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Fandom Wolves Of Yellowstone~ A Wolf RP (OPEN


Holder Of Dreams
You are a young, packless wolf who has just been released into Yellowstone National Park. Using your sense of smell, you find there's plenty of food, water, and empty dens. The general territory is a lush forest full of moss. (Mosstone Forest). Running through the center of this forest is a line of rugged, sandy hills (Shoreline Hills) with a river winding around it. At some point there's a small waterfall running over the hills (Howling Falls), running into a river (Flint River) that crosses the forest halfway. The land is vast and open. Nearby you smell many herds of elk, but what catches you most is the scent of nearby wolves. They, just like you, have been brought here for a reason. And soon, packs will form. You know it. (There will be three packs max. Fill up one pack before you start another, please.)

FORMS: (Required before posting)




Rank: (You start as a loner; just put the rank you'll want)




Skills: (NOT powers)

Mate: (Don't start as mates; it's a bit boring for everybody.)

Crush: (Only when packs are formed):



No powers whatsoever. Realistic wolf skills only, such as speed, strength and stamina please.

Accessories are defiantly allowed. Included accessories are chains, spiked collars, collars, radio collars, and bandanas. Unless there's a really good reason to have one, no scarves and such. In fact, always have a good reason for accessories. If you're looking for a simple accessory that doesn't require a lot of backstory, try a radio collar.

No rudeness, spamming, trolling, the likes. We all know what this means.

Work hard on every post and try to makes them grammatically correct.

Characters should be balanced, not OP, Mary-Sues/Gary Stus. They should have plenty of flaws.

The goal of this role-play is feel the wildness humans have lost. I've been fascinated with wolves for a while and have wanted to start a serious RP with them for awhile. Keep in mind I've been pretty sheltered, only RPing on a few sites, but I've discovered my love for writing and flare for RP. In fact, it's become my main method for improving.

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Ranks available: Alpha Female, Alpha Male, Beta Male, Beta Female, Healer, Healer Trainee, Delta (hunter; any amount), Gamma (Fighter, any amount), Omega (lowest ranking; up too three. 
NOTE: all wolves must meet before pack is formed.
Name: Raven

Gender: Female

Age: 2- 2.5 years old

Rank: Alpha Female 

Looks: Jet black with thick, sleek, ruffled fur. Raven has a long muzzle, large eyes and ears, a long neck, large paws, long legs, and a lean, small figure. All four paw pads are pink and so is her nose. She has a scar down the center of her stomach that's mostly covered in fur, as well as many small puncture marks on her rump (again, mostly covered). One eye is a pale, electric blue eye while the other is a pale, leafy/mint green. 

Past: In her early years, Raven worked for a hush-hush society known as The Reapers, who, with their canine killers, hunt down and toture their victims, either emotionally or physically. Their main goal is the gain of power and all humans involved are bloodthirsty and skilled. When the death of her brother Crow occurred, she was sold as a hunter and bought by a middle-aged couple into hunting and more then ready to make a few bucks. Raven was then forced to hunt with a shock collar, forced to figure out for herself what to do when she was first put out. She was mistreated and dreamed of freedom until she escaped and has a chance to explore the land. By day, her owners are (or were) usually involved in illegal hunting/hunting in Yellowstone due to the abundance of elk in Yellowstone after most wolves were shot. Raven has had six months to explore Yellowstone and has not been shot due to her wide birth of anything human. 

Personality: Raven is a bit shy and usaully skittish, especially around humans. She has a strong fear of them due to her past and will avoid them at any cost. However, she has a big heart and truly cares for those she trusts. In battle, she uses tactics and smart moves to defeat her foe. She doesn't remember much about her early life, but all canines were highly trained and it shows. She is quite intelligent as well, but lacks some social development. Before wolves were introduced, she was very much alone. She won't run away from most wolves but you'll most likely have to earn her trust. Due to hunting so often under her owners, she is quite a good hunter. She lacks the skills to be the pack's healer, but would be interested in learning. She is a quick learner. Raven is as stubborn as is she is all else, however, and it is one of her worse traits. She is kind, perhaps the reverse effect of being treated so badly for the early portion of her life but due to her lack of contact with other wolves her emotions sometimes get the best of her. Raven may be hesitant to get into a relationship, but she would make a good mother/mate overall. She would be a good leader and has a good memory, therefore a good guide for pack travel. The rest of her personality will be covered in-RP, though these are her main personality traits.

Skills: Surprisingly strong for her size, Raven is also fast but doesn't have much stamina for a wolf.

Mate: None

Crush: {No pack formed yet}
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Name: Eliana Kalani

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Rank: Alpha Female

Appearance/looks: Long, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, tan, exotic skin, curvy, 5'4 in height.

Past: Eliana had a pack of her own started at 20. After two years, she was challenged by a stronger alpha male. He beat her and injured her severely. He won her pack and she went out on her own. 

Personality: Funny, smart, sarcastic, musical, childish at times, confident, silly, loud, a strong leader

Skills: Strong fighting ethics and techniques, understanding and easy to talk to.

Mate: N/A

Crush: N/A

Wolf Form: sleek, brown hair with red flecks, a somewhat large body. big, bright orange eyes.
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Name: Kzadrin

Gender: Female

Age: 4

Rank: Healer

Appearance/looks: Kzadrin is a small red wolf, about the size of a german shepherd dog, with short cinnamon colored fur, with dark patches strewn across her back and paws. Her paws are mainly white, and her ears a bright reddish-brown. She has one ear which is torn off, leaving a jagged stump. Her fur is shredded in many places, and her body riddled in scars, from bites and scratches. Around her neck, the fur is worn down and shedding. Her teeth are long, sharp and almost triangular. They were filed to a point.

Past: Kzadrin used to run free in a large forest, belonging to a pack. She trained as a healer during her early years and was loved by her pack makes. She met a young male wolf named Shade when she was 2 years and had a litter of 4 pups. They thrived in the forest and she kept her pack healthy and healed. She grew up without any other packs threatening her way of life and was very trusting and caring, not knowing about humans as their pack was so secluded. One day there were gunshots and a gamma came running into their territory, frightened beyond belief. He was bleeding so she instantly went to help, but the alpha noticed a trail of blood, leading from where he came from. The alpha instantly put his guard up and demanded the gamma leave, and lead the threat away from their pack. But it was too late, a group of hunters crashed through the trees, bearing guns and snarling dogs. The pack tried to fight but it was no use. The hunters wiped out most of her pack within the hour, and the dogs finished off the nursery. Kzadrin, hiding and unable to fight due to size and lack of training was devastated, her pack was killed and her mate lost a fight to a dog, killed in an attempt to protect the pups. The hunters found her and she thought she were to be killed. But due to her passiveness and her looks, the hunters decided to take her, passing her off as a german shepherd mix. She was beaten and collared, and her 'owners' filed her long teeth into points, making her a perfect killing machine. She was trapped alone in a cage until the loneliness and anger about what had happened consumed her, making her into an aggressive killer. She would bite at anything that moved and was deemed ready for fights. Her owners started bringing her to underground dog fights, at first she was unable to fight back well, not knowing how to, but after one pitbull ripped her ear off, she became furious from pain and hunger that she killed the dog and began eating it until the owner intervened. These fights went on for years, she would kill the dog, and be chained back up in her small cage. After a year and a half, her owners were busted and animal control found her locked in a cage, growling. A wildlife expert realized that she was a red wolf and knew that she could not be put down due to being endangered. They decided to release her into Yellowstone, placing a tracking collar on her. 

Personality: Very skittish and upset easily. She has frequent episodes of screaming, and flashbacks of her pack being killed and of her past fights. She has sworn off fighting and is very passive towards everything unless she feels threatened. When she feels threatened she switches to her defense mode and will attack to kill whoever make a move at her. She is very caring towards pack members and treats every pup as her own, as hers died. Kzadrin doesn't have a temper towards any pack member and is very easy-going. She will not yell or growl unless necessary. She is very smart and quick on her feet. Kzadrin has an intense hatred towards dogs and humans and will attempt to kill any that cross her path.

Skills: Quick and agile. Has the capability to be a vicious fighter but rarely will become agressive. Has a very good knowledge of herbs and plants and able to use her knowledge to help injured pack mates.

Mate: She once had a mate and pups, but they were killed. Kzadrin has vowed away mates.

Crush: Never

(i got a little into the past portion haha)
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Name: Nanashi of the Dawn

Gender: female

Age: 3

Rank: starts out as a hunter (Delta), becomes beta female

Appearance/looks: dark brown brindle wolf, slender muzzle and jaw, large ears, dark nose, large, dark and beautiful eyes, long legs for speed and a rather short (but not really short) tail with a white tip, two long black socks 2/3 up front legs, small/dainty paws with small but sharp claws, pinkish red tongue, amber/gold eyes with hints of green

Past: She used to belong to another pack of wolves called the Dawnrunners and had a crush on a young male wolf. However, one day she sees another older male wolf drive him away from the pack because he was getting to the point of adulthood and she hated seeing the aggression that drove him out that day. Gradually the alpha male became more aggressive and dominant (because of rabies, unknown to the other wolves) and eventually became mentally unstable; he ended up murdering the male pups that were born. Ever since this change occurred, she has had low self-esteem and confidence, become rather meek and obedient. One night she couldn't take it anymore and ran away despite being told directly not to. If she is found by any Dawnrunner wolf, she is able to be killed. 

She starts out as a common hunter because she is rather famished and weak. But when she finds a crush she will begin to regain some of her old, fun-loving self. A peace-lover wolf who is full of hope despite her past. 

Personality: a bit shy at first but really sweet, a very loyal she-wolf, friendly and passive

Skills: very sharp sense of smell, gets her praise to which she reacts with bashfulness, speed, a very good friend and listener

Mate: none

Crush: none yet

Other: enjoys long walks/lopes around rivers and lakes, relaxing on sunlit rocks, peace, hates contention and fighting, scared when there is violence
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@Everyone Are we starting RP yet or are we still waiting for players? I assume we will need more male wolves? Last resort: everyone just creates a male wolf as well and rp both. 
((I'll just do this cause I'm waiting to see if my friends will make an thread I'm bored of waiting. But what I will tell you about us is that we're Serious RPs that enjoy this very much. Also my bio may not be that great but I make up for it with RPing.))

Name: Dracke

Gender: Male

Age: 8

Rank: Alpha Male

Appearance/looks: If on hind legs stands at six one on all paws five five, Silver/Grey fur, built to fight, large paws, reasonable sized bulk, sharp and long talons, Amber/Green eyes.

Past: Dracke used to live in the wilds of Canada American Border, he ran a pack of twenty years for a few good long years, taking down any other weaker tribes in his quest to be dominant wolf in the area killing any who tried to take his title as being Alpha. In a month old turf war between the second largest wolf pack in the area Dracke led his now twenty nine pack in a bloody war against the other twenty five. The Alpha was none other than his brother who wanted to stop the tyranny of his brother. After a year of fighting the two finally agreed to one last fight, the only way it would end with all pack members dying or an Alphas Death. Soon after the battle started hunters came in the area and started to shoot at the wolves, now the two packs had three options. Kill the hunters by working together, run, or continue to fight. Deciding to attack the wolves rushed the hunters killing many but soon became over powered and manned. Taken to the Yellowstone park after years in captivity Dracke plans on forming another ruthless pack and turn the park into his kingdom.

Personality: Gruff and Stern, when in battle he is a fierce warrior and was thought to bite a rival wolfs clean head off once (never happend), stubborn, calm, and patience 

Skills: Expert Fighter, Runner, average Hunter, and expert leader

Mate: Zylivia (Deceased)

(We need more male wolves, yes. Also, shout out to @DeathValley105 for creating a male wolf and to @Everyone else who created characters. This role-play will be very interesting. The role-play will start when two more male wolves join, any rank still free. @EllieBug, choose another rank to start with that fits your character's skills. Whenever this pack fills up, you may start a new one)
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Rank: (You start as a loner; just put the rank you'll want)




Skills: (NOT powers)

Mate: (Don't start as mates; it's a bit boring for everybody.)

Crush: (Only when packs are formed):


name : akita 


rank : i want to be a beta 

appearance: white fur and sky blue eyes

past; she lived in the mountains at first but she now travels to discover a pack. her family was killed by hunter and she escaped out of the mountains. she hates humans. 

personality; sarcastic, stern, calm, can be kind if she knows you.'

skills ; stealth, and spying, fighting


name : akita 


rank : i want to be a beta 

appearance: white fur and sky blue eyes

past; she lived in the mountains at first but she now travels to discover a pack. her family was killed by hunter and she escaped out of the mountains. she hates humans. 

personality; sarcastic, stern, calm, can be kind if she knows you.'

skills ; stealth, and spying, fighting



Hey tmnt, Nanashi (my oc) is going to become beta female eventually, so would you perhaps be willing to either step down or leave to create another pack? For now it's ok bc she is only a hunter right now.
Name: Hawk

Gender: Male

Age: Two years

Rank: Gamma/Delta (You decide i'm bad at it)

Appearance/looks: A muddy-looking dark chocolaty brown fur, with a really bright white tinted brown on his lips and chest. This white is also found on part of his belly, but doesn't show much from in-between his legs. Darker brown paws and bridge, and some on his brow-points. White ear insides. 3 claw marks found near his bum.

Past: He lived a normal life, being a half year old puppy living with his parents in a loner's den, one day his mother went out to hunt and she never came back- Reason is unknown. Father went to look for her, never came back. Soon he ended up alone as his only brother bailed on him when they both reached a year old. (For finding a pack purpose, or off to find a mate and make his own pack.) As he went to search for a mate, being a loner, he encountered a 14-member herd of deer. This ended up badly as his skills in hunting weren't perfect, and Hawk gained a scratch on his bum from antlers and possibly small scrapes from kicks. Whatever it was, it looks nasty.

Personality: Can be impatient when in exciting situations, though is very patient normally- Very laid back and carefree, but is jumpy when ordered to do things. VERY fun-loving, and adventurous-

Skills: OK fighter, expert tracking, good runner, good hunter, and master of running long distances and running for extended periods of time (basically stamina.)

Mate: None

Crush: No pack formed

(Allo govna)
@SimpleThings I think this roleplay is dead. The GM hasn't been on this site in almost 3 weeks... but I dunno. It could still happen.

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