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Realistic or Modern Would You Rather?


Snap out of it
Everyone Has A Reason

Dear {Insert Name Here},

Greetings. You have been selected for a special dinner party! You are in a serious financial hole and you need help out! Well look no further, this party is your helping hand! At this dinner party we'll be playing the familiar game of Would You Rather. The winner of the game will be offered a special prize. Fifty Grand. Sound Splendid doesn't it? The Party will be on {Insert day here} at {Insert address here}.

Sincerely, Mr. Prescott

In this roleplay a group of people (All of whom are financially unstable) Are invited to a dinner party where they will play a game of would you rather. Unfortunately for them the dares become more sinister and the web deepens. In the end, only one can survive. Who will survive? And What will be left of them?
Is it just me or It kinda sounds creepy and ... interesting. Oooooo Im interesteeedd

Btw, ^^^ that is a compliment ok lol
Oh my gosh, I absolutely adore this idea. I'd totally be down for it, though just curious; how many people are you looking for to be in the group?
UnknownRunner said:
Oh my gosh, I absolutely adore this idea. I'd totally be down for it, though just curious; how many people are you looking for to be in the group?
Around six or seven.

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