Experiences Worst and best roleplay Experiences


Zydrate comes in a little glass vial....
Hi I am interested in what kind of experiences that people have had over the years of roleplaying. I'm interested in any memorable experiences good and bad.
I have a few horror stories/ bad experiences with different roleplayers over the years as well as some really lovely and uplifting ones.
I am always interested in other peoples experiences and it might be a bit of fun talking about it.
So if you have a story to tell I am definitely interested.
Best experience was with a fantasy kingdom RP, with a partner who I thought I hit it off with. Over 30 pages of going back and forth, flow of the story was amazing, and found the whole thing a lot of fun. One of the most immersing RPs I’ve ever done.

Worst experience was in the same RP in which I got ghosted.
The fantasy Kingdom Rp sounds like it was quite the epic story and it sounds like fun. I'm sorry they ghosted you in the end though. I hate it when people do that. I would much prefer for someone to message me even if its to say that they aren't interested anymore. I know Life happens, things get out of your control so you can drift away from a roleplay or you just lose interest. I hate ghosting because there is no closure. If you have become friends with the person it leaves you questioning what happened and leaves you concerned. ultimately its the death of a really interesting world you were building together.

Okay, so my best roleplay experience has to be where I met my girlfriend. I met her of a site years ago when we were both new to roleplaying. She was about a year and a half younger than me, but I thought she was awesome. We were doing a vampire roleplay if I remember correctly. Anyway, we got close, started talking outside the roleplay. We started talking every day and video chatting. I started developing feelings for her and finally, after a few months, I asked her to become my girlfriend. She helped me come out the closet. But, it was a long distance relationship and her parents didn't know she liked girls. They were very homophobic as they had already disowned her brother for being LGBTQ+ so coming out wasn't an option for her back then. So, unfortunately, it didn't last very long. But I will always remember her.

My worst roleplay experience has to be with one particular girl I was roleplaying with a year or so ago. We were doing a Harry Potter roleplay I believe. Anyway, this girl was very new to roleplaying. I kind of took her under her wing as she asked me to teach her how to write and giver her directions. I tried my best with her I really did, but she was infuriating. She wouldn't listen even when I pointed out things out to her numerous times. One of the things I most loathed was a half sentence she would repeat at least once per post and it was as follows:
"He looked".
That's it, that's the whole thing. Not "he looked at her longingly" or "He looked at her with an air of confusion". Or even "He looked to his left at the faded, peeling wallpaper". It was always, simply "He looked" often as part of a two sentence reply that gave me nothing to work with.
I had to figure out all the plot twists and do any and all heavy lifting as far as keeping the story going and trying to keep up the pace. Admittedly I did end up rage quitting. Usually, I am up for a challenge of helping someone improve. After all, someone helped me when I was a fledgeling at roleplaying. But, she just killed all drive to roleplay for a good while.
I've had an amazing roleplay experience that i remember from a One Piece forum.
I was GMing for this solo guy, and it was fucking awesome. It was so fucking awesome that we spent both Christmas and New Year's eve RPing his character, a knife-throwing dude fought against this half-walrus general of mine. That was some of the must fun i've had with RP and i still remember it more than 10 years later.
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This is kind of the best and worst experience, but back when the Roblox forums were a thing, and the roleplaying seciton still existed, there was a very popular universal crossover. We did goofy stuff, tragic stuff, the kinds of things that could only happen in a crossover. I fondly remember Flowey marching around with an alternate universe Trump that could freeze time temporarily.

But it was also where I met...them. THEY wanted to control the stories we acted out. THEY wanted THEIR characters to always be the hero. THEY made sure nothing interesting could happen without them. THEY meta-gamed so much it was infuriating. And nobody called them out on ANY of it. They got away with it.
One of the best roleplays i've done was actually the first I did on this site. A long time ago I got involved with a 'post apocalyptic, Fallout New Vegas' inspired story that contained a few cliché John Wayne wonnabes, a couple of battle lesbians/sisters (yes.. it got weird..) and a bear? Seemed that the story catered for Furries as well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Despite the oddness of the group, it turned out fairly well as everyone more or less went away to do their own things and returned to one-another if they needed help or wanted to plot some ideas. Yes, yes there were some 'lazy people' that posted once and disappeared off the face of the earth but they were more or less ignored. I guess the practise was 'If they don't want to give any effort here then we won't give any effort in return'. I liked that alot about the RP and it's people. They were more than happy to interact, trade and chatter with you and on the other side of things, they were content with getting on with stuff away from the group. Gun-fights were short-lived as usually they were started by newer, impatient Weeaboos and it always ended up in their deaths as the entire group banded together to be rid of these COD Fanboys. It was perfect for those that just wanted to be in a survival world but not have to deal with the anti-social edgy kids that flock to these sort of things. There were moments of pure bliss as my character 'turned to putty' in the hands of the local doctor as she examined him for any injuries and the death of my character was short but he didn't suffer in a cringy 'let's kick and beat the corpse for sadistic pleasure' kind of way. Gunshot to the head and let the sand take him to rest in peace.

I think the worst roleplay i've been involved with was a 1-1, Giant Robot pilot cliché thing. I decided that I would play as the 'assistant' to the pilot, looking at radars, listening to communication channels and generally being a supportive character. My partner decided to be a '16 year old, expert pilot that's lazy, easily provoked, shit talks everyone, looks stick-thin but can bench 20 tonnes without a sweat'. You get the idea, a horrible clichéd perfect soldier edgy-boy with no education but is apparently a master at everything...

I left after the the third day, regardless of what I threw at him. He would aways do 'Gundam anime, ninja crap' and succeed in destroying anything and everything. I even tried to make him fallback from the battlefield stating; "The mission is complete, return to base for rearm and repairs." His responce? "I'm fine, I have plenty of ammo.. I'm going to look for more shit to kill" :-_-lines::-_-lines::-_-lines:


I haven't really touched 1-1's since then, I would really like to do more with others but I have yet to find someone where I can genuinely tolerate the crap that they come up with. :b7:
One of the best rp experiences I had was in a group rp that was based off of some kind of anime I hadn't watched that centered around players in a videogame. My username is actually from that rp since we had to think of a player name. Everybody was just so invested and it went on for ages. The love interest was also great and overall I just had so much fun.

Worst experience was a rp that was centered around 4 people sharing an apartment. Very chill. My character was a ballet dancer or something and basically what happened was that from the get-go the two male characters got completely obsessed over the other female character. Like immediately. I remember I had no clue what to do or how to contribute. It was an asterisk roleplay too so basically all my character did was *goes to ballet studio* *practices pirouettes* while the other characters kept fighting over the character's attention. I don't even think the love triangle was planned out beforehand either? Even trying to have convos with the other characters didnt work bc they were either in a bad mood bc of *female character* or bitching about the other male character. It was very weird and annoying as I literally couldn't contribute and was ignored until I left lol. Like I stopped replying for a bit and it didn't matter bc I was so irrelevant to the storyline they had going on.
Can't think of a best one.

Worst one was this "Angels vs Demons" RP where maybe 70% of the group were angels with some specific superpower and 30% were demons with their own abilities.

I was playing this puppeteer style demon who can turn into smoke and has minions that fight for him. In physical form he would manifest as a monkey. He would avoid combat and generally try to outplay others, viewing the conflict as a chess game with other characters being pieces on a board.

The RP sucked. Mainly because of of two or three people who were unironically moving at the speed of light and doing other ridiculous feats while critiquing me for not rolling over like fodder at the first sign of trouble.

Literally described their movements as "light speed" as they effortlessly dodged lightning. Meanwhile, my minion, a rage beast that tanks attacks, was "too powerful" because it wouldn't up and die after a few posts. It had a blatant weakness that I alluded to about ten different times where it had to remove "Control rods" to increase its flow of power in order to match the angels, but with each rod removed it listened to my character less and less. Yet no one read close enough to pick up on this heavy handed weakness, instead focusing on frontal attacks wondering why I wouldn't write the thing off in under three posts.

Then I had someone literally bunny INSIDE of my characters body when he turned to smoke to escape the battlefield. There was some ancient text that everyone was fighting for that would lead everyone to this artifact and an angel character ripped out the important pages before I got a hold of the book. My character was going to get help from another demon to rewind the state of the object in order to restore the lost pages. That was until someone basically Teleported into my characters smoke body and took the book before flashing away like War Arch Naruto.....

For what reason idk because, as I said, the important pages were gone and the other demon with the temporal restoration was in my head Canon only. I was only doing that because I needed a way to stay relevant in the damn story lol, once that happened I basically said "Well if they don't want me in the story anyway... Fuck it"

After that second bit I turned the OOC into a toxic wasteland before quitting publically in a blaze of glory, felt deserved.

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