World War III





Flaws(at least 3):

Location(city or country):


picture: (no anime please)
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Name: Theriad Hawke

Age: 26

Personality: Safe-than Sorry attitude, very hectic when alone with others, sometimes doesn't take war too seriously.

Flaws: Tries to become a 'control freak', tries to argue everything, doesn't always listen the best to instructions

Location: City

Bio: Living the life of a peasant on the New York streets wasn't an easy life for Theriad. After his mother left him at only 4 years old to live with a friend, his dad committed suicide shortly after. he grew up on the streets and knows a thing or to. After seeing countless friends who he'd grown up with die from starvation and dangerous supply gathers, he tends to have more of a grim look on life. At only 18 years old, he applied for various jobs that he couldn't hold with only a elementary location. After saving up and buying a small studio he eventually went back to school. At 22, he had earned a high school degree and moved to London for a job offer as a computer software programmer.


Name: Dr. Isabelle "Izzy" Adams

Age: 25

Personality: Usually very loud, energetic, and kind. Much quieter and temperamental recently.


  • A know-it-all.
  • Gets angry if she believes people are judging her because of her stereotypical southern looks and accent, despite the fact that she has done very little
  • She has a bad habit of slipping up and addressing people she doesn't know very well informally, calling people "sugar, and shug" when she shouldn't.
  • More recently has shut herself off from people except when at work.

Location: Country


Isabelle was born on a large farm in Texas. She grew up helping her three older brothers and family work the fields and tend to the horses. During her childhood she learned a lot about growing plants and caring for animals, and learning all about hard work. She hated it, but grudgingly went with it, resigning herself to doing more than working the farm. She had always been an intellectual, and worked hard in school so she could get into a good school far away. When the time came, she applied to universities as far as she could from Texas, eventually deciding on Oxford.

She met her fiance, Jasper Harris, while she was in University studying Bio-Chemistry. He was studying mechanical engineering. They fell in love instantly. After they graduated, and they realized they were each going in different directions, Isabelle to medical school and Jasper into the army, they decided to get engaged with the promise that they would be together after they both came back.

That was five years ago. Isabelle graduated from medical school, and began practicing as a doctor in the countryside outside of London, waiting for Jasper to return. At least until two years ago, when he was reported killed in action.

Since then Isabelle has continued her work, but has been reevaluating her life, wondering what she was going to do now that Jasper is gone.


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(Accepted! And okay gen!)

~ <3


Name: Sophie Mae

Age: 19

Personality: Adventurous, confident, honest, selfless

Flaws(at least 3): Can become angry at times, stubborn, blunt. (too blunt)

Location(city or country): country

Bio: She grew up in the country with a big family. They were completely a mess but perfect. They owned a farm where her dad kept junk cars in so he could teach her how to replace parts and fix them up. Eventually she began getting paid to fix cars.

She has always been a technology junky. She could fix anything with a motor in it. She was working in her barn and a computer shop before the bombing happened, home and safe. She never prefers to go out in the city. The country was much better than anything.

After the bombing, her brothers and dad were taken away to fight for England. Her mom and sisters had been away in the city... She doesn't know where they are now.

picture: (no anime please)

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Can't do the picture right now, but everything else is a go.

Name: Leroy Pharlen (*cough* Jenkins *cough*)

Age: 24

Personality: loud, boisterous, a real people person really. He does talk to himself, and when ask what he is saying he replies "Just going insane, don't worry about it." He's not really going insane. The previous statement is debatable.

Flaws: he thinks more with his muscles then his brain, prefering to kick down the door to see what's on the other side then look through the key hole. And he is one of the most stuborn people you will have the grace to know. Also sees himself on par with all those prissy high born nobility that they still have in England, and their military equivilants.

Location: Born in the city, but raised in the country.

Bio: Him and the rabble that was his family, all boys except the poor mom, loved their hunting. They had a small pack of hunting dogs, at least one gun for everyone, and enough ammo to bag some game. They didn't carry to much on them, not enough that the government kept a close eye on them, but it was more then the average person. In short, thu where the steriotypical red necks, flannel, constantly wrestling and fighting about something, and the I can do it myself to save a couple can do attitude.

Appearance: (WIP)


Delilah (Lily) Quinn Wetts




Lily was born happy. It's so, so rare that you see this brilliant young woman without a beaming smile across her pale, porcelain skin. She's extremely optimistic, even tempered and just generally friendly to all, which helps her excel at work. On the inside, she's a mess, but she doesn't even know it. From years of holding back her true emotions and replacing them with a smile, is an emotional ticking time bomb which will totally go off at some point during the war. She is also highly intelligent, family oriented and has an extreme maternal instinct and a wickedly sharp sense of humour.

Flaws(at least 3):

She has a hard time saying no to anyone

Constantly bites off more than she can chew

Pretends to be happy constantly, repressing all other feelings.




Delilah was born in Newfoundland, Canada to a teen mother who had given her up for adoption. Adopted by a very friendly, upper class gay couple, Lily had an extraordinary childhood. She was spoiled and adored by so many since she was the first and only child in the family. Despite that this kind of environment often leads to bratty kids, Lily grew to be the almost exact opposite. Her first words were "help you" and that was all she set out to do for her whole life. She graduated high school and immediately left to study Medicine in the UK. She was told her accent had sounded Irish, and her attitude fit the environment she was in and felt so comfortable in her new home almost right away. After years of study, she had finally become a well developed trauma surgeon.



Oh! If you need more characters at any point, I am always willing to make more than one :) or if you need drama... I could roll Jasper out ;)

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Name:Thomas "Tommy" Compton

Age: 26

Personality: Calm and Quiet, prefers to be a team player and follow orders, rather than being a leader.

Flaws(at least 3): -Suffers from PTSD, -will push responsibility onto others, -tries to distance himself from caring for others, -an alcoholic.

Location(city or country): country

Bio: Born in the United States, Tommy had a good life growing up. He was a patriot, and enlisted into the US Army when he was 18. Over the next 6 years Tommy was deployed to various parts of the world, to combat the enemies of the United States. He earned medals for bravery, awards for valor, and memories, memories he wishes he could wipe away. After losing his squad in an ambush Tommy was sent back to the States and subsequently discharged from the military. After a year of binge drinking, fights, and arrests in the US, Tommy moved to the country side of London by himself, working as a farm hand, he tends to travel lightly, ready to move if he snaps after a night of drinking

Name: Jasper Harris

Age: 26

Personality: Jasper is typically a quiet and kind man. He is very secretive, however.


  • Has many many secrets
  • Lies constantly
  • Will follow orders, even if he knows they are wrong.
  • Believed dead....

Location: City

Bio: Jasper was born in London, where he grew up the son of a school teacher, his father having been killed while over seas. Growing up he felt great pride in his father's sacrifice, and also his country in general. He knew he wanted to go to college, and not just because his mother wanted him to, so he did with the mind to join the army right after. He decided to study mechanical engineering, with a minor is social psychology.

It was there that he met Isabelle, and fell in love with her. When it came time for them to part, he knew he wanted to be with her forever. He proposed, and the were set to be married when he returned from deployment.

Unfortunately, that didn't happen. He was approached by his country's intelligence agency halfway through his deployment. He had shown promise, they had decided. They recruited him to protect his country, and his wife to be. He had happily agreed, and did lots of good work for them, until the most recent and arguably most important mission. He agreed to it, not understanding that his particular mission required that he had to be, for all intents and purposes, dead to the world. He regrets having to have his mother and fiance think he is dead, but has decided their safety is more important.

Currently he is charged with hunting down those responsible for the terrorist threats, one of which has led him back to London.


Eden is the deadliest and most advanced mercenary group in the world. Very few forces fear them, but that's because very few know of them. Higher ups in every country keeps their existence in secret in fear for their life. A lot of the world's technological advances in the last 35 years has been at the hand of their Brilliant young looking leader, the 50 year old James Kyoshiro (he looks in his teens due to experiments) and they knew he still hid the best stuff for himself. He is crafty, cold, but caring and demanding to his men. No one seems to know his origins, but he elects the best, the brightest, and the ones with great potential. They work in the shadows, where true power lay. They all wear these special decorated gloves and their weapons are normally made of a secret synthesized alloy. They want the war to continue, in the hopes to make profits from the contracts they will gain. They specialize in using technological and biological prototypes in combat, no one knows how large their numbers are. James seems to have more invested in the war than normal, purposely pushing both sides slowly to the point of full on nuclear strikes. What does he hope to gain if the world falls? What is their to gain from planetary destruction?(ill post bios as each character shows up)
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Name: Daniel Mae

Age: 28

Personality: Daniel has always cared for his family. He's sweet at times but can be super stern.

Flaws(at least 3): he has a tendency of taking over situations, his temper can get out of control, he's sometimes self conscious.


Bio: his whole life he's been looking over for his family. Especially his little sister Sophie. He can fix cars as well, but prefers to fix computers and hunt. He easily get annoyed at how hard Sophie works on her passion, because he has yet to find his. He had a girlfriend for four years until he walked in on her cheating. He's been steered away from it ever since, focusing his life on work and family.


~ <3
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c104515a3_image(1).jpeg.1918519d28086132e2e39b1c312cac77.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36529" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c104515a3_image(1).jpeg.1918519d28086132e2e39b1c312cac77.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpeg.893b5afbc16ea650b89da26cc75423fa.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36530" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpeg.893b5afbc16ea650b89da26cc75423fa.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Jasmine Kyoshiro

Age: 21

Gender: female

Abilities: Heightened strength, speed, stamina, and senses, advanced cold reading. Prodigy weapon designer/wielder, and martial artist.

Bio: the daughter of a female martial artist, and a male weapons designer, she was taught to fight and make weapons since before she could walk. She is a prodigy in both the physical and mental field, working privately on new weapons and fighting theories. She is also a trained honeypot, a real seductress. Stay on her good side, and you'll taste the honey, get on her bad side and you'll get the full sting. Her father gave her her special sword, a D-gallery glove, and some nanites. She can memorize actions and data, allowing her to learn on the field. Its a skill that has saved her her whole life. She is loyal and skilled, and she joined the forces of Eden and now controls a unit, even though her father was against putting her in danger. She takes her job seriously, and no matter how much she and her men may mess up, she will get the job done. She despises her youngest sister, Nyke, for being the next head of Eden.

Personality: A bright young woman with a lot of talent, she is easy to get along with, if she wants you to. She doesn't give respect or trust easily, but she has a strong instinct to live, always taking the best option for her life. She can read people amazingly well and be the thing they need or their worst nightmare. She treats her subordinates like they are her flesh and blood, the way she was taught to by her father. She is cold on the field, though much softer in social situations. She does not like to show weakness in front of her men when they are on the field, and their lives are on her hands. She does have her own fears, but her survival instinct and loyalty both hold stronger grips on her heart than fear ever could. She has earned the moniker, "Angel" both after her mother and her uncanny ability to control morale while working on a mission.

Gears and preferred weapons: D-Gallery gloves: A pair of gloves any officer in Eden wears at all times. It's a mean of tracking and communication. and holds one more amazing function. Through quantum entanglement, the gloves sends weapons, gadgets and items to the holder, given that they are authorized to use it. Working instantly, there is no faster way to send items and messages in the universe. (a scientifically sound statement)

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Sienna Rivera

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/500full.jpg.a91e1dccb9095b3d927c9763a137ff62.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36515" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/500full.jpg.a91e1dccb9095b3d927c9763a137ff62.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​


Twenty two


Sienna is very free spirited. She hates being told what to do. Her personality depends solely on her mood, and those who know her will see several different traits. Just when you think you know everything about her you discover something totally unexpected. This has well earned her the mysterious trait. She's also fairly exciting to be around, as you never know what she'll do. What she's like when you first meet her barely scratches the surface.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_ly64niDKVv1r5rtz2.gif.afe77a80159761c9fcbb5445e6e2905b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36516" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/tumblr_ly64niDKVv1r5rtz2.gif.afe77a80159761c9fcbb5445e6e2905b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Flaws(at least 3):

Unpredictable, naive, ignorant

Location(city or country):



Sienna's adolescence consisted of wild high school parties and backyard bonfires. Despite her life being pretty worry free, she feels and empty void in her life from never really knowing her father.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/968full-sandra-kubicka.jpg.a0d47b58f2d1f642629554220aa2b51e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36523" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/968full-sandra-kubicka.jpg.a0d47b58f2d1f642629554220aa2b51e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="James Kyoshiro]View attachment 90772 View attachment 90773 Jasmine Kyoshiro
Age: 21

Gender: female

Abilities: Heightened strength, speed, stamina, and senses, advanced cold reading. Prodigy weapon designer/wielder, and martial artist.

Bio: the daughter of a female martial artist, and a male weapons designer, she was taught to fight and make weapons since before she could walk. She is a prodigy in both the physical and mental field, working privately on new weapons and fighting theories. She is also a trained honeypot, a real seductress. Stay on her good side, and you'll taste the honey, get on her bad side and you'll get the full sting. Her father gave her her special sword, a D-gallery glove, and some nanites. She can memorize actions and data, allowing her to learn on the field. Its a skill that has saved her her whole life. She is loyal and skilled, and she joined the forces of Eden and now controls a unit, even though her father was against putting her in danger. She takes her job seriously, and no matter how much she and her men may mess up, she will get the job done. She despises her youngest sister, Nyke, for being the next head of Eden.

Personality: A bright young woman with a lot of talent, she is easy to get along with, if she wants you to. She doesn't give respect or trust easily, but she has a strong instinct to live, always taking the best option for her life. She can read people amazingly well and be the thing they need or their worst nightmare. She treats her subordinates like they are her flesh and blood, the way she was taught to by her father. She is cold on the field, though much softer in social situations. She does not like to show weakness in front of her men when they are on the field, and their lives are on her hands. She does have her own fears, but her survival instinct and loyalty both hold stronger grips on her heart than fear ever could. She has earned the moniker, "Angel" both after her mother and her uncanny ability to control morale while working on a mission.

Gears and preferred weapons: D-Gallery gloves: A pair of gloves any officer in Eden wears at all times. It's a mean of tracking and communication. and holds one more amazing function. Through quantum entanglement, the gloves sends weapons, gadgets and items to the holder, given that they are authorized to use it. Working instantly, there is no faster way to send items and messages in the universe. (a scientifically sound statement)

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Be careful. You're getting a little too futuristic.

~ <3

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