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Fantasy Wolf Pine Peaks IC || Werewolf Rp || [ALWAYS LOOKING FOR NEW MEMBERS!!]

Janus Kagore-24-Healer-Winson-Wolf
Rain pelted down through the trees with the occasional boom of thunder and the wind howled through the branches, bringing the clouds ever close to Winson's home. The sky was now black as night, the clouds a dark gray and still the rain poured down upon the earth in a never ceaseless cacophony that echoed in the wolf's ears and made said ears lie flat against his cranium as he moved throughout the muddy and slippery forest, mud splashing onto his lower legs and paws, his fur weighing him down with the stinging cold. The healer sniffed the air but the scents were washed away and so he looked for tracks but even these were difficult to come upon, Janus snarling to himself as he moved through the forest and wondering if Claudius was still trying to get out of the bathtub, not that he would be able to get out of Janus's little playground area. A smirk came to the healer's muzzle at the thought of the wolf slowly drowning and trapped with no way to escape. He stopped when he had gone deep into the forest, a howl piercing his ears that flicked up at the sound. As he was still on his brother's territory...everything and everyone belonged to his brother...the healer decided to investigate that howl and ambled his way towards that area, quickening his pace despite the risk of injury to himself.
Arisa continued to fluff the pillows for a but before looking back an over at the deep brooding voice which somehow still managed to startle her, eeping before blinking a little and laughing nervously she rubbed the back of her head, "haha, as good as always!~" she mused, living through her teeth, she'd felt so off since this morning, and the dull ache in her belly insisted on staying, it- wouldn't be very long now until it was time. Resting a hand on the firm bulge she walked over a little with a cheerful and childish grin, "Thanks for the peasant!~" she whispered with a smirk, trying to reassure him everything was fine.

explosiveKitten explosiveKitten
“.... Are you sure you should be doing this? I... I really think you should just be upstairs resting.”

He was worried. There was this... scent that was just pouring out of Arisa that he couldnt quite identify. Maybe it was... milky? Something to do with hormones, for sure. Did this scent mean it was almost... time? He hoped not. He had been hoping this storm would blow over before the day came so he could move her, but if it kept going...

Nono, don’t think about it. Just take a leaf out of Arisa’s book and stay positive.

“... I’d like to talk in private somewhere, Arisa... somewhere not so public where we can be listened to...” He muttered, moving closer to her and gently taking her hands in his, his expression pleading, beseeching, “can we please just go back up to the room?”

Cosmos Cosmos
Arisa had continued to smile and giggle before his sudden hand grab seemingly caught her off guard, all of a sudden her eyes slight viciously and a loud snarl escaped her lips as she swatted his hands away. A moment later however she looked up and blinked, "I-I'm sorry…." she whispered, giving an embarrassed and apologetic look, beginning the long waddle upstairs, by the time they reached her room she was completely out of breath, resting against the wall heavy, canines still sharpened and eyes returning to their wolflike rims, as though even with all her effort her body was struggling to stay in wolf form, all its hormones and instincts begging to burst out, as she rested her eyes for a second a loud crash of thunder burst into life, stinging her overly sensitive ears and causing her eyes to flicker open, nervously looking back over at Drew, "S-So…. wh-what did ya wanna talk about?~…." she mused.

explosiveKitten explosiveKitten
He flinched back when Arisa swatted at him, finding it highly uncharacteristic, but also realizing that she had been very sensitive about touch for the past two weeks.

He carefully followed her up to their room, offering support if she seemed ready to keel over. She was breathless after only going up the stairs, how would she deal with his plan? Doubts swam in his head but he pressed on, glancing outside of the room to make sure no one was standing around outside before closing the door and sitting in front of Arisa.

“... listen, I know you don’t belong here.” He started, still keeping his voice down whether someone was outside or not. “You don’t deserve this crazy place. It doesn’t deserve you. You deserve better.”

He rubbed his face, considering his words carefully, “I’ve been doing something incredibly risky these past two weeks because I believe you deserve better. But I realized recently that I need to talk to you about this, because it is about you... I need to ask you something, but I need you to think about it, because what I have planned- what we have planned, I suppose, is incredibly dangerous and the storm outside certainly isn’t helping. So please, consider your options here.”

He took a deep breath and barely whispered to her.
“Arisa... do you want to go home?”

Cosmos Cosmos
Arisa waited for his query with wide innocent eyes, listening to each word intently albeit her focus didn't seem completely there, a hand rubbing her swollen belly gently, though as he reached the finishing sentence she seemed to almost fall back a little, startled.

She wasn't expecting a question like that- no, rather she'd never even considered it past the first two weeks of being here, before Drew, before she settled in and well, she just, adapted as she always had to new situations, it was easy for her but well, she'd be lying if she said she didn't want to see her big brother again, and the intense emotions showed on her face as clear as day, sharpened canines gently biting her lip as her eyes avoided his, staring firmly at the ground as she began to choose her words carefully, uncharacteristically serious compared to normal.

"I-…. want to…. g-go home, of course!- but well…. H-Here…. Artemis- you, I…. I couldn't just leave you all here?…. N-Not alone-" she stuttered out, looking up with a warm hearted smile.

Tears softly welling in her eyes as hands trembled lightly, her babies- pups, whatever she should think of them of, her brain in that moment couldn't decide the thoughts between human and wolf, as before all she knew was she wanted to curl up somewhere- safe.

explosiveKitten explosiveKitten
Janus Kagore-24-Healer-Winson-Wolf
Janus continued through the torrential rain and winds, the rain washing away his scent, the winds taking away his steps. Nay, he could not even hear himself and of course with the storm none could hope to track the healer nor be out on patrol. The healer splashed through mud and ducked his head against the wind, one ear perked up and one lying flat as he trudged onwards, sniffing the air and occasionally putting his nose to the ground like a dog as he searched for that howl within the storm, the healer picking up traces of scent on the ground but they were faint and so he had not much to go on, just a general direction. The howl hadn't even been very loud but Janus had good senses, senses that might or might not have been amplified when he had been taken by those hunters. He didn't think much on that time, whenever he did, his half tail twitched in pain.

Janus shook his head as he huffed to himself, sneezing soon after, his eyes squinting to see as the wind blew into his face. But it allowed him to pick up scents easier and he was able to pick up the scent of a stranger in Winson territory, causing his lips to pull back over his teeth as he slowed to a walk and sauntered through the forest towards the scent, making a note of it. Of course there was another loner within the territory though he didn't know that yet.
“Shhh, shhhh, don’t rile yourself up, okay?” He shushed soothingly, trying to get her to settle down.

He stuck his head high in the air and glanced towards the doors listening for any noises, but found none. He slowly turned back to Arisa and muttered softly, “Do you think that you’ll be able to.. ‘hold it’, until tonight? When it’s dark is the best time to try to slip away. If you don’t think you can do it, then we can try sooner, but either way, it will be incredibly risky, and I don’t want to force you to do anything. But if we decide to head out at night, that’ll give me time to... prepare, and it might... might be a little easier. It’s up to you.”

He heard her concern for himself and Artemis and his heart broke a little bit. She was willing to sacrifice her own wellbeing, and happiness for two people that weren’t even from her pack? How cute.
“You trust me, right?” He placed his hand on his chest, right over his heart, “You dont need to worry about us. Trust in me, trust that I’ll be able to take care of myself and Arty, okay? You just worry about yourself and.. your baby. That’s my main concern. We’ll be fine, Arisa. Really.”

Cosmos Cosmos
Arisa nervously fumbled on the spot at his words, eyes pleading, begging to get some sort of answer but this was all so much, so soon- "I-…." she started, "I- trust you Drew but Arty-…. she- we…." she continued, still teary eyed, expression gentle yet still teary in a child like manner, hands grasping the thin dress material tightly, another pain in her stomach causing her to wince and tense a little- it stung so badly, but no, she couldn't let it show fully, she had to be strong. With a small nod she seemed hesitant, "O-Okay but…." she began, "I-I don't know fully~…." she whispered, wether referring to holding it or leaving it wasn't sure, even to herself if she were being honest, her whole body was burning to shift, and the storm outside only made it worse, slowly she stepped forwards, and wrapped Drew in a small hug, belly pressing against him as she closed her eyes and rested her head there, between all her wild thoughts and body itself fitting against her, this was all she could do to say thank you and it, felt- really good.

explosiveKitten explosiveKitten
“It’s okay, it’s okay, you don’t have to worry anymore... you’ll be out of here by the night’s end, I’m sure.” He assured her, carefully wrapping her up in his arms and rubbing her back.

“Ever since I got here you’ve been like the little sister I never had. And I know if you had been my sister, I would have done anything to make sure you were safe. So please... I’m happy to do this.” He mumbled, leaning away and looking her in the eyes as he spoke. He sat there for a moment longer, letting her take her comfort for as long as he could, before moving away gently and standing up.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can, okay?” He reached down and pat her head, then wandered over to his place in the room, picked up his thin blanket and gave it to Arisa, “Just stay here, stay warm, try not to attract any attention to yourself, alright? This whole thing will be over soon. Until then, just relax.”

With that, he slowly turned and left the room, sneaking up towards the front door. Glancing outside, he couldn’t help but to notice that STYX was just standing outside! With yet another unfamiliar female! What was with this place? Could people not just smell the death that poured off this place? Would this one weasel her way into Styx’s favor as well?

He sat there, and waited. Waited for the chance to slip out.

Cosmos Cosmos
Alexander Helhime - Hendrix Alpha - 25
Alex growled, "She is of no concern to you right now. I want to know what you are doing out here with this weather in the first place. Those who show up in this type of weather usually aren't a good sign..." His eyes coldly looked over the man, untrusting for all he knew this man could be a spy for the Winson pack.. perhaps they had found out about Drew's spying. He was tense but did his best to show this man he was somewhat relaxed. "Did you mention something about a sister?" He wondered if perhaps he was being to paranoid, he turned settling her on te couch.
Cosmos Cosmos
Texangamer Texangamer

(I'm so sorry this sucks but I can't think of anything right now....))​
Danielle Hendrix Age 4

Dani was scared of the thunder as she were on the couch as she looked at her dad watching her dad talking to the movie she just grabbed her stuffed bunny as she smiled feeling safe with it like nothing will happen. Dani just was on the couch as she just rubbed her eyes she was awake she slept for a bit Dani just lay down rubbing her eyes Dani was still a bit groggy from waking up from the scary thunder she just covers her ears from the thunder not wanting to hear her dad or the scary thunder.​
Arisa nodded, continuing to stay in the hug for as long as possible before he left, gently stepping back with a small wobble she nodded with a timid smile, he said to stay there, ad even handed her his blanket but she just- couldn't stay still right now. And so once gone she began to sneak out, slowly creeping past before stopping in a tense manner as she noticed yelling and Tes storming out of Garas' room, other voices adding up, h-how many girls did he have in there?! a bright blush filled the girls pale and childlike face, her wolf like slit eyes looking nervous as she let out a small anxious chuckle, geez- Winson was, really weird.

Just then another sharp pain hit and she was forced to lean against the wall in aid with a struggle, a long stuttered breath leaving her mouth, and for better and worse she'd already heard Janus storm out earlier so even he wasn't here.

explosiveKitten explosiveKitten hostage hostage Rumble Fish Rumble Fish WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal
Zenro let out a soft chuckle, the alpah hid it well beneath his calm exterior, but to the male's well trained noise the scent of anger and slight fear building up was a pleasant, tingling sensation to his being, the strong aroma of any others emotion was, no matter what it may be it was most…. Well- amusing to the hardened male. As he continued he gave back to the softened apologetic eyes and sighed, "As I said I was simply lost, me and my sister we travelled here in hopes of meeting more of our kind, but only arrived two days ago, we came out into the forrest to hopefully track you down but the storm hit hard and it was only a matter of time till we were seperated- luckily the path outside lead me to yours but her…. I can only imagine what that clueless girl was thinking~…." he muttered, seemingly genuine tears sparkling in his child like eyes, clearly in his early twenties in appearance, though wether that was his actual age could be a lie.

As it continued he internally smirked, well- it wasn't all a lie, after all Zerai really was clueless. As the young girl sat on the couch sleepily he once again offered a gentle smile, "Cartoons, huuh? I see you guys have a t.v, that's a step up from what I'm used to with travelling at least, haha" he mused trying to come over as well and honestly warm up, dedication to the role or not he was still far more wet and cold than even he'd be willing to go to in normal extents.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Texangamer Texangamer
Janus Kagore-24-Healer-Winson-Wolf
There was still the scent of copper on his body, faint but there evident, mixed with his own natural scent of berries and herbs. A trait that Sky would develop, her own unique scent, a trait that unknowingly for now one nephew and niece from his brother and the omega human...when her pregnancy was discovered in the future...would have as well. The healer shook himself as he moved closer to the scent, the foreign presence becoming stronger and mixed with it the scent of human that he had grown used to with tending to the human these past two weeks. Janus's tail swished behind him through the air as he walked towards the scent, lifting his head as he approached a hill and found human footprints within the muddy earth. Janus stared down at the bottom of the hill, the sent of Sky strong in this area as he looked down the slope, seeing human tracks and then wolf tracks, earning a snarl from the healer as he began heading down the hill, muscles tensing in case he needed to kill somebody for harming one of his brother's females and a human female at that.
Benjamin Colter

The constant and rythmic tap of water falling on his muddy face, the only thing sheilding him from the sky's torrent was the Buck strewn across his back. Trudging through the ever loosening ground beneath his feet he couldn't help but to constantly think that it would be easier to go through this slop as a wolf, but then he'd have to drag the buck and soiling food was worse than getting wet. So on he went sinking ever deeper, then there it was, through the trees, a light peering out from the dark walls of a cabin. Desperate to leave the cold pelt of the rain that opressed him with every other step, despite the voices he could hear outside he had to make his way in, had to get warm. So he snuck around the voices towards the ungaurded back of the house. The plan was simple sneak in, find a basement and just stow away while he ate and leave the next day. As the back door creaked open he made his way in, no sooner than a moment after he got into the house did he see it. He knew he was done for the moment he saw her gaze, but for some odd reason he wasn't fearful. There was something comfortable in the gaze of hers that just screamed: You just made the biggest mistake of your life. No matter what he thought he only had one immediate reaction freeze, so he froze awaiting a response as his kill dripped both water and blood on the floor.
Mia- wolf form- Winson territory

Mia lay cured in the borrow she had widened. This awful rain had gotten her lost as she lost the sent marks. She currently had no idea she had trespassed into Winson Territory.
She was just falling asleep when she heard the howl, it sounded like a warning to stay away. Hm. Welp she wasn’t very good at listening to others orders anyway, and there might be food.
With a little maneuvering she got out of the hole and started walking, or more like stalking as she had to squeez her small form to the ground to avoid being blown away.
It took her a long time to get to what seemed to be the source of the howl. But it turned out to not be food, just an odd smelling human and the wolf who had apparently given off the warning. Mia decided to settle down in the bushes and watch.
Due to the wind she did not smell the wolf with half a tail, and due to the sound of the storm she didn’t hear his growl.

mentioned: Cosmos Cosmos scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Janus Kagore-24-Healer-Winson-Wolf
Janus sloshed down the hill and as he walked he saw a wolf lying on the ground though couldn’t see the stupid human. The healer rumbled to himself as he paused, another scent catching his nose and he swung his head towards the new scent. More intruders in Styx’s lands! Why did they not just go to stupid Hendrix? Fucking stupid rocks for brains mutts, he thought to himself before letting out a howl towards his brother that he could not be sure would reach the wolf at there being two intruders that he smelled in the territory and he thought he had found Sky. Doubting much his brother would care about the last part but throwing it in anyway, the healer lowered his head and ran down the rest of the hill before hitting even ground on all fours. He stalked towards the wolf, raising his head as he moved towards it, his ears twitching as he searched the area for the wayward human and keeping an eye out for that other scent that was strong.

Mentioned: WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys Cosmos Cosmos IamaKittyKat IamaKittyKat
Tonx stayed silent at the escalation between her sister and Garas. She knew her sister could have a fiery temper but something about her reaction really worried the slightly younger female, she hated seeing her sister like that, but what couldn't she do? She was angry. If she tried to speak to her, it could end in a fight and, it was not then fear of getting hurt that worried Tonx, but the potential of her hurting her own sister. She was already hurting. What could she do? All she could think of was staying here but her thoughts kept going back to her sister.

Looking to Garas she let out a sigh as she stood up. "Well... I dunno how to fix this." She said with a somber look. She wished she had an answer. But for now, she could possibly focus on Garas. She had no idea what he would have been feeling. But it was surely worse than what she was thinking. She stood up.

"Hmm..." she hummed before moving just out of his line of sight. She had only ever done this a couple of times, Tes being the first to have seen it. From out of view, she shifted to her human form. It was painful, causing her to groan. Once it was done, she turned to face him. The woman sported scars that would have been invisible in her wolf form, scars weaving a tale of struggle while out in the wilderness on her own. Her black hair swept past her shoulders an drew her eyes remained a hawkish yellow. Even standing on two legs was a weird experience and she could barely stay up. She scratched behind her ear in a very dog like manner as she waited for his response. She could not help but be a little worried.
Soma Schicksal Soma Schicksal hostage hostage WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys

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[div class=hover]mentions: Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii

[div class=hover]tesák

She had just finished shredding a blanket when she growled, shifting into her human form. She stumbled at the sudden change, grasping at her walls to keep from falling. Tesák swiped a hand through her hair and stared outside. The storm was everlasting, with sheets of rain pounding down and wind howling angrily.

She made up her mind. Tesák stumbled down the stairs, heading to the front door. She was half blind with pain; it was not physical, but emotional. She hissed as she saw Styx outside, accompanied by Miley. She would not push through them. She swerved to exit through the back door only to be met with the sound of it creaking open. Somebody pushed through, their steps heavy. She looked up, eyes narrowed against the darkness. There stood a man. He held a body, that of a deer. The scent of unfamiliar musk and the blood of the deer sent the hair on the nape of her neck prickling. Tesák straightened, blinking, and crossed her arms, adopting a stormy glare.

“Name yourself and I will give you a painless death,“ she growled. She was itching to fight, and though she couldn’t really harm Artemis nor Garas, she would love to picture herself sinking a knife between the pair’s ribs. Tesák stepped forward threateningly, tense, waiting for the stranger to move.


The female loner raised her head slowly as the subtle and dampened scent of another fled into her nose, nostrils twitching as her heterochromic eyes scanned the terrain in front to no avail, soaking fur still dripping as her form continued to shield the injured human girls body. At a sudden growl however she flickered her head backwards, ears upwards as her teeth bared into a snarl, a clear warning to back away, the wolf gave her all kind of bad instincts, her body wanted to run, but her brain wanted to fight. She was bigger, stronger- surely that was clear by appearance, but jut in case not her form let out a vicious barking snarl. Eyes slit, unaware of the other watching on from nearby.

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon IamaKittyKat IamaKittyKat
Janus Kagore-24-Healer-Winson-Wolf
Janus's head whipped back towards the wolf lying there on the ground. A wolf that got up to its feet and issued a barking snarl at him, causing his own lips to curl back to reveal his teeth. The healer rumbled in his chest as he watched the wolf before him, the disgusting scents of wet dog and female reaching his nose as well as Sky's scent which caused a rumbling growl to escape him as he stalked towards the female. Looking around, he soon spotted Sky and made his way towards the girl who seemed to be unconscious, snapping at the wolf if it drew close to the human.

Cosmos Cosmos
Mia- wolf form- Winson territory

Mia jumped as a new growl hit her ears. She watched from her bush as the two strange wolves seemed to be getting ready to fight. The male seemed to be looking for the the human, and the female just seems to have very protective instincts.
Mia let out a huff of annoyance, the male should be thankful that the female led him there with her howl. But now she could smell the two a little more clearly. He was from one of the packs! Uh oh, she had hoped that in the confusion she hadn’t gone into anyone territory but it looked like she was wrong.
Mia got up and snuck around towards the protective female, she needed to try to defuse the unnecessary fight.

Mentioned: Cosmos Cosmos scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
The female hunched up more, fur ruffling up as sharp as it could in the wet conditions, she didn't need to fight, she knew little of this female, but at the very least her body knew this male was no good, wolf or human she didn't care by this point, her heat scent was regaining strong even in the weather and it was clear if she didn't want to mate with you, she wanted to fight. Much the way of wild wolves in such a condition, taking a step back closer her paw sank deep into the mud as the rain still thundered around them, letting out another growl in dominant warning, ears beginning to flattened back, ready to strike when needed.

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon IamaKittyKat IamaKittyKat
Benjamin Colter - 20 - ManForm - Winson House

As she spoke to him, her words just continuously echoed in his head... they wrapped in circles around his mind. At threat of death unless he got out was a bit extreme but he could understand, but this was more than a threat of death it was an open declaration of his death, his options seemed limited but, he was just confused more than anything. She had certainly thrown him more than her simply catching him, as he tried to make sense of the situation he couldn't hold back his face from expressing his bewilderment. He struggled to think of anything to say and the first thing to come into his head was what he uttered with no consideration towards the levity of the situation, "Nice to meet you too?" As soon as the words escaped his mouth every inch of his body ached with disappointment. Really Benji? 'Nice to meet you too?' That's the best you can come up with? There's a beautiful woman in front of you promising to kill you and all you can come up with is 'nice to meet you too', great you've killed yourself moron.
He needed to rectify the situation so once again he just tried to go with his first thought, "Can we just..." he paused a moment to collect himself before continuing "Can I just redo this whole thing?" He began to grind his teeth together in anticipation, There's no way this is working, bottom line Benji: You're screwed, He prepared himself to deal with whatever her response was going to be. Deep down he holding on to the fleeting hope that somehow this would all just work out.

hostage hostage

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