Writers and Musicians who Inspire you as a Writer


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Hey Guys.

As a writer, I've always been very self aware of how my writing changes stylistically, based on what type of media I have been digesting recently. I was wondering if this phenomenon was experienced by other writers on the site, and if so, which song writers, poets, and authors inspire them.

For me personally, there is one author who I aspire to write as well as on a consistent basis, and that author's name is John Ajvide Lindqvist. He's a Swedish novelist who writes gothic horror novels, and his general commandment of imagery, as well as his propensity to craft interesting characters and expertly woven plots leaves me truly enthralled every time I read anything he has written. I would recommend anyone even remotely interested in the genre of horror check him out -- his debut, "Let the Right One In", is a masterpiece in every sense of the word.

Looking forward to hearing you guys share some of your inspirations as well.
Let The Right One In most definitely influenced me, and got me started into horror as a whole, along with Stephen King. Being raised and even named after one of his characters (Mother Abigail- The Stand), I was always immersed into the world of horror and mystery novels, much like the Scarpetta series by Patricia Cornwell. Though I've found much more recently that more southern hard rock, alternative, and indie pop had been affecting me alot. My music has always had alot of jazz and country vocalistics, but more rythmic and rock styles. So artists like The Pretty Reckless, Touche Amour, even Delta Rae and Fever Ray are often coming up in my mind when looking for inspiration.
I was never really aware of other authors when I discovered the joy of the written word. I read like the books would rot, but author names weren't important or well remembered. I found that as I began honing my skills that the styles of H.P. Lovecraft and J.R.R. Tolkien had caught my limited attention, and to this day I can't really explain why. Well, Tolkien I can explain in part. I was always fascinated with the world he created. It's physics, it's creatures, and it's lore have affected many of my fantasy stories. As for Lovecraft... perhaps it's the way he draws you in, makes you comfortable with the events unfolding before you and letting you think you're on the cusp of having all the pieces of the puzzle, only to throw it all aside and tear the safe isolation of your hitherto unknown ignorance before your very eyes. Still, as I read through my old drafts now, I notice bits and pieces of the styles of both authors mixed into the text. As for music, it never held much weight as far as my writing style. Music is just pleasant sound drowning out the more annoying sounds, so punk and ska (odd mix right?) are my choices.
Sara Bareilles and IU are artists I am greatly influenced by because of their beautifully woven lyrics. Indie and rock music are the main genres I listen to (with some pop music) because of the unique way some of the words are placed into the melodies. However, once I get to know an artist's work, I'll particularly look for their slower, songs/ballads because those are the heartfelt songs that move me. Author-wise, Ray Bradbury, Leo Tolstoy, Virginia Woolf, and sometimes John Greene inspire me.
See this is where I fall differently I am so inspired by the classical Mozart and Beethoven.. I can listen to them for hours and more modern Trans Siberian orchestra... I've never really been motivated with anything else. I love the style in the classical genres because to me there is something about them that takes me back into a peaceful sense of mind.. But I guess that is what Band/orchestra has done to me..
When it comes to writers I would have to say my biggest personal inspiration comes from Neal Stephenson. I read his book Anathem a few years back and absolutely taken aback by it. It's over 900 pages but it still felt too short when I came to finish it. His stories were laced with mathematical and philosophical experiments, as well as a few religious ones. It was so incredibly immerse, so incredible detailed and complicated, but it was somehow laced together in a way that I genuinely enjoyed every moment of it. Ever since then I've wanted to become more like him. Reading a story so intricate but so beautifully and simply written made me sort of fall in love with writing and language all over again. That being said, obviously, I highly, highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good read.

When it comes to music, I always feel inspired either by instrumental music (notably Ludovico Einaudi) or a couple British rappers I've come to love.

Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius Pip (or even Pip's solo work) has had an absolutely massive effect in my life. His wording, his ability to create characters, his scenarios and lessons -- he's a true word artist.

Akala is fantastic as well. His story is inspiring and his main goal is to push education to underprivileged children. He actually visits schools and raps to them about how they should ditch their gold chains because a library is worth far more.

Not to mention Fitzgerald, Bram Stoker, Shelly and other classic writers. They're always good for inspiration too. ^-^
Musically, I'm inspired by a very wide range of things. My go-to bands have been relatively unchanging for the last few years however -- the trio of The Gaslight Anthem, Rise Against, and Damien Rice are perfect to listen to, whether I'm just trying to zone out or if I need a little help while writing anything.

The thing that gets me every time is their lyricism. Despite all three artists being quite different, that's one thing that sort of ties them together.

In regards to writers, there are far too many that both inspire and awe me. I simply don't have enough time to list them all. Just a sample of what I enjoy reading includes: Cormac McCarthy, John Green (don't knock it until you try it), Orwell, Tennessee Williams, and the above mentioned John Ajvide Lindqvist.
I'm not on the modern side as I prefer classics and classical music. They very much inspired me to write because I enjoy the modesty in the books, and the use of old English. As a child I was compelled to read Little Women, but I enjoyed Secret Garden more. Then as I grew up I read alot of non-mainstream mangas (japanese comics) and since then whenever I write I start to imagine that what i'm writing turns into manga. It keeps me excited.
These are all very interesting authors and musicians to look towards. May I ask how you all discovered creators like Lindqvist and Lovecraft? Also, I'm definitely going to be checking out Lindqvist, I'm only passingly familiar with his work in horror. Personally, I'm more of a fan of classic American horror, like the aforementioned King and Matheson. No issue at all with Lovecraft, either, his works are chilling!

As for my inspiration, I guess I come from a completely different source. As a young man, I got into satire and comedy novels and my writing was entirely driven by the lighthearted, exploratory nature of them. For example, I went through the necessary young phase of my Douglas Adams novels, then moved onto Pratchett and devoured the Diskworld series. Books like that, as well as Toole in my later years, helped developed my more loose, almost comedic style of writing. Not to say that fantasy novels haven't shaped things as well!
I like to look beyond, so to speak.

Authors like Stephen King, Joe Hill, Dean Koontz, Robert Ludlum, and Ted Dekker are huge inspirations of mind.

Horror is another great inspiration for me, especially games. Silent Hill, of course, and even stuff like SCP. I love browsing around what really makes people afraid.

As for music, I like to listen to instrumental stuff when I write. It's a lot easier to visualize music that has no words than something that already has a meaning if that makes sense. Tangerine Dream and Emancipator are probably my top favorites as I can really envision different scenes, and potentially write something about it.
Ray Bradbury has inspired me, and so has Rudy Reyes's Hero Living.

Gaming....Robo Tech Battlecry had a ending that changed the way I saw endings....It was spectacular!

If I need inspiration I picked up a D&D book, or Listen to Kamelot/Nightwish their songs are like epics of various topics that I find very interesting.
H.P. Lovecraft has influenced me in my life down to spiritual opinions. So he obviously would have a great influence in my writing life aswell. Other writers such as Kafka, Bloch, Stephen king, etc have really given me a lot of insight into the horror genre. It's an absolute favorite. Being a tabletop roleplayer I also get a lot of inspiration from Dungeons and Dragons, pathfinder, and especially world of Darkness being my favorite.

As for music that influences me, I can't really think of much. the playlist I listen to while writing is on spotify if you really are interested.

My inspiration in literature is Harlan Ellison. Now I'm not saying he is the best author in the world and I want to write exactly like him, he's a stubborn old goat that could use some peer editing ASAP. What I take away from him, and inspires me, is how much he cares about the thoughts of other people on his writings: he doesn't. He's a person that will write for himself, he doesn't care if someone will like it or not, it's his story and will be how he wants.

I found him through the most famous short story Ellison has written; I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. The book is my favorite of all time and I can read it a million times.
I'll listen to old rock bands like The Clash or Nirvana. I will also listen to some rappers like Dizzy Wright or E-Dubble. They are different then the mainstream rappers because they have a real meaning in their music and i love that.

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