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World of Warcraft! Whether you're a fan or not, please look into my thread!

Lucid Dreamer

The Hand of Doom
So, as a beginning, I will post my rules that I wish for you to follow during our... Awh, come oooon, you're gonna start a thread about an RP with rules? Are you serious? Listen, you, the person who reads this, just... be a decent writer and try to be literate, and also, we love paragraphs. That's all there should be known... Hey, hey, tell 'em about you being a grammar nazi, I know they will surely like you! Eh... no. That's... a bad idea. And by the way, don't listen to them, they're just... them. I'm not a grammar nazi and I won't execute you for a mistake, but just try to keep it as clean as possible, okay? Oh really dude? You're ruining the fun... Anyone wants biscuits? No? Good, I wasn't gonna share anyway! Ugh, will you shut up? We're trying to write over here! Not "we". I. I am trying to write and you are distracting me so will you please... STOP?!?

Whew! Okay. If you aren't scared yet, I hope you'll continue on reading. Please. I'm really a nice person once you get to know me. On that note, please, if you're gonna RP with me, be friendly. Let's exchange messages, know a bit about each other, and so on. If you're gonna be a stranger, the RP is going to be dull.

Okay, onto the plots and pairings then! First things first, if you are a fan of WoW, it's good, but if you're not, at least be willing to learn a little bit! I'll provide with everything needed and I'll even help, I really want to RP a plot in the Wrath of The Lich King setting! Pretty please!


In search of a past.

Free from the Lich King's grasp, my character, a Death Knight (of the Alliance or of the Horde) finally returns to his homeland, only to be welcomed with cold stares and hatred. However, he has one purpose: To discover the mysteries of his past. Who he was, and how he became an abomination. A friendly hand reaches out for him from the mass of people who would gladly help to get him hanged. Will this person embark on an adventure with the harbinger of death to find out about his past? Will she, perhaps, turn his hatred into other sorts of feelings? Will she teach him how to be alive again?

And there. That's it. Message me or comment here if you wish to start this with me. Note, I only need 1 partner, so I'll see who I pick. If there's more of you, that's it. Hey, wait, didn't you say there were more plots? What sort of person are you, huh? Er... yeah, true, I did say "plots" but... that's all I could come up with for now. Pf, what a waste.

*cough cough* Okay, sorry for that. Well, I hope to hear from someone! So long!
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I have to say that I know WoW. I have been playing since vanilla. If that gives you any idea of how long I have played. I loved your plot! It would be interesting to see how it goes. If you are still open for this. Please pm.

H8becomesyou said:
I have to say that I know WoW. I have been playing since vanilla. If that gives you any idea of how long I have played. I loved your plot! It would be interesting to see how it goes. If you are still open for this. Please pm.
Holy hell yes! But I'll need you to PM me, though, I can't PM (new around, really sorry!)
Damn it. I read the plot and thought it sounded amazing, even though my knowledge of WoW isn't too expansive. I can also relate to being a Grammar Nazi, heh. But, I see that you've already found someone to rp with. I hope you enjoy yourselves! ^-^
Anaxileah said:
Damn it. I read the plot and thought it sounded amazing, even though my knowledge of WoW isn't too expansive. I can also relate to being a Grammar Nazi, heh. But, I see that you've already found someone to rp with. I hope you enjoy yourselves! ^-^
On a second thought, one more person to RP with wouldn't hurt! We can do the same plot or create a new one! Just PM me ^^

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