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Fantasy World of Satira - The Election Contingency


Matron of Satira
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Bonjour, mes amis.

I'm wanting to give my World of Satira roleplay another chance; and to do it on here, RP Nation. Hopefully it goes well, but I wanted to put interest out there.

You can read more about "the Election" plot in the Contingency Guide, though you might also read the World of Satira Booklet. This is a roleplay that does warrant a lot of reading of the source material, but I think it is worth it in the end - especially since I am an avid world builder and am very proud of Satira and would like to share it somewhere. I've been to other websites, but I do not like the moderators on one, the other is closing, and the last has too many roleplays that die out. So, let's give this a chance!

I would be okay with feedback, as well, on the world.

World of Satira links
Booklet (this is the main source of information you may want to use)
Sylpedia (this will outline the magical algorithm and systems in Satira)
Contingency Guide (these are multiple roleplay ideas within Satira; "the Election" being one of them)
Allegiance Appendix (guilds, factions, etc. within the world)
Legend: The Five Children of Origin (lore!)
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Character Sheet
*Note: It's okay to have more than one character and add as much to the bio as you'd like!

If you do not have an external character appendix (like I do; check out my signature), please follow the below character sheet for uniformity. Italicized portions are optional.


Theme Song

Name of Character
Alias of Character

Age: ?
Gender: ?
Sexual Orientation: ?

Height: ?
Weight: ?

Vocation: ?
Allegiance: ?

Explanation of Abilities
Magical Abilities:
Weapon of Choice:



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just wanted to give you a lil heads up that the color for the font is a lil hard to read on darkmode
I can access the doc for the Legend page now.

I think it's an interesting setting that you must have put a lot of work into,a lot to chew on.
I will say I have. It's a little hard to get the idea out there and people to be interested since it is quite established in itself... but I also want it to grow, you know? A lot of how I shaped things was due to roleplaying a lot of it out and sharing ideas with folks who did contribute to what it is now. I love taking other peoples' suggestions, but also I think creating an established world can really open up the possibilities for interesting roleplays. I just know it can be overwhelming for many.

Really, though - if you have any questions, please let me know! I love talking about the world I put a lot of work into, hahah. Right down to the name of it. ^-^
Plus, in my experience it isn't the roleplay idea itself that kills the roleplay but the lack of an established foundation an world that kills the roleplay... so providing the foundations, a.k.a. the world and allegiances and stuff can allow someone to base their creations off of.

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