Would You Like to Make a Deal? (Always accepting!)

Flip Jester Boy

Professional Shitposter
Would You Like to Make a Deal?

An RP based on the Anime, C-Control: The Money of Soul and Possibility

You are just an ordinary person, living your life normal life, until one night a man named Masakaki appears at your door with an offer: To give you a large amount of money, but in turn hold your future as collateral. At first you think it's a joke, shutting him out, but as you turn around, you find that he's right behind you. He then tells you about this opportunity to become an entrepreneur for the Financial District. Masakaki then gives you a credit card with a circle design in the middle, telling you that you can redeem money at any ATM, and suddenly teleports you into a taxi and tells the driver to head to the Financial District. The driver starts heading toward a wall, but phases through into a different world where people use their money to fight. It's your choice. Will you accept the card and gain riches? Or will you decline continue living a boring life?




  • The Financial District: The Financial District is where Entrepreneurs, or Entres for short, go to fight to gain money for their accounts. You can access the Financial District by holding your Midas Card over your right eye, summoning a taxi which will take you there. No time passes in the real world while in the Financial District, with the exception of entering and exiting it.
  • Midas Cards: A Midas Card is the credit card Masakaki gives you when you meet him. They are used to withdraw money from your accounts at any ATM, and can also be used to strike a deal against another Entre through the ATM. Midas cards are also used to make payments between Entres in the real world by the payer holding their card over the receiver's and then the correct amount of money flows from one card into the other.
  • Assets: Assets are your partners in the District, using them to decrease your opponent's money and protect your own. You start out with one Asset, but it is also possible to buy more, with them usually being expensive. Your Assets also have three attack types called flations. The order from weakest to strongest is Micro-Mezzo-Macro, and each one costs a certain amount to use, but you can make each one stronger by paying a higher amount for it. The base price for Micro's is $1,000, the base for Mezzo's is $10,000. and the base price for Macro's is $100,000. Assets are housed in your Midas Card while in the real world, and are normally invisible in the Financial District, but become visible during Deals. You can also call them out when not in a Deal by swiping your Midas Card over your eye. During Deals, if you have multiple Assets, you are able to switch out your current Asset by looking through your Card then swiping it to change your Asset. If your Asset receives too much damage during a Deal, it will be out of commission, but they can regenerate themselves. All Assets have 10 stocks, 9 of which can be sold and bought by others during Deals. You can refill your stocks by buying them from ones selling them during a Deal. Also, all assets can create a shield which can block even the heaviest of attacks for a while.
  • Deals: Deals are battles between two Entres lasting 666 seconds (11 minutes and 6 seconds), which begin by both participants swiping their Midas Card over their eye. When a Deal is about to begin, two counters appear in the air, one with each Entre's account and a timer in between, and the battle ends when either the timer runs out or one of the participants goes bankrupt. The goal of a Deal is to have a higher money count than your opponent using your Asset and its -flations, or "Directs" which is a payed attack which summons a glowing blade on your palm. The more you pay for the "Direct", the larger the blade. If you land a successful hit, you gain a small profit, paying back your attack with a little extra. If you win, you gain the difference between your and opponent's accounts as a prize. There are no penalties when losing, unless you go bankrupt. All Entres are obliged to take part in at least one deal every week. If a deal is stuck against you, you are able to opt out of it, but you have to pay half your fortune. When in a deal, please keep track of the amount of money you use, then add it up when the Deal ends and subtract it from your current amount and post it. That will decide who wins the Deal. Also, several deals can happen in the same day, sometimes at the same time.
  • Bankruptcy: If you go bankrupt in the Financial District, your Midas Card will turn white and is then destroyed, ejecting you from the District and removing anything you have done in the real world. For example, if you bought a nice car, it will disappear and no one will remember that you bought one in the first place. Your Assets will also disappear, but they can be claimed by other Entres through a bidding process.


  • Everyone gains out with $500,000 advance added to their bank account when they join the Financial District.
  • When creating your first Asset's -flations, please make reasonable costs for them.
  • Follow the forum rules
  • Please limit cursing
  • No GodModding or Metagaming. Also no bunnying.
  • Romance is allowed, but keep it PG-13
  • Your character can't die in the Financial District.
  • Play fair and have fun!

I will add more as the story goes on.

Application:(Please add this to your signature)







Personality (Opt.):

Money in Account (Please keep it reasonable):

Asset Name:

Asset Gender (Opt. if machine type):

Asset Appearance:

Asset Attacks:




Here's my app:

Name: Cynth Vasuda

Gender: Male

Age: 18


Occupation: Student, Store Clerk, Waiter

Backstory: Cynth lives alone near a boarding school he is enrolled in living off student welfare, so he has to work several jobs to keep up his bank account and pay off his apartment rent. Before he went to the boarding school, he lived a life of poverty with his parents and younger sister. He had to do well in school so that he would study off scholarship to keep the pressure off his parents. (I'll add more later)

Personality: Cynth usually takes things seriously and jumps at chances to get more money, but he does occasionally show off a laid-back side of him.

Money in account: $1,000

Asset Name: Klich

Asset Gender: Male

Asset Appearance:


*Microflation: Beam Claw- Klich slashes the air in front of him in an X-form, which flies toward the opponent.

*Mezzoflation: Rough Divide- Klich leaps into the air then dashes toward the opponent, slashing upon impact.

*Macroflation: Raging Storm- Klich crosses his arms in front of him, gathering energy, then touches the ground, releasing a storm around him which can cut through anything.

I took this from the thread I created on the Terraria Online Forums.
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Name: Scarlet Goldizen

Gender: Female

Age: 18


Occupation: Student

Backstory: Scarlet has always lived a carefree life, happy to spread music to others. Her parents have always supported her, even when it seemed that her music was getting in the way of school work. She was a smart kid, but unfortunately, her smarts were never noticed, not getting a scholarship to college. Her parents had luckly saved enough money, but during the summer, her parents got in a fatal crash, and the money was put into their funerals... Desperate, she accepted Masakaki's offer, hoping to get enough money for her college fund.

Personality (Opt.): Scarlet is usually carefree and outgoing, but knows how to handle herself. She doesn't want to go bankrupt, but her determination to get more money may cause her to mess up and lose it all. She really likes music.

Money in Account (Please keep it reasonable): $1,500

Asset Name: Riven

Asset Gender (Opt. if machine type): Female

Asset Appearance:


Asset Attacks:

*Microflation- Sky Dive: Riven flies up before diving and kicking the enemy with her feet.

*Mezzoflation- Sword wave: Riven charged her sword, releasing an energy wave at her enemy.

*Macroflation-Valkyrie Combo: Riven stares at the enemy, charging forth and continuously slicing them with her sword.
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I've removed the make-your-own cost for the -flations, so now they all have a base cost. But you're still accepted
I would love to join, but I am going to watch a lot of the series tonight so I have a way better grasp (already on episode three and i love it :D )
Name: 'Lily' Naniou (Actual name: Alex)

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Appearance: http://wpshrine.com/uploads/subc/wpshrine_VOCALOID_482_2048x1536.jpg

Occupation: Coffee waitress outfit: nurse

Back-story: He grew up as a very masculine child, he would play sports, wrestle with his friends, and had short hair. He never felt like himself though, he was taught to be a man. But as he grew up to see society. He saw different things, and got used to the lifestyle. He worked at a cafe shop that got foreclosed, and a new manager came in quickly, making it once again a coffee shop, but it was a cosplay shop, where people would dress up as maids, nurses, and other strange yet sexy things. He applied not knowing what the uniforms were, and he was assigned as a sexy nurse, and he became comfortable with the outfit strangely. And he has known as Lily ever since. And gaining many tips from innocent men, that was when Masakaki noticed her.

Personality: He is very bubbly and loves to get into men's faces, making then uncomfortable.

Money in Account: 5,000

((Not a troll character, just to fit the theme of Lily))

Asset Name: Luka

Asset Gender: Female

Asset Appearance: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/25800000/Luka-Megurine-vocaloids-25858699-1280-960.jpg

Asset Attacks:

*Microflation- Perfume Spray (1000$) Luka sprays pink perfume in-front of her, diluting their senses.

*Mezzoflation- Make-up Smear (10,000$) Luka slaps the enemy with a large amount of make-up that has special minerals in them, it draining their strength slowly.

*Macroflation- Five-inch Death (10,000,000$) Luka's nails grow ten-fold, increasing her physical attacks, and applying Make-up Smear.
Okay :D , also how many more people would you like to join this? I have two friends watching the anime right now, and I can ask them to join this.
Name: Tony "Tool" Oler

Gender: Male


Occupation:Bike worker

Backstory: Tony worked at his local bike shop making normal amounts of money living a good life. He just wish he wouldnt hold himself back as much, Tony hated to take risks he hated to change, he hated the fact that he hated those things. So when the opportunity to be a rich man came along he thought "I could use some change" He had no idea what he was in for.

Personality (Opt.):

Money in Account (Please keep it reasonable): 825 $

Asset Name: Toolbox

Asset Gender (Opt. if machine type):

Asset Appearance: A Green and blue tool box with eyes legs arm and a mouth. *about the size of a human)

Asset Attacks:

*Microflation-Hammer: Toolbox grabs a hammer and hits the opponent with it.

*Mezzoflation-Screw: Toolbox shoves a screw into the opponent, and screws it in.

*Macroflation- Multi-tool: Toolbox grabs a multi-tool, stabs the opponent, then uses the pliers to pinch the opponent, finally he uses the file on the opponent.

WALA! Copy and paste!
You don't have to make up the -flation prices anymore. I changed that in the "Assets" part of the Mechanics. 


Name: Xen Denise

Gender: Male

Age: 19



Occupation: He's currently working two jobs, a cashier in a bookstore, and general labour at Wal-Mart.

Backstory: Xen was born without a father, that man had escaped as soon as he heard that his girlfriend was pregnant. Yup, Xen was an illegitimate child who was raised by a single mother in a little run down apartment. But, somehow, they made do. With his mother working four jobs at once, Xen tried his best to lessen the stress on her by doing most of the housework, almost all actually. But, it all changed when the fire nation attacked his mother had came back from her third job one night. Xen's mother was diagnosed with Stage 2 of lung cancer. Xen struggled to pay for his mother's medical bills, along with keep the family out of debt and paying the rent, that's when Masakaki appeared and offered Xen to go to the Financial District.

Personality (Opt.): I'll add this soon.

Money in Account (Please keep it reasonable): Used to have only $100.00, but after joining the Financial District he gained $500.00 and now has $600.00!

Asset Name: Cyan

Asset Gender (Opt. if machine type): Female...? We don't really know, but we guess Cyan is a girl because of its long hair.

Asset Appearance:


Asset Attacks:

*Microflation- Tricky Coin: Victim bends down- one way or another - Cyan suddenly appears behind them and kicks the victim in the butt! The more you pay, the harder the hit!

*Mezzoflation- Pie Face: Cyan forcefullt stuffs a poisoned pie down victim's throat, she likes to use the classic apple pie and says that if you're going to die, might as well have a taste of goodness while you're at it. The more you pay, the more poisoned and delicious the pie is.

*Macroflation- Knife Throwing: Just like in the circus, Cyan will throw knives at you, the more you pay, the better the accuracy and the bigger the knives are.
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Yup, got it xD I just wanted to put him up as a spot holder before I go to sleep. I'll finish 'im up in a few hours :3
Entrepreneur Name: Dalton Brooks

Gender: Male

Age: 22


Stands five foot seven,weighs one hundred and seventy pounds.

Occupation: Grocery Store Shelf Stocker ($10.75/hr)

Personality: Pragmatic. Tactical. Sarcastic. Shrewd.

Balance: $10,000

Background: Dalton Brooks is an interesting man. From an early age,he showed an interest in economics,at least up until he had a firm grasp of the basics. After that,he grew interested in computers and games. As he grew up,he fed his gaming habit,and making it a point to build himself a fairly powerful gaming rig. It wasn't until the ninth grade he figured out what he wanted to do in life. At that point,he wanted to be a video game programmer. Just like damn near every other plugged-in youth on Earth.

Of course,he knew the industry was tough to get into. He done his research. What he needed to do was develop his skills as a programmer,and develop a large,diverse,and quality portfolio of games. He graduated from high school,completely dominating his peers in the computer-related courses. After that,however,he taken a break from education. He isn't one to actively multitask,unless it's made easy,so he wasn't able to keep a job while at school.

After he graduated,Dalton landed several jobs,and promptly lost all of them. They all had one thing in common: They were all fast food. Realizing this,Dalton decided to try retail,where he found himself to be quite good at the job,and able to hold it down. A much-needed change from two weeks of employment before being canned for not being the perfect employee out of the gate.

He was working at the grocery store for several years now,his savings slowly building,thanks to his parents demanding rent. But,growing they were. Dalton figured that,within the year,he'd have enough saved up to go to college.

And that's about the time a rather bizarre looking man appeared to him and made his offer. Seeing opportunity,Dalton accepted. He's smart,so he thinks he'll be able to work this system like he made it himself. Right or wrong,he's in it to win it.

Asset Name: Vanguard

Gender: Mechanical


The big spiderbot with the hugeass laser. The size of a bungalow. Covered in turrets,missile racks loaded with missiles,and torpedo tubes. And then there's the main gun,attached to the turret up top,firing the laser. Weighs as much as a loaded aircraft carrier. The main turret rotates at thirty degrees a second,which means it takes twelve seconds for a full rotation.

Microflation - "Point Defense!" The turrets spring to life,firing plasma bolts at all nearby targets. If submerged,it will instead fire torpedoes. Base volleys: Two from a dozen turrets. Further investment will add more volleys.

Mezzoflation - "Fire For Effect!" The missile racks open,firing off a volley of missiles at one or more targets. Works under or above water. Base salvo: six missiles. Further investment adds more missiles.

Macroflation - "Glass 'Em!" Vanguard's main gun comes online,and,after a brief charge period,fires a sustained laser beam,hot enough to flash-glass most substances. Base duration: Five seconds. Further investment lengthens the duration.
Name: Rose Snow

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Appearance: Girl in pic below.


Occupation: Student; Model

Backstory: Rose lives with her parents who are almost always traveling. Rose is a student in high school. And she has a gambling problem but, because of her modeling she can always pay off. But then she gets on winning streak. She wins a lot of buy but tries to double it and she loses. Now she owes $450,000 to a gang that is after her. If she doesn't get it soon someone she loves will pay and not with money until she does. She believes they have her best friend, who seems to missing over the last few weeks. Masakaki offered her a deal she couldn't pass up.

Personality (Opt.): Sweet, fun, lonely, hidden, secretive, and caring

Money in Account (Please keep it reasonable): $2,500

Asset Name: Melody

Asset Gender (Opt. if machine type): female

Asset Appearance: Doll in pic below.

Asset Attacks:

*Microflation- Fire Sword – A long sword and can cut through anything and burn it/them.

*Mezzoflation- Fire Balls- Medium size fire that burn through anything, even threw building lasts 15 seconds before it implodes.

*Macroflation- Spiked fire cannon – large spiked iron ball set on fire that explodes on contact with anything with follows target until contacted on something.

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Accepted, I love the asset's look x3

Also we will be starting real soon! 
Oh and also, your Entre picture did not load, if you could give us a link to the picture, or try it again!

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