams along the rock walls. The Shield veers carefully between them and the jagged boulders hidden under the water.

“What do you think happened here?” Asks Borwant from beside his captain counterpart. The navigation room’s floor shifts with the ship as the Shield passes through the chasm.
“Not the foggiest,” he takes a brief moment to puff his pipe, calming his nerves. Borwant’s ship had already made it past, by simply flying over the narrow earth.
“You said it was wide enough, right?” “O‘Course, couple hundred more meters and it’ll start to widen out a bit.”
They come along a curve and he turns the wheel sharply.

“Don’t oversteer, now,” “I’m not.”
The Shield inches along, hands gripping the steering wheel so hard Refholt worries they might mould to it. The fore nearly misses an overhanging cliff, the starboard side nearly is scratched to bits by the jagged death below, but Refholt is of steady hand. The boat slides through the thinnest area, almost without strife, turning into the wider chunk. Borwant slaps the back of Refholt.
“Good coordinating, Cap’n!” He chuckles, prideful. Refholt releases a breath he’d been holding for the last minute.
“You helped, thanks for that,”
Borwant leans up to kiss him on the cheek.

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