Wolf RP!!! Forgotten Past Pack & Wondering Souls Pack


Senior Member

There are no restrictions here for your level in role play! I welcome all newbies with open arms! Please be nice & follow all rules.





Rank: (Please leave as blank unless I have contacted you, you are a pup, elder, or rouge/loner.)

*Rank Requested:


*Mate: (Please don’t make your own mate. Please also don’t make someone your mate without their permission...< That is very illegal in the real world…)

*Crush: (Granted you probably don’t know anyone here, but if you want to crush on a stranger, I refuse to stop you. ;D )




*Past: (Pretty much a background thing so you don’t have to bother explaining to everyone every single time.)


*= not required & can be removed or left



Wondering Souls Ranks

Alpha Male-*Theytookmyname* Bone

Alpha Female-

Beta Male-

Beta Female-

Delta Male-

Delta Female-

Lead Patroller-



  • *Theytookmyname* Blood
  • *Cleo* Soul




Forgotten Past Ranks

Alpha Male-*Theytookmyname* Timber

Alpha Female- *PaiPai900* Ranma

Beta Male-

Beta Female-

Delta Male-*Theytookmyname* Mania

Delta Female-

Lead Patroller- *Theytookmyname* Mania



  • *Theytookmyname* Mania

Pups- *PaiPai900* Tae



  • *Cleo* Doe



Name: Bone

Age: 5 years

Gender: Male

Rank: Alpha Male

Pack: Wondering Souls

Personality: Bone is ferocious and has little patience for things. He displays his dominance consistently, by how he walks, eats, and even speaks (barks, woofs, howls). He is quite the grouch, but does have a soft spot for the weak despite not showing it.

Description: Bones is large in stature. He has an impending aura and battle scars over past fights to display dominance as an Alpha. He is bulky with muscle, and looks ragged. He has gray fur and dark greenish eyes.

Past: Bone had a mate back in the day, but a rouge attack destroyed his old pack and killed all that he knew with the exception on Mania, his old pack’s Alpha. He hates her and refused to allow her into the pack.


Name: Blood

Age: 2 ½ years

Gender: Female

Rank: Fighter

Rank Requested: Alpha Female (Not mated, just for dominance)

Pack: Wondering Souls

Personality: Blood is vicious, anti-social, and cruel. As a rogue and a female, she is willing to WHATEVER it takes get into a pack and stay in it, even if it means killing the current Alpha. She has a soft spot for other rogue females and is willing to work together with them, but she will ditch them if they jeopardize her chances of staying in a pack.

Description: Blood is a dark brown wolf with muddy brown eyes. She is large for a female wolf and is mangy with plenty of scars.



Age: 4 years

Gender: Male

Rank: Alpha Male

Pack: Forgotten Past

Mate: Ranma

Crush: Ranma, but also anyone who is kind... Don't tell her?

Personality: Timber is very affectionate. He is a complete flirt, but is really a one she-wolf type of wolf. He is kind, caring, and refuses to judge. He doesn’t know how he ended up being an Alpha, but it brings the ladies, so he’s happy nonetheless. He has a really soft spot for she-wolves and pups.

Description: Timber is a light brown wolf with blue eyes. He is large in stature. He is scar free for the most part.


Past: Timber has had a good life. He was raised and brought up into the Forgotten Past by his parents, the old Betas. He made friends with Mania right away, and brought her out of her shell.

Other: Mania is like a little sister to him.

Tae's father


Name: Mania

Age: 3 ½ years

Gender: Female

Rank: Delta Female & Lead Patroller

Pack: Forgotten Valleys


Personality: Mania is a skittish wolf, and not very trusting. Her small stature may seem harmless, but her calculation, timing, agility, and speed have deemed her as a fighter. She cares a lot for her pack. She is caring towards the pups and younger wolves due to past motherly instinct.

Description: Mania is a very small for a female wolf and is tiny in stature. She is pure black with haunting gold eyes, holding a sorrow with is beyond her age. As a fighter, she possesses scars from the fights.

Past: Mania was the Alpha Female in her last pack. She had pups and a mate, but her pups died before she could deliver them. Not long after that, rouges attacked her pack and she lost her mate, family, and the pack. Afraid of having the responsibility of maintaining another pack without her mate, Mania followed Bone, but he refused to take her in. She joined the Forgotten Past Pack and maintained a fairly minor role till her old habits kicked back in and she became a Delta.

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Name: Doe

Age: 3

Gender: Female


Rank Requested: Omega

Pack: Forgotten past

Mate: N/A

Crush: Unknown.

Personality: Doe is a sweet little wolf, nice to everyone but when she tries to help it never ends up being 'good'. She is one of the most clumsy wolfs out there, she messes up doing basically everything. Which is why she's an Omega; useless, pathetic not much of a fighter no matter how hard she tries. Though she has a strong spirit, she knows that she can't give up.

Description: Doe is underweight for her size, she usually won't eat because she believes that the pups and elders should be eating more than her. She still has her youth unlike the elders and the pups are going to grow up to be something wonderful. She also has a few scars on her because of her past.



Past: Doe never was the 'popular' pup, she has always been uncoordinated, slow, she just didn't have the talents that everyone else had. When ever she got invited to hunts she was always the one to fight the other wolves that would try and steal their packs food, hence the scars on her. Every battle she fought she'd loose. It never bothered her to much though, just because she knew that's all she was really capable of doing, was being everyone punching bag. But who knows, maybe she can rise up one day.

Other: Her brother is Soul.


Name: Soul

Age: 4

Gender: Male


Rank Requested: Fighter

Pack: Wondering Souls

Mate: N/A

Crush: Unknown

Personality: Cocky, goes into battles with out thinking, energetic, kind, charming, never gives up, wants to do something great.

Description: Soul has always been a fighter, which is why he has half an ear missing, a scar right across his mussel and some scars on his face and body.



Past: Soul and his sister, were together as pups and into their later stages of life. But Soul just felt like that pack was keeping him back, so he decided to go into the Wondering Souls pack because he felt like something can happen in that being in this pack can change his life.

Other: His sister is Doe.
Name: Lillita

Age: 2

Gender: Female


*Rank Requested: Omega

Pack: Forgotten past

Personality: Lillita is an adventurous but shy wolf, she doesn't approach the other wolves in the pack (though she doesn't mind them approaching her) meaning that she is not the best hunter when she hunts in groups, meaning that she prefers to hunt small prey (like rabbits) by herself. She is kind and understanding and cares for her pack members, but if they are mean to her, then she is mean to them. She respects the higher ranking wolves, but she may sometimes challenge their dominance without meaning to.

Description: (look at profile picture)

*Past: Born within another pack, Lillita joined the Forgotten Past Pack after she left her family pack for a new start, she has little experience with the world, meaning that she feels dependent on other wolves.
Name: Tae

Age: 4 months

Gender: Female

Rank: Puppy

Pack: Forgotten Past

Personality: Tae is a cheerful little pup, she likes adventure, and tends to get into trouble a lot. Tae is very innocent and thinks that fighting is stupid. She asks A LOT of questions.

Description: Tae still has yet to outgrow her puppy fur and is frequently cleaned by her mother (Ranma), she has dark brown eyes and white/black/brown fur. Her paws a fairly large, meaning she will become quite a large she-wolf one day.


*Past: Tae was born in captivity, but was set free soon after. Her siblings died during the travel back to the pack. That's all her mother told her. Tae has a reputation of getting into trouble, be it pestering a bear, almost being run over by a stampede, etc. And to survive that, Tae is very quick on her feet, using her small size to her advantage. Although, she's still very clumsy and once fell from a tree, lucky enough to have landed on another wolf.

*Other: Is Ranma and Timber's pup


Name: Ranma

Age: 4 1/2 years

Gender: Female

Rank: Alpha Female

Pack: Forgotten Past

*Mate: Timber

Personality: Ranma is a mature, motherly figure. She's very protective of her pup (Tae). It takes a lot to anger Ranma, but when you do, she's very ferocious and scary. Ranma is very strict, but also has a kind side, just stay on her good side. Ranma's also kind of a neat freak.

Description: Ranma is an above average sized she-wolf with black/white fur and blue eyes. She only has a few scars from being attacked by rouge wolves.


*Past: Ranma was captured by humans when she was injured by rouge wolves, at that time she was pregnant with pups. The humans took her in and cared for her until she gave birth to the pups and was sent back out into the wild. Ranma rejoined her old pack (Forgotten Past), but the travel back to the pack took its toll on her puppies. Ranma had given birth to 5 pups, only 1 of them survived the journey. Because of that Ranma is extremely protective of Tae.

*Other: Mother of Tae
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Is Ranma in Forgotten Past? It says Wondering Souls, but her "Past" says she rejoined Forgotten Past. After this is explained, you will be accepted. Thank you! =) Depending on the pack, she may or may not be Alpha Female.
Oops! Sorry typo! I'll fix it right away. Haha. She's supposed to be in Forgotten Past. Haha

Hahaha, it's fine. & It would be fine for Timber and Ranma to be mates. We just have to wait for a few more people to join.

Alright :) so they can be mates? Because I don't want little Tae to be without a daddy :3 And if you look closely....Tae's snout is kind of like Timber's.....
Name: Sombra #Shadow in Spanish

Age: 2 years

Gender: Female

Rank: (Please leave as blank unless I have contacted you, you are a pup, elder, or rouge/loner.)

*Rank Requested: Beta female

Pack: Forgotten Past

*Mate: Still searching (open)

*Crush: Open

Personality: Sombra was a rather skimpy puppy. Always being left behind. She always made the best of it, making time to try to hunt butterflies or attack bushes. As she grew, she knew she was unwanted, so set of by herself knowing that she would not find any happiness from the warmth of her own bloodline. Sombra doesn't believe in destiny. It was stupid. She believes there is many paths to follow. Her many days alone gave her time to think of which path to follow, which life to fulfil and to this day she is still unsure. Inside she is gentle and playful but she rather masks that with a coat of strength and power. When comfortable though, she shows her true colours. Sombra is a rubix cube of emotions. She is protective over what she loves. But in her lonely life there has been nothing to love. Sombra has decided to open up her heart to friendship, loyalty and the love of a pack.

Description: A dark she-wolf with a nick to the right ear and claw marks on her left shoulder. She has several scars ripping over her muzzle. Sombra also owns a pair of hazel eyes.

minus the scars

*Past: It's practically summed up in the personality. She had a family but kept getting the cold shoulder and was bullied by her siblings, so she set of to be a lone wolf.

Accepted. I'll start posting in a day or two. I'm camping and we have no signal. (I'm in town to get some food for the trip)
Name: Lakota

Age: 4

Gender: Female

Rank: -

Rank Requested: Fighter

Pack: Wondering Souls

Mate: -

Crush: Bone

Personality: Lakota is extremely softhearted, caring, and kind. She hates fighting but knows it is sometimes necessary. Lakota has always had a prominent mother-like quality about her but she has never had a mate in order to have pups. She loves and cares for all pups, if needed, like they are her own.

Description: Lakota has a mixture of dark and lighter grey fur. Her face and stomach area are more of an off-white color. Her eyes are outlined with what almost looks like a thick, black liner and are a soft hazel color. She has a large scar across her side from her first battle but it is hidden almost entirely by her fur.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/shewolf.jpg.433171783455c13457589c954a4cad9f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3569" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/shewolf.jpg.433171783455c13457589c954a4cad9f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Denali

Age: 4

Gender: Male

Rank: -

Rank Requested: Fighter

Pack: Wondering Souls

Mate: -

Crush: Doe

Personality: Denali is very protective, strong, and caring. He tends to come off as rude but he can be quite sweet. He is extra protective of his sister, Lakota, even though he knows she can hold her own. Denali wants to be friendly and kind to most but there are others he can't stand and he must hold up his act of ferocity to keep them away and the pack safe.

Description: Much like his sister, Denali has light grey mixed with darker grey fur. Part of his face and his entire underbelly is white. The fur around his face is a lot darker than his sister's. Denali's eyes are a darker hazel color and give off a more intense appearance. His fur is quite think which makes him look more soft, covering up his scars, strength, and muscle that has built up.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/malewolf.jpg.390c194a9fe50462a78bd27452b09006.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3568" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/malewolf.jpg.390c194a9fe50462a78bd27452b09006.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Theytookmyname ?

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