Witch!Verse Role-Play Plot


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Witch!Verse Plot

For the moment, this plot does not involve other supernatural creatures, although we can mention them or even involve them if you'd like. Just let me know! I would ask that at least one of your characters is a junior or senior in Woods High and, although it doesn't have to be that character, I ask that at least one of them is a witch. For right now, the Coven mentioned in the plot is the first conflict although the Secret Organization is also one. We can also add another later on or talk about involving one as well. Everything is up for discussion and feel free to suggest any ideas you have! This is a role-play for both of us and it just wouldn't be very fair if it didn't involve at least some of both our ideas. c:

  • Origin of Witches

The origin of witches varies depending on the tales or folklore of a certain

although their true origin is unknown. Some say they made deals with demons,

sacrificing people and even giving up their souls at a later date in order to receive

immense powers and abilities.

  • Becoming a Witch & Activating Your Powers/Abilities

As of right now, there is no known way to become a witch. It is passed on through

the family instead. Magicka runs through the veins and it is either dominant or

recessive. If recessive, then chances are good that person will not become a

witch, but can potentially pass it on to their children. If it is dominant, then

they will become a which.

When it comes to activating your powers, sometimes a traumatic event that

brings on a strong emotion will activate. Other times, it could be that you are

taught and raised to believe and practice magic. For some, their witch

powers and abilities will never activitate.

  • Seasons & Witches

Depending on the season they were born, witches will likely not fail when

casting a spell and certain spells will be stronger year long. If a witch is born in

the summer the their fire spells will be stronger year long and during summer

their spells in general will slightly increase in strength and is more likely not

to fail. The same goes for witches born in summer, spring, autumn, fall, and winter.

  • Covens & Circles

Witches sometimes bound their powers to a Coven or Circle. When this occurs,

their powers and abilities individually are weaker, but are immensely stronger together.

There is usually four or more people in a Coven or Circle.

  • The Witches Court

The Witches Court is worldwide and used to maintain balance between

other witches and possibly supernatural creatures. In certain areas, spells can

be banned or deemed illegal. If you perform one of these spells, varying on severity,

you may be banned or punished. There are a few spells that are banned worldwide

and that’s zombification, resurrection, and immortality. There are a few others, but

they are not mentioned for some odd reason.

  • Immortality Spell

This spell is considered the worst of the illegals. To cast this spell, you must

be in a Coven or Circle otherwise you will not have enough power and it

can potentially backfire or have dire consequences. You must sacrifice a soul/person

for every member in the Coven/Circle and it must be performed on a full

moon. Other details are unknown. If other witches are present in the area and not

apart of the Coven/Circle then it will ultimately disrupt the spell. Some say

this spell can only be casted every ten years.

  • Secret Underground Organization

Although currently unknown to The Witches Court in the Ohio territory, a group

of people from a secret organization are located there. There goal is to eradicate the

witches, regardless if they have done wrong or not. They were created after

the Full Moon Massacre when a Coven of witches raised the dead and

slaughtered a whole town.

The Plot

Our main characters will be a junior or senior in Woods High located in Ohio. Being forced to work on a project together, the two decide to go to the local park to begin working on it. They work for a couple hours and by the time they decide it’s time to go home, the full moon is already up. It is then that they begin to hear strange noises and what sounds like chanting and screaming. Curious, the two begin to investigate and soon discover a rather morbid scene. A group of witches are performing an immortality spell and due to their presence disturbing the spell, the witches soon target them and either aim to kill them or make their lives miserable.
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