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Multiple Settings Wolf's Plotting Cave (Cravings, Originals, and Fandom)


The Overlord
Hello everyone and welcome to the latest installment of my plotting thread! My old one was getting a little cluttered/disorganized so I decided to revamp in a new one!


About Me

  • I’m 20 and in college (please be over 18, if there’s any romance at all I get uncomfortable with minors. Platonic is fine! Be at least 16 for that!)
  • I play both male and female characters but am most comfortable with males
  • I’m an aroace disaster. I can’t do smut and stuff for my life, but I kinda got a grip on romance. Preference order goes platonic, MxF, MxM, FxF.
  • I can write a lot when I get excited. 250 words is probably a low low minimum. It’s probably closer to 500+
  • I’m a chatty person! I may take a while to warm up to you, but I live OOC talk in rps
  • I’m pretty active and can post frequently (multi-times a day) I don’t expect that though!
  • I'm a dark person, this means I have no limits. This can somewhat show in my darker roleplays. In historical settings, I'm cool with romanticizing some things, but I still want darker themes true to the context. The same with serial killers and paranormal type roleplays. Just be careful with mental illness though. If you're going to use it, just make sure to research it a lot.
What I'm Into

  • Historical
  • Vikings/Early Medieval period, Renaissance, American Revolution, World War II, Space Race, Cold War
  • Paranormal/Occult
    • Ghosts, demons, cults, paranormal investigators, Lovecraftian worlds, ect
  • Horror
    • Serial Killers
  • Spies/Espionage/Politics
  • Space. 1950’s, 1960’s, present day. Anything!
*Please note I generally only play OC's for fandoms

  • Fallout*
  • Bioshock
  • Assassins Creed
  • Metro 2033*
  • Stalker: Shadows of Chernobyl*
  • Borderlands
  • Wolfenstein
  • Marvel
  • DC
  • Criminal Minds
  • Call of Cthulhu*
  • Sinking City

The Plots (* means I'm craving)

(Still a skeleton but I’d love to flesh it out!)

Muse A(German captain/spy) x Muse B (American or British intelligence operative (can also be another German sent to work with them))

I have a plot but I can’t put it into words so PM for this! Basically Muse A’s U-boat got overtaken by a British convoy. Muse A was one of the only survivors who got taken aboard as a prisoner. Bartering for their life, their express their dissatisfaction towards the German government and get released on the condition they work for the intelligence group as a spy (enigma still wasn’t cracked at the time). For a year or so, it’s easy to just feed them ship patrols and locations over radio. Once they get promoted to captain, things start to get trickier.

Muse B sold their own soul to fighting the war long before it even started. (Background is left open for you to decide). One day out of the blue, however, they were assigned to be Muse A’s contact or long distance partner of sorts. Already unhappy to be pulled from their previous assignment, they’re less than amused to be assigned to Muse A.

1947 New Orleans, Louisiana.

When Henri Olivier finally left the war shredded shores of Europe, he didn’t know what was next. Unlike many, he quickly found his footing in the military and absolutely thrived. An OCC Sniper, he made his career of finding out things no one wanted him to know. Already decorated and facing promotion, the shot from the heart of Berlin ended it all. They probably should have kept him, but fate had other things in mind. Jobless and nearly homeless, the America he left in 1941 certainly wasn’t the one he returned to. Desperate, he found himself, mostly by accident, on the footsteps of the New Orleans police department. It was a career that his OSS training allowed for him to excel at, so much that they didn’t hesitate in bypassing standard promotional protocol. A little less than three years in, and suddenly he’s on the verge of busting the crime circuit of New Orleans wide open.

Muse B’s family stretches as far back as the city itself. As strong of a reputation that their family has, Muse B’s is even stronger. Everyone around the city knows them as the untouchable girl. Powerful, confident, and wealthy, they’re the type people sell their souls for, but Muse B has always been more interested in their own tunes. After her parents death, ultimately it was up to her to pave her own path. In a world largely ran by the men, she didn’t let it stop her. Besides inheriting the family name and fortune, she also got her claim to the family business. Singing in the family's jazz club since practically birth, she wasn't a strange face under the neon. Even moreso than when he parents were in charge, the clubs became even more of a success. Sure the clubs went under a massive reform, but it helps when you manage to unify every organized crime outlet in the city. Smuggling, trafficking, mod money, drugs, and anything else you can think of, it comes through her. Insanely smart, nothing links back to her. At every corner there’s always a man to take the fall with another one behind them. Even without the city payoffs, she was sitting comfortably, that is until the stubborn rookie detective starts poking around

(Sorry this is rambling on! I wrote this pretty late and on mobile. Basically MC is the former intelligence officer turned detective and yours is the queen pin of the entire New Orleans underworld. The role play will basically be MC getting close to YCs activities and YC trying to stop them. Of course there is the obvious romance to throw them off/keep track of the investigation. But we can get creative with hitmen and YC framing mine and having him arrested. Paying off cops to destroy evidence. Ect! Basically like every noir detective story with the pretty femme fatale singer)

Years had passed since humanity’s own ignorance and greed threw the world into flame. Like the ticking of a clock, bombs erupted leaving nothing behind but radiation and devastation. Those who survive managed to do so by sheltering underground. Those who were in bunkers lasted a little while, but those who made it to the metro stations? They thrived. Well thrived as much as you could in cramped conditions while being hunted by mutated creatures.

Anyone who went to the outside world was considered insane. If it wasn’t the beasts that hunted them, they usually fell victim to the harsh weather or the poison in the air. These people who made trips to the surface, they were known as stalkers.

Like many, Muse A was born underground. Their entire life was spent staring at metal walls and living with no personal space. When they were a teenager, desperate for money, they joined on to a merchant group as a guard. After seeing the open sky for the first time, they never looked back. Officially becoming a stalker, they were outside multiple times a week. Soon it became more frequent to the point that Muse A only came back down to the stations to sell off supplies and stock up.

Like Muse A, Muse B was also born below ground. They grew up hearing stories of the outside world, but they never cared. The attacks to their station were frequent enough that they didn’t want to see what the world had in store. They also knew that eventually they would have to succeed their father as leader of the station and such mentality was more harmful than good. After another wave of attacks, Muse B was forced to flee, not knowing the tunnels they ended up gasping for breath on the surface as the tunnels caved in behind them. Lost and wandering for somewhere secure, they find their way to a building that seems safe enough, a building that happens to be Muse A’s temporary camp.

(Muse B could have a set mission that they need to do, they could be just trying to get back underground, or just straight up survival)

This takes place in the 1960’s during the peak of the space race. Muse A is a lead engineer on the Apollo project and for NASA in general. Muse B is a Soviet spy sent over to sabotage the project.

(I don't normally like breaking from historical canon, but I was in the mood for something extremely fluffy and we get to knock out some nazis along the way. So this one will be extremely romantic and pretty much once we get the romance established, it'll be them trying to hide it from everyone else. There's still going to be a lot of dramatic moments though! So don't think it's pure fluff because I'm typically not a fluffy person)

As World War II moved ever closer to her climax, the Nazi eagle further clinched her talons across Europe. A high calculated and well developed war machine, Germany almost seemed unstoppable. From tactics to technology. It was nearly impossible to get ahead. Anyone who made any attempts was extinguished before they could make their advances. But that didn't stop anyone from trying.

Muse A always had mixed feelings about the war. Though he knew the Nazis were bad, it just never felt like an issue that America needed to stick its nose in. And like many others, his ticket to Europe was also one he didn't ask for. Leaving medical school for training, everyone knew he would be thrown into medic training. Of course it was a surprise when they handed him a rifle. Now a solo sniper, his short time in the war earned him a reputation. While he may have been a good shot, he was an even better ghost who frequently brought the best of the OSS to shame. Brilliant mentally and a force tactically, he was one of the best intelligence operatives the US Army had stationed in the fractured continent.

Muse B almost had their life decided for them. They had a choice. But it was a highly obvious one to them. Born in -- we'll decide what country-- they were quick to feel the full force of the German army. The war was something they wished they could ignore. Every second of their lives were put on display for the invaders. Some were not appreciative. When the local partisan group emerged, Muse B's father was at the front of it. Though he never allowed Muse B at the front lines, it was always inevitable. When their father was captured, tortured, and publicly executed that's when they made their decision to assume the position with the motive to wash ever German out of their country.

Though they tried their best to contact any Allied nations, their cries for help went unanswered. Forced underground, cornered, low on supplies, and with dwindling numbers, it looked like the effort was going to be for nothing. Until they found something to grab the Allies' attention. Instead of help, they got Muse A. His mission, get in undetected, get the intelligence, maybe take out a few officers, and then get out. Little did they know that it was about to become his fight too. Trapped on all sides and unable to get a message out. He has no choice to team up with the partisan unit and Muse B.

Sorry this is so short! This is all I have off the top of my head, but I am open to any other ideas! I'm a forgetful person too Don't hesitate to shoot me a PM if interested, want to talk or just want to share ideas!
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