WIP - Mairi Catan

Tate Emil

Coffee Addict
Mairi Catan




Basic Information

Age: 28

Ethnicity: Scottish

Gender: Female

Hair Color: Naturally red hair, but makes it stronger with hair dye.

Eye Color: Grayish green

Physical Description: Spots all over her body. She has that little special smile what makes people want to trust her. Frail but still fit body, in a way that its obvious that She's not the strongest kind. Mairi is useless in fight, but still can make her enemies shiver whit just looking at them angrily. 

Social Information

Profession: Private investigator

Organizations:  Long time dream to become The Justicars - Why? Well, for power... I mean, for justice! 

Family: Mairi is from a small town - even that is overacting - orphanage from Scotland, whit no known biological parents. Story is told, "just from nowhere came her in a little qrib, and no stranger were to be seen."  

Personality: Calm, collected personality with strong attitude. By strong attitude someone would mean "She will crush anyone who is in her way" kinda attitude. People often feel at ease around her, and she is easy to be open up to. Mairi is a person who you tell all your secrets to, if you don't watch your words around her - well, honetly she will know your secrets anyway, even if you don't speak about them to her.  

Major Strength: Lovable

Biggest Flaw: Liar

My Creator's Information:

What I enjoy most in RPs: conflict and interaction whit other characters, i think?

What I most want to do in this RP: Create drama, and just get along whit all other players. 

What I most want to do with this character: Get her open up and her secrets revealed
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Please let me know if you finish this character. Until you do so, I can not accept this character as she is not complete!

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