Anyone interested in a Roman Rp?


Two Thousand Club
Roman Rebellion Rp?

Plot Line

The year is 500 BC and the Roman Government is beyond corrupt. The priests are not making proper sacrifices to the God's, the people's interests are never held into account and now they are being forced to take on a war they never wanted. The Senate is enlisting citizens into their military in hopes of capturing neighboring cities that have more fertile lands. So far there have been two approaches, by the people, to solve this problem. One idea was to try and negotiate, by voting people who's interest is in the common people into the Senate but few have been able to do so. They other form of action is straight up rebellion, the formation of a small army, stockpiling weapons, and secretive meetings. The God's are beginning to take sides but most are angry with Roman Government.

The Family

  • The family includes EVERYONE (any confusion on this just ask and I can explain further), slaves were considered "family" and so were animals
  • Paterfamilias: Head of the family, legally liable for all members of the family, he has authority over everyone in his "family" and can banish/ execute who he chooses, he also has the power to not accept a child into the family
  • Adoption was common especially if there was no male heir
  • Girls were expensive (dowries and weddings) and because of this paterfamilias did not always accept them
  • Loyalty was valued in the family
  • When a paterfamilias died his sons became paterfamilias to each of their families (sisters were split into each family

  • When a child is born he/she does not get his name until he/she is eight or nine days old, the ceremony is called a Nomanalia
  • Paterfamilias decide whether a not they accept a child into their family, if not they are deserted/ sold into slavery/adopted. If they are accepted they receive a bulla (an amulet they wear until puberty)
  • A male hit puberty when he is 14 years and a girl when she is going to be wed
  • There are three forms of marriage Cofarreatio (least amount of rights for women), Coemptio (a few more rights for women),Usus (same Coemptio but cheaper)
Social Classes and Descriptions

Noble's Section

  • Wealthy Citizens called themselves the Good men or the Best Men
  • They were divided into politicians and businessmen
  • Politician's families were members of the Senatorial Class and Businessmen's families were members of the Equestrian Class (Yes I know it means horseback rider but not in this context)
  • Members of the Equestrian Class could hold public offices and often did. When this occurred the whole family became a member of the Senatorial Class
  • This site helps with political ranks

  • They were called "the people", simply "the commoners", or plebians
  • Occasionally they could work their way into a higher social class but only through politics could they do this
Possible Roles in Society

  • Leader of Rebellion in General (2 people one of which is me if you are interested in being the other leader please pm me)
  • Politician attempting to change Government from the inside (1-2 people we would also need opponents)
  • Members of the Rebelling Army (they would have other jobs in real life, ex. Businessman, Commoner, Slave, Gladiator)
  • If you have another idea for a character message me and I will decide if it is okay
  • You can make up to three characters and they can include Gods as long as the Gods are not the main part of the roleplay. Also Demi-Gods are allowed but not everyone is a Demi-God this is on a first come first serve basis and I can whether or not you are a Demi-God
Character Sign Up:

If you have any ideas please post :)
I'll do it would be kool to be a rebel just tell me if you want me to help with anything i studied the roman empire a bit in school
I was wondering if the rebellion should have something to do with poor representation or a corrupt government. We definitely don't have to go by what really happened so we can make as many twists as we want.
Well i could be some help in this department, my one question though is this... would there be magic? if so there is this one game that Lucas Arts made that has Roman Gladiator Arena's in it with magical beings (basically gods).
This sounds great. The rebellion thing is really cool, though I think it's going to need quite a lot of characters. But yeah, really cool. As for the Roman gods, I think they're all related to the people's lifestyle anyway, right? Though if there is magic like blackwind said, then it can be even more related, like a kind of power is granted by a god or something.
When it comes to magic I'm thinking that you would have to be related to a God in order to possess powers similar to theirs. Maybe we could have some kind of rebellion against the government because they are sending soldiers to fight in a war the citizens do not want.
well even without the magic for story basis and realm we could use the game.
*reads the edited first post and clears throat*

Ok, by the looks of it we would mostly be of the "Commoners" or of the "Paterfamilias"?
Why not have it be something along the lines of:

The government is rebelling against the church, and gods, because they are sick of being controled, and want total control over their land. Because they are going against the gods, the people that are rebling are the ones that disagree, and do not wish to anger the gods.

If magic is to be used, it could be either because the gods have given power to those that are standing up for them, or that the gods themselves came down to stand up for themselves?
Ryn's idea sounds pretty sweet, but I'm also up for a Senator-like RP, with alot of debating and discussing about government and political stuff :P

Would be quite original since we haven't had a "succesful/active" one as of yet.

But ofc, it's totally up to you ^^

*keeps an eye on this thread and will probably join the rp if allowed :P *

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