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Multiple Settings Write your OCs with Mine! [Original & Fandom Settings]


New Member
Hey there! I don't have many roleplays going on right now and that's really bugging me! So without further ado, here's my attempt at trying to find a couple new RP partners for myself!!
I'm pretty shy at start, but feel free to message me with any requests or inquiries you may have and I'll hear you out! I really do love to talk and gush over the little things.​

Da Rules || About Me.
  1. I'm 23 years old (she/her) and I'm only comfortable with writing with other adults. Please don't message me saying you're "almost 18". I'm not the writing partner for you.
  2. I want a roleplay partner who can write multiple characters and will have fun with it. For these particular prompts, writing multiple characters is an absolute must!
  3. Though it's not necessarily a requirement, I admit that I am a sucker for romance and will really, really want to go that route with basically all of my below prompts! That said, I'm perfectly okay with MxF, MxM or FxF interactions. Please bear in mind, however, that romance will not interfere with the plot to such an extent that the main plot becomes a secondary focus. As much as I love to ship, doing nothing but lovey-dovey interactions 24/7 will wear me out quick. And yes, I'm slow-burn friendly. I love testing out various dynamics!! Please feel free to talk to me about pairings!
  4. I'm capable of typing multiple paragraphs, and 9 times out of 10 you'll get a multi-paragraph response from me because I have a rambling problem ic just as much as I do ooc. However, my length fluctuates spontaneously. In more quiet moment when characters are just sitting down and having a conversation, I may only be able to come up with a paragraph or two. If you are not a total stickler for length, then great! Me too! (BUT... It's not that I won't write with anyone who isn't multi-para. If you're an engaging writer and only like to write only a paragraph or two [or even less in quieter moments] I would never dare shame you for that! Hell, it may even make for quicker responses! Sometimes I get out of work and my brain just can't come up with hundreds of words!)
  5. To add to that last point.. I get it. We're adults here. We're busy. It's fine. Please know that I'm perfectly patient, so don't ever be embarrassed about responding to me out of nowhere after disappearing for a bit. No hard feelings. I will attempt to check up on you if it's been a while, so please feel free to do the same with me!! In fact, I encourage that you do. It helps more than you know. I'm also ghost friendly! So basically, I don't intend to give you a hard time over escapism.
  6. We can talk to discord, just ask AFTER we've been talking for a little bit. I find that it's so much more easier to organize our plot stuff if we have a server dedicated to plotting.
  7. I only use anime pictures. You can use whatever pics you want but just know and be okay with the fact that my own pictures will be anime!
  8. Not so much of a rule as it is a little fyi. Dark stuff? I'm cool with that. If you wanna take any prompt and be like "okay what if we just made it kinda tragic..." I'm listening. I hear you crystal clear. (As long as it's within reason, of course!) Stories that hurt my feelings or make me stress out for the main characters that I invest myself in are A+ for me. I also like monstrous looking characters so don't be shy, okay? I also feast on messy characters with skewed morals. So basically, don't be shy.
  9. ANOTHER ADD ON I SWEAR I'M ALMOST DONE. If you have clear likes and dislikes PLEASE TELL ME. I've plotted whole stories before only to be ghosted bc I chose to create a main character they REALLLLY didn't vibe with. It's funny. Please tell me if you want my main character to be a specific gender or WHATEVER. I'll likely ask you even if you don't but I really wanna know these things, you know? It won't hurt my feelings.

Rune Factory
Easily my biggest craving at the moment, given Rune Factory 5's recent release. A Rune Factory-inspired story would mean that we'd make up the setting AND the townsfolk. Anyone interested in this prompt should be passionate about inventing and writing multiple characters. I don't want the townspeople to exist only for furthering the development of our main characters. I want them to actually feel like part of the environment, I want to grow attached to these characters. If you're the type to get so invested in side characters that you'll even go so far as to write sub-plots for them, then we'll get along just swimmingly! I'll indulge in your faves if you indulge in mine, haha! Also if anyone here has or is playing Rune Factory 5 and you straight up just wanna roleplay the canon content I WILL become your Rune Factory 5 bestie please please please please please please plea-

Any region is fine, including Orre and Hisui regions! Some regions I remember better than others, though! Just discuss with me! I'm also open to the idea of us inventing our own region.
Since I prefer writing OCs over canon, inventing our own region may even be preferred! I'd love to come up with all kinds of challengers, rivals, even antagonists for our characters to face off against! For a Pokemon story, I'm fine with either going the old fashioned "becoming champion" route. I'd also be happy to write something more plot-heavy!

Soul Eater
It's been... a very long time since I last touched any Soul Eater media, but the concept is something I'll forever hold dear! We can use Soul Eater's setting or we can just steal the weapon/meister thing and do our own thing. I'm not terribly picky!

We can go off 3, 4 or 5's concepts, or we can completely come up with our own concept for how our characters have access to the shadow world/summon their personas/character themes/etc.! We'll have our main characters, of course, but I want anyone willing to write this prompt with me to be just as passionate about the other party members that they create! If the friend dynamic isn't good then what even is the point of a Persona RP!?

Danganronpa/Future Diary/literally anything of that nature
If we're going to write a battle royale together then I want it to make me cry and that's all I'm going to say on that matter!
Just kidding. I'm okay with morally unfair, tragic character deaths. I'm okay with the risk of a bad ending. If you love fleshing out characters just to be evil to them then maybe just maybe I'll want to risk it all and write this prompt with you.

Zatch Bell
I expect nobody to approach me for this but know nothing would make me happier. Like SURE this counts as a Battle Royale like the above prompt has already stated BUT THIS IS SPECIAL TO ME AND DESERVES ITS OWN CATEGORY.
Classic Fantasy Adventure, not totally unlike a JRPG.
It's just my bread and butter I will never tire from it and I have plenty of premade OCs that you can pick and choose from like it's your own personal Dating Sim, okay?
This is also your permission to message me with your own fantasy story ideas! Just.. PLEASE don't send me extremely long prompts that are a bit TOO specific? Like to the point you're better off writing a book.

Exactly what it sounds like. A JRPG-inspired guild running around and taking on various quests for their own individual purposes. The guild can start out preestablished or it can be brand new, trying to work its way up into fame and fortune. Plot can evolve as we go along. Found Family dynamics welcome.

Magical girls (or boys!)
I've been in the mood to write some magical characters. We don't both have to write characters who gain superpowers after donning a frilly costume -- one of us can write someone average or supernatural! Lets have fun with it!! This concept can be as fun or as tragic as we want!

Otome Isekais count since I'm a big ol' sucker for otomes and series similar to My Life As A Villainess! But I also enjoy regular Isekai and all its possibilities! I'd also have fun with the reverse -- fantastical characters entering the real, magic-less world!

Any stories that involve travelling from world to world (not so much sci-fi as it is magical world travel)
Won't add onto this because I don't want this prompt to feel overly specific or limiting!

False Memories!!
Multiple characters being tossed into an environment with completely false memories (or just none at all if you're feeling really spicy) Memories can slowly be recovered (or earned) over time, and what they do (or how this new information changes those characters) is all up to you! I'm keeping this ESPECIALLY vague for the sake of creative freedom.

This definitely isn't for everyone but trust me it works if you're bold. If you just REALLY want to write a very specific canon character and you don't give a shit how or with whom you're writing that character with, I present to you... I'll also write an obscure canon character from a separate fandom and we can just THRUST them into a random, possibly original environment. It invites new possibilities for your character development and dynamic wise, it helps you to scratch that itch. IT REALLY WORKS.
I have a couple people to respond to after work, but here’s a quick bump because I’m still open! 😊

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