With lots of plot ideas!


Meta-Magic Eight Ball
Hi there,

I'm seeking new, dedicated role play partners. I've been writing for over 10 years now and love it! Tried a couple role plays here, but, found many people tend to drop out. For this reason, I'm more interested in 1x1 role plays.

I consider myself 'literate' as I put a lot of effort into my posts and plot ideas. I prefer my role play partners to be on the same level, but, I do enjoy teaching people new things to improve their writing and watch them grow! I get incredibly excited (sometimes a little crazy) over my ideas, and get even more passionate when I have someone willing to pitch their own ideas and collaborate. I prefer to play characters from the darker side of things, but, I'm definitely not limited to that.

Role plays I like:

Animal role plays are my favorite! Wolves and foxes are my preference but I like all kinds of animal role plays. I have plenty of ideas (Especially for wolves), for both fantasy and realistic settings (I like fantasy, makes it a lot more fun).

I enjoy a good fantasy role play, both medieval and modern. Not too fond of sci-fi, though some exceptions could be made. Again, I have a couple of ideas, mainly in the medieval genre.

Realistic modern role plays are fun too, but, definitely not my favorite.

I play in a couple fandoms as well, but, not many. I prefer to make my own worlds and characters than base it off of already made worlds/characters.

Fandoms I Would Play:

Pokemon (I prefer to play pokemon over trainer, though like both)

Redwall (Yes, I know, old school, but, I kinda miss role playing Redwall...this is more for my nostalgia sake)

Warriors (Cat, I'm a kitty cat, and I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance )

MLP: FiM (Ponies, ponies everywhere!)

I enjoy a good romance, but, prefer more plot structure than that. I like romance to be a sort of side-plot.

Roleplays I have ideas for:

Wolf fantasy

Animal (of all kinds) fantasy

Realistic Animal (could work for any species, really)

Boarding school for 'the gifted'

Medeival Fantasy (ADVENTURE!!!!)

Modern Fantasy (Streets, gangs, etc.)

Family Realistic Modern (I think the subject matter of this idea is not good for RPN, as I'd consider it Rated R)

Asylum Realistic Modern (Again, subject matter for this idea is R Rated)

Bare in mind I role play 'no hold bars' so if you have limits on gore/romance/swearing, let me know beforehand as I don't want to offend anyone. Hope someone's interested and will reply!
Hi I guess I'll write to see if you want to rp with me 1x1 ^_^ . I'm crazy as well and love making my ideas become true I can be detailed if I am put up to it my characters usually tend to be seductive, innocent, or emotionless and smart. I love rping but I kinda land in the fantasy world heh. I'm very good at romance but I can do other things meow~ erm if we were to do something together I would love to do something alone the lines of hybrid animals. Oh btw my charas usually have some sort of crazy messed up path or a mental disease. Let me know if you do want to rp I would love to. I'm always online ill only get off to sleep or be involved at school.
Sounds pretty good to me. I would love to maybe see what a couple of your animals with a fantasy plot. Go ahead and PM me. ^^
[MENTION=3333]PoisonousKandy[/MENTION] What kind of animal hybrid were you thinking? Like people/animals, or literally hybrid animals? Message me if you'd like!
I would love to rp with you. I have only been rping for a year but I have been getting much better and I would love to learn from someone that has been rping for a while. I mostly rp vampire characters but I am willing to learn new characters.
Splendid! :D I would hope you didn't mind if we try to get at least another person, so there is more character distribution (I have a big idea! xD ) Just read through the fourm post very carefully and post your ideal form below. I would just love if someone were to make the leader of leaderless clans (Berrirose doesn't have one, they are oddly self-governing because of how peaceful they are) IDK! I have big plans man! xDDD We may have to expand to have a 4 person overall group RP, but they'd all have to be very good and have well-done original characters (I cannot stress that enough, I have actually rejected someone already for not reading the forms and making a blatantly Mary Sue character)
Im fairly (very) new on this site, but Ive been roleplaying for several years, and do a lot of creative writing, am half way through writing a book, and would consider myself extremely literate.

I am happy to be in charge of making a general world, to let someone be the main creative force but chip in with ideas and twists etc, or to just go based on character interactions and whatnot.

I'd primarily be interested in the medieval fantasy, or partocularly the boarding school, but would be willing to try out animals or a few others.

Im happy to do fairly serious plots, or rp's that are largely character driven, where the fun comes from how the characters interact and get along, and the overall plot for that part is just say; a trip to the beach where shenanigans ensue.

Anyway, let me know if you'd like to try and get an rp going.
Well if you're interested in helping the RP thrive then go to Angelus Lapsus, so far there is only one other member than me :P But I have no guarantees she'll stay :(
My idea is a romance, I was thinking Human X Dragon, which would mean soon or later, there would be hybrids. Now to start, the human would be in a field somewhere doing whatever, when she hears a roar from a injured dragon, when she goes to investigate, she finds out it is in fact the dragon king, and with minutes to spare, she must save him before a evil dragon takes over and destroy the human race.

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