Without God to Guide Us


unidentified fabulous object
Go read the overview if you haven't already. Don't use pictures for appearance; I want to see how good you are at envisioning details. Choose one of the characters listed in the first tab (ie duchess, orphaned child, or one of the pilots), and don't pick one someone else already has. Personalities MUST have more than one major character flaw!!! I won't be having any Mary Sues!

Copy and Paste the list below for your own character. I will post my own within the next few minutes.








Most Skilled In:
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Character: Prison Escapee

Name: Helena (Blade) Willow

Age: 22

Appearance: Chin length red hair held back w/ black bandanna, pale skin, abundance of freckles, dark green eyes, strong brows, long nose, lithe, tall and lanky, black shirt and cargo pants, finger-less black leather gloves, faint scar starting at the corner of right eyebrow to her jaw

Personality: Abrasive, rude, snarky, doesn't trust easily, if at all, violently pessimistic, skeptical of everything, secretly a sucker for romance, passionate to the extreme, externally arrogant

Quirks/Mannerisms: eyes are always moving and noticing everything, head tilts to the left when reading people, hands are perpetually in motion

Bio: Blade has been running her whole life, either from the authorities, her own home, or just because. Her mother died when she was young and her father was an abusive alcoholic who lived off of charity he didn't deserve. She had to fend for herself through pick pocketing and petty theft. Eventually, someone noticed that she'd gotten pretty good and set her eyes on bigger prizes. The two of them worked together for a few years before he threw her under the bus and she was put in jail for an elaborate art theft that she would have pulled off without the added betrayal. She was in prison or six months before escaping. The authorities caught her after only a few weeks and the were on their way back to prison when the end of the world started and she was shuffled onto the closest shuttle and evidently, the only one to successfully get out of the atmosphere.

Most Skilled In: Thieving and pissing people off
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Character: Psych Patient

Name: Leon Beckman

Age: 25

Appearance: Short, messy dark brown hair, light brown skin, light scruff, bright gray eyes, sharp brows, average nose, very tall, narrow build, still somehow physically strong, plain dull green t-shirt, gray sweatpants, leather bracelet he refuses to take off, random scabs all over his body

Personality: Shy, very quiet, cautious, polite, introverted, takes insults and criticism to heart, fighter when he wants to be, happy and funny when brought out of his shell, very intelligent, observer, doesn't like to rely on others. Anorexia Nervosa, Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Schizophrenia, Nightmare Disorder, Wendigo Psychosis (general craving for human flesh, the cause of his rare violent outbursts)

Quirks/Mannerisms: usually stays out of people's way and does his own little thing, bites his nails, fiddles with clothing, (when nervous or terribly distracted) scratches a location on his body repeatedly until the point of redness and swelling or occasionally bleeding, picks at skin and scabs, grinds teeth

Bio: Leon was born a schizophrenic and was raised by parents who constantly neglected and looked down upon him because of the disorder. They were highly superstitious and believed that he was wrong and unnatural. Because of the neglect he grew up learning how to take care of himself and always felt guilty when someone did something for him. He developed anorexia nervosa and social anxiety disorder from the verbal abuse he'd receive on a daily basis from his parents. He was teased and bullied all throughout his school years but still managed to hold a place on the honor roll. The lack of human contact and love led him to develop nightmare disorder and worsened his schizophrenia. Sooner or later he was taken to a mental institution that took care of him with the utmost kindness. One of the nurses, whom he'd grown to fall deeply in love with, gave him his leather bracelet. He was thrown onto a shuttle when the end of the world arrived and, by knowing there was little food, developed an irrational craving for human flesh.

Most Skilled In: getting out of bad situations, guilting himself out
Character: bodyguard

Name: Jason Price

Age: 24

Appearance: 6'2" muscular, broad shoulders, dark brown eyes, messy black hair, grey sweatshirt with hoodie, black jeans.

Personality: Jason is only loyal to the dutchess and only takes orders from her. He is vicious when angered and doesn't like taking no for an answer. He is actually pretty smart despit his dumb jock like appearance and likes tontinker with different machines. Jason is pretty lively when he is away from the royals the dutchess is used to his outgoing nature. He is the kind of person to hit on girls in a bar and have a one night stand then repeat the next day. Jason likes to impress people with his mechanical prowess by reverse engineering modern day electronics and tweaking them. He has made his cell phone into a tracker to find the dutchess anywhere and be able to send sos signals to other phones. But behind his usual smile he is a shell of his former self he has always dreamed of finding love and getting married but he seemed to mess every relationship up somehow.

Quirks/Mannerisms: Loves the color orange for some reason and is usually able to fix even the most complicated mechanisms.

Bio: jason grew up wanting to be am engineer all his life. Taking engineering classes even in elementary school to high school. He went for an engineering degree in college but was devastated when he was framed for a crime. He was kicked out of college and couldn't get a job so he started working out alot to get through it. A royal family saw his prowess and hired him and he gained his ferocious temper after the dutchess was constantly attacked. Afyer a few months of him being there most attacks on the dutchess stopped because word got around thag all who attack where mysteriously never seen again.

Most Skilled In: fighting amd mechanics.
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Okay, MADoranges, I like the idea of this character. Before I officially accept your character, though, I want to see a little more detail, particularly in his personality. All I'm getting from this guy is the stereotypical bodyguard who also happens to likes machines. Add something else in there. I don't want to be too picky, as this is a casual roleplay, but I need something more. Tell me how he acts when people aren't messing with him or the duchess. He can't just be a bodyguard. Make him a real person. I really want him to come to life. I see potential here, I really do. Please, run with it.
Much better MADoranges. Unfortunately, unless we get a few more roleplayers within the next week or so, this roleplay can't move forward. I'll probably end up closing it and leaving it be.

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