Advice/Help Writing A Plot! (Help)


New Member
I'm in the middle of creating my very first roleplay! The excitement is unreal and I can't wait to get it out on the site! However, I'm stuck in the process of writing the plot. I know what I want the roleplay to be about, and how I want it to be "layed out". I just can't get my mind out on paper! If i could get some tips, or even better, some help writing the plot, I would be forever in your debt!
I'll do my best to explain what I want the roleplay to be about.

The roleplay will be highly inspired by the Tom Clancy series, specifically by the video game Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands. If you have experience with Tom Clancy's work, great, if not, don't worry, I'm sure you'll be able to give me some valuable help anyway.

The roleplay is to be set in Africa, in the fictional country of Nagombé. (I made up an African country in order to not get in to any arguments or offend anyone on this site.) Nagombé has been suffering for a few years by bombings, shootings, abductions and other horrible attacks on the people. Who's doing this? It is the vicious terrorist group known as Insert Fictional Terrorist Group Name Here. They have one goal, overthrow the Nagombéan government and gain control over the nation.
In order to stop this, the Ghosts are sent to Nagombé, behind enemy lines to wreak havoc and completely destroy the terrorist group.

I hope I made myself clear of what I want with this roleplay. This is a very basic idea of the plot as I want to get other's help and advice on how I can write it more "complete". I want the roleplay to be realistic and detailed.
Thanks in advance!
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Honestly I don't see anything wrong with the plot as it stands. Other than perhaps explaining exactly what the Ghosts are and how exactly they plan to wreck havoc/stop the terrorist group.

I assume you're wanting to make this a group roleplay?

( also just a pet peeve but the little font hurts my eyes so maybe makin' it a little bigger might help others with bad eyesight )
It's not harder than that? Haha, thank you for the help! Yes, I will be making this a group roleplay consisting of five people. (Including me.)
Oh, sure! I didn't think about that!
Thank you! =)
Alright that's a fairly small group so you won't have to do as much of the heavy lifting as a large scale plot would entail. Really what you have now is probably fine with just a brief overview of the Ghost characters.

I'd also make a short rules overview. Just some basic things like

- Please post X number of days per week
- Please write at least X number of paragraphs per reply
- Please no X type of characters
- Inform me of any absences you will take throughout the roleplay
- Please no fighting with other players, if there is an issue contact me directly and I'll handle it.

I recommend asking for time zones and hours of availablity for your players so you can set up some kind of schedule where everyone can keep their posts moving along smoothly.

I also do little scenes as well to keep the story flowing once you get started.

Ex. Scene 1 : Characters Arrive and Set up base Camp
Scene 2 : Characters Investigate Terrorist Activity at X location
Scene 3 : Characters chase lead on possible terrorist suspect.

Now these are obviously just ideas and you'll know more specific scenes to make for your plot. The idea is to just have things for the characters to do that can progress the story and prevent things from stagnating.
I see! Rules I most certainly will have!
What do you mean with the "post schedule"? Could I have like a list of the order people post in the roleplay?
About the scenery, that's smart, seems like a way to get story to progress in a good way!
Thank you once again! =)
By my estimation you're at the world building phase. For me that comes before the plot phase. How I work: premise (which you have), world building, and then plot (adventure specifics). So I recommend fleshing out your fictional country, then detailing your terrorist group's goals, structure, and key players.

After you have those details the plot will start to fall into place, you'll just have to smooth it out.
I see! Rules I most certainly will have!
What do you mean with the "post schedule"? Could I have like a list of the order people post in the roleplay?
About the scenery, that's smart, seems like a way to get story to progress in a good way!
Thank you once again! =)

That's one way to do it. I mean more like

If Players 1 3 are available in the evenings in EST and Players 2 and 4 are available in the afternoon in the GMT you can try to pair people up that are going to post things at roughly the same time and so there isn't a lot of waiting around for partner posts.


You can just have a scene and give everyone like a day or two to respond and then move onto the next scene.

Just sort of depends on what group you end up with and what everyone's preferences are.

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