With a Twist


Dialectical Hermeticist
I'm not running any Exalted games here at the moment, and it struck me that this should change.


This will not be using the Exalted setting, and some adjustments will be necessary mechanically to fit with the plan. Also, the characters are somewhat pre-defined. This is just to gauge interest, for now.

The spoiler at the bottom will tell you entirely too much about this game, if it means anything to you. Also, if anyone can tell me what inspired this one, there will be bonus points.


Nina Twilight Caste Solar, Sorceress.

Concept: Adventurous Magical Girl Princess stifled by controlling mother.

Momo Starmetal Caste Alchemical.

Concept: Brilliant, reclusive steampunk scientist struggling to uncover the wonders of a lost age.

Rei Changing Moon Lunar; Tiger Totem.

Concept: Happy-go-lucky thief who honestly just wants to make a living.

Peco Mutant Wood Aspect

Concept: A strange, plant-like creature with an inherent skill at martial arts.

Gar Slayer Caste Infernal

Concept: Ancient dragonslayer yearning to know if the war he once fought was just.

Ryu Amnesiac Heroic Mortal

Concept: Orphan boy found in the forest by Rei, searching for some clue about his identity.

Breath of Fire III
I was going to post something, but I had absolutely no idea what to say. Then I realized that was an appropriate response in itself...

But I haven't played the game in years, and I don't know if I should even be joining anything else at the moment...
Oh, I'll need a month or two in order to make some mechanical adjustments, and I'll be running it just like the storyline with some changes - so not every player will be involved from the very start.

And after the party is united for the first time, no one will have to fade into the background - I'll be running threads following the rest of the party during Ryu's... absence.
Well, consider me interested, then. I can't make any guesses as to whether or not I'll join in a month, but I like the idea.
Oh I'm interested! I so loved that game and those characters were my favorite of the series ^^
Don't remember playing the game much, but it's what wikis are for :roll:

Heavily interested in the Rei character, will be learnng a few things about him and you'll hear from me soon.
I'd probably be most interested in playing Nina, but I can't say for certain just yet. I'll probably want to glance at the script before I settle on anything, once the game is up...
Completely intrigued, like the plant DB Exalt idea. I have never played the game, though a plant martial artist is highly intriguing. The reason for the Wood Aspect, is that for the healing martial arts? I don't mind the combat medic idea if that is the kind of idea behind the character. I will look into the wiki for inspiration if needed. Though is there any customization available?
The less you read up on, the happier I'll be.

Peco does no healing. Peco beats you senseless. He's Wood Aspect for the venom and it felt more appropriate that way. Peco doesn't even speak, as such. Though I will allow for customization as to his combat shape.
i find having already a basic outline for a character interesting, i haven't played any of the games though.
This may be more fun for this unfamiliar with the games, but I expect to add some content depending on how things go.

Anyone interested should PM me and let me know what character they would like, and I'll get back to you.
Not having any real inspiration with the plant dragon Martial Artist so I think I am going to formally drop out of the running for this game.

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