Wonderland Reborn


Queen of Butterflies




RULER OF (if applicable):


LOVE INTEREST (optional:


my character:

NAME: Leonora Rosette White

AGE: 20

BIO: Although Leonora appears sweet and innocent, she is neither. She is a fierce warrior who strikes fear into her opponent's hearts.

Fighting in the war, Leonora tries her best to keep peace in her kingdom despite the war going on. (More will be revealed later in the RP)




RULER OF (if applicable): Club Kingdom

DAUGHTER/SON OF: The White Queen

LOVE INTEREST (optional: doesn't have time for that right now

WEAPON: enchanted sword

RANK IN ARMY: General of the Club Kingdom army

Also, there will be limited spots for the Kingdom Rulers, so please choose carefully.


Clubs: taken by PrincessKarai8

Hearts: taken by BlackRoseWitch

Diamonds: taken by Paradox #24

Spades: taken by Prince-of-Trickery

Madness: taken by Princejonah39
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NAME: Prince Nirvain Black

AGE: 20

BIO: he's very kind and gentle but can have an overbearing side! He's nutty and odd like the mad hatter but very wise like the chesire cat! He's very un predictable. Also, has the ability to evaporate and change his form like the chesire cat can. Has the ability to sew madness into people with his needles.

LOOKS: he has a strong resemblance of the mad hatter but the eyes and teeth of the chesire cat! He's very handsome with his charming boy looks! His oddest feature is the little crown that looked like the red queen's but his glowed with a purple mist. The mist is the mercury used in the mad hatter's hat that is the fuel of his own madness. He has shaggy spiked hair that is rough but neat. The boy is slightly muscular but slim. He has both his ears pierced with loops with tiny jokers hanging from them. He has a joker insignia on the back of his black and purple sleeveless shirt, he wears long black pants with red jagged ends.


RULER OF (if applicable): prince of The Madness kingdom

DAUGHTER/SON OF: born from the madness of chesire cat and mad hatter!

LOVE INTEREST (optional: oh?

WEAPON: sewing needles (used in hat sewing) madness scythe

RANK in army:

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A photo of him

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Aria Frost Hellstorm




Aria de Winter was born in Crystal, Wonderland. Crystal was a small farming community and land that was rented out by the local landlord to the farming tenants there, being there were little rights to be had for peasants such as her family during the time period they lived in, they were in a rather deep pit of poverty. She grew up, raised more like a man then a woman due to the family itself having unsuccessfully attempting to have a male child to help around the farm. Aria was the only result of their repeated attempts, so she was treated as a man and given work to do around the place.

The resulting work turned Aria into a tomboy, often horsing around with the other boys of the village and brawling just as well in them. In turn, she often had bruises over her body along with a blackened eye. This was not to say she had no friends in the village, the people she most often got into brawls with were some of the people she was the best of friends with, and they treated her as a boy just like her family did. However, she had few friends that were female, noticing that there were a surprisingly low amount of females in the village.

Aria's best friend was named Scout, a boy born around the same time as she was. When the other boys went home, they often fought and played together when they weren't working, which wasn't often. Every Saturday was when they had free time before morning, and as such every Saturday morning they went to the local pond to try and catch fish with their bare hands, due to how dirty the water was there were never any fish however. To get around this problem, they stole some fish from the market, setting them loose in the dirty pond and then attempting to catch them with their hands. This was the first criminal act they engaged in, and it was a satisfying break from the constant work they performed for nothing.

When she finally reached the age of 13, she was allowed to do more dangerous work. This included occasionally going to the mill to help out with the work there, since she was small enough to get into places adults could not. However, she felt like the pressure of this work was getting to her due to how young she was, occasionally turned to often, and small help turned into working 12 hour shifts at the mill as she grew older and more experienced with it. As a result however, she never had any time to spend with her friend Scout. After returning home one night from work, she noticed that a fire was still going on inside of the shack, finding this rather curious she sneaked to the window of the shack, listening in.

What she heard surprised her, a passing blacksmith had heard that one of the men there was an extremely tough and hard worker and had come looking for him. The reason? An apprenticeship, her parents after hearing the details realized that the blacksmith had been looking for her, Aria, not a man and saw a chance to earn some money. They explained to him that Aria was not a man, but rather a young girl. The blacksmith seemed rather skeptical of this, and as a result turned to leave. They stopped him, telling him to wait for her to come home. Aria, erring at the aspect of what was going on entered immediately afterwards. The Blacksmith looked over her, with a curious expression on his face, without even looking for a demonstration on whether or not she could do what had been told about her he took out a bag of gold, offering his apprenticeship to Aria. Her parents, of course, accepted near immediately.

She never saw her real parents ever again...

Without even having a chance to say goodbye to her friends, Scout especially they setted off the very same night. Aria could not help but give a sigh in response, she'd miss the people, that was for sure. The blacksmith didn't seem to have any horses or things of the like that she could take with him to make the journey, so she had to walk. She carried his bags for him in the meantime. After sometime with nothing of note happening, they happened upon the village where he worked. Aria was surprised at this, as they walked past the houses she noted that this was somewhat wealthier then her own, and even more surprised when they turned a corner, headed towards a castle. She was excited, and asked if that's where they were headed. She received a positive answer in response, saying he was a blacksmith for the local lord in the area.

For the next 2 years, Aria worked under the supervision of this person, although she sometimes felt him staring at her particularly close, which she didn't understand. In her ears, she heard rumors from the maids and butlers her concerning the fact that she was a young 13 year old girl, working to become a blacksmith. They found this amusing, and laughed about it, but not Aria. She knew she'd have to work hard to do her parents proud, but one day disaster apparently struck. She was cornered by the blacksmith, who have been watching her bloom from a young girl into a beautiful young woman. He attempted to seduce her, but she grabbed a nearby poker and ran him into the eye with it. He survived the attempt she made on his life, and smacked her into a nearby chair, strapping to her it while he called the authorities. Afterwards, she was thrown into jail with no chance to defend herself.

Word of her attack spread across the village, so she was sometimes visited by people who threw rocks through the bars and similar acts to degrade her from her already low position. She was told by particularly amused villagers that they had received news she was to be put to the death for attacking the lord's favorite smith, and about two weeks after her imprisonment, it appeared they were right. In the midst of the night, she was taken from her cell and thrust onto the ground of a nearby river, nearly being drowned several times before having her head brought back up for air. This continued until the carriage arrived, holding a noble along with the blacksmith in the other side, they both exited, with the blacksmith holding a collection of tools. Aria was too tired from her water torture to ask for an explanation, and just sat down on her knees in front of the two. They were ready to torture and, maybe, even kill Aria...


All of that changed when a four armored knights had ran near the lake, informing the two men that the Queen of Hearts wished to speak to Aria de Winter due to reasons. Completely shocked, the two men had quickly released Aria as the knights escorted the tired and weak Aria to the grand Castle of Hearts...

Unknown to Aria, that was her last day of being known as Aria de Winter.

Shockingly, the Queen of Hearts was quite lovely and nice. She explained that she was looking for someone the looked just like her late daughter. In other words, Aria was a replacement. She was so caring enough to adopt Aria as her daughter. She was now known as Aria Frost Hellstorm, no longer Aria de Winter. But, Aria knew that the Queen only wanted another daughter to replace her dead child. Such a shame, really. Either way, Aria was glad that she escaped death. The rest of the Kingdoms in Wonderland had no clue that Aria was not really the daughter of the Queen...

Or a secret test subject.

The Queen of Hearts, Caroline Frost Hellstorm III, didn't even know that her own daughter was being experimented by a few of the her trusted family members. Being injected with many rare liquids, the royal family members were planning on using against the other Kingdoms... So, of course, they needed to test it all out on Aria. It was more than just shots... They brought her mental and physical pain at night, while everyone else slept peacefully. Day by day, Aria grew out of her tomboy nature and bloomed into a Noble butterfly... Of course, Aria didn't really like that. But, She didn't want to disappoint Caroline... Or get tested more harshly by the Royal family.

One snowy day in the Kingdom of Hearts, the Queen had been murdered in her sleep by an assassin that worked for someone from someone... The Kingdom of Hearts was in pure rage, pointing foolish fingers at the other Kingdoms. However, due to the loving and dead Queen, Aria was chosen as the next Queen. However, after hearing about her Mother being dead, Aria completely changed into a cruel and heartless person and quickly rejected the offer of becoming Queen! Someone else in the Royal family had gotten the title of Queen instead. The young Princess was now known as the Bloody Butterfly... Or Heartless Butterfly, either way. However, Aria acts sweet and caring half of the time... Most people think the cruel things that are said about her are completely rude rumors... While others have said to witness her so called true side, who knows really? Aria Frost Hellfire only pretends to be sweet though on the outside.

She had also joined the Army as the first female Spy and Assassin in the history of Hearts...

But deep inside the heartless Princess lies a warm and sweet sixteen year old girl...

Or is there?

Maybe that is just apart of her act as well?

Will anyone see what is inside this broken Princess?

What did those experiments exactly do to Princess Aria Frost Hellstorm?

(More will be revealed later in the RP...)





RULER OF (if applicable):

Princess of the Kingdom of Hearts


the deceased Queen of Hearts. However, She is not blood related to the Queen. Aria once had a lowly ranked family in the past, but not anymore.


No one so far.

Aria only likes boys... So yep~!


Anything that She can find... Mainly her magic and CURSED sword though.



Despite being a Princess, Aria is a Spy and Assassin!


If anyone wants to become a love interest, please PM me. :3
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Well well she's going to be fun to role play with or my characters worst nightmare! *shivers*

Sent from my SCH-S738C using Tapatalk
My lovely character? *Le gasp!*

Worst nightmare you say...?

She might just be your worst nightmare! I can picture what is going to happen---

Um... I mean... :eek:

She is going to be fun to RP with, just like all of your characters and everybody else too! :cool:

I'm just joking... I think. >:3

Anyway, I cannot wait to start the RP! :big grin: I'm going to guess that we will have to wait to start... Just in case anyone else wants to join the crazy land of Wonderland~! :tongue:
I feel the same and thank you both for the replies to my wall! I couldn't reply back because the app keeps restarting but thanks! I'm just so thrilled to have found this role play! Ok um i will stop replying here hehe hmm i hope we get more members! ;)

sent from the mind of a heart broken prince!
It is still open. ^^ Erm... I am sorry, but my character is already the Princess of the Heart Kingdom. There are still two other Kingdoms open already... So, you can make the character the princess of the other open Kingdoms. ^^
Yep I'm from the madness kingdom (joker kingdom) or the kingdom of madness! I don't know it you all know this but some say they are all mad!

sent from the mind of a heart broken prince!
NAME: Christopher (Chris) Kingsley

AGE: 23

BIO: Chris grew up under the constraining rules of the Prince lifestlye; tedious lessons about your duty as a royal and etiquette of a proper gentleman. He saw no point in them when he was younger and decided to sneak off and enjoy the endless joys of a child's imagination that stretched beyond the boundaries of Wonderland itself. He didn't do these escapades on his own. No, his mother often joined him on his adventures throughout the palace gardens and into the bustling kingdom; the two were thick as thieves. His father wasn't so bad either, often joining their games rather than attending to his own boresome work.

However, when Chris turned 12, his mother became deathly ill and succumbed to Death's hand a few month's after. During her sickness, she would try her best to make her child smile from the restraints of her bed. After her death, his father changed and became more cold and distant; not even sparing glance at his only son. Chris left the childish games and returned to the stiff life of a Prince. 10 years he was buried under the responsibilities and hardships his father piled onto him with a fixed mask of fake smiles and obedience.

Chris's only saviors were the friendly servants and the head guard that trained him in battle; Benjamin, the head guard, was a long-time family friend that was more of his father than the king was. With the oncoming promise of war, Chris trained hard- mastering his double-wielded sword technique- and soon worked his way to becoming the lead general of his father's army. And with a promise to both the king and his late mother, he won't let anything stop him from succeeding.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/IMG_20131216_201644.JPG.d0340c7a70f57f800e49dca00f76b144.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10549" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/IMG_20131216_201644.JPG.d0340c7a70f57f800e49dca00f76b144.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

RULER OF (if applicable): Prince of Spade kingdom

DAUGHTER/SON OF: The king of the Spade kingdom

LOVE INTEREST: none so far. Chris swings either way.

WEAPON: 2 double edged swords

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Screenshot_2013-11-23-18-09-08-1.jpg.eeeec86cb3f50d2ea549ade6205f8fa3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10548" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Screenshot_2013-11-23-18-09-08-1.jpg.eeeec86cb3f50d2ea549ade6205f8fa3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

RANK IN ARMY: General of Spade army



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In! Thank you for picking one of the remaining kingdoms. We have one more left to fill and then we'll be able to start the RP 
Now, Luna. The remaining kingdom left is Diamonds
Hmm... Is it really possible to create another kingdom?

If so, then I'd like to. I'll probably have it create an alliance with some other kingdom, etc. etc. c:

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