Witchling Academy

Welcome to Witchling Academy, a place of prestige, superiority, and most importantly, magick. Witchling Academy is for those with the magickal ability to cast charms, white magic, and the darker black magic. Here you will learn how to harness those abilities for the greater good, in secret of course. For so long, witches have been outcasts of society, burned at the stake for using their powers to help. But no longer. Witchling Academy is for those who don't wish to live in secret as humans and learn to harness the abilities that they have inside.

Dear _____, You have been accepted to the prestigious Witchling Academy, a safe haven for witches, like you. There, you will be able to harness your magickal abilities and test them out against other willing students in Magickal Duels. I hope you decide to come, ~ Headmistress Felemoora

Character Sheet




Teacher or Student:

Grade: (Pre-school-College) (Students only)



History: (Optional)

Pet(s): (Optional)

Other: (Optional)


Name: Felemoora Moonlight

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Teacher or Student: Teacher, Headmistress



Personality: Felemoora, or Ms. Moonlight is strict yet kind. She enforces the rules of Witchling Academy as strictly as she can, as so her post as Headmistress is not revoked.

Name: Megami Seijin

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Teacher or Student: Students

Grade: Sophmore


Personality: Megami is slightly tempermental but is truly kind. She loves to make new friends and if you do become friends with her, you have a friend for life.

Pet(s): Solar, a black cat with a crystal on her forehead

Name: Rune Woodworth

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Teacher or Student: Student

Grade: 10

Looks: http://s3.zerochan.net/.600.523787.jpg

Personality: Quiet during classes and a small talker away from work. Rune despises any disorderly conduct and dose not hesitate to contact any authority to it.

Pet(s): Leafling, a type of wingless fairie that is born from the seed pods of the emerald forest. Lolz, this is from an awesome animation http://www.fubiz.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/haoma_finale_niveaux05136.jpg
Name: Aria Silvertongue

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Teacher or Student: Student

Grade: Senior

Looks: Reference below

Personality: She is very quiet, not big on making friends. She focuses mostly on her studies, but can come off as lazy. She's always ready for a fight, though you wouldn't know it by looking at her.

Other: She has charmed herself into having rabbit ears, which most people frown upon.

Pet(s): Has a small albino Rabbit, which she carries around with her, his name is Ezreal. She can sometimes be caught talking to him.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/scale.jpg.4faf7b0ce5be4f2d32f4943258598312.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1083" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/scale.jpg.4faf7b0ce5be4f2d32f4943258598312.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Avalon Blaire

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Teacher or Student: Student

Grade: Junior

Looks: Look Below

Personality: Avalon is a bit on the odd side. Embarrassed, isn't in her dictionary. the girl could be caught doing the stupidest things and she wouldn't even care. She is very sarcastic, and never hesitates to tease a friend. She isn't afraid to be the one to strike up a conversation and make a new friend.

History: None

Pet(s): She has a bird named Ether that almost never leaves her shoulder unless she tells her to.

Other: Avalon's magic focuses more on nature and some animals.

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Name: Ellory Dirmin

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Teacher or Student: Student

Grade: Junior


Personality: Ellory is very sour and sarcastic. She isn't short-tempered, but just doesn't care about your boring stories. She barely pays attention, and only cares about her own business. This makes her a pain to work with, and a relentless fighter.

History: None

Pet(s): A Chow Dog named Jefferson.

Other: She always keeps her windows closed.
Name: Yuki and Yume Takane

Age: both 11

Gender: both female

Teacher or Student: students

Grade: 4th grade



Yuki (left) and Yume (right)

Personality: Yuki and Yume are never separated and are obnoxious as two child twin witches can be. Yuki can perform spells of white magic while Yume uses all sorts of charms including magic pens that bring drawings to life, potions, and her plush wings that give her the ability to increase her jump height and reduce the affect of gravity on herself. Both girls have a love of pulling pranks and annoying their older brother but can always look like angels and act sweet when they want to.

Pet(s): One of Yume's charms is a stuffed bear doll that the girls love to play with, named Kyo. The bear is very sour and cranky almost all the time and can really pull a fit when he wants to. The girls like to torment him when he misbehaves and once even tried to but him in Kisaki's dragon's food.

Other: They can be easily bribed with sweets.

Name: Kisaki Takane, (sisters and other people sometimes call him, "Saki," to tease him)

Age: 17

Gender: male

Teacher or Student: Student

Grade: Junior



Personality: Kisaki is both physically and mentally agile and is a very charming sort of young man. Being the son of a witch with charms and witch of white magic, he is able to produce both types of magic, however because he is so equally balanced he isn't exactly the best at either one, and would much rather stick to physical means. He had a charm placed in his left eye, and now if anyone were to see him without his glasses they would start to feel attracted to him, whether boy or girl. Kisaki finds this very frustrating and never believes feelings from anyone resulting in a lack of trust given and received. He is calm and cool, and sometimes even a bit mysterious at times, but is hard on himself a lot and can sometimes be a bit tempered.

Pet(s): He has a small dragon who is loyal and helpful, but doesn't speak and is very friendly. He named his dragon Py, short for Python, as in the snake.
Oohh, I'm excited to start. :3

There's only one boy in the little plethora of girls, so I may make a male character...

I'm not sure, should I?

And by the way, I changed Valerie's name to Avalon. I felt like it fit her more. n.n"
Character Sheet

Name:Eimin Ten Craw

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Teacher or Student: Student

Grade: (Pre-school-College) (Students only)Student/ sophmore


Eimin weighs 154.5 pounds and is 5'5 in height. He has natural pure white hair, that comes down to the front of his face, hiding the top of his eyes. The back of his hair comes down to the nape of his neck. The side of his hair covers his ears a little when he tilts his head down or back but when standing straight up, his ears are hidden. He wears a tight black tank , that shows the definition of his chest and 8 pack. He wears black baggy pants that cover half of his feet. On the pants are three pockets both on the right and left side giving him a total of six pockets. In the loop of his pants are trouser straps that hang against his legs for fashion. He barely wear shoes but when he does he wears black sneakers that have three shoelace and a Velcro strap at the top. He wears open fingered gloves on both hands, which are also black. He rarely wears a jacket but when he does it's green with pockets on his upper chest. Both open with zippers and a button. He has dark red eyes that look like dried up blood and black eyelashes. On the rim of his right ear he has small dud piercings. In his mouth he has a small dud piercing on his tongue. On his right arm is a tattoo of a closed eye.

Personality: Eimin is a silent boy, he doesn't care for much anymore, after the incident. He only does what he is told , and he does it right. He hates talking so his social life isn't out there like most. He doesn't view himself as high and mighty, someone who can rule. He thinks he's worthless, can do nothing but follow orders or make enemies , so he keeps to himself

History: (Optional)Eimin was born into your normal day family. He had a father , a mother, a little sister and big brother. They lived in a two story house on main street. The neighbors were friendly and the animals that ran a stray were nicer than your average alley cats. They followed rules, curfew. He even went to school. But even though this may seem normal it really wasn't it. Behind his closed doors it was like war in his home. His sister would have sex with his brother and the mother would bring random men into the house from out back. His father would lock Eimin away in a small room in the basement. He knew he had something special in him, but what. He wanted to find out , so he started to conduct expierments, test. He never went to school, his father always told the teachers, he was sick, he fell down some stairs or he's being home tutorted right now. His siblings didn't care for them and let his father do what he pleased. The mother was to consumed in her love making with other men she had very little time to waste on helping him. For two years he was tormented, his mind and his body went through extreme measures. That one day before the family completely went down hill, his father decided to push the hours more. He tied Eimin to a chair and pulled on his hair, screaming at him. Awful things, things that even military officers wouldn't say. Eimin pleaded him to stop but he wouldn't. His father was getting angrier and decided to get his weapons. He kept telling him to shut up and enough with the screams and tears. He shot fire at his torso with is gun , but he still kept screaming. Eimin felt like his mind was going to split, something was hurting. The father tossed away the gun and got the knife. Shut up he repeated , he walked over to him and gave him a smile. As soon as he was about o jam the blade in his chest the lights went out. Eimin snapped and his eyes went black. The gravity around him began increase. It was getting heavier which made his father fall. Eimin didn't understand and could only think about what was about to happen. As soon as a voice inside his head told him to do it, the house smashed into pieces, the house taking a for m of a pancake but he as in the middle. The house was flatened and the family died leaving him knocked out , still tied to his chair

Pet(s): (Optional)

Other: (Optional)He hated to be attached to people, all he needs is himself and his other self, the one that tells him what to do. Deep down inside he still believes it was him who killed his family ( he's bi)
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Accepted!!! The rp shall start up now. 
And I shall be making two more characters

Name: Yukihyou Utsukushii

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Teacher or Student: Student

Grade: Junior



Personality: Yukihyou is a free spirited and fun loving girl. She's exceptionally kind, even to strangers.

Pet(s): Sumariko, a silver leopard who can talk

Name: Kaito Seijin

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Teacher or Student: Stiudent

Grade: Senior


Personality: Kaito is cold and calculating, and slightly cruel

Other: Be wary of his love games, for the only one he loves is his sister
Name: Cross Collen

Age: 16


Teacher or Student: Student

Grade: Senior


Personality: Very stubborn and really doesn't like many people,he can be a really brat sometimes.

History: Most his history is unknown,only thing people know is that he has skipped a couple grades for also unknown reasons.


Cross out the name Cross on it xD this is not Cross. The cat's name is shadow and is normally the house cat form,yet if Cross is threatened or in trouble it will change to the wild cat ^^ the Wild cat part will tell you the rest I hope O.o

Other: Cross has health problems and occasionally they will show.
Oh, yay. I'll get a post up as soon as I can. I'm not completely sure if I can get one in today, since I've still got a lot to do... but in the mean time, does anyone wish to plot?

To cook up some drama, we could make friendships, enemies, crushes, etc...
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Name: Vincent Von Vanguard (Professor Vanguard)

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Teacher or Student: Teacher





Vincent is an eccentric by highly intelligent person. He looks out for his students but in very peculiar ways. He'll often give a stern lecture to students who are miss behaving or slacking off. He rarely raises an arm against his students. However, should a student decide to cause deliberate harm, they should be prepared very prepared to receive a very swift punishment.

Vincent tends to smoke, even during class.
Felemoora Moonlight urges him to quit, but with no avail.

Because of Vincent eccentric mentality, he sometime loses his grasp on reality and humanity, casuing him to go in a frenzied state. However, Vincent takes medicine to help prevent that from happening.


Hat Puppets (Look at dolls in picture)

Technically a summon, Vincent create Puppets that has anti-magic properties and carries a sealing charm on it's neck. These dolls are created in a mass of about 10, and take 2 minutes for a puppet to be revived and re-summoned. These dolls act like leeches as well. If a doll latches onto a magic user, it's anti-magic properties channel onto the body of the user, disrupting the origin of the creation point magic. This process takes awhile, but the more dolls latch on, the faster the process is.


-Vincent's magic specializes in Anti-Magic and Summoning

- Vincent teaches 'Magic: Theory'
I'm reserving teaching combat magic 
Name: Marcus Cervaces (Mr. C)

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Teacher or Student: Teacher

Looks: Yes he does wear a cape

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Wizzard1.jpg.f2b73907fb57d0d560b6766215f4a36c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1427" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Wizzard1.jpg.f2b73907fb57d0d560b6766215f4a36c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Marcus is kind and open, and enjoys teaching others about the mystic arts. He is a self taught magic user, and only recently was accepted as a teacher. He loves kids, and tolerates a lot of nonsense, but he will "crack the whip" if you don't pay attention when he's trying to help.

History: Marcus has always been an avid lover of magic, and from the day he learned of his magical abilities, he sought to harness them to their full potential. He prefers to heal people over fight, but his magic has shown itself to be better suited for combat.

Pets: Marcus has two pets. He has a small male fairy, called an astrid. Astrids are battle fairies, and have wings more like a bird's than a butterfly's or any other bug. They are also known to carry small enchanted magical weapons, such as a spear or sword. When an astrid comes into contact with an Envoy, or mortal champion of the Fairy Queen, the astrid grows to the size of a fully grown man. His astrid is name Zephirath

Marcus also has an enchanted clockwork golem. His golem is about three feet tall and does mundane tasks, like cleaning the classroom, or handing out papers. His golem is name Mendigo.


  • Marcus teaches combat magic, and oversees all duels.
  • Marcus' magic harnesses light, electromagnetic, and heat energies, allowing for a wide range of spells
  • Marcus has a bit of a thing for Felemoora



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Hey bloodraze, Do you want to be friends or rivals?

If we were rivals, your PC could be jealous that she paying attention to my PC because she is trying to get him to quit smoking. However, the rivalry would be sort of one sided, cause Alex isn't interested in a relationship.

If we were friends it could be one of the miss matched duos :P

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