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Fantasy Wolves Among Us (CS open and Accepting)


Lycanroc Lover
This is just an idea, I haven't officially posted it yet. I'm still working out all the kinks and when I'm done I'll post.

  • Just when we thought that the wolf population was stable and wouldn't drop again. We ended up with the biggest wake up call that we could get.

    "Over the last few dozen year's, the wolf population is as healthy and stable then it has ever been." said a scientist that did a recent survey of the wolf population. So of course, no one questioned the possibility that the wolf would back on the endangered species list. Then right from underneath are noise, they slowly started to disappear and no one had a answer for this mysterious disappearance.

    It's been a few years now and there has been no sign of complete improvement with the species. Breeding programs have helped a little, but the wolves are still on that fine line of dying out. Scientists say they might only live another twenty years at best.

    Hmph. Silly humans. No wonder they haven't evolved since they we're monkeys. If they haven't figured it out yet, we're likely to take over and become the superior species. Yes, thanks to them we survived extinction but that helped us to evolve and then we waited. Now we're using mother nature's gift to the fullest. Yes not everyone wants to walk along side humans but that's fine. At least we're thriving right underneath those brainless humans noises.

    Reports have been popping up all over the country, with people saying that they've been seeing signs of wolves near where they live. These reports are even coming from areas that are no where's near the wolves natural habitat and are to close to big cities. Scientists are even dumbfounded and can't give us a logical answer, only saying. "If they are surviving like this, lets just leave those wolves alone for now and see what happens. But we will still continue with the breeding program."
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This seems really cool I wouldn't mind joining this.
This is just an idea, I haven't officially posted it yet. I'm still working out all the kinks and when I'm done I'll post.

  • Just when we thought that the wolf population was stable and wouldn't drop again. We ended up with the biggest wake up call that we could get.

    "Over the last few dozen year's, the wolf population is as healthy and stable then it has ever been." said a scientist that did a recent survey of the wolf population. So of course, no one questioned the possibility that the wolf would back on the endangered species list. Then right from underneath are noise, they slowly started to disappear and no one had a answer for this mysterious disappearance.

    It's been a few years now and there has been no sign of complete improvement with the species. Breeding programs have helped a little, but the wolves are still on that fine line of dying out. Scientists say they might only live another twenty years at best.

    Hmph. Silly humans. No wonder they haven't evolved since they we're monkeys. If they haven't figured it out yet, we're likely to take over and become the superior species. Yes, thanks to them we survived extinction but that helped us to evolve and then we waited. Now we're using mother nature's gift to the fullest. Yes not everyone wants to walk along side humans but that's fine. At least we're thriving right underneath those brainless humans noises.

    Reports have been popping up all over the country, with people saying that they've been seeing signs of wolves near where they live. These reports are even coming from areas that are no where's near the wolves natural habitat and are to close to big cities. Scientists are even dumbfounded and can't give us a logical answer, only saying. "If they are surviving like this, lets just leave those wolves alone for now and see what happens. But we will still continue with the breeding program."
This is what I've come up and if those who are interested approve, I'll put up the CS. I would of posted this sooner, but my internet was acting up.

Hopefully this turned out ok since I did it all on my phone. So I don't know how it looks on the computer.
  • Hello my name is Mac and welcome to my Safe House for all wolves of all ages, seeking a new life among humans or just want to live in a safe environment way from humans. Which ever option you choose, you are welcome to use the kitchen or one of the rooms to take a long nap and or hot shower. I can help you get a job or a home in the human city, just ask and ill help. You also have my word that no human will bother you here.
Like it. One quick question. Wolves can go back and forth between human and wolf forms right? Sorry if it seems like a stupid question, but it's late and my head isn't working write. Hasn't since last Sunday

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