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Fandom World Submersion: Characters

Name: The Ashen One/Dunkey

Universe: Dark Souls

Gender: Male... but for the sake of messing with this guy, he'll be a girl. "Don't make me into a girl y-" Nope, you can't say that here. "I can't? Watch me, #*#* holy crap..." Yup, knew it.

Race: "I'm a dunkey" Nah, you're an ash person.... whatever they're called. "This is discrimination! you make me into a girl... now I can't even be a dunkey!?" Yup, deal with it.

Age: 25

Height: 6'1

Weight: 190lbs


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"I'm beautiful... not like I wasn't before." Hey, it's better than being a playdough creature named Mongoloid. "D-Don't mention that..."

Powers: He has none. I mean... just a person that uses a sword and shield, and have a big obsession with the plunging attack. "First off, #^+* you. Second off, I do have powers and stuff... like being able to roll... and uh... I can do and learn magic... and, I can use a USB steering wheel. Third off, the plunging attack is like, the best move ever." Eh, to each their own.

Skills: This idiot here can roll like nobody's business when they're in trouble... and to they're credit, they are actually really observant considering that they talk a whole lot of crap. Still, that doesn't stop them for being an idiot 24/7... so, they have their moments. "Yeah, I ain't totally dumb- I mean, I always smart and good at games and stuff!" Yeah, but you sometimes blindly follow advise like an idiot...


Lothric's Holy Sword- "*#*% this sword. Fighting those guys and making this... was huge pain in the ass. Why the hell did you tell me to make this, when I could've used the soul for EXP?" The reason I told you to make this sword, is because it's a really kickass sword. I mean, you like one-handed swords and... well, that's about it. Oh, that sword also has some light beam attack. "...Kickass."

Black Knight Set- Black Knight Armor, Gauntlets, Leggings, and... where's the helmet? Dunkey, where's the helmet and shield!? "First off, helmets are for *#^%+. Second off, screw that dark shield." Arrgh!? Fine, fine... different shield then.

Silver Knight Shield- Are you... happy now, Dunkey. "Hell yeah I am... hell yeah I am..." There's nothing really special about this shield, besides the fact it's a really good shield.

Estus Flask- "Or what I like to call, Sunny Delight." Anyways, this thing can restore Dunkey's or anyone health. Don't ask me how this thing can heal wounds... I just don't know.

Life Ring- This thing right here gives Dunkey more protection and allows them to take more hits. "But it doesn't protect me from being thrown off a cliff..."

Chloranthy Ring- With this Ring does, that it allows Dunkey not get tired out easily when he runs away like a coward. "....I ain't a coward." Yes you are Dunk.

Grail: The Ashen One


Umm if the char is a male in game but is now a female that's technically a non canon AU I think?
It's been said, but no punching through the earth, and shooting a projectile at the speed of a meteorite is a bit.... questionable.
I used the earth punching as an example for Konngara's strength. She can't actually punch, and destroy the earth. As for meteorite... that I can change if you find it questionable.
Umm if the char is a male in game but is now a female that's technically a non canon AU I think?
And The Ashen One can be male or female. Is just that the character who is Dunkey in this instance, is a female. But in real life, is a dude.

Since, the The Ashen One has no real personality. They're just a player character.

You'll have to turn down the punch more or add a counterbalance as a negative effect.
And for the counterbalance with the punch... I can see her not being able to punch at her full strength all the time. Since, she's only half-demon. Probably can show that she's at full power by having her horn/spike glow.
Name: Slade Joseph Wilson Alias: Deathstroke

Universe (If the series has multiple continuities, specify which one): New 52 DC AKA Prime Earth

Gender: Male

Alingment: (Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, True Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Evil)

True Neutral

Race (Their species)


Age (type unknown if unconfirmed)


Appearance (Post a picture)


Height (if confirmed)


Weight (if confirmed)

225 lbs

Powers (If they are extremely powerful, please nerf them)

Enhanced Mind: Slade volunteered for an experimental procedure that activated a dormant Metagene, which evolved his brain. This greatly enhanced Slade's mental capacity, as well as allows him to access his brain functions on a celluar level, granting him enhanced physical attributes. As a result, he possesses a superior intellect to what humans could ever have. His mind works at incredible speeds and is his greatest asset. Able to think and perceive 9 times faster and utilize that much more of his mind than average human for information processing and sorting. He is capable of perfectly memorizing anything, he can perfectly remember and instantly recall everything he has ever experienced, encountered or learned in his lifetime without being overwhelmed or a pause for thought. He only needs to read, hear, see, or observe something once and he will never forget it, and he has unlimited storage capacity. Deathstroke's mind is virtually a supercomputer built for strategy and problem-solving, one that works at optimal ability even when under stress and fatigue. He can work out a battle ahead of time for every possibility and predict enemy movements and tactics after the battle has engaged by instantly recalling and utilizing memorized mannerisms acquired through past experience. He is ingenious in; devising solutions against superior aspects of opponents, observing and exploiting, and can instantly make any calculations especially regarding distance, speed, and time; his sense of timing is perfect. He immediately solves any problem he happens to face and instantly formulates how to overcome any obstacle. He can understand the mechanics behind any issue he faces and knows what must be done to solve any problem.

Accelerated Healing: He can regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. He can regenerate from anything, even injured tissue, brain cells (nerves), missing limbs and organs. As such, Deathstroke's body can take a tremendous amount of punishment before succumbing to death. Gunshot and stab wounds, cuts, and broken bones can perfectly heal in a few minutes. He was once impaled through his chest, and it did nothing but slow him down.

Decelerated Aging: Deathstroke's healing factor also supplies him with a nearly-ageless lifespan.

Toxic Immunity: Deathstroke's regenerative healing provides him with a enhanced immunity to toxins. When exposed to a dangerous paralyzation toxin, it only weakened Slade from superhuman levels, to normal human levels, rather than instantly paralyze him.

Superhuman Agility: Deathstroke's is extraordinarily limber and his tendons and connective tissues are twice as elastic as the average human being's, despite their enhanced strength. He can perform any complicated sequence of gymnastic stunts such as flips, rolls, and springs. He is able to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position. He is able to adjust his position by instinct, allowing him to balance himself on any object, no matter how small or narrow.

Superhuman Durability: Deathstroke's skin, bone, and muscle tissues are considerably stronger and harder than human and the tissues are impervious to injury to an extraordinary extent. He was even able to withstand hits from the vastly strong Wonder Woman.

Superhuman Reflexes: Deathstroke possesses reflexes far superior to a normal human. He is able to easily dodge point-blank gunfire, casually dodge point blank gunfire from multiple assailants, and has caught a dagger thrown at him from behind, without looking.

Superhuman Senses: Deathstroke's senses are far more heightened than those of a normal human.

Superhuman Speed: Deathstroke is capable of moving at speeds greater than the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Stamina: Deathstroke can exert himself for hours, while wearing a heavy body armor, without tiring easily.

Superhuman Strength: His entire muscular system was hardened and fortified making Deathstroke many times stronger and durable than humans. He places this capability into his strikes, augmenting the concussive force of his attacks. His strength is sufficient enough to press about a 1 ton with ease. He is strong enough to easily cut through a car with his sword, catch a bullet with his teeth, easily snap a sword in half, rip an airplane door off with one hand, and even trade hits with Donna Troy.


  • Acrobatics: Deathstroke is very agile and is capable of performing skillful acrobatics in combat.
  • Demolitions: Deathstroke is proficient with many different kinds of explosives. From small entry explosives to grenades and even high powered military grade firepower.[3]
  • Disguise[20]
  • Escapology: Deathstroke was able to easily escape high tech meta-human hand cuffs with only a paperclip.
  • Firearms: Deathstroke is a highly trained soldier who has years of mercenary experience. Not only is he a highly skilled marksman, but he is trained in the use of pistols, rifles, shotguns and even makeshift firearms.[3]
  • Gadgetry: Deathstroke is skilled in the use of multiple gadgets. He was even able to quickly create and activate an impromptu EMP.
  • Martial Arts: Deathstroke is highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and martial arts. His fighting skill has allowed him to fight on par with Batman himself, who he claims he should be able to defeat in three moves tops.[7] After his his enhancments, Slade was able to perceive an enemy's movement before they were able to land a hit.[3]
    • Stick Fighting: Deathstroke is highly skilled in stick-based martial arts. He is capable of skillfully wielding two eskrima sticks, or a single bo staff in combat. He has also shown skill with nunchucks.[21]
    • Eskrima: Deathstroke is capable of skillfully wielding two eskrima sticks in combat.[22]
  • Hunting: Deathstroke hunts in his spare time. He has an entire trophy room full of the heads of the animals he's killed.[3]
  • Intimidation: As a deadly assassin, Slade is able to instill great fear into others. His ability to do this was so great, he was considered a worthy member of the Sinestro Corps.
  • Leadership: Deathstroke has been shown to be a capable leader, as shown during his time in the Suicide Squad.
  • Military Protocol: Deathstroke has fought for the special ops section of the military in places like Bosnia, North Korea, Southeast Asia and Russia.[3]
  • Stealth: Deathstroke is a master of stealth and is able to silently assassinate people without making a sound.[23]
  • Swordsmanship: Deathstroke is a highly skilled swordsman. One of his favorite personal weapons is a large broadsword.[3]
  • Tactical Analysis: A section of Deathstroke's brain not associated with fighting was dedicated to the analysis and understanding of a situation. Not many can catch Deathstroke unaware.[3] He has been described as a tactical genius.
  • Throwing: Deathstroke is highly skilled in knife throwing, as he has displayed on multiple occasions. Slade's aim is so great, he was able to slice a fly in half by throwing a paper clip.
  • Weaponry: Deathstroke is highly skilled in the use of many different types of weapons.


Ikon Suit: After his rebirth, Slade came across a prototype of one of his older suits of armor during a rescue mission. Created by Dr. Ikon, in addition to being bulletproof, this armor is able to absorb kinetic energy to power itself. Once activated, the kinetic energy generated by Slade's superhuman movement speed and reflexes can maintain the suit's energy levels. Because it requires enhanced reflexes to run, only Slade can generate the kinetic energy needed to keep the suit charged. It can be powered by alternative energy sources, such as a lithium fuel cell, but should such a source run out stop working for any reason, the suit's functions will shut down.

The durability of the suit combined with its energy-absorbing properties enable Slade to withstand incredible force, so much so that that Slade can take repeated punches from Superman without going down. Also, if the suit absorbs too much kinetic energy, it will release a shockwave proportionate to the amount of excess energy in the suit. The suit is also equipped with a sophisticated AI system with the voice of Wintergreen, but Slade swore never to use it, breaking that oath only under exigent circumstances. The suit has two drawbacks however; It can be shut down by anyone wearing an Ikon suit with the master program in it and that if it has to release its shockwave, it will have to cooldown for 10 minutes before it can begin absorbing blows again.

The Deathstroke: The Deathstroke is a Scotish broadsword & Slade's first & favorite sword.

Grappling hooks: Slade also carries grappling guns that shoot hooklines and allow him to reach great heights or restrain his targets (similar to Batman's).

Energy Staff: One of Deathstroke's signature weapons, a near indestructible bo staff (sometimes made out of prometheum) that can also discharge an energy blast (strong enough to destroy aircraft and even injure powerful metahumans but this can be altered). He can also separate his staff into two eskrima sticks.

Military grade knife: One of the knives he carries

Various firearms:
Deathstroke carries various firearms, for simplicities sake, he will be carrying a submachine gun, an assault rifle, a sniper rifle, and a pistol

Various explosives: Deathstroke is carrying 3 flashbangs, 3 EMP grenades, 3 frag grenades, and a couple lbs of C4.

Grail (If it is in their possession. Grails are items that will have the ability to manipulate the Gates of Realms. These would usually be very special items that are the focus of their canon universes, such as the Dragon Balls in Dragon Ball Z or the Tri Force in The Legend of Zelda.


Time of Gate awakening (Specify which point of their canon story was taking place when the gates of space and time were opened.)

Current time in the comics

Backstory (You may copy and paste from a wiki):

Team 7
Five years before taking the name "Deathstroke", Slade operated with Team 7, a team created to secure The Majestic Project- a plan to control future metahuman threats.

During one mission, Slade was severely injured and had to go under an operation that enhanced his physical abilities, making him a super soldier.[2]

Mercenary Work
After the termination of Team 7, Slade began to operate under the Deathstroke identity as a mercenary for hire. He took his son, Grant on on of his missions, considering him not only his son, but also a business partner, and the only person he could trust. During the mission, their refuge was infiltrated and they were attacked. Grant was shot, and as Slade looked back at his son, a bullet penetrated his right eye, blinding it.[3]

Suicide Squad
After Victor Sage gained control over Amanda Waller's Suicide Squad, Slade was recruited as a new member, in exchange for money.[4]

At one point, Slade was hired to kill Richard Swift, a.k.a. the "Shade". Slade sliced off Richard's hands, slit open his chest, and finally, decapitated him, although it turned out that Shade had sensed Deathstroke's presence long before he made his move, and had created his own shadow construct dupe, which Deathstroke had then dismembered.[5]

Slade tried to kill Batman when he was affected by a drug that eliminates fear of death. Deathstroke yanked Batman out through the windshield and throws him from the Batplane down toward the ground below. Speeding toward the trees of Harmon Island, Batman launched a grapple to grab onto a nearby branch, and break his fall. He apparently was not hired to do this, but decided of his own volition.[6]

Slade encountered Batman once more during the Gods of War storyline, when he went to Gotham, looking for his son. He engaged in a fight with the Dark Knight, that ultimately ended in a stalemate.[7]

Red Hood and the Outlaws
At some point Slade learned of a bounty placed on Red Hood and the Outlaws. He described the assignment as something he would be more than willing to do for free. Although Slade was seen throwing knives at the photos of Red Hood, Starfire, and Arsenal, it seems he never attempted to collect the bounty.[8]

Gods of War
Slade went to Russia to fulfill a contract against a man named "Possum", which turned out to be a set-up. Slade becomes badly injured from Possums backup. Bleeding heavily, Slade tries to remember the name of the man he's to see; an older man called I-Ching. He finds his way to the place, and collapses. Slade wakes, healed by the man, and senses something has changed in him. He soon realizes that, somehow, I-Ching has made him young again. Slade begins searching around, and finds the hologram of a masked swordsman. A voice from behind him explains that this man is just a hologram of Deathstroke's next target, Odysseus. The man introduces himself as Red Fury.[1]

Slade later finds out that Odysseus is his resurrected father, and scientists had used Slade's son, Jericho, to do this.[9]

After being led by Harley Quinn to the likely location of his children Rose and Jericho. They have been taken to Gotham International Airport, where their grandfather Odysseus and the League of Assassins deliberate on whether they should kill Rose. Jericho becomes agitated, warning them away from his sister. To force Odysseus' hand, he begins attacking his own body from the inside, knowing that if he dies, Odysseus' plan is ruined. Under pressure, Odysseus puts his own mask on Jericho and absorbs the remains of his psychic power before he can die.[10]

Deathstroke and Harley soon intervene and rescue his children. Banishing the fact that he is fighting his father from his mind, Slade attacks him as an enemy. When Odysseus knocks off Slade's helmet, he doesn't recognize him as his son, thanks to the de-aging he underwent. Therefore he assumes that this must be an impostor. Slade assures him that he is the real deal, skewering his father on a protruding piece of scrap metal, killing him.[10]

Slade is eventually approached by the Olympian craftsman god, Hephaestus, for a job unlike any other job he has ever done; to assassinate a god. Slade accepts the offer and is armed with a magical sword, called the Godkiller. Armed by Hephaestus, Slade sets out to kill a god, the titan, Lapetus.[10]

Deathstroke encountered Damian Wayne, a.k.a Robin, when he was sent after Maya Ducard. Damian intervened when Slade attacked Maya, and the two engaged in a fight. Robin led Slade into a tomb, where he was caught off guard by the traps, allowing Damian to get distance. After Deathstroke managed to escape, Damian then payed him off.[11]

Sinestro Corps
Because of his ability to instill great fear in others, at some point Slade was chosen as a suitable candidate to wield a Yellow Lantern Ring, and was temporarily recruited into the Sinestro Corps.[12]

Green Arrow
Sometime in the past Slade had an encounter with Oliver Queen, a.k.a the Green Arrow. This was revealed when Oliver was thinking of people who would want him dead, and thought of Slade as one of them.[13]

Slade encountered Oliver once more when he was hired to find Doctor Miracle, a man who's blood could heal anything. Slade ran into Oliver when he arrived in Africa to retrieve Doctor Miracle, where Oliver was attempting to do the same. The two engaged in a fight that Slade ultimately won. He then impaled Oliver with his sword, seemingly killing him, although Oliver survived due to Slade being unaware that the blade had some of Doctor Miracle's blood on it.[14]

League of Assassins
With his daughter, Rose, on the urge of death, Slade is made an offer by Ra's al Ghul. Ra's tells Slade that if he swears his allegiance to the League of Assassins, he will heal his daughter. Slade reluctantly agrees to the terms, only to find out Ra's had tricked him, forcing Rose, along with Slade's son Jericho, to also swear their allegiance to the League.<

Deathstroke: Rebirth
In the past, Slade is camping with Grant and Joseph. While Joseph enjoyed himself, Grant refused to camp and slept in the car during the night, exhausting the car battery and stranding the three in the wilderness in the middle of winter. When Slade reprimands Grant, he snaps at Slade. Before he can disciplne him, Grant storms off while Slade and Joseph begin walking in a different direction to find a town. Grant eventually runs into a mother bear. Before the bear can reach him, Slade, having followed Grant, kills it, then scolds his son; partly for not knowing he was towards it in the first place, and partly for not being able to flee. Wintergreen then arrives to pick up Slade for a contract in Qurac. He admonishes Slade's parenting methods, but he still believes Grant should have been able to take care of himself. Before leaving, He goes to kill the bear cubs nearby, thinking it better than not having a mother.

Further ahead in time, Slade and Adeline are in the middle of a heated fistfight. Adeline is tired of Slade's adventuring while she stays home with the children. Slade rebuffs her, and when things calm down, Adeline asks for a divorce.

In the present, Slade is overseeing a dumping of dead bodies in a country run by his latest client; Ja Zaki, The Red Lion. Slade has agreed to keep American forces out of his country, in exchange for nine million dollars and the location of a target for another contract. Slade's computer expert, Hosun, transfers some of the contract money into a pro-intervention Senate candidate's superpac, splitting the Democratic vote and allowing the anti-intervention, Republican Senator to keep his seat. Once the deal is done, Red Lion goes back on his word to protect his target and gives Slade his location. Once he reaches his target's hideout, he has his escorts wait ten minutes before fleeing. Before he goes, the two beg for him to spare them, as Deathstroke would have to kill them and and Red Lion would have their sons killed. The former to hide the fact that Red Lion went back on his word, and the latter to ensure that the sons don't avenge their fathers' deaths. He simply rebuffs the two and goes for his target.

Once inside, his target, a sickly Clock King, welcomes him, having already known he was coming for him. Deathstroke tries to shoot him, but Clock King is unaffected because of his time manipulation abilities. Slade prepares a grenade, but Clock King offers him information about a loved one in exchange for his word he will spare him. He refuses, choosing to uphold his word to the victims who hired him and maintian his integrity. Clock King admits that he is already dying and that asks if the person he is talking about is less important then killing his target. When Slade asks for proof, Clock King replies with one word; Kenilworth. Slade then returns to his escorts, demanding all the money they have on him in exchange for protection from Ja Zaki.

Later, the two escorts head into the territory of a terrorist group. When stopped by the terrorists, they claim they want to join their group, and brought the body of Deathstroke as a gift. The guards are skeptical, but when the escorts uses the word Kenilworth, they are granted entry. That night, Slade - still alive - begins slaughtering the terrorists with the weapons he snuck in. Slade then breaks for a nearby cave. When he tears the door inside apart, he finds Wintergreen, who is upset that Slade took so long to come for him.

The Professional
While Wintergreen gathers his belongings, he recounts his kidnapping to Slade. He then dons his old Ikon suit, but it is out of power. Wintergreen charges it with few shots, then the two make their escape. Wintergreen gives Slade a rundown of his captors. They then return to Slade's escorts, who took the liberty of disposing the decoy body used to get in, along with his original uniform.

Later, Congressman Hasgrove is hosting a party in his celebrating his reelection. While there he recieves a package. After stepping out onto a patio to open the package. Once he sees what's inside, he immediately kills himself by stepping over the railing. The package is revealed to have been scandalous photos delivered by Hosun. While Slade and Wintergreen have trouble navigating Kenilworth, New Jersey, they eventually locate the Congressman's body and move to the next phase of their plan.

The group returns to Clock King's compound, where Ja Zaki is being held captive. Once there, Wintergreen tries to negotiate a surrender, a Clock King responds by causing his age to fluctuate. However, Slade appears and reveals the Clock Kings abilities are actually just parlor tricks. He then reveals his weakness, due to his true condition, Clock King needed to be connected to an oxygen tank. Wintergreen shoots the tank, causing an explosion that disrupts all of the illusions. While Clock King is dying, he is shocked Slade abandoned his word, but because Wintergreen fired the shots, his honor is intact. Once free, Ja Zaki is upset that Slade killed Hasgrove. Slade simply warns him to leave his two escorts and their families alone and leaves.

While on the way out Wintergreen reveals that Hasgrove's death will undo his political agenda, causing the U.S. to intervene and defend Ja Zaki's enemies, and saving thousands of lives. Slade brushes it off, but Wintergreen reveals that he thought the entire thing was a hallucination. He then punches him to convince him otherwise. When he catches on, he begins ranting about the capture, their distress code Kenilworth, and ends by asking Slade where he was all that time. He sarcastically responds that he was golfing.

During another flashback, Adeline leaves home to track down Slade, who has been missing for some time. Leaving food for Joseph and a promise to return in two days, she heads out, as Jospeh complains that his father will never return. Taking advantage of the freedom, Joseph decides to throw a party. After two days are up, Adeline's contact can't locate Slade anywhere. Upon returning home, she witnesses the mess left behind from the party. She the notices a message left for Deathstroke; a challenge to find the perpetrator written in blood and a picture if Joseph pinned to the wall with a knife. Believing Deathstroke to be the kidnapper, Adeline quickly leaves the house, and reaches out to her contact to discover who Deathstroke is. She then calls Slade, who answers only to brush her off as he is traveling to his latest mission.

The mission at hand is to pull Lillian Worth out of Cambodia, in an area controlled by Khmer Rouge holdouts. Her service to various intelligence agencies and the fact that Slade once used her place of work as a safe house earned her a ticket out of the country. As their plane crashes, Slade, Wintergreen, and their crew disembark to find Worth. Once the recon man enters, the rest of the team enters. Things go smoothly for the crew until the recon man gets shot. The shooter is revealed to be a young Rose. When Wintergreen arrives, he convinces Rose that she is safe. Followed in by Slade, Wintergreen repeatedly demands answers as to what is going on.

In the present, Wintergreen and Slade are approaching Fredric, the recon man from years earlier, to confirm that he was the one who sold Wintergreen out to his kidnappers. He tries to shift the blame to Rax, another former ally, but Slade already found him, dead in his apartment, along with two assailants who he promptly kills. Having been made, Fredric confesses and asks which of the two will do the deed. However, Slade pulled a disappearing act in order to get into a skirmish with Isherwood, a.k.a. the small time hero, Dr. Ikon. After getting into a skirmish, Isherwood, reveals that he had nothing to do with Wintergreen's kidnapping, but he was approached by the kidnappers, but he didn't talk. Slade then gets a call from Wintergreen, who just killed Fredric. He then reveals that Hosun has been checking Slade's Dark Web messages in order to track down a lead. One in particular gets both their attention; a contract on the Ravager.
A few things:
No dodging point-blank gunfire
Turn down the healing factor please
Also I don't think pressing 1 ton is possible.
"Oh, hello there! I'm Wheatley!"


"I'm from that one universe that is like... I mixture of Portal and Half Life. Personally, I don't know much about Half Life, seeing as I am stuck in Aperture but I'm sure it's fun."


"Seeing as robots don't exactly have gender, I can't really answer that. Let's just say male, okay?"


"Eh... I'm going to call myself a bit of a Chaotic Neutral. I'm kind of good but I like to swing either way."


"I'm a core, as you can tell, with the one eye and the spherical body."


"Eh... Honestly, It's unknown. It's hard to keep track of time down here."

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'Small... Obviously. No idea what my my actual height is."


"Well, I'm obviously light, but I haven't actually checked the scale in a while. Am I looking a wee bit big to you?"


"I wish I had powers. That would be fun if I could just fly or something like that."


"Lets see, I can plug myself into outlets and things like that. That's cool right?"


"How do expect me to have anything!? I don't have any arms!"


"I don't have a grail, but I believe my friend here, Chell does."

Time of Gate awakening:

"Well... You see, funny story. My dear friend Chell was trying to suck me into space and the both of us were on the moon. And suddenly... It happened."


Wheatley was designed to be an Intelligence Dampening Sphere, one of the cores to be attached on GLaDOS in order to "generate an endless stream of terrible ideas" and inhibit her mental abilities. Although it was never explained, Wheatley was disconnected from her and given other jobs. Sometime before GLaDOS killed off the entire staff in the Portal 2: Labrat comic using neurotoxin, Wheatley had worked alongside staffs before he was put into storage with other cores seen at the end of Portal. After a few years, though under unknown circumstances, he was put into deactivation along with many other personality cores and kept in storage.
Thanks to Chell's havoc on the Enrichment Center via the destruction of GLaDOS at the conclusion of Portal, Wheatley and the rest of the cores were reactivated in order to maintain the facility. Ironically, this backfired as many cores (except Wheatley and the Corrupted Cores seen at the end of the game) appear to have been either killed off, gone insane, or ran low on power.
Prior to the events of Portal 2, Wheatley took charge of maintaining the Extended Relaxation Center- which houses test subjects in long-term cryogenic stasis before and after they are put through the testing courses. However, what he has done to actually manage the entire wing remains unmentioned. It was only until many centuries later that Wheatley decided to escape the facility. To accomplish this, he attempted to gather help from any remaining test subject that managed to last centuries after running out of cryogenic supply. Luckily for him, Chell was one of them if not the only one that lasted.
Wheatley is first seen during the very beginning of the game during the chapter The Courtesy Call, wherein he removes Chell from her Relaxation Vault and puts her into one of the old testing tracks, so she can find a Handheld Portal Device and help him escape. After she acquires the device, he meets up with her and detaches himself from his management rail to accompany her to the Central AI Device so they can access an escape pod to the surface. He uses his compatibility with the Enrichment Center's systems to allow passage through a testing chamber's backstage. When they reach the ruined Central AI Chamber and he tries to activate the escape pod, he accidentally reactivates GLaDOS instead. Chell and Wheatley are both captured by her. Wheatley is crushed by GLaDOS' pincers and tossed to the side. Chell is placed back in GLaDOS' testing tracks. However, he somehow survives and is placed back on his management rail, due to an incident involving a bird (Wheatley attempts to explain the events of this incident to Chell, but never gets the chance).
Throughout Chapters 2, 3, and 4, Wheatley observes Chell from behind the scenes of the test chambers, trying to figure out a way to break her out. Finally, at the end of Chapter 4, he is successful and they both escape into the manufacturing section of Aperture, just before GLaDOS is about to kill Chell. He hatches a plan to sabotage GLaDOS, then confront her, defeat her, and escape. They sabotage GLaDOS' turret production line, by replacing the template turret, and her neurotoxin generator, by cutting the neurotoxin hoses with a Thermal Discouragement Beam. Once this is done, Chell and Wheatley return to the Central AI Chamber through the Tubes to confront GLaDOS. The announcer detects GLaDOS as a corrupted central core and offers a core transfer. A stalemate is reached between Wheatley and GLaDOS, and Chell has to push the Stalemate Resolution Button. Once Chell does this, the core transfer commences. GLaDOS' head is removed from her body and Wheatley is put in its place, putting him in control of the facility. He summons an elevator for Chell to escape to the surface, but just as the elevator is starting to rise, Wheatley grows corrupted with power and lowers it back down. He says spitefully that all Chell does is boss him around (Ironically, Chell never says a word in either game), but now he is the boss and she is at his mercy. Wheatley transfers GLaDOS' core programming to a small computer chip powered by a potato battery as an attempt to humiliate her. In her potato form, GLaDOS suddenly recognizes Wheatley's voice. She tells him that he was originally designed as an Intelligence Dampening Sphere, "producing an endless stream of terrible ideas", essentially "designed to be a moron". In a fit of rage, he accidentally knocks both her and Chell into the bottom of the elevator shaft leading to the depths of the Enrichment Center.
After returning from the bottom of the Enrichment Center, Chell and potato-GLaDOS learn that Wheatley's moronic actions are causing the facility's reactor to approach a nuclear meltdown because he consistently neglects the urgent warnings from the Announcer instead preferring to think of ways to satisfy the testing addiction he gets from inhabiting GLaDOS' body, which he calls "the itch". One such (unsuccessful) endeavor is the creation of Cube/Turret hybrids, or "Frankenturrets" designed to autonomously walk onto buttons. When Wheatley discovers Chell and GLaDOS, the latter attempts to overclock Wheatley's processors by forcing him to interpret a paradox, but it doesn't work because he isn't smart enough to even understand that it is a paradox at all. When this attempt fails, Wheatley puts Chell and GLaDOS into his own testing tracks (most of them stolen from GLaDOS). As they go through the testing tracks, he examines the rest of the Enrichment Center and discovers Atlas and P-body. Realizing he no longer needs Chell to continue testing, he sets a trap, with which he can crush her to death. However, Chell evades his trap, escapes the testing area, and prepares for the final confrontation with him.
When Chell arrives in Wheatley's chamber, Wheatley employs a four-part plan to destroy her: no portal surfaces, start the neurotoxin immediately, bomb-proof shields, and bomb launchers. This backfires, however, when Chell uses a bomb to shatter a pipe of Conversion Gell, then uses this gel to redirect bombs at Wheatley. Each bomb stuns Wheatley for long enough to attach a corrupted core onto him. Once this is done three times, Wheatley is corrupt enough for the announcer to initiate a core transfer. A stalemate occurs once more between Wheatley and GLaDOS, and Chell must press the stalemate resolution button to finalize the transfer. However, Wheatley had booby trapped it with explosives before the fight, as the fifth part of his plan, and Chell is flung from the button. The explosion dislodges part of the ceiling, exposing the night sky and the Moon. Chell shoots a portal onto the Moon, causing both her and Wheatley to be sucked into space, both of them holding onto the central core body in order to stay anchored on Earth.



"Now, this, my friends, is the one and only, Chell! Say hi, Chell! ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... She isn't much of a talker."

"As I said we are a part of the Portal and Half Life universe."

"Oh come on! You're not that blind, are you? She's female!"

"Eh... I'd say she's a True Neutral. Eh... Sure,"

"She's a human I think. I don't really know what humans look like since I don't see many down in Aperture but I assume she is human."

"I have no idea."

View attachment 287522

Height :
"I have no idea."

"I have no idea."

"Nope... No superpowers whatsoever."

"Lets see... Chell is fast, smart, and overall good at solving puzzles and finding things out."

"Chell has the amazing portal gun and those darned leg braces that can save your life plenty."

'That portal gun.. That's all I'll say."

Time of Gate awakening :
"As I said, when we were getting sucked into space."


Some time after GLaDOS' takeover of Aperture Science, Chell is awakened in a Relaxation Vault after being unconsciously placed into it. Curious, she explores the Vault, and within only ten seconds of awakening, Chell is greeted by a robotic and seemingly automated female voice who informs her that she is a test subject. A voice, (later to be revealed as GLaDOS) then states that Chell will be undergoing testing for the benefit of Aperture Science's research program.
GLaDOS then generates two oval-shaped teleportation fabrics (portals) on a solid flat surface, with an entrance portal in the Relaxation Vault and an exit just in front of the exterior of the Vault. Chell exits from the Vault, however she notices empty observation rooms which lack the staff that should be recording her performance. After completing her first test and acquiring an understanding the cube-and-button based mechanic, she is put through a series of tests to further explore and understand the use of portals.
During the course of the comic, we are introduced to former Aperture scientist, Doug Rattman. He witnesses the apparent destruction of GLaDOS, and later, after escaping from the facility himself, witnesses the recapturing of Chell by the Party Escort Robot. Following the robot, he finds that Chell has been placed into an Extended Relaxation Vault. However, as a result of the explosion at the conclusion of Portal, all of the relaxation vaults' life support systems are offline. Doug patches Chell's vault onto a reserve grid (as he was unable to open the vault), allowing Chell to survive the years prior to her reawakening in Portal 2.
Many years after the events of the original games, Chell is revived by Wheatley, a Personality Core. After a brief introduction, he convinces Chell to escape with him from the ruined facility. The pair eventually find themselves in the remains of GLaDOS' chamber. Wheatley then inadvertently reawakens GLaDOS, who immediately recognizes Chell. Discarding Wheatley, GLaDOS plunges Chell back into the depths of Aperture, to resume testing.
Chell finds herself testing in the ruined facility with GLaDOS, but after a several chambers, Wheatley rescues Chell to help him sabotage GLaDOS' weaponry, allowing for a coup to take place later. GLaDOS eventually manages to trap Chell and bring her into her lair. After finding that her preferred methods of murder are unusable, Chell and GLaDOS find themselves at a standstill. Wheatley reappears, and after Chell initiates a core transfer, replaces GLaDOS as the Central AI of Aperture. However, he goes mad with power, dismantles the remains of GLaDOS' head and reconfigures it into a potato battery, and accidentally sends both GLaDOS and Chell to the decomposing underbelly of the facility, "Old Aperture," which had been sealed off for many decades.
In Old Aperture, Chell is introduced to Cave Johnson, the now-deceased founder and CEO of Aperture and his assistant Caroline. Throughout the tests, Chell finds and re-activates the Repulsion, Propulsion and Conversion Gels. She is reunited with GLaDOS during her travel through Old Aperture, and the two forge a plot to overthrow Wheatley in exchange for Chell's freedom.
After departing from Old Aperture, the duo locate a test chamber that Wheatley is overseeing and attempt to disable him via a logical paradox. This fails, however, and they quickly find themselves solving Wheatley's own cobbled-together tests. Much like in the first game, Wheatley tries to kill Chell and GLaDOS, saying that he had found the perfect replacements for Chell. After a lengthy chase through the upper facility, Chell and GLaDOS are again in the Central AI Chamber with Wheatley. Chell furthers Wheatley's "corruption" by attaching corrupted cores to his frame, allowing for a second core transfer. Before Chell can do this, however, Wheatley detonates bombs that he had "booby-trapped the stalemate button" with in a last ditch effort to maintain control. However, Chell fires one last set of portals above and below Wheatley. These portals link together the Moon and the Central AI Chamber, and both Chell and Wheatley are sucked through into outer space.
Having completed two tests, Chell reaches a test chamber in which she acquires the Portal Gun. Later on during the testing course, she is put through a series of more dangerous tests including hazards such as Goo and High Energy Pellets, among others. Skillfully avoiding these hazards, Chell is assisted by the Companion Cube and by the Aperture Science Advanced Knee Replacement components applied to the back of her lower legs to her ankles, which allow Chell to avoid injury when falling from great heights. Eventually, the single-portal variant of her Portal Gun is upgraded to create a set of linked portals. As an incentive to complete the tests, GLaDOS promises Chell that cake will be served once all tests chambers have been completed.
As the testing progresses, Chell stumbles across various areas with defunct wall panels, and manages to sneak into them. As she enters these maintenance areas, she finds refuge areas commonly known as the Rat Man's Dens, previously used as hiding places by Aperture technician Doug Rattmann. The scribblings on the walls in these Dens appear to be warnings for Chell, telling her that "the cake is a lie" and that "she's watching you". Chell, now made more aware of her situation, is forced to continue testing and play along with GLaDOS' plans. The Rat Man's warnings are eventually revealed to be correct, as GLaDOS attempts to murder Chell upon her completion of the final test chamber, despite earlier promises of cake.
Chell successfully escapes the dramatically slow death trap, and is informed by GLaDOS that pretending to kill Chell is simply part of the test. Dubious as to the veracity of this claim, Chell escapes the testing course, and travels through the Aperture Science Facility in an attempt to reach the surface and escape. Eventually however, Chell realizes there there is no chance of escape as long as GLaDOS is in control of the Facility, and is forced to confront GLaDOS in the Central AI Chamber.
Upon entry to the chamber, Chell is greeted by the passive-aggressive rogue AI. GLaDOS claims that she will provide Chell with a surprise, however a Morality Core unexpectedly detaches from GLaDOS' chassis. Chell destroys it using a nearby Emergency Intelligence Incinerator, however the Core is revealed to be a safeguard designed to inhibit GLaDOS' homicidal tendencies. With the Core destroyed, GLaDOS releases neurotoxin into the chamber in an attempt to kill Chell. At the same time, a Rocket Turret emerges from a core hatch beside GLaDOS and begins to target Chell. Using the Portal Gun, Chell redirects the projectiles through linked portals, causing the rockets to strike GLaDOS, each of which detaches more Personality Cores from the chassis. Although inflicting damage, the loss of the Cores merely increases GLaDOS's desire to kill Chell. After destroying each detached Core one-by-one, Chell destroys the final Core (the Anger Core), and GLaDOS is sent literally spiraling into her demise, as the destruction of her generators triggers a gravitational vortex, which deposits Chell on the surface.
Chell slowly regains consciousness in the parking lot of the Enrichment Center, with with a lifeless GLaDOS beside her. As Chell's vision clears, the Party Escort Bot thanks her for "assuming the party escort submission position", and begins dragging her back into the now-ruined Aperture Science Facility. As Chell is dragged away, it is revealed that the destruction of the Central Core (GLaDOS) resulted in the automatic activation of other Personality Cores, tasked with the management of the Enrichment Center while GLaDOS is offline. The final scene depicts the Companion Cube and a cake deep within the bowels Facility, waiting for Chell to claim them.

I'm going to trust that you wont misuse the Portal Gun as OP.
Name: Doom Slayer

Universe: DOOM 2016

Gender: Male

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Race: Human

Age: Possibly Hundreds of years old


Height: I would place him somewhere around 6'8

Weight: Pretty god damn Heavy

Superhuman Abilities: The Doom Marine has shown to possess immense physical Strength and Endurance, enhanced Speed and Agility, and high levels of Stamina and Durability. These abilities are all augmented by the Doom Marines Praetor Suit and are used when fighting against the Demons of Hell.

Destruction Empowerment: A being known as the Seraphim gave the Doom Marine the ability to grow stronger through the Destruction he causes (mainly by killing Demons)

Master Combatant and Weapon Mastery: The Doom Marine is capable of using any weapon or firearm in his possession with master proficiency. He can use all firearms he comes across with great effect, while also upgrading and modifying his arsenal. He is also capable of carrying a vast amount of weapons, carrying up to 12 weapons including special weapons (Chainsaw and BFG) and grenades.
Advanced Intellect: The Doom Marine has shown possessing a high level of intelligence despite his violent ways.

weapons/Items: Pistol · Combat Shotgun · Chainsaw · Plasma Rifle · Heavy Assault Rifle · Rocket Launcher · Super Shotgun · Gauss Cannon · Chaingun · BFG 9000

Grail: Argent Energy

Time of Gate awakening: During his Rampage through Hell after his scurry on Mars

Backstory: He is the Sole Survivor of the Night Sentinels, the protectors of a realm called Argent D'nur. After it fell and was absorbed into Hell, the Doomguy launched into a Roaring Rampage of Revenge, tearing through Hell and destroying its temples and armies. Empowered by the Seraphim and clad in Powered Armor built by a rogue demon, he quickly became The Dreaded throughout all of Hell, who summoned a Titan to stop him. He killed it in single combat and then continued his rampage. He only stopped when he walked into a trap and had an entire temple dropped on him, and was finally entombed within...until the UAC found him.
The BFG is pretty OP
he's apparently Samus and loses all his gear somehow at the start of each and every game.

samus aran - badass woman with super suit, still suffers from being blonde.
1: She cannot destroy the multiverse. I bet she would have if she could have.
2: Pretty sure she made use of some teleportation to get to Snowdin that quickly, perhaps by Sans. It's a safe assumption she cant do it herself.
Okay i was just fixing it to what i was critc about last time, also the destroy the multiverse thing is just what it said on wiki which is where i got most of my information.
he's apparently Samus and loses all his gear somehow at the start of each and every game.

samus aran - badass woman with super suit, still suffers from being blonde.
No i was thinking it would be broken
Those are both good answer. But, think about this... BFG ammunition wouldn't be in any other universe besides the DOOM universe. So, you can have the BFG, but it has limited ammunition which requires it to be used in critical moments.
Those are both good answer. But, think about this... BFG ammunition wouldn't be in any other universe besides the DOOM universe. So, you can have the BFG, but it has limited ammunition which requires it to be used in critical moments.
Yeah, but it also only holds three shots
Name: "Call me Bill, Bill Cipher!"
Bill 'Mischief' Cipher

Universe: "Gravity Falls, nice place in Oregon where weirdness lurks around every corner."
Gravity Falls

Gender: "My dimension has 14 billion different genders. I'm honestly not sure. It would take years of paperwork to sort out!"

Alingment: "I keep hearing flesh bags calling me evil but is wanting to grant them liberation really that bad?"
Chaotic Evil

Race: "Don't you know a demon when you see one?"
Dream Demon

Age: "I'm billions of years old and I'm still in better shape than you, get it... Shape because I'm a triangle!"

Appearance: "Well who's this handsome devil?"



Height: Varies, his min is around the size of a mouse and his max is the size of a two story house, though usually short

Weight: Varies, usually very light

Powers: "The possibilities of what I can do are endless, I mean have you seen anyone turn themself inside out?"
Apportation- His body can function as a portal of sorts, he can take things out from within his body as long as they are smaller or around the same size as him. People can also go through him, he can only do this to one person at a time and they're 'spat' out within a few seconds. Though this only works from the front.
Intangibility- Can repel area around him allowing phasing through objects and people or a repulse shield.
Clairvoyance- He can sense spiritual beings and the presence of others as well as their emotions, thoughts, and memories by looking at them.
Cross-dimensional awareness- Bill is aware of the 'real' world and may or may not joke about pop culture.
Illusion Manipulation- Bill can create strong illusions, you can see, hear, and smell them but you can't touch them and likewise.
Regeneration- Can heal wounds and regrow limbs, though he needs time to do so and he can still feel pain.
Laser Manipulation- He can create, manipulate, and shape laser light. He shoots from his fingers but rarely he'll use his eye.
Levitation- Simple, he can hover
Molecular Manipulation- Fancy words for shapeshifting but he can keep his powers, he usually keeps the same triangular shape and single eye unless using it to dopplegang. He can also use his body as a projector or screen.
Nightmare Inducement- Can induce nightmares in others while they sleep.
Possession- He takes control over another being's body but he needs to make a deal allowing him to, unless that being isn't smart or simply weak willed. When he possesses someone their eyes become tinted yellow and their pupils become slits. (NPC's only)
Precognition- Can see potential future scenarios.
Pyrokinesis- He can summon blue fire from his hands, this fire only spreads if he wills it and only burns if he wills it since it's usually to seal a deal. When angry this fire turns bright red.
Size Shifting- Bill can increase and decrease his size with a limit, his larger size tends to be red with a black eye as he only does this when angered or to scare others.
Telekinesis- Can move things in the area around with his mind, such as deer teeth, only inanimate objects or inanimate parts.
Telepathy- He can hear the thoughts of others if he tries, but mostly he uses telepathy to privately communicate.

Skills: "I'd say my natural charisma is my best skill."
Playing the piano
Mimicry- He can change how his voice sounds to mimic another's voice, when angry his voice deepens.

Weapons/Items: "Where would I be without my cane and tophat?"
Finger guns- Shoot lasers from his finger tips
Bubbles of pure madness- Can summon bubbles of pure madness, which cause madness to overcome whoever they envelop and may have lasting effects, but luckily they're quite slow and can be popped.

Grail: "Well good ol' Sixer made three journals about the mysteries of Gravity Falls."
The three journals

Time of Gate awakening: During Weirdmageddon after Ford took a shot at him and missed but before he burned the journals.

Bill is an ancient demon who's older then the galaxy and far more greater then others. Bill once lived in the 2nd Dimension, a place that he soon got bored of and described of it as a "flat world with flat minds and flat ideas." Bill then became determined to spread chaos and destruction, which forced him to "liberated" his dimension by destroying everything there, including his own parents too. Eventually, he found his way to the Nightmare Realm where he soon met up with the Henchmaniacs. In this dimension, Bill had no corporeal form, so he could only access or possess the minds of humans. With this ability, Bill manipulated countless humans so that he could find a way to enter the 3rd dimension, then gain a physical form and liberate that dimension as well too.
As millions of years passed, Bill's interactions were recorded throughout the history of humanity, including ones with natives who lived in what would become Gravity Falls, Oregon. The people discovered that Bill was too dangerous and found a way to defeat him using a zodiac with ten different symbols. The people left behind a painting of their encounter with the demon, including how to summon him and a warning to never read it. Sanford Pines would discover this symbol in the late twentieth century when he came to investigate the town, hoping that it would help him in his research on Gravity Falls' anomalies. After a failed attempt to summon the entity, Ford ended up encountering Bill in his dreams, where he offered to help with the answer to Ford's questions of the universe and gain his trust. Ford was blinded by this flattery, when he agreed to the deal.
Bill then had Ford build a machine that he claimed would benefit mankind, but in reality it was a portal for the demon to enter the 3rd Dimension. However, one of Ford's human friends, Fiddleford McGucket, discovered the true nature of the portal and warned Ford before completing it. Horrified and betrayed, Ford shut down the project and hid all three journals on how to operate it, shifting to working on countermeasures in case the demon ever returned. Bill, however, patiently boded his time for the portal to reactivate.
Name: Vader

Universe (If the series has multiple continuities, specify which one): Ark: Survival Evolved

Gender Male

Alingment: (Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, True Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Evil)
It really does vary so true neutral.

Race (Their species)

Age (type unknown if unconfirmed)

Appearance (Post a picture)

Height (if confirmed)

Weight (if confirmed)

Powers (If they are extremely powerful, please nerf them)
Summoning dinosaurs (See below)
Vader can give his tamed dinosaurs basic commands by whistling
Hand to hand combat (boxing)
Use of melee weapons
Tactics and strategy
Taming and riding dinosaurs
Somehow knows about modern Armored Fighting Vehicles and pop culture.

A pump action shotgun that is devastating in close quarters
A fabricated sniper rifle that is semi automatic and does considerable damage, it can also fired tranq darts that can knock an unarmored human unconscious, and can with several hits fall dinosaurs.
A sword that... well it's a sword.
A fabricated pistol that's probably 9mm. He rarely uses it because it's pretty much useless.
Several essentials, cooked meat, canteens, and narco (it isn't a drug like we know it. It's not addictive and is only used for sedative purposes) stimulant (the opposite of narco)
Two other sets of gear, riot armor, which protects well against torpor (Ko damage), and explosions http://imgur.com/a/zSqGy
and fur clothing, which is useful in cold environments. http://imgur.com/a/7AE9p
Vader also has several of his dinos with him, that he can summon and dismiss from his implant.
There's Eruption, the Argentavis http://imgur.com/a/A2TSd
Eruption is Vader's primary flyer. He can carry a semi-decent amount of weight, is very fast and resistant, and packs a decent punch. Eruption can pick people and small-medium sized animals up and still fly.
There's America, the Thylacoleo http://imgur.com/a/S7VFS
America is the result of a rare mutation which caused him to be naturally red, white, and blue. He is insanely tough and can do a lot of damage, able to take on even the feared Tyrannosaurus Rex. He is also very fast, jumps far, and can climb surfaces which have enough footholds like cliff faces or large trees.
Lastly there's Florida, the Sarcosuchus http://imgur.com/a/x73vP (This is a baby picture he's actually like 30 feet long)
A Sarcosuchus is essentially a large alligator. Because of this, he is Vader's primary inland water mount and he was the primary ocean mount until Vader's taming of Megalodons, Plesiosaurs, and a Mosasaurus. He is a fast damage dealer, but he can still take a good amount of hits.
NOTE: I may give him the ability to "unlock" more of his dinosaurs as time goes on.
Grail (If it is in their possession. Grails are items that will have the ability to manipulate the Gates of Realms. These would usually be very special items that are the focus of their canon universes, such as the Dragon Balls in Dragon Ball Z or the Tri Force in The Legend of Zelda.
Vader's grail is his specimen implant. He uses it to access his inventory, level up, and etc.

Time of Gate awakening As Vader and his friends were gearing up to fight the Brood Mother Lystrix boss.

Backstory Vader's early life is unknown. As an adult, he was placed upon the Island and implanted. Since then he has survived there, frequently taming and doing battle with it's prehistoric denizens.
Name: "Call me Bill, Bill Cipher!"
Bill 'Mischief' Cipher

Universe: "Gravity Falls, nice place in Oregon where weirdness lurks around every corner."
Gravity Falls

Gender: "My dimension has 14 billion different genders. I'm honestly not sure. It would take years of paperwork to sort out!"

Alingment: "I keep hearing flesh bags calling me evil but is wanting to grant them liberation really that bad?"
Chaotic Evil

Race: "Don't you know a demon when you see one?"
Dream Demon

Age: "I'm billions of years old and I'm still in better shape than you, get it... Shape because I'm a triangle!"

Appearance: "Well who's this handsome devil?"



Height: Varies, his min is around the size of a mouse and his max is the size of a two story house, though usually short

Weight: Varies, usually very light

Powers: "The possibilities of what I can do are endless, I mean have you seen anyone turn themself inside out?"
Apportation- His body can function as a portal of sorts, he can take things out from within his body as long as they are smaller or around the same size as him. People can also go through him, he can only do this to one person at a time and they're 'spat' out within a few seconds. Though this only works from the front.
Intangibility- Can repel area around him allowing phasing through objects and people or a repulse shield.
Clairvoyance- He can sense spiritual beings and the presence of others as well as their emotions, thoughts, and memories by looking at them.
Cross-dimensional awareness- Bill is aware of the 'real' world and may or may not joke about pop culture.
Illusion Manipulation- Bill can create strong illusions, you can see, hear, and smell them but you can't touch them and likewise.
Regeneration- Can heal wounds and regrow limbs, though he needs time to do so and he can still feel pain.
Laser Manipulation- He can create, manipulate, and shape laser light. He shoots from his fingers but rarely he'll use his eye.
Levitation- Simple, he can hover
Molecular Manipulation- Fancy words for shapeshifting but he can keep his powers, he usually keeps the same triangular shape and single eye unless using it to dopplegang. He can also use his body as a projector or screen.
Nightmare Inducement- Can induce nightmares in others while they sleep.
Possession- He takes control over another being's body but he needs to make a deal allowing him to, unless that being isn't smart or simply weak willed. When he possesses someone their eyes become tinted yellow and their pupils become slits. (NPC's only)
Precognition- Can see potential future scenarios.
Pyrokinesis- He can summon blue fire from his hands, this fire only spreads if he wills it and only burns if he wills it since it's usually to seal a deal. When angry this fire turns bright red.
Size Shifting- Bill can increase and decrease his size with a limit, his larger size tends to be red with a black eye as he only does this when angered or to scare others.
Telekinesis- Can move things in the area around with his mind, such as deer teeth, only inanimate objects or inanimate parts.
Telepathy- He can hear the thoughts of others if he tries, but mostly he uses telepathy to privately communicate.

Skills: "I'd say my natural charisma is my best skill."
Playing the piano
Mimicry- He can change how his voice sounds to mimic another's voice, when angry his voice deepens.

Weapons/Items: "Where would I be without my cane and tophat?"
Finger guns- Shoot lasers from his finger tips
Bubbles of pure madness- Can summon bubbles of pure madness, which cause madness to overcome whoever they envelop and may have lasting effects, but luckily they're quite slow and can be popped.

Grail: "Well good ol' Sixer made three journals about the mysteries of Gravity Falls."
The three journals

Time of Gate awakening: During Weirdmageddon after Ford took a shot at him and missed but before he burned the journals.

Bill is an ancient demon who's older then the galaxy and far more greater then others. Bill once lived in the 2nd Dimension, a place that he soon got bored of and described of it as a "flat world with flat minds and flat ideas." Bill then became determined to spread chaos and destruction, which forced him to "liberated" his dimension by destroying everything there, including his own parents too. Eventually, he found his way to the Nightmare Realm where he soon met up with the Henchmaniacs. In this dimension, Bill had no corporeal form, so he could only access or possess the minds of humans. With this ability, Bill manipulated countless humans so that he could find a way to enter the 3rd dimension, then gain a physical form and liberate that dimension as well too.
As millions of years passed, Bill's interactions were recorded throughout the history of humanity, including ones with natives who lived in what would become Gravity Falls, Oregon. The people discovered that Bill was too dangerous and found a way to defeat him using a zodiac with ten different symbols. The people left behind a painting of their encounter with the demon, including how to summon him and a warning to never read it. Sanford Pines would discover this symbol in the late twentieth century when he came to investigate the town, hoping that it would help him in his research on Gravity Falls' anomalies. After a failed attempt to summon the entity, Ford ended up encountering Bill in his dreams, where he offered to help with the answer to Ford's questions of the universe and gain his trust. Ford was blinded by this flattery, when he agreed to the deal.
Bill then had Ford build a machine that he claimed would benefit mankind, but in reality it was a portal for the demon to enter the 3rd Dimension. However, one of Ford's human friends, Fiddleford McGucket, discovered the true nature of the portal and warned Ford before completing it. Horrified and betrayed, Ford shut down the project and hid all three journals on how to operate it, shifting to working on countermeasures in case the demon ever returned. Bill, however, patiently boded his time for the portal to reactivate.
I think it's OK but you may need to hold back on some powers.
I'm pretty sure this character is BEYOND Nerf, but I'll try:
A sniper's round is supersonic.
Your attack speed:
wait what the fuck
Hypersonic is actually Mach 5+ but that's beyond the point. People need to understand dual wielding does NOT MAKE YOU ATTACK FASTER.
Supersonic attacks are impossible. No.
Next, in what universe is the ability to regenerate from decapitation MID LEVEL. No.
Character DENIED
Nerfed plese review

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