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Fandom World of Warcraft MxM RP Search (Open to Canons and OCs)


Nightwing Appreciator
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello there!

I'm Alice, a writer from the UK. I used to write professionally but now do it as a hobby whilst I work from home. This prompt is exclusively for MxM pairings pertaining to World of Warcraft . If I were to define my style it'd be Advanced Lit to Novella, writing only in the third person and past tense. Response rates I'm very flexible around, and I'm okay with pokes to post and such. Very big ooc chatter, I love to get to know all my partners way too much and try to form a friendship together beyond just writing posts to one another. Given I'm a girl IRL your gender doesn't matter to me, you can be a guy, girl or NB as long as you're writing a male character - But I do require all my partners to be over 18 and preferably 21 or over as I'm 23 myself. Romance is a core theme of all my RPs so respond knowing that's what I'm interested in.

I am open to almost any character permitting they are male and either exist in WoW already (A Canon, including gender bent canon characters) OR can be made to exist within WoW (OCs). For this RP I will be writing Anduin Wrynn, who I've written for many years and have a full muse for. I'm very open to whatever my partner brings to the table, whether that's a canon character like Arthas and requires some timeline adjusting, or an OC Red Dragon for example. All characters will be 18 or over no matter what we do with the timeline, so if the idea requires Anduin to be older than his age at the time in the game we will adjust events to play out so he's over 18 when those events come around by adding stuff into the timeline and stretching it out.

Spoilered below is a sample of my writing, from an existing RP I am writing using Anduin:
Wrathion did indeed create quite the suspenseful pause, written over Anduin’s face. The expression on his face was tense, the nerves that dictated if the King smiled or frowned were tort - Drawn into a frank expression of neutrality. He was admittedly making Wrathion’s position up on the fly, and didn’t desire his face to give away such a reality even if it was clear to all involved. An innate desire to continue to tether the other man perhaps, for companionship was something the King often struggled to grasp at in the way a young man should. Wrathion’s biology was complex, as was his aging, but Anduin looked upon the man and saw someone who stood at the same age as he - That was good enough. Finally however, Wrathion’s acceptance came and Anduin could smile without giving away his deck of cards.

If the apple was such a deck, Wrathion splitting it into two felt different. His view on the other man and his actions was often conflicted, he saw a jealous man at times who believed all should follow him. At other times, Wrathion acted as a bastion of Azeroth. Splitting the apple was in part that desire for Azeroth’s survival and in other parts a reflection to Anduin that the Black Prince at the Trial of Garrosh Hellscream was different. It would’ve been a beautifully poetic moment if Anduin did not look down at his apple and see only horror. The exterior of the red deliciousness remained, yet where the insides should’ve been slick with juice instead an orange eye peered up at him. Unblinking. Moving rapidly as it was etching a view of every contour that made up Anduin Wrynn. The King winced, unable to contain his displeasure. The longer Wrathion took, the more often the eyes manifested themselves in Anduin’s food - Though he would not readily admit he had gone so long without a proper meal due to it.

Placing it face down Anduin returned his apple to the soil like Wrathion, a meal for those same nightly animals. He attempted to evade discussing just what he had seen, for he must be the last to fall to N’Zoth’s corruption.

“A number of things if we are to devolve directly into business,” He remarked back, shifting to look up at the sun. Evening would soon break over Stormwind, capturing the city in delightful orange hues. Red sky at night a Shepard’s delight - If only the eyes were not of a similar shade. “I shall arrange for you to receive chambers within the keep due to the nature of our threat, alongside a Hearthstone attuned to the Keep. In the meantime you shall present me with this cape you have mentioned prior, adept at warding off N’Zoth. I will then be able to defend your motives alongside you amongst my other advisors and leaders of the Alliance. Does this suffice, or does the Black Prince desire to challenge me in his new role as I know you desire to at every turn?” There was a hint of flirtation to Anduin’s tone, a slightly raised pitch alongside a raised eyebrow. Perhaps out of place, or perhaps simply a Lion clawing at something that offered it protection no matter the cost.

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