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The Scottish Lord
Hey! I have an idea for an rp world that id love to rp with someone :)

The idea is we could play multiple characters or even just one (It would just mean maybe rping as side characters when meeting them)

Ive laid out my idea here so if anyone is interested let me know :D

I would also ask that anyone joining to be 18+ as that would be most comfortable

We could rp here or on discord depending on how many want to join!

The rp will be set in modern day times. There is a secret society of magical people and beings living among humans. The style will be similar to the houses in Game of Thones. What I want is a strong political feel the the RP. Somewhat like House of Cards. Each Witch Coven rules a district and governs the magical beings within it. The head of the coven is called the Paramount.
Im not sure on a plot just yet and would like to leave it open so that you can put your spin on it too :)

Here is the background:

(also the covens dont have names yet, hence the "A,B,C" names for the moment)

Coven A

The ruling coven over New York City. Coven A is famous for its magical training in divination, strong ties with the supernatural beings in its district and its growing members. Originally founded after the burning of Sarah Goode in Salem, Coven A began its practice in divination to ensure the burning of a witch could never happen again by correcting the present to ensure a safe future. The Paramount of this Coven can read a persons future all the way to their death. This is a very serious and difficult form of magical divination and can only be done by the Paramount from the binding spell to the coven. The members or ‘Sisters’ as the term goes in most covens, refer to a creed set out by the coven.
“Let our present

be cut and stitched,
Let our future

be made to fit,
Look to the stars,

for they are ours to take,
Let us never repeat

the Goode mistake.”
The Goode mistake is what witches refer to Sarah Goode becoming to open in her craft and causing her own death. It is also an important part of witch history as it was then that witches turned to the shadows becoming a myth. Some covens refer to the Goode Mistake as good and some bad.

Coven B

The only coven to achieve true communication with lingering spirits. While most covens can receive small messages from the dead Coven B can command, transcend and even see spirits who still roam the earth. The Paramount of this coven is the only one who can reach spirits who’s faith have been decided. Whether they be in heaven or hell. To do this takes a serious amount of energy but with the binding of the Paramount to the coven she can do it without suffering from sever exhaustion.
Coven B began its study when witches began to worry about their faith after death. From communicating and studying as much as they could they have discovered many things about the afterlife and what some spirits say awaits them. This knowledge is sacred to Coven B and it is kept only for those who are seen as ready or stable for the information. It is a great mystery in the supernatural world and even coined the phrase
“Unless it’s Coven B telling me what happens after I go, I don’t want to hear it!”
Usually said when someone is angry at someone for shouting rubbish.

Coven C

Glamour is the ruling magic in Coven C and they have done so in a way that makes a lot of supernatural beings worried in their district. Glamour is a form of magic that allows the witch to disguise herself as someone else, make a room look different or even make a person think they are eating and drinking when in fact there is nothing there. Another word would be illusion.
The supernatural beings in their district are always on edge or worried that they may be talking to a witch without knowing or that they may not be in a place they thought they were. Because of this Coven C has the least amount of supernatural beings and also the least respect. Coven C do indeed spy on those it rules but sometimes it even spies on other covens which has caused great tension. Coven C believes itself to be the rightful ruling coven as its magic was studied since before the Goode Mistake and has mastered it in all forms.

Coven D

The most loyal and trusted coven. This coven has mastered the magical art of mind reading or telepathy. Because of this ability they only accept witches who show true faith in their coven and who want to join to better the coven. This is done through an intense reading in which 3 Coven sisters read the witch wanting to join simultaneously. The pain is said to be agonizing but to be read is seen as a testament to ones commitment to the coven. This coven also has the most knowledge on magical art and abilities. Though not studied by all its sisters, the knowledge is kept in a library of sort to be used by all other covens upon request.

Coven E

Shadow shift, the magical art of teleportation through shadows, is the only form of magic, which cannot just be thought. To preform this magical art a spell or ritual must be performed by the coven on its member to keep the spirit of the witch locked within their body. The reason for this is to ensure the spirit stays with the witch when Shadowshifting. This is a very serious and dangerous ritual but is a must if one wants to join this coven. When a witch feels they are too old or in ill health, the coven must reverse the binding to allow the spirit to be freed and pass on upon the witches death. If this spell is not performed before a witch in this coven dies the spirit remains intact with the body and cannot pass on. This has happened to several sisters and their spirits or ghosts have had to try and make contact with Coven B to help them pass on. This can take the spirit years as the last spirit to contact Coven B in 2013 was from 1803.
Shadowshifting is a powerful and awed magical ability both for its power and for its danger. Shadowshifting can only be done in the abscense of light, hence its name. A witch can emerge from a shadowed corner or dark room but cannot simply vanish into thin air.
In most Covens there is a heavily locked dark room that allows Coven E sisters to travel to them in moments of great importance.

Coven F

The most controversial, feared and dark coven of the main 6. The magical art this coven is famous for is Necromancy, the study of bringing back the dead. Though in no way perfected, this coven has been studying ways to bring souls back from beyond and live once again in their body. The coven has only reached a level in this magical art to where they can reanimate the dead in a zombie like state. Incapable of speech of thought the being is simple moving and awaiting command. Empty and a vessel. Because of this The Brotherhood are supposed to have ties with this coven to hopefully command a demon to possess the vessel. This has never worked but is another reason this Coven is hated. Its dealings with the Brotherhood go back decades but have since stopped from the new Paramount taking over.
Almost never included in official meetings and discussions, Coven F has a known hatred for the witches in New York and supernatural beings who feel this way also dwell in their district. Coven F does not control the beings in their district but instead turns a blind eye concentrating on their never ending quest to perfect bringing back the dead.
Some say they have already but just wont share it, how true could it be?

The Brotherhood

The Brotherhood goes back further than the Covens and are talked in whispers of fear within the supernatural world. The Brotherhood is made up of Warlocks (not to be mistaken for a male Witch, Warlocks are those who have committed their magic to an unholy practice)
who communicate and associate themselves with Lucifer. They believe in a strict following of their teachings and believe
“The world will become one when it is a blaze”
To them, the only way peace can come is when those from the beyond, with far superior knowledge, can take bodily form. The Brotherhood recruits members with sadistic nature and who are unafraid of the extreme. Once recruited members must bind themselves with an entity or demon as they call it. This allows them to have more power however the entity, more times than none, has taken over completely. Resulting in the “Awaiting”. This are members who are possessed and could expose they Brotherhood to the normal world. They are locked in dungeons in the Brotherhoods main residence and will be released when they have gained control again.

None have as of yet.

The Brotherhood is ruled by 3 men who work in the shadows and are never seen. They are said to have lived over 100 years from the dark rituals they practice.
The 1st is a man of charisma and is said to be “sickingly sweet”. He speaks of horrors and punishments as they were nothing and smiles any chance he gets which always puts people on edge. Anyone who meets him has said they felt like a child in his presence who he is only delighted to punish.
The second is a more brash man who controls the recruits. He shows them how to practice rituals and communicate with dark spirits or entities. He believes in hars punishments and all who are weak are not welcome in the brotherhood.
The 3rd man is the most horrifying due to the fact he has never been seen. It is said he has allowed his entity to control him too far which is why he never speaks. Never showing emotion he takes care of the sacrificial rituals and has been known to make a recruit retrieve people so that he can torture them for no other reason but to watch them.
The Brotherhood are the boogeyman of the supernatural world as they have never been seen but are always felt.
“Bless you don’t catch a brothers eye” is regarded as a nice farewell in the supernatural world.


The most mysterious and unknown of the supernatural beings. Said to be close to the brotherhood in terms of dark beings, Vampires are ultimately damned. To become a vampire ones soul must be burned in the body which is why the transformation is said to be the most painfull experience. Never to pass on to the next life and forever to remain on earth it is said they descend from Cain who first killed Abel. God cursed him with the mark of Cain making it so that he could never enter heaven and must commit his act of killing (drinking blood) over and over in order to survive. Vampires keep to themselves but it is said some work in a coven

Supposedly descended from Ireland, werewolves are blessed with the power of the wolf and cursed with the wolfs madness to the moon.
Though they don’t take complete wolf form, werewolves transform by mass muscle growth and rage whenever there is a full moon. Fangs appear aswell as hair growth. Most notable is the eyes which turn pale blue constantly seeking the Moons glow.
Said to have been descended from Cu Chulann. An Irish mythological figure who slayed a large magical wolf beast. However the bite of the wolf on Cu Chulann cursed him with the wolfs abilities and madness to the moon.
This is a story many werewolves believe to be the origin but the true story is unknown, much like the vampires.
Werewolves have always worked closely with witches who have helped them maintain their transformations during the full moon to a small fever with spells and potions. They can also control their abilities thanks to witches intervening.
Werewolves have sworn to protect witches so long that witches help them in finding a cure. Though a cure seems unlikely werewolves have settled on witches making their transformation to full wolf on full means easier.

Some werewolves are very protective and loyal to the covens they protect however others see themselves as prisoners.
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haven't watched game of thrones, but this is really interesting. love to rp if you're still interested. 
This is very interesting. I would be interested in playing a vampire or a coven B member (maybe both). If you go through with this idea, please sent me a pm.
This is very interesting. I would be interested in playing a vampire or a coven B member (maybe both). If you go through with this idea, please sent me a pm.

I am fully going through with this idea! I just need characters to take life in the world :D so if you have any ideas for some PM me and we can get started :(

Very interesting. I'd love to hear more about this world. 

ask away! :D
I'm about to attend a convention, so I'll have to ask after that. But I'll keep this world in mind and I'll definitely try to create a character or few.
Sent you a pm with a character. I only put physical and psychological details as well as the reasons why I'm in the faction I chose.

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