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To make a wish upon a shooting star, you must first believe that it can come true

Fangway Fangway DracoNightshade DracoNightshade Landsharks Landsharks DeathUnchained DeathUnchained Fabrikator.Nova Fabrikator.Nova Acethekidd Acethekidd Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27

Deep within the Digital World, hidden from all aspects of light and everything good, layered under a veil of shadowy code, twisted dark energy created from the deepest parts of the web, there is a castle. It resides deep in the Dark Area. Rumor has it that it exists in its own dimension, yet through means not known even to the Virtuous Hierarchy of the Digital World, a task force of sorts of the highest and holiest of Digimon. It is rumored that the aftermath of a war between the forces of good and the most vile the Digital World resides in that castle.

But of course it is just a rumor. Nobody can say for certain just exactly what resides in that which is called The Cosmic Castle


Location —Deep Under the Dark Area, Digital World

Inside the Cosmic Castle, there exists a room deep underground. Under the dunes of ethereal-looking sand, under the very earth that is filled with data fragments of Digimon past, is a complex maze of tunnels leading to what can only be assumed is the Digital World. Areas to the world that is full of life and beings that co-exist with each other (though not always for the better). But where these tunnels lead is not somewhere nobody who isnt’ meant to be there should ever venture.

At the end of the Abyss, this room houses the most vile of the vile. One man sits in front of seven monitors. Is this a man or beast? Nobody knows. Light only shows the face of a man with darkened skin, wearing a cowl. An arm too big for his humanoid-proportioned body and in front of him are the seven monitors of those he leads.

Each of the seven monitors emits a light associated to those seven sins the humans hold so dear in their holy book. Each of the seven monitors has a sigil associated with each of those sins and each sit patiently from their own corner of the world, connected only through the Dark Net.

“How many of them are there truly?” The man looking at the monitors asked, his voice a deep one. He sat in a comfortable chair and the hand of the smaller arm tapped and rapped on the arm rest while the bigger arm was placed under his chin. He sat like a composed boss of an organization and one might say he was.

“Eight…Maybe nine,” the voice of an eloquent man spoke. He came from the monitor that emitted a deep purple glow. “I would have to check my findings again, but it seems there’s eight confirmed.”

“Eight. And what about the potential ninth?”

Before the one from the Purple Monitor could speak, the one from the Monitor that Emits Gold took the liberty of speaking in his stead, “Who the fuck cares? We’ll kill them all the same!” This one held a rough edge to his tone. The one known for their lack of tact.

“Now Now, boys, let’s not lose sight of the goal. I mean, our leader gathered us all together…or at least as close to it as he could. The Seven Lords couldn’t be in one place or even this place would be nothing.” As a female, with a voice as sultry as her reputation, spoke from the monitor that emitted a green energy. She would be smirking from her side, though nobody but Paradise and her leader would see it.

“Liithmon is right,” Paradise spoke up, the red monitor flickering an immense display of power. “We are the Lords of Sin, the Demonic overseers of both the Digital World’s salvation and its ruin. Those chosen by those clowns in that little Prism Tower are meant to challenge us eventually. So calm yourself, beelzemon or maybe it is time I teach you another painful lesson in acknowledging your king!” The monitor flickered again, more of the same demonic red energy being flexed.

“Lucemon! Calm yourself!” The man sitting in front of the monitors commanded. “Barbamon, your calculations are always on point. Eight is the confirmed number, is this correct?”

“Without certainty. That ninth seems elusive, so I will adjust my systems accordingly and report back when I get to the bottom of this.” Before anyone could respond, Babramon signed off, his monitor going black.

“Always the impatient one,” Lucemon commented. “Oh well. Perhaps when we all can bother to speak, we will have a better decorum.” Lucemon pointed out what their leader no doubt realized.

Leviamon, Belphemon, and Daemon, though present, refused to participate.

“Belphemon I understand. Poor child has been asleep for feels like a century. Can’t recall the last time he went into a rage."

“The war, you ditz!” Beelzemon snapped at Lilithmon, annoyed already at her intentional display of ignorance.

Lilithmon simply stuck her tongue out at the brute and signed off.

As the final three remained…well two, as the Demon Lord of Gluttony would sign off without a word too, Lucemon let out a small sigh. “I missed when the power hadn’t gone to their heads. How is it that I, the glorious Lucemon, is the only one to show a bit of manners. Honestly, if it wasnt’ for the fact that their deaths would mean we lost a significant place in the power struggle, I’d go to each of their spires and kill themselves.”

The man that sat in front of the monitors was tapping his hand even louder and then with a literal snap, his hand crushed the chair he sat on. Even from as far as Lucemon was, he could feel it. The anger, the wrath, the complete disregard for his allies.

Their leader was about to snap and unlike any of the seven, he could do kill them all from where he sat and he didn’t need to move an inch. That’s who commanded the Seven Demon Lords. That’s who reigned over those seven horsemen of the apocalypse. The one who was bested only by the literal creator of the Digital World. The one that rebelled against god and who himself and himself only was granted — or cursed, depending on who you ask — the title that nobody else in the existence of the Digital World was given.

Bagramon, The Sage of Death.

“I understand. I crossed into the garden not knowing it would anger God.”

“No, Lucemon. That is my crime. Yours is a more simpler sin. You are a victim of your own pride. Now, sign off before I rid this world of its hubris.”

No words were spoken after the fact. There was simply static and the snoring of Belphemon, whose mind had yet to sign off. Daemon had signed off before Lucemon’s threats, but Babramon could sense it in Belphemon. The century long slumber would soon come to an end.

One thing about those that are lazy is that they aren’t lazy because they lack the will to do anything. It’s because when they do act, they make up for what they lost. Belphemon would awaken and all dimensions would see his rage rival even that of Daemon. Not even Lucemon in his Wrathful state can trump the secret weapon of the Cosmic Coalition.


Location — Prism Tower, Seven Star Kingdom, File Continent, Digital World

At the epicenter of the File Continent, there is a kingdom that is said to not just hold the secrets and true enlightenment of the Digital World, but where the very king that rules over all Digimon kind resides. In this kingdom, known as the Seven Star Kingdom, there is a tower that shines so bright it is often seen as a beacon of true hope. It represents the bravest courage, the most compassionate of kindness, a sincere reminder that it is reliable beyond reproach, but it is also a friend to everyone. Those that reside in it love and adore all digimon and protects them. It is the light that must combat the dark.

There are seven that reside that are said to be the best representation of all that is good.

They are led by the Three Archangels, those who represent the highest level of light in the digital world and are the frontline defense for its stability.

Cherubimon, the Compassionate
Seraphimon, the Buoyant
Ophanimon, the Pure

Then, there are four others that serve as cornerstones for the Digital World. These four are the digimon who hold equal power but represent aspects that are essential for the Digital World’s longevity.

SlashAngemon, the Brave. The one who leads into battle with courage and an unwavering never-say-die attitude.

LovelyAngemon, the Passionate. The one who cares so deeply for her friends that she will die for them and be a shield or a shoulder to cry on.

LordAngemon, the Enlightened. A master stragegist and knower of everything, anything, and nothing in the Digital World. Nothing exists without him knowing about it.

ClavisAngemon, the Dependable. A friend. A true warrior. An ally. This one is everything you could ask for in a general and it is said that along with SlashAngemon, they lead the Holy forces in all battles.

The Seven Stars of the Digital World all stand around a seven-pointed star-shaped table, gazing at an orb projecting an image of a world that is like their own, but vastly different. The image of two mountains with a town nestled between them is seen. Humans walking about, making preparations for some kind of special event. The stars smile and nod at each other, seemingly waiting for the signal.

There was a rumble and the visage of a gold figure, eyes whiter than the brightest star. The rumble made them all tremble but smile and from Cherubimon all the way to ClavisAngemon, they all smiled, each (including the mysterious gold figure) held out a hand, something shining in their hand. It flickered different colors and slowly began to combine into each other, swirling around to create a prism of colors and then it vanished into the star-shaped monitor.

“Now it is time we wait.” Seraphimon spoke. Waiting was all they could do, to see if they truly were the chosen ones or if the prophecy about the end of the Digital World was correct or not.



June 20th, 2025, 6:30 — 1 Hour Until the Summer Solstice begins
Niyama Town, Hokkaido Prefecture

Niyama Town was alive with activity.

It had been for almost a week now. Tourists from all over that ranged from Eastern Europe to other prefectures in Japan to even the United States of America had gathered to see what everyone always ventures to the small town in the northern most part of the Hokkaido Prefecture that one can get without having to scale the high peaks one sees off in the distance. And there are a few reasons why one might come to this small town.

The internet is alive with stories and rumors and urban myths about Niyama Town and her big attraction. Some claim there are talking fairies that live in the two mountains that nestle the town into the most picture-esque visage one could dream. Others claim it’s a gateway to another world and then there are the more outrageous myths that everyone in Niyama are yokai and they want to lure in tourists so they could devour their flesh and feast on their organs.

That one always made everyone in town laugh.

The truth is far less fantastical and more in line with a scientific reason.

Every year, almost on the dot right down to the last second, Niyama has been blessed with a meteor shower. It’s been like this for years. Nobody knows why it’s Niyama Town. The stories start there but it is the reason why a lot of tourists come to the small town that is otherwise devoid of outsiders. It’s become both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because the money has allowed for the city to prosper during the Summer months, but with such an influx of foreigners, it’s not only forced the mayer of Niyama town to put up some of the visiting shooting star enthusiasts in tents on the outskirts, but the only inn in the town has had to make adjustments to just how many people are allowed per room.

But that doesn’t stop the festivities. Drinks and food, decorations fashioned after stars and the sun all around Niyama could be seen. The week had been devoted to making sure everyone felt the importance of Nogareboshi no Omatsuri — The Falling Star Festival.

Music played, people danced, telescopes were placed along paths high up on the mountains (within safe and breathable elevation of course), and lights would soon dim.

But for one adventurous girl who opted to skip most of the festivities, she chose to not take part. Crowds and especially those of the outsider variety, she chose to stick with what she had intended to do all along.

Sakiko was a girl known for her treks into the mountainous paths. Sometimes she got lost and she would be in the mountains for a few days. Nobody really bothered to look for her if it was just a few days because she wasn’t really the type to stay up there for long. She always managed to find her way back because that’s just the kind of girl Kiki was. It didn’t hurt that she knew the trails like the back of her hand. She always had a plan b in her back pocket.

As she walked along the trails, Kiki kept looking at her phone to see what time it was. They all said that the meteor shower would happen at 7:40pm. Literally on the dot and she wanted to get high enough on the mountain so she could get a good look at it. “Not much longer,” she spoke to herself, taking long strides forward, moving faster but not being in any real hurry.

She wondered if she was the only one taking this path. She tried to avoid the outsiders as much as she could only because she didn’t want to be forced to make conversation with them. She knew she had the habit of saying too much and the ginger explorer didn’t want to offend anyone by saying the wrong thing or assuming the wrong thing about them.

She really had to fix that part about her.
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June 20th, 2025
Niyama Town, Hokkaido Prefecture
Town Square

“I hope the guests enjoy them! I made sure to make some extra for you and your family as well so please let me know if there is anything I can do to improve on the flavors for next year,” Asami bowed respectfully to the matron of the inn before leaning further to grab her backpack which she’d set aside when finishing up her delivery. “I’m interested to know what you think.”

The kind matron bid a hearty farewell to the girl-– the festival was starting to get underway and Asami still needed to change into her kimono since her work was technically finished. She glanced down at her overalls and beamed at the thought of donning her special starfall kimono. She had bought a new one to wear for this year’s Nogareboshi no Omatsuri so she wasted little time flitting off for the guest bathrooms to change. Her mind was already abuzz with a game plan: what to eat, games to play, souvenirs to purchase and some much needed time away from work on Inoue Farm. The night held a different sort of energy from festivals of the past; while Asami couldn’t quite put her finger on what exactly was so different about this year, she wasn’t about to dally too much in contemplation.

Emerging from the bathrooms in her new kimono, the farm girl took a last little look at herself and grinned. The deep, rich, rust colored orange made for an excellent backdrop to the delicate looking golden floral pattern that gave the garment a luxurious feel. She felt absolutely in her element and with an extra jaunt in her step, Asami made her way to the festival square. Before she truly arrived however, the smell of open-air cooking reached her first and caused her mouth to water.

“When was the last time I ate today?” The girl mused softly to herself, glancing down at her stomach when it gave an unseemly growl. “Mmmm~ I could really go for a couple skewers…”

She fixed the bright red bow in her long blonde hair before heading into the throng of tourists swarming the place and the locals opening Niyama Town up to them. The square was lively and the energy was infectious. Asami enjoyed being around people and just chatting idly-– but she REALLY enjoyed eating festival foods. There was just something about eating normal fare surrounded by merry crowds that gave it that extra bit of zest. Having lived in Hokkaido her entire life, Asami was used to it all but the influx of foreigners was thrilling.

Before she could zero in on her goal of feeding her angrily complaining stomach however, a souvenir stand caught her eye. There were all sorts of accessories being sold but she was drawn to the hair clips. Upon the arranged display was a cute barrette in the shape of a sun, its rays shimmering with glitter that seemed to come from a lightsource unseen. Asami didn’t hesitate— she purchased the clip and peered into a small mirror at the corner of the stall to affix it to her hair. The clip was perfect and added to her overall sunshiney self; it was the perfect compliment to her new kimono.

“Freeeeeesh beef tongue skewers!” A vendor called out while wafting the scent of meat cooking over coals out towards the passersby. “We also have pork and green onion fresh as well!”

Like a woman possessed, Asami turned on her heels and headed straight for the stall. She ordered two of each skewer the vendor was known for, Asami wasn’t one to dither, and cackled almost maniacally to herself when she came away with four full sized skewers…all for herself. Standing off to the side, Asami bit into the tender beef tongue and sighed with great satisfaction. The meat was still incredibly juicy and had been prepared simply to enhance the flavor without masking it. A little salt and the permeating flavor of the smoke lended to the intense beef taste that left her hungrily devouring another piece.

THIS was what festivals were all about.

As Asami stood aside to enjoy her food, a part of her wondered when her friend would come to join her. They’d arranged to meet at the festival square itself but a time hadn’t been agreed upon since Asami had some deliveries to make and her friend had a slew of summer studies to keep up with. Life in Hokkaido was rather predictable so the two had made vows to see what they could of the world…if given the chance to. While Asami hadn’t exactly given up hope in such adventurous goals, the thought of leaving Inoue Farm and by extension her family weighed heavily upon her heart. The beef tongue dulled in flavor ever so slightly at the thought of her dreams remaining just so: dreams.

‘Ahhh…this isn’t the time to worry about such things. The food will get cold!’

The girl perked back up and bit into the pork and green onions next. She gave another pleasant sigh and sat down upon a wooden bench with the perfect view of the Odori dances happening at the very center of Niyama Town’s square. It was difficult to dwell on unpleasant thoughts for long when one had good food and good entertainment on hand to distract them. Asami was a naturally hopeful girl and knew everything would work out in the end if one was tenacious enough to chase after their goals.

Content with herself for the time being, Asami swayed lightly in time with the rhythm of the music and enjoyed her snack with a rather warm smile on her lips. All was well and peaceful in Niyama Town— as it ever was and as it ever would be.

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