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Roleplay Availability

  • intro

    love story



    y Esteemed Lords and Ladies,

    It seems that the season has only just begun, however tragedy has already crept into this most glorious and festive time. In the early hours of the morning, our illustrious Diamond of this season, Juliana Devereux, was found dead on the grounds of her family manor.

    At first it nearly appeared the young lady had potentially fallen from her balcony in a tragic accident. However, one of the ladies' maids has revealed the door to her rooms had been broken open, and the room itself had been in some state of disarray when they went to wake her the next morning.

    As we enter a period of mourning for our Diamond taken far too soon, many questions remain. Will the Queen pick a new Diamond? Was this an accident, or something more nefarious? And who would dare do such a cruel, vile act to the Queen's favorite if it was?

    All balls and parties will be put on hold for the week, as ordered by The Queen, says rumor from The Palace. In the meantime, it is staunchly recommended that all young lords and ladies keep their wits about themselves.




my heart is,

and always will be,


historical drama



spots open




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la douleur exquise


application info.

- name, age, gender, role, face claim.
- brief description of personality.
- brief of thoughts on the ton, the murder, and the start of the season.
- refer to the cast thread before choosing your face claim.

cs info.

- name, age, gender, sexuality, birthday.
- height, notable features.
- dreams, secrets, fears, personality (listed or description), general background info.
- hobbies, habits, likes and dislikes.


the seymours


Edward and Jane Seymour, Duke and Duchess of Somerset. Together, they have two beautiful children. The Duke's youngest sibling is currently staying with them at their London estate.

the ortegas


Guillermo and Leslie Ortega, Earl and Countess of Devon. Their union has produced three lovely children. Their eldest, recently widowed, has returned home for the season

the zhaos


Arthur and Helene Zhao, Marquess and Marchioness of Tweeddale. The couple welcomed their first child and were surprised by twins a few years later. The Marchioness sadly passed away two years ago.

the kapoors


George and Elizabeth Kapoor, Earl and Countess of Pembroke. They have welcomed two children into the family. Their first cousin, who has previously visited their summer estate, is joining them in London for the season.

the douglas'


John and Sarah Douglas, Marquess and Marchioness of Queensberry. They initially struggled with conception and adopted as a result. In the years following, they brought two children of their own into the world.

extra information.

Roles are not first come, first serve. Applications are the first step. Do not submit a full CS until your application has been accepted. Once you are given the green light, your CS will be due in 5 days. Doubling may open later down the line for those who have completed their CS.

We have a strong preference for avoiding the use of popular actors as we feel this often creates bias towards the character.

We are open to small actors and signed models. We are not accepting influencers who are not signed with a modeling or acting agency.

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

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/*   ------   start of tab1 scroll   ------   */]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean nibh mi, scelerisque quis fermentum in, dignissim a ligula. Nunc quis ex suscipit, ultrices urna et, sollicitudin urna. Nam scelerisque pulvinar eros aliquam iaculis. Quisque consequat justo a neque scelerisque commodo. Suspendisse id nunc massa. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam eros elit, maximus non lobortis a, dignissim quis odio. Nulla malesuada orci dolor, accumsan hendrerit odio fermentum et. Proin a turpis eu risus maximus fermentum quis in neque. Vestibulum ac augue congue, efficitur quam sit amet, vulputate nibh. Sed ornare bibendum felis, quis interdum libero imperdiet vel.

Maecenas quis sapien neque. Cras at elit posuere, interdum odio id, varius eros. Phasellus sit amet congue risus. Aenean facilisis lorem sit amet mollis feugiat. Praesent ullamcorper fringilla justo a interdum. Nullam non justo porta, malesuada nisi eu, rutrum sem. Phasellus id metus tempor, vehicula eros id, laoreet nunc. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras mattis nibh vel metus pellentesque, et rutrum massa vehicula.

Etiam faucibus diam et ipsum vehicula pretium. Duis interdum, diam at volutpat vulputate, odio nisi elementum sapien, vitae sodales purus arcu quis elit. Sed convallis nunc nunc, nec egestas nisi maximus non. Praesent placerat et dui sed tristique. Integer tempor euismod lectus bibendum laoreet. Etiam dignissim quam at mauris aliquam, ac rutrum massa iaculis. Integer viverra, lectus ut sodales cursus, mauris tortor blandit nisi, ut porttitor ex turpis ut elit. Phasellus eu felis eget leo bibendum accumsan non sed quam. Proin molestie rutrum dignissim.


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Β© weldherwings.
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emmet kapoor

"I have never felt such a beautiful solitude in someone’s existence before. The peace in you calms the storm in me."




cis man (he/him)


eldest child

face claim

saurabh chaudhary

Dear Members of the Ton,

There is no doubt in this author's mind that The Kapoors will have the attention of many this season. Not only are they a prestigious family, but both of their children are on the marriage market. If rumors circulating the Ton are correct, and readers I assure you they are, there will even be a third Kapoor making their debut. A first cousin of the children, it seems.

In regards to the eldest, I am sure we all recall the shockwave his arrival in London created last year. One might suggest many in the Ton had forgotten the existence of Emmet Kapoor during his long absence abroad. Rather than make his debut, the eldest Kapoor left our Ton to travel upon turning eighteen. The last we saw him, Emmet was an awkward, but kind, studious boy. His return as a handsome young man, eloquent and graceful, was the talk of the Ton for weeks.

While his return has many ladies eager to catch his attention, can we say for certain that the eldest Kapoor son is ready for marriage? This author was quite surprised by last season's lack of a proposal.

β—ž *

As the firstborn and eldest son, Emmet endured the weight of expectation all throughout his childhood. His parents were not as intense as most, thankfully, but they did not shy away from their expectations for their son. Married with an heir was Emmet's inevitably future.

The one thing Emmet had to look forward to was the grace period offered to him before he must settle down. Ten years, his father told him. Ten years to see the world and grow as man. His father had been given the same opportunity, along with his grandfather before him.

Emmet left London the moment he could. He returned once a year, of course, alternating between the summer and winter months. Never for the marriage season. He traveled all throughout western Europe and into the Mediterranean. Emmet had never felt more free and liberated in his entire life.

In the end, he returned early. His father was struggling with something unknown to his children. Emmet had more to learn at home before it was too late. He was crushed, of course, but Emmet loves his father. Still, three years were taken from him. Emmet carries frustration and restlessness in him as a result. He feels akin to a bird whose wings have been clipped.

Although he remains a popular bachelor, many in the Ton describe Emmet as curt and distant. He is well spoken and carries himself with grace, but it does not often feel as if Emmet is present in the moment. It is not uncommon for him to excuse himself from a party and wander off for hours on end. The recent death of the season's Diamond has Emmet questioning his own mortality, and he feels more caged than ever.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

Β© weldherwings.


Lucia Ortega

"Someday when you leave me, I bet these memories follow you around..."


twenty three


cis female


middle ortega

face claim

Phoenix Calderon

Dear Members of the Ton,

When one recalls The Ortegas, many are met with plentiful compliments to the family. Though, if you take a closer look, you may find that most only speak of the eldest son. With his recent tragedy, it is easy to dwell on the sadness of loss that has plagued the previously fortunate family. Who wouldn't have their eyes set on the next Earl of Devon?

I, however, will avert my gaze towards the eldest daughter, Miss Lucia Ortega. It is no secret that Miss Ortega prefers the sanctuary of the background, typically found with her siblings or with her niece, playing in the world of pretend. After all, with an elder brother who keeps in line, it is rather easy to let oneself have a bit of fun.

It is for this reason that Lucia let herself breathe, and observe life from the background of the ball. Having the attention away from her, meant that she allowed herself to flirt, but never commit. A bit rake-ish, for the eldest Ortega daughter, if I say so myself.

With a widow for a brother, and no son to come of his marriage, Lucia will have to snap out of her dreamland and accept her responsibilities as the eldest daughter. As she nears the age of four and twenty, there are whispers of concern. Is Lucia simply awaiting her perfect match, or is it that no suitor wants her?

Tensions are high, and it seems the daunting monster that is Accountability will arrive sooner than Lucia would like.

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:* *:ο½₯゚✧*:ο½₯゚✧
Lucia's world is one full of romance novels, rambunctious games of tag with her niece, and improving her painting skills in what she tells her parents is an attempt to impress future suitors. She finds comfort in her art of becoming invisible, in a family with many shining personalities. It selfishly allows her to dodge the crushing weight of responsibility. Although, her attempts at avoiding her parents are soon to be for naught.

The second child of the Ortega family is strong-willed, and set in her distaste for the politics of the marriage mart. It is fickle, and she proves it by observing how quickly adoring gazes move from diamond to diamond. She does not have much hopes for suitors, nor does she think they will meet her expectations of romantic acts of grandeur.

Many describe Lucia as over-critical, observant, and a bit of a daydreamer. However, she tries to portray herself as someone with both feet planted firmly onto the ground, for her own sake. Especially now that death has crept its way into the Ton in more ways than one.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

Β© weldherwings.


Marianne Seymour

"I am happy to leave my future up to fate. Leaving it up to a man is a different story."






seymour youngest

face claim

alisha boe

Dear Members of the Ton,

With the death of the Diamond, it is easy to say this season is already an eventful one. It is all but certain, in this era of gossip, that this season won’t be a quiet one. It leaves one to wonder what other shocking moments lay in wait.

In more lighthearted news, it seems the Seymours are planning to attend once againβ€”this time with their youngest in tow for her first season. Little Marianne Seymour is not so little anymore. Having just turned eight-and-ten, she is filled with a certain vivaciousness that only comes with youth.

Blessed be the rose plucked fresh from the garden. However, I have heard this rose can be partially prickly. When confronted with the reality of life, the spoiled, often struggle. One is left to wonder if this flower will blossom or wilt in her time away from home.

β‹‡βŠΆβŠ°β£βŠ±βŠ·β‹‡ β‹‡βŠΆβŠ°β£βŠ±βŠ·β‹‡
From the moment of her conception, Marianne Seymour has been difficult. Little did the Seymour family know that the early bouts of volatile morning systems were just the beginning of Marianne’s terror. Fussy as an infant, and opinionated as a toddler, it was obvious the girl would grow up to be a handful. Even with her behavioral issues, her parents spoiled her rotten, only furthering the girl’s mentality of always getting what she wanted.

It was when she was only one-and-ten that she decided she no longer wished to be called Marianne, preferring the shorter and more fashionable nickname of Anne. A name she thought fitting for the girl she planned to grow into, one who didn’t allow others to dictate her life.

With her parents, permissiveness towards the youngest, Anne had coasted into her teen years with her mindset uncontested. Realizing their mistake, her parents set out to right their wrongs, putting their foot down and declaring that Marianne started acting appropriately.

It is against her wishes to attend this season, not caring for marriage, or the shackles it would include. Yet, the Seymours remained steadfast for once, not caving into the demands of their daughter. So Marianne relented. After all, they could make her go, but she knew she’d come home without a suitor. Her parents were foolish if they thought she’d hold her tongue and play the part of the affluent and well-mannered daughter.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

Β© weldherwings.


BartolomΓ© Ortega

"so often we do what is expected of us, when we are capable of so much more."






widowed eldest child ortega

face claim

Gui Fedrizzi

Dear Members of the Ton,

I am sure that you are all aware of the tragedy which befell the future Earl of Devon just last year. Having lost his young bride quite suddenly to illness, BartolomΓ© Ortega was left a widower with a young daughter to raise. He seemingly took the full six month mourning period away from society with his daughter. But appears to have returned in time for the newest season.

Certainly all can recall just how popular the future Earl was upon announcing his intent to marry some years prior. A polished, responsible and charming young man he captured the hearts and minds of many a young lady and their eager mamas. It was to great disappointment of many young ladies when he decided to marry a woman, that to my recollection from the rumors of that year, was recommended to him by the Queen.

However, if rumors from the Ortega family are true he is back to find a second chance at love once more. Older, wiser and already practiced in the ways of love and marriage it seems that Mr. Ortega's charm did not diminish from his time off the market but has instead grown. Blessed with only one child during his marriage and set to inherit the Ortega family fortune and title, his parents are eager for him to find a match. Especially with two younger siblings now also out, with the middle child having not made any move to marry. Offers for tea and balls have been flowing in at an even higher rate for all siblings this season. However, one wonders if he will be quite so quick to marry the second time around?

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:* *:ο½₯゚✧*:ο½₯゚✧
BartolomΓ© has always born the brunt of his parent's expectations and his family's duties on his shoulders with grace and good humor. He has known his place from the moment he was born, and has not shied away from it. Instead, he has adapted to make the best of the situation that he was born in to. Well aware that the privilege far outweighs any of the downsides.

He had his fun, going away for University and even traveling for a few years afterwards. He saw parts of the world, met distant family, and grew more confident in himself. But he missed his siblings and parents, and the guilt of leaving his younger siblings to bear the brunt of their parents expectations had him coming home far sooner than most would. He sacrificed his own chances at freedom to give his siblings a break, and relieve his parents of the worry of their family legacy and potentially having three children to marry off. In the end, their worries were for no naught as while he did not marry the season's Diamond, he married the Queen's niece by her insistence, a match that delighted his parents and the crown.

Of course he grew to love and cherish his wife. Having her around gave him back his freedoms, and being married to him gave her, her own. They were happy and planning a long, content future together. Embolden by the birth of their first child, a daughter, who they cherished. Even if both sets of grandparents had hoped for a boy. However, just after they began to consider trying for another, his wife was struck by a sudden and swift illness. Not even the best doctors could save her, and within a year BartolomΓ© found himself widowed with a young daughter to care for.

His parents insisted that once his mourning period was over, they move back home so he could have help. BartolomΓ© could not reject the offer. He and his daughter, now three, moved back home. He had no real interest in returning to the marriage market. But his parent's worry about the family legacy and three children unmarried, meant that he once more took up the mantle of agreeing to do what the family needed.

A diligent, good-natured and charming person to most, BartolomΓ© moves through society easily. Around his family and close friends he is blunt, quick to a good joke and to make a hilariously grim remark. He would do anything for his siblings, and it shows in practically everything he does. As when he takes any sort of selfish actions, his guilt quickly eats him up.

Having just returned to the marriage market and facing yet another death, BartolomΓ© worries he do not have the mental strength to go through this once more. If death lurks around every corner, than what is the point? However, for the sake of his siblings he will continue on until he simply cannot anymore.

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Β© weldherwings.


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