Literature Would anyone be interested in a book club?


I'd take a monster to prom
Would anyone be interested in having one?

It could be like once every 2 weeks or a month or something!

Let me know if you’re interested by either commenting here or sending me a message, I’d love to know.

And it can be comics or books!
Alright! That makes 2 people so far!

When would you guys be up for doing this? Every 2 weeks or every month?

Also would you like me to choose the first book and then we take turns after that or I choose the first and then make a poll each time after that for a book selection? Obviously people can pass on certain books if they want such as if they can't buy it or find a copy in their library or the book is something they're extremely uninterested in/can't handle. (horror books being an example like some people might not be comfortable reading them)
I'd join, theoretically, if I could get ahold of whatever the book of the month is. Polls are good.
cheshirekitt said:
Alright! That makes 2 people so far!
When would you guys be up for doing this? Every 2 weeks or every month?

Also would you like me to choose the first book and then we take turns after that or I choose the first and then make a poll each time after that for a book selection? Obviously people can pass on certain books if they want such as if they can't buy it or find a copy in their library or the book is something they're extremely uninterested in/can't handle. (horror books being an example like some people might not be comfortable reading them)
You can pick the first book. Then maybe have people send in suggestions throughout the month and make a poll.

I'd say keep it to once a month it gives people the chance to find and read the books.
Would you guys want to do the club on here or like on skype or tumblr or what?

Also would you like months to have themes? And when do you think would be a good start date for this because I've got a lot of books recently so I'm good on the 'I've a book already picked out for you to all find' front.
cheshirekitt said:
Would you guys want to do the club on here or like on skype or tumblr or what?
Also would you like months to have themes? And when do you think would be a good start date for this because I've got a lot of books recently so I'm good on the 'I've a book already picked out for you to all find' front.
Here would probably best since not everyone might have a tumblr or skype.

And different monthly themes is awesome.

And really I'm fine starting whenever.
I mean I can give people a book to find now and we can start in a week or two so people can find it I guess and I could idk start up a poll on what the theme for the next time would be.

Also if people want, if we read like the first in a series of books, you can always request we read the series together instead of just read the first one and then read the others on our own or something if there's enough interest in doing that!
cheshirekitt said:
I mean I can give people a book to find now and we can start in a week or two so people can find it I guess and I could idk start up a poll on what the theme for the next time would be.
Also if people want, if we read like the first in a series of books, you can always request we read the series together instead of just read the first one and then read the others on our own or something if there's enough interest in doing that!
That sounds like a good idea. Maybe you could have it two weeks before the start of every new month ( we can kick off Feb first to make it easy to remember )

Give people the category for the next month so they can offer suggestions.

I work at a library so two weeks is enough time to see if we have it and more importantly if we have the ebook version which I can let other people read if they need to.
So I've a book I can give you guys to search for in the meantime and I can make a poll for the genre of the next book. We can possibly start the club up on the 1st with the help of Rae who has been super great and a big help.
Sounds good to me. (Sorry, i was working all weekend. Pushing carts in -3 weather is not fun.)

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