
I promise I won't ramble. To keep things short and sweet: 1) read the rules, 2) use OOC to reserve characters, 3) characters should all be female. With that said, here are the available spots and the skelly!

1. Owner- OPEN

2. Worker - OPEN

3. Worker - OPEN

4. Worker - OPEN

5. Student - Taken by

6. Student - OPEN

7. Student - OPEN

8. Student - OPEN

9. Student- OPEN

10. Student - OPEN


{header should include picture or gif of the character and an introduction quote from them}

Name//Age//Sexual orientation

Traits: +__,__,__; -__,__,__




Theme song:

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/girls-with-long-brown-hair-tumblr-ty4d7wkh.jpg.d1d0932dd49fe96f36420d15a4b1e8e9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19203" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/girls-with-long-brown-hair-tumblr-ty4d7wkh.jpg.d1d0932dd49fe96f36420d15a4b1e8e9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

{header should include picture or gif of the character and an introduction quote from them}

Name//Age//Sexual orientation

Bo Ellis



Traits: +_Clever_,curious__,_shy_; -_naive_,_hesitant_,_reserved_


Bo never really had too many friends. Considering she kept to herself and learned to prefer books over people. Not because she wanted to, but because not many people seemed to bother to include her.


Bo grew up in an orphanage known as the Montgomerey Manor, but she never really connected with her fellow orphans, whom to her surprise made friends like it was second nature. All Bo really did was glance at them while she pretended to read a book and they painted each others nails and talked about boys. Bo never felt like she fit in. The other girls would gossip about her, sometimes they'd even say mean things. "Ugh, Bo is so weird. She always has her nose in a book." The reply was usually the same. "I know right? She's such a
freak." Some nights this would send Bo into the bathroom to sit on the closed toilet and cry, at least once every two or so weeks. When she got into the art college all of that was pushed behind her.


Drawing, reading, iced coffee, mint chocolate chip ice cream, afternoon naps, traveling

Crowds, cramped spaces, spicy food, groupies

Theme song:

Stronger Kelly Clarkson

You're late



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quote:I'm a princess bitches, so act like I rule.

Cailee, 17, she'll date anyone

blonde hair, green eyes, big smile (once in Wonderland she discovers she can change her apperence at will)

wild, crazy, bipolar, outgoing, daredevil, careless

Cailee had abusive brothers when she was younger but left at age 9 to live with her cousins who were filthy rich. She was introdced to parties at age 12 and never stopped since. Cailee has been with lots of guys and girls only to fill the emptiness of never having been really loved. She stumbles upon the coffee shop after she parties too hard, ends up with a bad hangover, and needs something to help the headache.

likes: loud music, youtube, books (secretly), parties, equality, fights, makeup/clothes, origanallity

dislikes: quiet, being alone although shes used to it, brightness, being rejected, people knowing her secrets, copying

theme: buckwild by 2Virgins ft Taylor Caniff
Name: Kai Woods

Age: 14

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.5db4522699c4b043c77ed09512a3ed0c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19222" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.5db4522699c4b043c77ed09512a3ed0c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 4'2

Weight: 90Lbs:

Personality: Shy,Sweet,Timid,Loyal,Protective.

Bio: When Kai was a baby his older brother went insane and killed his family, leaving only him and his other brother Liu alive. After that he lived with his drunk, abusive aunt for 12 years. Then he ran away to New York and tries to find someone who will hear his story.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/girl-with-black-hair-and-blue-eyes-kkth2a9h.jpg.215d146341e0baa7ad9dccbede64e000.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20174" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/girl-with-black-hair-and-blue-eyes-kkth2a9h.jpg.215d146341e0baa7ad9dccbede64e000.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Everyones has something to hide, but I am an open book




Nice, talkative, adventurous, weird, flirtatious, opinionated

Raven was the Oregon senator's oldest daughter. He had high hopes for her to go into politics and Raven agreed but she put herself into politics as a protestor. Raven knew from a young age that she wasnt attracted to men and she knew she had to hide it. Her sexual orientation might not look good for her father. Once she started protesting, her father grew disappointed with her, refused to acknowledge that sode of her life. It wasnt until her brother let it slip, that her life got harder. Her whole family refused to talk to her, Raven's funds were cut off, she was banned so she left. At 16, she really had no where to go so she just couch hopped, slept in parks sometimes, or she would occasionally go home to suffer her family just to have her bed. As soon as she graduated she left the state for college so she could pursue photography and use her major to make a change in the way goverment leads.

Likes: protests especially for lgbt rights, tea, reading, drawing, food (literlly any food), jokes, flirting, and parties

Dislikes: rude people, close-mindedness, shallow people, the dark, bever finding love, jail.

Theme: on top of the world by imagine dragons

Other: welcome to wonderland



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