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Fantasy WoD: L.A. by Night (Characters)



Name: Bellatrix "Bella" Arpadi
Age: 225 (born in 1798)
Clan: Toreador, 10th Generation
Auspex: 4
Celerity: 5
Presence 4
Sailor: In a time when ships traveled by sail the young and freshly embraced Bellatrix had sailed to the New World and lived among a crew dominated by Cainites that operated out of the Bahamas and Nassau island for the first half of the Victorian Era.

Auto-Mechanic: She knows her way around a car. After all, she remembers when they were 1-stroke machines on wooden wheels.

Sculpture: Her favored form of art is sculpture, and she has spent many years practicing the art herself.

Personality: Bubbly, playful, fashionista, Bellatrix is very much the Toreador when it comes to appearance and aesthetic pursuits with an obsession over baroque art.

Biography: Bellatrix Maria Felicita Arpadi-Ermolli was born in 1798 in the Austrian Empire in Lombardy near Lake Como. The youngest of six children. Though her family is of Carpathian origin and had migrated to Italy during the course of their generational service of providing soldiers and bureaucrats to the Holy Roman and then Austrian Emperor. The Arpadi-Ermolli family over generations of service having acquired enough financial power to purchase a small estate near the town of Bellagio and there the young Bellatrix would spend her youth. Even as the Napoleonic Wars periodically swept through the region, a conflict which inevitably took the lives of two of her three brothers and divided the family over loyalties to Austria or to the ideals of Revolutionary France.

In 1815 when the final defeat of the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte became evident, and the death of her eldest brother Karl Ludwig at Waterloo during the attack of the Old Guard, the family was implicated for supporting the French by Austrian authorities and thus they fled first to Switzerland. Settling in the area of Lucerne and then Neuchatel. Here, her father died in 1820 and her mother followed in the Winter of 1821. The young Bellatrix was however unwed still and her surviving older brother Friedrich Arpadi-Ermolli arranged for her to meet suitors at the family home. There, she met a man who arrived late in the evening as darkness fell, calling himself Maximilien de Carcassone, Bellatrix was smitten by his beauty and in an act that was terribly unscrupulous for a lady she met him in the middle of the night at his request at a park on the outskirts of Neuchatel. There, she was seduced and embraced by the Cainite masquerading as potential husband. Beginning her unlife in the Clan Toreador.

From this moment onwards Bellatrix vanished. Her surviving siblings believing she had run off with a man. In reality she traveled as de Carcassone's childer as he returned to his estate near the Pyrenees. Until his nature was revealed to the townsfolk during a botched hunt in 1828 which necessitated she flee. Traveling with other Cainites aboard the brig Polara to the New World. Arriving in the Caribbean and for a time settling in Havana before joining the crew of the piratical Jonathan Creedy as at first his lover. Smuggling and robbing across the Caribbean until the Royal Navy tracked them down to a lagoon in the Bahamas and captured or killed all the brigands. But Bellatrix, slowly learning her powers from other Toreadors and those early lessons from de Carcassone, managed to 'talk' her way into the care of the Royal Marines. Safely depositing her in Miami as they made to bring their captives back to England for sentencing.

From then on Bellatrix would bump around the United States until eventually settling in Los Angeles during the 1950s. Gradually earning a position as one of the Sheriff enforcers in the employ of the Prince and Primogen of the city, until Bloody New Years and the chaotic years since, were now she finds herself dealing with maintaining the Masquerade.

Assets: Over the decades of her unlife she has amassed a sizable fortune at 22.4 Million Dollars, namely in stashed gold and art, and acquired a home near Calabasas on the outskirts of Los Angeles.
Territory: None
NPCs: None currently
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Work in Progress, but I couldn't let Sherwood have all the fun!

  • Virtual Adept 1.jpg Name: Rachel Weiss
    Age: 18
    Sect: Virtual Adept
    People need a hero, and you’re there to fill that role. Driven by a higher purpose – religious conviction, moral ethics, a philosophical ideal – you strive for a better world. The sword you wield might be more symbolic than literal: a scientist or teacher can be a Crusader too. The struggle, though, is what defines you. A better future must be built upon the foundations of our flawed world, and your duty compels you to demolish the obstacles so that reconstruction can begin. Your admirable Zeal propels you through every challenge you face. Lesser souls might falter, but you will not.
    Fanaticism, though, is the mark of a Crusader. Your convictions leave little room for compromise. When everything looks like a nail, it’s hard to stop hammering. Until and unless you learn to temper your enthusiasm and question your own assumptions, you’re just chasing shadows of your own extremism.
    – Regain Willpower when you accomplish some great deed in the name of your higher goal. As a player, you need to define what that higher goal is, and then follow it even when it hurts you. A true Crusader’s beliefs are not governed by convenience.
    The world is broken. Help fix it. Speak truth to power, dig up secrets, call people out on their shit, and reveal your plans for a better world to anyone who will listen. While apathetic cowards sit back and tune out, you step up and do whatever needs doing. Sure, folks might consider you a pain in the ass, but at least you’re making a difference!
    Action is your greatest strength. You’re not one to sit things out. There’s no time to waste on mindless self-indulgence and no room to stay scared of what might happen. The wolf’s already
    halfway through the door, and you refuse to let that bastard win. Even so, your constant Outrage wears thin. There’s never room to sit back and enjoy life. As far as you’re concerned, complacency is a sin. Your fury’s justified, of course, but it gets old all the same. Before you can truly Ascend, you’ve got to balance righteous pyrotechnics with calm acceptance. Life never
    has been – and never will be – perfect. Finding a place of serenity within your storm is an essential part of your transcendence.
    – Regain Willpower when you successfully confront abuse, right wrongs, or reveal an actual conspiracy and, by doing so, bring it down.
    The Dynamic Essence embodies Change itself. Manifesting as a mercurial temperament, passionate emotions, restless drive, and fickle spirits, Dynamic Avatars compel their mages toward
    daring experiences. Such people are never boring company! A Dynamic mage might drag you out for a night on the town that includes hijacking a taxi, skateboarding down a railroad track,
    and slumping into bed just after dawn with a huge grin (or a terrified grimace) on your face, just to wake up a few hours later and see what trouble you can get into next.
    In more subtle forms, this Essence inspires curiosity, impatience, and sudden flashes of brilliance. Appearing in the form of shadows, whispers, and poor impulse control, it goads a mage to treat every day like an adventure. At higher levels, a Dynamic Avatar can nag a person mercilessly, leaving half-finished projects and shattered relationships in the wake of a mage who rarely sits still for long.
    Affinity Sphere: Correspondence

    Str: 2
    Dex: 4
    Sta: 2

    Cha: 2
    Man: 1
    App: 3

    Per: 2
    Int: 5
    Wits: 3

    Alertness: 2
    Awareness: 2
    Streetwise: 1

    Drive: 1
    Firearms: 3
    Research: 1
    Stealth: 1
    Technology: 3

    Academics: 3
    Computer: 5
    Enigmas: 3
    Investigation: 2
    Occult: 1
    Science: 1

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  • IMG_0260.jpeg Name: Susan Dorset
    Gender: Female
    Age: 29
    Devoted to tradition, you preserve the legacy of bygone wisdom. New ideas are shaky, untested by time, and thus flawed. The Old Ways often are best. They were good enough for our ancestors, and they’ll be good enough for future generations too. Your Consistency is a virtue. Especially in an age like ours, in which novelty defines mainstream culture, it’s good to have someone as authentic and dependable as you.
    Rigidity, though, can destroy you. Stasis tends to lead to Entropy, especially where mages are concerned. Though your dedication to tradition is admirable enough, you’ll need to learn some flexibility if you want to adapt in this age and eventually transcend it.
    – Regain Willpower when your efforts prove the value of old-fashioned ways.
    People need a hero, and you’re there to fill that role. Driven by a higher purpose – religious conviction, moral ethics, a philosophical ideal – you strive for a better world. The sword
    you wield might be more symbolic than literal: a scientist or teacher can be a Crusader too. The struggle, though, is what defines you. A better future must be built upon the foundations of our flawed world, and your duty compels you to demolish the obstacles so that reconstruction can begin. Your admirable Zeal propels you through every challenge
    you face. Lesser souls might falter, but you will not.
    Fanaticism, though, is the mark of a Crusader. Your convictions leave little room for compromise. When everything looks like a nail, it’s hard to stop hammering. Until and unless you learn to temper your enthusiasm and question your own assumptions, you’re just chasing shadows of your own extremism.
    – Regain Willpower when you accomplish some great deed in the name of your higher goal. As a player, you need to define what that higher goal is, and then follow it even when it hurts you. A true Crusader’s beliefs are not governed by convenience.
    The very opposite of Dynamism, the Pattern Essence provides stability and order. If Dynamism is fire, then Pattern is stone. Pattern mages approach things with deliberate intent, speaking slowly and taking time to consider the potential risks and benefits of a task. Manifesting as calm temperament, sound logic, stable emotions, and authority figures (often in dreams, perhaps as people only the mage herself can see), Pattern Avatars settle the capricious whims of reality into solid, dependable forms. Because every war needs fortifications and dependable souls, the Pattern Essence is a valued asset. Such Avatars inspire their mages to be prudent, constructive, and trustworthy – real bricks, to use the British slang. Honor, stability, and good judgment are hallmarks of such people. If they seem stodgy or uninspired, it’s simply because other people are too shortsighted to recognize a true friend when they have one.
    Sect: Order of Hermes
    Affinity Sphere: Forces

    Str: 3
    Dex: 5
    Sta: 2

    Cha: 2
    Man: 2
    App: 2

    Per: 2
    Int: 3
    Wits: 3

    Alertness: 1
    Athletics: 1
    Awareness: 1
    Empathy: 1
    Streetwise: 1

    Drive: 1
    Firearms: 1
    Martial Arts: 1
    Melee: 3
    Research: 1
    Stealth: 1
    Technology: 1

    Academics: 2
    Computer: 1
    Enigmas: 3
    Investigation: 2
    Occult: 3
    Politics: 1
    Science: 1

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ok, I'm officially stupid, but I'm not that stupid because I finally figured out this tabs thing! I think.

Anyways, Here's Violet.
Name: Mary Knox was her previous name, she now goes by Violet Pander

Gender: Female

Apparent age: 14

Actual age: 92

Clan: Caitiff

Generation: 13

Sect: Pander (Sabbat/ Anarch)

Nature: Survivor

Demeanor: Visionary

  • Attributes:

    Str: 2

    Dex: 3

    Stam: 2

    Cha: 3

    Man: 2

    App: 5

    Per: 3

    Int: 2

    Wits: 2

    Alertness- 2


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My art - WIP of course. Sketchy bs.

Name: Yağmur Fahri (ya-MOOR FA-ri)

Alias(es): [wip]

Gender: Male (he/him)

Age: Mid-40s

  • Appearance Description:
    Yağmur’s homid appearance is best described by the word ‘large.’ He is large of body, waistline, personality, temper and power. He sports well-kept long dark hair and a much less well-kept sprout of facial hair. He tends not to wear shirts, earning him a more tribal appearance as a result of the Crow tattoo across his chest, which dictates his loyalty to the Crow totem. His habit of being shirtless is partly due to him finding it easier to adopt his beastly form with fewer outer restrictions. The types of clothes he does wear regularly include loose-fitting, comfortable trousers (of a tremendous size to cope with his weight of course), and a longcoat worn over the shoulders. He might wear jewellery on his wrists or around his neck, but this is infrequent - he forgets about it sometimes. His eyes twinkle in even the most minimal light and are of a chilling blue. Even in his regular form, a trace of his potential remains: he possesses thick hair from the base of his neck partially down his spine. Due to his long head hair though, this is often difficult to see.

    Upon first meeting Yağmur, you may consider him intimidating but jolly. He is well-spoken, often using analogy, and can speak very persuasively with his unusual brand of charisma. He can even come across as short-sighted and foolish, often leading adversaries to believe he will be easy to out-think. Those who know Yağmur know he possesses an intense cold streak, more frigid than the blue of his eyes.

    A Turk in the battleground of Los Angeles, Yağmur had to find unusual methods to survive. He used to be much more conservative about the use of his Ajaba form, aiming to fit in with the general public while he built up a small empire of his own in the background. Through methods of varying degrees of legality, Yağmur began to find his feet, and took steps from the light of his human forme to the darkness and strength the Ajaba form lent him. [Specific events to be added. Maybe you character has met Yağmur in one of these events?]

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Name: John Korvinus
Age: 37 (Chronologically 71 years old)
Species: Changeling
Class: Elemental
Appearance: Pale, raven haired with matching dark eyes, 6'1 and athletic build.

Personality: Amiable, quiet, if a touch forlorn. John was born in 1953 to a Brooklyn, New York, household and would have had a decent life working in his father's mechanics shop had it not been for a fateful run in with a mysterious man, garbed in antiquarian clothing, adorned with Thistle-Down Hair. Slowly paddling a gondola along low ground fog as if upon water. John remembers looking about, yet not another soul insight, and he remembers the man extending a hand to John. Only now realizing other children were aboard, starry eyed, and full of wonder. Thus, just ten years old, John took the hand and unknowingly found himself on a trip to another world. Faerie, Arcadia, the Dreaming.

But that was where the dreams ended, and the nightmare began. For the Gentry, as John soon learned, were as fickle and whim sickle as the dreams which gave them existence. The wishes of his cruel and uncaring master as they played out tales and stories again and again. There he learned the name of the Man with the Thistle-Down Hair, The Master, and his powers stemmed from dreams and nightmares of power, domination, mastery, and blind ambition.

It did not take long for John to wish to return to his parents, his family, but that was the crux of the problem. Arriving in Arcadia was one thing but leaving another entirely. Thus, John took his time and prepared himself for the trials ahead. Learning that he must survive The Hedge which formed the mystical boundary between Earth and Arcadia. Gathering what scraps of resources, he could, and the alliance of some likeminded captives, they escaped the castle like fortress of their manor by abseiling the walls themselves as best they could. Descending into the dark forests below and thence into the Hedge. There, things went wrong, and the dangers of the Dreaming became apparent as one by one John's companions fell to the Thorns and creatures therein. Hobgoblin tribes, bestial monsters, living nightmares, and siren-song spirits. John would have surely perished had he not accidentally stumbled through an arch of thorns that brought him to an abandoned Los Angeles subway tunnel. Rising from the darkness John had returned to the world of Man but changed. He was an adult now and though he looked only in his early thirties a span of seven decades had passed.

John first tried to find his parents but found out that they had passed in the 2010s and he had been missing for seventy years. A search and exhaustive investigation for missing children had gone on for several days until he was found. Found? John could only stare in horror as a boy looking just like him stared back at him in the pages. A fetch, a doppelganger placed there by the Gentry, had taken his place. Taken the life he would have had, should have had, and it was here that he took the path that brought him into the underbelly of Los Angeles. His old life was gone and thus he took the name Korvinus after earning a reputation as a reliable enforcer and hitman for the Camarilla and Changeling Courts.

Assets: Rents a small apartment in Sunland. Owns a vintage 1960 Chrysler 300F convertible. Variety of Firearms and knives for his contracts.

Name: Christian Jared Defoe

Age: 63 (Looks 27 years old)

Clan: Malkavian (12th Generation)


Auspex: 4

Obfuscate: 5

Dominate: 4


Finance: Christian many years as an investment banker had given him a lot of knowledge about money and financing. Using this knowledge to gain a massive amount of money and wealth.

Stealth: Christian’s preferred discipline being Obfuscate allows Christian to go undetected. As well as using the many years of staying undetected when he goes out hunting.

Athletics/Brawl: Christian likes to keep himself in top physical shape. This leads to Christian being quick on his feet and relatively strong.

Intimidation: Over the years Christian has built an intimidating aura, especially when he is angry.

Personality: Christian is very self-centred and vain, thinking only of himself and how he looks to others. Being obsessed with his wealthy lifestyle like clothes, drinking/drugs, and buying expensive objects to show off to everyone. Despite his calming exterior he is plagued with anxiety and low self-esteem. Suffering from sociopathy and extreme anti-social behaviour. Acting like a vapid frat boy so he could bond with his yuppie friends. Although he hates them and anyone like them with all of his soul. He has a constant battle of trying to keep his sanity. Stuffing from auditory and visual hallucinations which have gotten worse after he was embraced. At times he shows extreme moments of rage, panic, and grief when he is put into stressful situations. Hiding his anxiety and insecurities through his vanity and rigid personal grooming.

Having a sadistic side to him liking to toy with yuppies and his victims. Only kills and tortures women and men whom he considers undeserving of life. Although he does not kill or hurt children or animals. He has a soft spot for animals. Because of his embrace, he thinks he is not Malkavian but a Ventrue. So he acts like most Ventures and will only drink the vitae of blue blooded humans.

Biography: Christian’s father and mother were both rich so Christian had a privileged childhood. As a child, he would constantly wet the bed, start fires, and torture his younger brother. His parents seemed to ignore Christian’s deprived behaviour. As a child and teenager, his behaviour would escalate with him breaking and stealing from homes. Peeping on women before moving on to sexually assaulting women. As an adult, he went to Columbia Business School and after graduating joined his father’s investment baking company.

During this time he would hire prostitutes having sex with them before murdering them. His MO was strangling them before cutting them up and eating pieces of them. His other victims included homeless people and yuppies. While he was with a potential prey he was embraced by this woman. Being abandoned by his sire leaving him to be mentored by another Malkvain vampire named Roger Edwards. Being taught the world of vampire society and used this knowledge to further his status on the social ladder.

Assets: A studio apartment in downtown Los Angeles. Filled with the state of the art technology and expensive art. He also drives a 1987 Chevrolet Cavalier. Living a lavish lifestyle that he only uses to show that he is normal.

Territory: None.

NPCs: None at the moment.
Hopefully these two are good!

Name: Akari
Species: Changing Breed, kitsune (werefox)
Age: 28
Gender: Non-binary/intersex, appears female. She/Her or They/Them pronouns
Appearance: As a human Akari looks like a half Asian, half Russian woman (pale skin, black hair, almond-shaped green eyes). She is average height, and slightly chubby. Her clothes could be described as "punk" and "nerdy/geeky". When she is in her partial or full shape-changed forms, she has 1 tail, pure white fur and, in her full fox form, she is indistinguishable from an arctic fox. She has piercings on her lips, ears, nose, belly button and eyebrows, or at least those are what she will show publicly.
History: Akari is fairly young for a kitsune, as most have their eyes opened around 16 human/mortal years of age. She was quickly picked up by a powerful, and old, kitsune named Hikari, who taught her about this new world she had awoken into. She finished high school and went to college, taking an interest in computer science, and is also part of a grey-hat hacker club in college. Wanting to make some money, and to help her mentor, she also started working at the club Hikaru runs, as a dancer.
Abilities: Semi-expert hacking (nothing to crazy, she tries to keep on the right side of the law)
Some hand-to-hand and unarmed combat
Seduction (slightly supernatural due to being a kitsune)
Weaknesses: Silver (kitsune are slightly suseptable to silver)
No regeneration (kitsune are slow healers and don't regenerate like other changing breeds)

Name: Isabella (Bella for short)
Species: Bruja (True Bruja due to her sire claiming to be one)
Age: 107
Gender: Female
Appearence: Isabella is what you would think of if someone described a cute Spanish girl. She is very fashion foward, to an extent, although her outfits still have a flair of Spanish Civil War anarchist circa the 1930's.
History: She was turned by a Catalonian vampire named Dominique, who had been around since the mid 1200's, close to the end of the Spanish Civil War, just before thier beloved Catalonia fell. After traveling back to the US, Bella was introduced to a kitsune named Hikaru, who had been working alongside Dominique. She quickly established herself with her two new friends, despite the inherent distrust between the Kindred and Changing Breeds. She quickly learned her abilities, she was especially taken by temporis and potence. She also learned the history of the Kindred, she would have very strong opinions about both the Camarilla and Sabbat, and would be happy to learn she wasn't under them but part of the Anarchs, and in the Anarch Free State. Unfortunately some of her first feedings weren't as subtle as most would've liked, and was chastised by her sire, who had to clean up a couple of messes that nearly threatened the Masqurade. In recent years she has taken to becoming an EMT in the LAFD, mostly to help people, but the access to blood bags helps.
Abilties: Charisma (natural, you don't get to be a revolutionary without being able to talk and convince people)
Firearms, melee and unarmed fighting (not the best with firearms, well modern ones at least)
Explosives (again, revolutionary, she faught in a civil war, you learn some shit)
Medical skills (AEMT, she hasn't taken the plunge into paramedicine yet)
Vampire abilities: Temporis, Potence & Presence

Cole & Calcutta

28 (Cole)
22 [turned at 20] (Calcutta)

Ghoul (Cole)
Vampire [Gangrel] (Calcutta)

A Kindred's disciplines, diluted, pass on to her Ghoul companion...
Animalism [The Gangrel's feral blood allows them to come into contact with nature's critters much more easily than the usual Kindred, whom animals avoid and are usually frightened by. Calcutta is able to communicate with and command most animals to her will. Cole has found that the neighbor's dog stopped growling at him.]
Fortitude [A vampire with Fortitude is granted unearthly toughness, dead flesh becoming resilient as stone. Calcutta has grown used to relying on her unnatural resilience to carry her through violent confrontations, becoming a bit of a daredevil. Cole has had his nose busted too many times to notice, but he doesn't bruise as easily anymore.]
Protean [The discipline of shape-changers, allowing Kindred to turn into beasts and living weapons. Calcutta can see in total darkness, grow wicked claws, and is slowly working her way towards stranger forms. Cole has not felt any outward biological changes from his condition... Yet.]

The couple is bound by a shared aptitude for survival, considering themselves "outsiders" who trawled at the edges of society, unwanted by others and uninterested in earning their approval, even before meeting eachother.

Cole has gained a number of useful skills throughout his life, having often rubbed shoulders with lowlives and night folk. He is decently athletic and has experience with going hand-to-hand, having trained and worked as a night club bouncer before settling with his current occupation as a night-shift security guard.
He's developed some good wits about him, having a nose for danger and enough streetwise knowledge to know when a situation looks sketchy. Despite his build, he knows how to step softly and stick to the shadows. He has a cursory knowledge of security systems from his job, and has learned the art of stone-walling assertiveness to make up for his lack of charisma.
Regular doses of Kindred blood make him a ghoul, and give him the physical edge when dealing with normal folk.

Calcutta has always been a wild child, outdoorsy and adventurous by necessity. She has a good sense of direction in urban or natural environments, and generally knows how to fend for herself. She's jumpy and quick on her feet, acting on split-second decisions that are surprisingly hot-blooded for a dead thing. She was good with animals even before her embrace, and now finds them specially receptive. When the need arises, she has practiced playing the part of the frightened damsel in distress to get out of danger, only to show her fangs at a moment's notice.
Being a vampire makes her resilient, and a natural predator to humans.

The two of them are a perfect pair, and perfectly opposed.
Cole's cold-blooded, almost reptilian outlook clashes and completes Calcutta as she grasps for her lost life, still clinging to the remnants of her humanity in strong passions and old emotions.

Cole is often deadpan, uncaring and giving himself a slight air of superiority. He interacts with others only as long as he needs to, before returning to his serene misantrophy. Calcutta is the sole exception. He prefers the comfort of his own mind, zoning out often and going to god knows what dark place Cole thinks his thoughts in.

Calcutta is fiery and vital to an obsessive degree, constantly chasing the high, frightened by the slow loss of her all-too-present humanity. She still doesn't consider herself "dead" dead, being barely a fledgling vampire, and forces herself into awkward socialization with kine despite an introverted nature. Prone to outbursts, fits of rage and anxiety when she realizes she's not feeling her heartbeat, or has stopped breathing. Only Cole's glacial, firm presence brings her a modicum of reassurance.

The circumstances of Calcutta's embrace are still mysterious, with her own hazy recollection giving scant clues on why she had been chosen to become kindred. Her sire drained her, turned her and left her to fend for herself in some sick kind of initiation ritual, typical to the Gangrel. Confused, afraid and with what felt like a burning fever fueled by a thirst for blood, the girl snuck to the nearest hospital... Looking for the morgue.

Cole was doing his rounds, his mind in a faraway place when he found the disheveled, wild, pale thing biting on a corpse, her front soaked in dark-red, congealed blood. Curious, interested and then enamored by the strange sight, he took his hand off of the handheld radio, stepped closer, and in doing so saved both of their lives.

Strange acquaintances, friends, partners, lovers. In two years the two of them tied themselves in a twisted, symbiotic relationship of mutual nurturing: growing stronger off eachother, feeding off eachother, living off eachother. Passion, Affection, Addiction and intoxication, the lines of their romance are blurry and it is unclear if what keeps them together is the blood-bond or a genuine connection. Nonetheless, they are a pair of unlikely survivors who found eachother, and have scraped a corner of their own in the World of Darkness.

A run-down apartment
Access to blood-bags (Cole's job)
An old beat-up Toyota

Territory: None (Calcutta has never been formally introduced to Kindred society)

NPCs: None currently
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