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Fandom ♥ ♦ Wonderland At War ♣ ♠ [OPEN]


self appointed meme queen


Armies from all sides of Wonderland began to appear from different sides of the land. One was prominent with its red flags and heavy metal: the kingdom of diamonds. They're armor seemed to glisten in the sunlight as their king road with a horse that was covered with gold. His blond hair reflected the sun's light and his entire army seemed to shine by God's light.

From the far left, an army made of bright red car like soldiers marched in unison, they're queen in the middle of it all. Her red hair seemed to become part of the army and by her side, a man with a crazed look in his eyes: the Mad Hatter. The Kingdom of Hearts seemed quite disciplined until one soldier tripped. "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!" Someone exclaimed, and the cards seemed to fold up for their queen.


To make matters worse, an army from the east dressed in white marched in unison. In their ranks were a few fairies and the king of clubs made his way to the front, his black hair slicked back and his bright blue eyes glancing at his fellow siblings. His queen was no where to be seen.


And finally, an army of darkness seemed to come from the south. A queen rose from the ranks, her fellow army of orcs and creatures of darkness cheering her on. By her side was a skeleton, and his army of the dead. To her other side, her husband with a crazed look that could match the Mad Hatter. The queen of spades was feared by most of her siblings, especially her elder brother. Her black hair was plaited with the bones of her victims and one of her blue eyes was covered with an eyepatch.




Name: Queen Eris of Spades

Location: Alice's Castle

Interacting with: @anyone


The queen of darkness tread carefully, sticking close to her army of orcs. Coming from the south of Wonderland had its share of benefit as well as cons. On one hand, the road to her mother's castle lacked a hilly road, making it quite easy for her army to walk on. The cons? The path to her mother's castle was paved with good intentions. Cliche? Yes. Everything in Wonderland was. Her eyes seemed to glow slightly, as if she were staring into a fire, a fire that roasted her enemies alive. As she turned, she saw three other armies, all of equal mass and most likely strength. One seemed to glow in the sun, one seemed to be just as magical as hers. And the other? Well that one was self explanatory, especially with all the hearts and and redness. As she nodded towards her second in command, her army seemed to fall down, resting their weapons and waiting for their queen to give a command.

Her aura seemed to drown out any light near her, as if she were walking in shade all the time. Everything about her was dark, cold, and mysterious. As she made her way into her mother's castle, memories seemed to flash back, before she was sent to train her magic, or sent away so her mother wouldn't see her
different child. Everyone knew the story: how Eris was always the least favorite for some reason, whether it be her magic, or perhaps her true parentage. That too was a rumor, if she was simply a bastard child. But, Alice had still given her some land, even if it was crappy land. It was still okay. And Eris worked with it. She always worked with whatever she had.

Letting out one last sigh, the young queen sat in the throne room, in her mother's throne. Closing her eyes, she could imagine herself as queen. Not just of her land, but the entirety of Wonderland. Opening her eyes, she shifted on the throne, letting out a devilish smile, the queen looked around,
was I the first to arrive? Now that was new. The queen was always late, due mainly to the fact of a rather annoying rabbit that would constantly yell at her for being late. She just began coming late mainly to annoy him. Now, it had turned into a rather nasty habit.

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»»»» OUTFIT »»»»

"Good morning 'er majesty." The maid chirped softly, waking the young faery up. Aurora fluttered her silver eyes open, turning her head to face the maid with a sad expression on her face. "Good morning Alana." Aurora sighed and sat up, looking out of her barred window that still managed to let the golden light into her chamber. Aurora's focus turned back to the maid to see her picking her an outfit for the day. "Alana you mustn't do this for me." Aurora sighed with a small smile, shuffling out of her bed and helping the maid. "Nae 'er majesty!" Alana begged, her Scottish accent flooded her words. "Please, let me." Aurora plead with a small nod. Alana looked at the floor then nodded at the Queen, quickly leaving the room for her to change. Aurora sighed, walking over to the window and rested her body on the cold brick wall, a tear rolled down her cheek when she saw her kingdom glow in the morning sun. Aurora got dressed into her outfit and brushed her wavy brown locks in front of the mirror. She placed her silver crown on top of her head and sighed. She hated how she looked now, she missed wearing nothing on her feet and the sparkle that came from her soft gold wings. Aurora snapped out of reality when she heard a knock on her door.

"Your majesty, your presence's is requested at Alice's castle along with your husband." The butler muttered. Aurora nodded and left her bedroom, following the butler into the carriage, questions filled her mind as the carriage began it's journey, Aurora decided for the best if she kept quiet. Aurora shuffled into the seat across from Gregory with her hands fiddling and her eyes looking out of the window. "
Why are we going?" Aurora spoke halfway through the journey. The ride was unbearable, filled with silence. The carriage finally stopped in front of the castle. Aurora angrily got out of the carriage without any help, she stood outside until Gregory started to walk. Aurora followed next to him as they entered the castle. Aurora went straight to the throne room only to notice that Eris was there. Aurora just nodded at Eris and stood next to her husband, admiring the detail in the room.

Tags: Gregory -

@FinalStraw || Eris - @Pyromaniac
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τ н є Ħ u η ʈ ə я

۩ ۞ ۩ And all the stars were crashing 'round

As I laid eyes on what I'd found ۩
۞ ۩

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Tick tock

Rickety Rock

Bippity Do

And Do Not Stop

Those sounds resonated throughout the mind of a young man as he laid upon a carriage. The horses were running wildly through the forest causing everything attached to them to shake and rock violently. The joyride was making the young man's heart race faster as he held onto the sides of the roof, his head hanging off the back end. A gleeful smile plastered on his lips as he stared upside down at the waning expanse disappearing. Today was an exciting little day where all the kingdoms had decided to meet. The last time such a thing occurred at not ended well and any chance to cause discord brought chills to his skin. It was what he craved and desired most when in the presence of the others. They were much to serious in their nature and did not know how to see the world from a relaxed standpoint. Well a obscure understanding of relax but fun all the same.

Another sound broke through the scattered thoughts of the Mad Hatter otherwise known as Dumuzi, King of Hearts. It was that of his beloved singing aimlessly from her seat within the carriage. He pulled his body over to her window to stare at her from the open curtain and grinned wickedly as she returned to the gaze. Her beauty was unparalleled to any he had seen and her mind was falling deeper into the never ending pool of madness. There was nothing he would't do for her and she would always drive his actions. But that did not stop the King of Hearts to steal as many as he could in the process. To him it was enjoyable to share his love to others, though he wife did not see it that way. Well what she did not understand would not hurt her for the time being. The grotesque nature attracted a select few of women and those who did approach were merely consumed by the instantiate pull of this lunatic. The Queen of Hearts continued to sing her tale about a small raven who knew many things and stole the eyes of others to gain more insight. A sweet tale, one that made him grin wider with infatuation for her.

Dumuzi was broken away from his connection to see their abrupt halt as they arrived the castle that belong to his deceased mother-in-law. He sat up quickly and glanced around the surrounding area taking note of the armies of his wife's siblings in the distance. His emerald orbs narrowed into slits from the display of forces and power. Scoffing as he slid off the roof of the carriage, the Mad Hatter began his own trot to the castle. The Queen had opted to come in later as her army was not as swift to catch up. Not a concern in the world the monster strolled through the castle walls with a wry smile on his face. There was so much fun to be had and the question was with whom would he start? Each respective Queen had peaked his intrigue to some degree and his charm was yearning to win them over once again. Dangerous games was a sport that Dumuzi enjoyed above all else.

The Throne Room was no different from the usual high society dwelling. The Mad Hatter was not surprised by any of it and continued his walk towards the throne where a certain woman decided to perch. With his hands firmly placed in the pantsuit pocket and shoulders relaxed he titled his head. Dumuzi watched the face of Eris carefully as she looked at him unsure. The question was how to mess with her today, would it be the route of seduction or by chance that of teasing. Either way he would win the dark Queen's heart and then he would take the Fairie's Queens. Dumuzi's expression quickly turned into that of satisfaction as he pondered on the soft spoken woman and how he could get a rise from her. The best part of it all were the husbands. The fools they were but he did not care a single bit. That was the brazen nature of who he was.

"Cosmic reflections upon the darkened plan bring eyes of guile" Dumuzi slightly nodded his tophat to her. Speaking in riddle was his way of getting away with many of statements, some which would even get that rise he so desired. But it was his nature to just revert to that when talking to these people. They were just too much fun to leave alone.

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Gregory Dawn

Grumpy and very much nervous, it was almost time for the event. Reflected in the dressing mirror was a man in his late-twenties, with discerning blue eyes and pale black hair. Gregory had to tough himself up for the day; it was looming over him and scared him, almost threatening. Going to his late mother's castle was one thing, but he was going to meet his siblings. He had left them a long time ago and didn't have to deal with them then, why should he deal with them now? His thoughts almost took over his own self, though he knew that he had to attend in order to secure a place in the upcoming war. T'was the least he could do, to at least keep Aurora safe.

Even now, it was uncomfortable calling her 'wife'.

I should've remained friends with her, Gregory quickly dismissed the thought whilst putting his outfit on. Had he chosen Aurora's happiness, her life wouldn't last long. He preferred the latter over the former-- no happiness can be without life, but with life, you can bring about happiness. That was what he thought at the time, but he didn't imagine that the Queen would be as sad as this. Call him selfish, but what he did was the best choice--for him, at least-- at the time. A knock on the door quickly brought him to his senses, as he finished dolling himself up. White in color, the suit he was wearing was simple, yet extravagant. Adorned with a silver crown on top of his head, Gregory was ready to go.

Along the journey, Gregory made no attempt to converse with Aurora. It was too painful for him-- he wasn't ready to hurt her even more. He wasn't ready, to
face the truth. Even as his wife asked him a question, he simply shook his head, trying to tell her that he doesn't know, yet, at least. As he and Aurora arrived in the throne room, he spotted his magical older sister-- she still looked as devilish as ever, dressed in black from head to toe. She was still scary as ever, deserving of the name 'Goddess of Strife'.


@karmaa @Pyromaniac }
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Queen of hearts

Charlize hummed happily as she was helped out of the carriage, watching her beloved Hatter making his way through the castle ahead of her. She marvelled at the sight of the white, majestic castle that belonged to her dear mother, Alice and soon will be bestowed on her. It was quite obvious. She didn't fear her bastard sister Eris like the others did in fact she was feared herself. No one dared to go against her or their heads would be chopped off. it would soon be her's, she just had to manipulate her way of getting there at this was the perfect time to do it.

She was meeting her older siblings after all these years. And she was delighted! She had all the finest clothes and jewerly in honesty she was known for being a fashion icon. Perhaps because she enforced it on people,But nevermind that.

The trumphets blared as she danced her way into the throne room with her arms extended as if to display her grandiosity. Look around it was obvious she looked more luxurious, which amused her even more.
"Kahahaha!" Her hysterical laughter began, she turned towards her precious brother."Gregory dearest, look at how handsome you become! And Aurora you are still shy I presume. No wonder he forced you into marriage! Haha!" Charlize didn't have a filter for the words she said. She was very straightforward, something that was admired and hated at the same time. She knew the secrets of every person in the room though she acted oblivious. An advantage you can say. She went over, stood on her tippy toes, and kissed both of them on the cheek.

She spun around to see her bitch sister sitting on ALICE'S throne. Though she wanted to grab her by the head and yank her off. Her devilish smile remained.
"Ah Eris, still claiming things that isn't yours I see! come give your sister a kiss! A haven't seen you in centuries it seems!" She said extending her arms to her,waiting for her to approach.

@Pyromaniac @FinalStraw @bluehaze @karmaa

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Name: Queen Eris of Spades

Location: Alice's Castle

Interacting with:
@FinalStraw @karmaa @bluehaze @Robyn Banks


Hearing the footsteps of people arriving, the young queen fixed her robes and positioned herself quite nicely on the throne. Her frown turned into a sinister smile, one that she too often sported when she was in a meeting room, or even better, her mother's throne room. T'was the same one she sported when her mother died from unknown causes, and the same she sported when her father soon followed the death of Alice. And of course, it was the same both times when her mother's will was announced, once to give Eris a piece of Wonderland, and twice when it was revealed that there was an heir to the entire Wonderland.

Tilting her head, she saw the three people who entered: The Mad Hatter, and the King and Queen of Clubs. An odd group no doubt, but that only gave her more pleasure. The Mad Hatter, now he was a piece of art. Eris could recall in her earlier days when she used to laugh along side with him and his madness, maybe even lusting after him in her youth. But that feeling soon passed when she became queen, and her dear
little sister married him. How she despised that red head wench. The Queen of Clubs was a whole other story. Poor doll. Forced into marriage, or at least that was what her attendants told her as they mindlessly gossiped in the maid's corner. She seemed to look the queen up and down, her smile still very prominent. And finally, her eyes fell on her younger brother: the King of Clubs. Last she saw him was at the reading of their mother's will. He had aged, not just physically, but mentally. Last she heard, he had slain the Bandersnatch, but of course, rumors were always rumors.

She heard the two men respond and the queen chuckled.
"So it appears the Mad Hatter still speaks in riddle. How amusing." Turning her head to her brother, her smile broke, and was replaced with a grin, teeth flashed. "Brother. It has been quite a while hasn't? Is that your lovely wife?" She turned to the faery queen, giving out a chuckle, "I always knew you had some evil in you brother. You and I, we're more alike than you want to think." Hopping off the throne, she circled her younger brother, but turned her attention to everyone in the room, "seems like we all want the same thing. This is will be interesting, won't it?"

She would've gone on, but a certain chuckle seemed to disrupt her train of thought. The red haired wench she so despised,
"ah dear sister." She spoke through gritted teeth, and forced a smile, "we were just talking about how absolutely lovely you are."

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Queen of hearts
"Oh you were?! Then go on darling, I don't mind."she said playing with her hair as she knew it would irritate her.suddenly a thought went through her head. "But I suggest you get of mother's throne first. I'm sure she wouldn't want anybody who hasn't EARNED the spot to sit there. Hehe don't you think?" Her tone changes from intimated to joyful in every other sentence. Something that made her complex, unpredictable, something people feared especially due to her insanity. She looked at her siblings. "Today we are all equals and all have the same ambitions. You said so yourself." 'so you laying your tiny ass on it won't really display that.' She though on the last sentence, she was just about to say it but didn't think it was the time to. She still had common sense.

Their rivalry began when she was young. She was one of her mother's favorite, singing to her when she seems troubled while Eris was looked upon with disdain. Charlize recieved the realm she desired most, the lover Eris wanted... To Eris she was a threat and vice versa for Charlize. Though charlize loved her sister when she was young, her voices in her head told her different. The more loony she became the more hatred filled her heart. If Alice didn't love her why should she?
"I think we should a party! To celebrate us being together once again! Dont you think? To dance the night away!" She said starting to him a tone, swaying back and forth at the thought of it. Seems like bliss.

@Pyromaniac @FinalStraw @bluehaze @karmaa

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Name: Queen Eris of Spades

Location: Alice's Castle

Interacting with:
@FinalStraw @karmaa @bluehaze @Robyn Banks


Letting out a wry laugh, her eyes sparkled with mischief and anger all at the same time. But the girl didn't get up, rather make her self even more comfortable on the throne. "Oh, well that's why I'm so glad most of us are here. Except for our elder brother," he was always so caught up with his affairs. Clearing her throat, she positioned herself to look as regal as possible. "If anything, I deserve this spot here. Think about it dear little sister." She spoke slowly, as if talking to one of the lesser of Wonderland, "our elder brother doesn't exactly qualify. He'd send Wonderland into debt. Greggy here," she couldn't help but use the man's childhood name, "well to put it simply, everyone in this land hates him. You put that on yourself Gregory, I mean, a forceful marraige, why that is just despicable." Her eyes layed on the youngest of the group, a smile twisting once more, "and you little Lizzy. Your mental status, as well as your husband's, I'm sure you'd understand. You're simply not fit to rule this place."

Crossing her hands, she smiled,
"and so who does that leave?" The "bastard" child of Alice. No one knew for sure of Eris's parentage. The only reason why people questioned it was her abilities. The only creatures on Wonderland with human looks and magical abilities were the faeries, but Eris didn't seem to have any faery resemblance, and her magic was far from holy. "Me. Surprise, surprise. So, yes dear little Lizzy, we shall throw a party. One that will commemorate Wonderland's new ruler."


Queen of hearts
"We're all mad here sister, Even you in your own way. I just let my sanity be seen, everyone can be as open as me. You see Madness is like a lot like gravity. All it takes is a little PUSH! KAHAHA!" Her laugh boomed through the throne room, becoming more sinister by the second. She instantly stop when she thought it was enough.

She gestured to her ladies who picked up the end of her skirt as she stepped closer to her sister.
"Don't get your hopes too far up Sister or HALF sister to be more accurate unlike everyone here. You aren't legitimate in all honesty she shouldn't have a realm to rule to begin with. You're just a bastard who just got mother's favor."

"So I agree with the party... Just concur with the reason." She was no longer thinking about Eris at this point, Charlize had the feeling she was going to behead her soon, but something stranger. The voices in her head wasn't present. Well they did come from time to time, but she always missed their presents always kept her company.

@Pyromaniac @FinalStraw @bluehaze @karmaa

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τ н є Ħ u η ʈ ə я

۩ ۞ ۩ And all the stars were crashing 'round

As I laid eyes on what I'd found ۩
۞ ۩

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Those sounds. The Dark Queen smiled upon the monster that gleamed back at her, she was amused by his statements. Eris was a woman of beguiled attraction, one that would engulf those unaware into its embrace. Though many moons ago there was a time for the pair that entailed sleepless nights and complicated trysts that was now behind them. Dumuzi straightened his frame in thought about the matter, pondering on what she would be presuming with her sly smile. She mentioned him speaking of riddles which he responded a dark chuckle before glancing over to the others. The Fairie Queen seemed so harmless in this shadow of Eris and there was something about her that made him want to whisk away. Perhaps it was the pure innocence that was begging to be freed and brought into a new perspective. The brother and husband to the magical women said something or another but he did not take full heed. There were much to many thoughts scattering before his eyes and so the skeleton did not respond.

A melodic voice broke through the silence and a Cheshire grin crossed on his mouth as he turned around. There was his lovely wife in all her glory, the fickle thing she was constantly needing the best of anything. The Mad Hatter laughed as she continued her display across the throne towards them. She was a songbird by nature but his aura had shifted her nature as was expected for making love with someone this ingrained with lunacy. Once she was next to him it was quite clear the pair was a odd couple with her 5 foot stature decked out in jewels and fine cloth while his towering 6'6 form stood in asymmetrically cut suit of darker hues of color. Dumzui was different from his predecessor in that respect, not much for the brighter colors. The pastels were not his liking but he did wear an array of color schemes neverless. Or he walked about with just pants relishing in the feel of his grotesque nature being exposed to them all.

His little wife was now standing beside him and conversing with Eris about something or another. Again his thoughts were lost in translation until he heard Eris comment on their madness being unfit for ruling. Emerald orbs cut glanced over to the woman and he raised an eyebrow. Oh really? Their madness? Eris seemed to forget he knew of her and they were once lovers. She had no right to talk about someone being insane but for now he would keep those notes for a private time with the Queen of Spades. Silly woman how could you forget.

"Round and Round like a horse on a carousel we go" Dumuzi muttered in response to the argument on a party. A party was fine by him but it was clear what the purpose was. For the Mad Hatter he did not care for the riches of the land and only wanted his wife. The kingdom of hearts was his home and he desired ruling over that as he saw fit with the little one beside him. Anything more would throw the chaotic balance they achieved. Alas whatever the little one desired he would achieve for her in some respect, that was the undying devotion he formed for the spitfire. That was love.
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Name: Queen Eris of Spades

Location: Alice's Castle

Interacting with:
@FinalStraw @karmaa @bluehaze @Robyn Banks


For a minute, the queen's eyes seem to burn bright with magic and her hands clenched onto the throne. However, she let out a sigh and her eyes returned to their original color. Letting out one last smile, she crossed her legs and tilted her head, "oh little Lizzy. How wrong you are. However," her voice was deathly cold and she seemed to keep a solemn glare on her sister, not bothering to get up, "I'm sure once they crown me, you'll learn. If it does make you feel better, I'll let you keep your pet, and don't mean your jabberwocky." Glancing over to her sister's husband, she let out a chuckle, "mother never spoke of my parentage, and as she's stated several times, my magic comes from a curse, no thanks to your preccedor."

Her hand seemed to wave in the air and a man, no a creature, appeared walking into the castle with some effort. In his hands was a gorgeous staff made of a combination of the unholiest of ingredients,
"my staff." The creature bowed and handed it to his queen and Eris took it in one hand, twirling it slightly. "This is more like it."


Queen of hearts
"Yes, lies mother told you so you felt more secure of your standing. Don't underestimate me Eris. By the time I'm done with you, you would be off with your head!" Her glared intensified, "don't you ever speak about my husband that way ever again! He is twice the man your non present husband is ! He has a lovely heart and a personality that brings happiness even on my saddest days." She said as she described him. Her eyes sparkled as she looked into Dumuzi's eyes, she turned to Eris, her eyes softening almost as if she wasn't threatening a moment ago.

She didn't understand why none of her other siblings weren't defending themselves. Only hearing the nonsense, Eris described to them and taking it in. Well then again Greg was Shy along with his wife and Her eldest brother wasn't present.... God did this family make her want to behead each of them personally! But she had a better why than beheading them. She would destroy them piece by piece.

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Name: Queen Eris of Spades

Location: Alice's Castle

Interacting with:
@FinalStraw @karmaa @bluehaze @Robyn Banks


Letting out almost a small chortle, the queen finally got up from her position and slammed the staff on the ground, creating a rather loud echo. Her smile seemed to disappear as she stepped closer to her sister, her eyes like daggers. "Make one threat to me little sister, and I will not hesitate to rip your tongue out of your mouth and nail onto the grave of our dear mother. I'm sure she'd enjoy her favorite's tongue in the after life." She stepped back, her glare going back to the Mad Hatter, "and if you are so sure to wager you'r husband's validity, I'm sure you'd be wrong there. Alas, let the man speak for himself." As she walked further away from her sister, she frowned, "my husband has loved me unconditionally despite the rumors that were tossed around, are you so sure about you'r husband's love for you? But perhaps that is a conversation you two must have alone."

[lololol short post my bad]



τ н є Ħ u η ʈ ə я

۩ ۞ ۩ And all the stars were crashing 'round

As I laid eyes on what I'd found ۩
۞ ۩

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And then it came time to point the dangerous finger upon the towering man who remained silent up till this point. Dumuzi took his hands from his pockets and placed one on top of the billowing cloud of red hair next to him. It was mainly to reassure the rage that was boiling within her tiny frame. The conclusions that were being drawn up from the dark queen were filling him with such glee. She was attempting to cause a problem and her gun was cocked directly at his head. The problem was he already placed the gun in her hand and pushed it to his head, he wanted this. There was a delicious danger to it, Eris was attempting to destroy something her flitting self could not understand. The Mad Hatter placed his knuckle to his mouth and bit it for a moment in thought.

Removing his knuckle causing a popping sound it took a few strides closer to the Queen of Spades and placed his arms firmly on the throne's arms. This action caused for her to move closer to the throne to avoid being this close to him. Dumuzi bent down a bit to meet the gaze of the woman, he was use to this as the situation with his 5' foot wife. "Love...What is love to you Eris" Dumuzi watched her carefully as his tone slipped into that of how they use to speak once upon a time. She was attempting to mess with him but the problem was this havoc was welcomed. This spark of jealously that would rise in his Lizzie would only mean a much more enjoyable time later that evening. A few new bites and scratches no doubt, nothing he was new to. No one could fully understand how their love operated and how it always found its way of blossoming wildly.

"Though tag your're it" Dumuzi's face grew closer to hers as he titled his head watching the woman with curious eyes. What would she do? What would she say that would break their bond? Nothing of any sort could happen and he would steal have her little black heart for his own. Lizzie held his heart around her neck but stealing those of others were not a qualm at all. "Eenie meenie miny mo, Catch a lady by her toes, If she screams, don't let her go" He whispered in her ear as his lips gently brushed her skin before pulling away all together. Dumuzi smirked at his songbird as she stared in wonder at what was occurring and merely placed a finger under chin with a knowing gaze. There was nothing she would have to worry for, they without rhyme nor reason but she was his purpose even in the most obscure of choices.
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Name: Queen Eris of Spades

Location: Alice's Castle

Interacting with:
@bluehaze @Robyn Banks


As the skeleton of a man who lived with the joys of being mad approached her, Eris felt bits of her magic fades and memories splurged back. Clearing her throat, she kept her calm, but felt him lean over. As he heard him talk, the memories kept coming back, as he used the same tone they used before on each other. What was love to her? Her husband was her protector, her champion, but was he her lover? Shaking her head, she cleared such dangerous thoughts, and a smirk returned to her face, as she eyed the Mad Hatrer. She knew what he was doing, trying to get in her mind as he so often did before. The nerve he had. Feeling a challenge spark, she cleared her throat, "now that that's settled, we just need the 'blessing ' of our elder brother. Not like there is much of a choice for him."

But getting the king of diamonds on her side was "easy," unless of course he brought up the argument of being the eldest. Eris already somewhat knew the outcome of these events: war. She'd need to get her champion ready, ready to defeat any of her enemies. But could she kill her own family? Had it stopped her before? Not when she killed a distant cousin, and certainly not when she killed her own pet frog when she was just a child.

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Queen of hearts
Charlize was enraged, how dare she! Her husband was-. She felt Dumuzi's hand on her head.it was comforting at first but something told her it wouldn't last. Her eyes widened as he strolled is way over to her bitch sister. "Dumuzi what are you- Dumuzi!" The tone in his voice, the gestures...Maybe she was a fool blinded by love, maybe she liked the feeling. She felt like she could collapse where she stood but she remained posed. Her anger boiling inside, her bloodlust growing. She didn't like competition especially with the one she hated most. She wanted to take the dagger she hid inside her dress and stab both of them with. Maybe it would make her feel happy, maybe even at bliss! Yet she stood and stared.

When he turned around to smirk, she immediately turned her attention away from him. He was now one of them. An enemy she needed most. Her expression grew fierce as a smile soon appeared on her face.
" my husband's interest does not change my mind. Though he is a fine looking man I will take my life in my own hands, and I will not be bullied by you." She raised her head confidently. "We will not justify our right to rule because of our spouses. We will do it in a more professional way... Since right now you are all talk and no bite. Choose your champion and I'll choose mine."

@Pyromaniac @FinalStraw @bluehaze @karmaa

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τ н є Ħ u η ʈ ə я

۩ ۞ ۩ And all the stars were crashing 'round

As I laid eyes on what I'd found ۩
۞ ۩

: . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ±: . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . :

It was clear this tension was growing and his own actions had aided in the results but Dumuzi was not a fool. It affected him to see his wife taking everything so harshly and his entire expression softened. He placed his hands upon her shoulders turning her to him away from Eris. Emerald orbs stared into her pools of cerulean with a wanting gaze. He would not want to make her feel less than anything than whom she was and what her presence meant to him. Dumuzi pulled a few strands of her hair to linger on the sides of her face as he smiled softly at her.

"Your skin is hot like a oven and your kiss is sugary sweet. The blackened crust will not sway the frosting of this heart" The towering figure spoke to her without falter as he caressed her cheek with this thumb. The other hand reached for her necklace he had given to her and he pulled it about for the moment. "A man without a heart is a lover for the woman who collects them all" He whispered to her, a suggestive tone interlaced in his statements. "I shall give you a slice of heaven tonight" A husky tone kissed the skin of her jawline with those words before his own lips met her cheek. Dumuzi would never want to destroy what this little songbird brought him but that was the complexity of it all. The Queen of Hearts was fickle and she would always jump to the conclusions of her own heart.

Leaning upon his tiny wife Dumuzi pursed his lips staring back into the direction of the throne. There was to be a battle and what fun that would be indeed. Seeing bloodshed always got his heart thumping from the thrill of it all. Hence the common beheadings that his Lizzie would call upon, there was never a white rose in sight when they were finished. "The barren knight of a chipped board is not to be found. What will the sinister piece play for this game?" Dumuzi inquired matter of factly, poking his own fun at those very rumors she had mentioned prior. The ones of a woman marrying a man for merely his prowess in battle than that in bed. He chuckled at the thought recalling the way he made her act and could only wonder if this person had the ability to. Lizzie however was a lover of a whole new degree. She was eccentric and erratic which made her company favorable for him.
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Name: Queen Eris of Spades

Location: Alice's Castle

Interacting with:
@bluehaze @Robyn Banks


"Oh, please," her smirk turned solemn once more, "you can do better." She watched the Hatter caress his dearest wife in such a loving manner. Was it real? Was his affections real, despite the fact that his wife was crazier than a hatter? Turning her attention back on her little sister, she let out but a sigh and closed her eyes. "Perhaps we shall see the outcomes on a battlefield no? But be warned little sister." Her aura began to grow darker and her eyes flashed a maddening color of red, like one would see in the pits of Hell itself. "You may have gotten the better of the lands, but I was able to create the greater of the armies. No doubt will your champion shrivel up when he sees my," she turned to the Hatter, a smile crawling back up, "how did you so eloquently put it? When he sees my 'barren knight of the chipped board.' You may rule a kingdom dear sister, but you cannot handle the true responsibilities of being queen, whether you want to believe so or not."

On the inside though, the queen felt something in her heart give out a cry. Some sort of yearning. As much as she loved her husband, she doubted it to be true love. He was her champion, her protector, but not her lover, that is what she realized. But how could the queen of death, the mistress of macabre, ever learn how to love? That's how her mother so often put it before she lay dying in her bed. Her eldest was not evil in the slightest, he was just too greedy for their likings. Her younger brother? His actions were justified by his own lust. And her younger sister? Clearly she was out of her mind, that wasn't true evilness. But what caused Eris to do the things she did? Was it anger, jealousy, a combination of both? No one could tell.

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»»»» OUTFIT »»»»

Aurora stood by her husband's side, her face blank without an expression on her face. She didn't mind Eris, Aurora liked how Eris was her own woman and Aurora was happy to cheer her on as well as her husband. Soon, the utterly Mad Queen came in with The Mad Hatter singing. "Gregory dearest, look at how handsome you become! And Aurora you are still shy I presume. No wonder he forced you into marriage! Haha!" The Queen cackled. Aurora plastered a smile on her face, she could deal with horrible comments about how she' dolomite or how she acted but when someone talks about her marriage that is private. "Hello Charlize, still mad I presume?" Aurora snapped back with a cocked brow. Aurora just stood there by Gregory, listening to Eris and Charlize bicker about each other. Aurora wanted to stop the two but what was the point? They were still going to bicker anyway and Aurora was born an only child, she didn't know how to stop sisters from fighting.

Aurora sighed, she didn't dare to speak with Gregory yet, it was too painful and besides they just got married. It was best if Aurora 'snapped' out of her phase like the maids have told, she was a lucky girl to marry such a prince and she was acting selfish. Aurora blinked herself back to reality when she saw The Mad Hatter flirting with Eris. Eris seemed to be angry and threatened her sister "
You may rule a kingdom dear sister, but you cannot handle the true responsibilities of being queen, whether you want to believe so or not." Eris hissed at Charlize. Aurora was appalled at the behaviour the women in the throne room. They were queens yet acted as if they were 5 years old. Aurora sighed once more and watched the scene unfold before her eyes.

♣️ Tags: Gregory -

@FinalStraw || Eris - @Pyromaniac || Charlize - @Robyn Banks || Dumzi - @bluehaze ♣️
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Queen of hearts[/size]

words were like a melody in her ears as she held him close,His kisses made her want to forgot what happened only moments ago. It was like she was red and he was and everytime he touched her, she felt like a beautiful lilac sky.She felt his thumb against her cheek and leaned closer to him. She cherished every moment of him until...looking up at him with a maniacal smile, hiding her current feeling of hatred."Though the blackened crust will not sway the frosting of your heart, it is still a part of it. Something that can't be undone, therefore it isn't worth a thing. The slice of heaven will have to wait another time since its been burned by hell." She replied pushing him away from her. Her hands shook apart almost as if she was regretting her decision already. She didn't look him in the eye as she said. "I have doubt if you do this for love or jealousy."

Her tone changed from angered to childish in a matter of seconds as
She turned to Eris her grin grew wider. "We will see." She cupped her hands before spinning around. "Nevertheless our argument will have to be put aside since we have a party to think about! The food, the music! It will be wonderful without a doubt I assure you. I am known for the best parties so I will be planning it." She paused before thinking. "Oh dear me, the guest! Well everyone can attend for this one I suppose invitations can't arrive at a noble houses that quickly, that would be professional.

Hehe I will see to it that all is well Haha!" She said making her way out of the throne room, humming. Though she was a lunatic, she still walked with elegance and poise. She had many things to tend to!

@Pyromaniac @FinalStraw @bluehaze @karmaa

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/JaimeLannister.jpg.36b0b514f508fe4485d11289f28bf767.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111613" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/JaimeLannister.jpg.36b0b514f508fe4485d11289f28bf767.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: King Midas

Location: Alice's Castle

Interacting with:Anyone

Midas rode upon his mighty steed. Both showing off their Glistening Golden armor. He had stopped monetarily to check his reflection in his trusty mirror, not trusting other's words. His men would not dare point out a imperfection of his for fear of him stating his baby sister favorite phrase"Off with their head." After deciding he was perfect as ever he continued on his way to his dearest mothers castle. Upon entering the castle he couldn't help but look around for old times sake. He was filled with nostalgia as he walked through the halls of his mothers castle and his old home. Anyone who was listening could of heard him coming thanks to his armor clanging with each step. He eventually made his way to the others his glistening armor making him known instantly."So, what did I miss?" He asked casually as if this was just another meeting he was late for.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/jaime-lannister.jpg.191a13f2d8dffeaa1007501c157e6b4f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111610" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/jaime-lannister.jpg.191a13f2d8dffeaa1007501c157e6b4f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/JaimeLannister.jpg.68cb4ba16d730535f8393bd30feb1523.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111611" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/JaimeLannister.jpg.68cb4ba16d730535f8393bd30feb1523.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Gregory Dawn

Anxiously sighing, Gregory knew that the fighting would never stop. Among all who were present, it was clear who was the most sane: Aurora. Gregory only stood there, not letting even the slightest of words come out of his mouth. To him, that was better than speaking in useless riddles. They were acting like immature brats, Gregory, for one, did not want himself to be one of them. He imagined how sad Alice would be, when her children are fighting like this.

But perhaps, she wouldn't be sad at all. It was as if she
wished for this to happen.

After all, the thought was not impossible. Alice had suddenly died of an unknown cause, and then a decree saying that there was only one ruler to wonderland came out. It was as if this was what she had intended. Conflict.

As his elder brother came in, he ignored his entrance to inspect his wife, and it was clear that she was not comfortable with the sight of his siblings fighting each other. She even sighed, perhaps as a sign of disgust? After all, the sight of Queens fighting over dominion wasn't the most pleasant to see. Worried, Gregory came over to the faery. His tone showed concern, as he muttered some words directed only to Aurora.

I'm not going to ask if you're okay; I'm sure you're not. Do you want to step out for a while? I don't want you to feel too uncomfortable."

Eris was wrong. He churned with disgust as she declared herself the most fit to rule all of Wonderland. In truth, there was no one fit to rule the large kingdom. Not the greedy older brother, not the evil witch, not himself, and not the mentally ill little sister. Though, there was only one correction to what Eris said; Gregory did not marry Aurora out of lust. He willingly sacrificed his potential love-life to save his best friend's life. What was that, but an act of
true love?

@karmaa @Pyromaniac @Solemn Jester @Robyn Banks }
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Her Ace

Strolling in on the conversation like he was there for it's entirety, Xan'dis floated past the Mad Queen with a knowing smile on his face. Even though he was indeed late for the gathering, he had good reason for his abscence--and for staying back and listening to everyone blather on about themselves through their kingdom's wealth and position. What none of them understood was that they all fall to the clutches of death one day. And he would be the one to claim them. "It is rude to speak of one lowly if they are not present to be acknowledged." he said lowly, a grim smile touching the corners of his lips as he approached his wife. "My liege," he said, kneeling on one knee to take and kiss her left hand. "I apologize for my tardiness. The Grand Adviser to the Court of Hearts was a hard man to track--embezzling funds from right under your sister's nose.

He turned to the Hatter, the tolerable one among his 'In-Laws'. "Surely, you were aware of the discrepancy. Your High General called in an old favor. My absence may have saved your kingdom from falling into another economical slump. Not bad for a Barren Knight, eh?" he asked, standing up with a cocky look upon his brow. They underestimated he and his Queen due to their age and the arrangement of their union. It would be their downfall and he would revel in their blood. Passing a glance across the room, his eyes locked with those of the eldest king. "Your Highness." he said monotonously, letting a more than human smirk reach his face as he acknowledged his former king.


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Name: Queen Eris of Spades

Location: Alice's Castle

Interacting with:
@bluehaze @Robyn Banks @RedIncubus @Solemn Jester


Letting her hand be kissed by her "barren knight," the queen seemed to smile in triumph. "my king." Turning her deadly gaze towards the Hatter, she almost seemed to mock him, as if she found a love that was much greater than their love could ever be. See, he was playing with your mind Eris, you don't need his trickeries. "Speaking of the kingdoms, you've heard the news my dearest?" Who hadn't? It was only the most important news since the day Alice herself killed the Jabberwocky. Wrinkling her nose at the sound of business, the queen finally seemed to take herself off the throne.

"That seemed like important matters." Part of her was mad at him for not inquiring for her opinion, but another part of her was revealed that there'd be no more work once she got home. Finally turning her glaze towards her elder brother, her smirk turned to a growl. How she hated that sorry excuse for a king. How dare he send "deformed" magicians to her kingdom. As accepting as she was to them, it put a strain on her population, and the amount of food she needed to grow. As it was, her kingdom was not known for their crops, but rather their barren land. Food and water were scarce and with a growing population, her kingdom was close to starving. "How dare you show up to this castle?" Her voice was no long calm or cold, but rather fierce and lacking a filter. "You have no right to be here Midas. This is a meeting designed for kings and queens. In fact, your wife is twice the king you'll ever be."


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