Story [WIP] Gods In The Machine


Dialectical Hermeticist
Sstheno-419 moves with feline grace down the wide streets of Tartarus Womb, keeping close to the edges where the dark, humming spires of the Roots rose out of sight into the polluted murk above.

Sstheno-419 is terrified, clenching flat and uniform bands of bone tight in a fascimile of grinding teeth. It barely dares to consider the price of this journey, or even the purpose, for the air is alive with the faint blue tinge of free-floating bacterial drones, compiling a composite of every sight and sound on the silent street.

The drone constantly checks over its shoulder, panics at every sound, flinches at every shadow. It is glad not to have been given a time limit; more than once it has paused to weep in a dark alcove, and wait for the intensity of this unfamiliar paranoia to pass. Sstheno-419 desires nothing more than to return to service and empty the painfully bloated cleansing sacs on its back, but the God-Engine has spoken in portents and signs impossible to ignore.

The streets seem to go on forever, and Sstheno-419 slips into a practiced trance from the repetative comfort of simply running. It doesn't notice the black bulk of a carrier daemon approach, guardian beasts clinging to tbe metallic hull, until one of the terrible serrated things uncoils and keens an alarm. Sstheno-419's calm shatters as a trio of howling black monsters leap from the daemon and skitter towards it in a storm of sharp edges and fanged maws. Throwing its hands over its head, Sstheno-419 cowers on the floor and invokes the Rite of Proper Clearance, wailing a high-pitched prayer for deliverance. As one, the protectors stop, carapaces resealing with a hiss. The daemon rumbles past, and its guardians return to their sockets.

This visit is unexpected, then. Does Archthing Tartarus not heed the signs?

Sstheno-419 shudders and curls into a ball at the prospect of such fatal heresy.

But the God-Engine has spoken, and the factory-temple is close.
You've got a really descriptive style. It brings the reader in with more questions about the world, the character, and the character's mission and quest. I like how you build the world, not just the physical world but also possible cultures and social systems, with each description.

Have you posted more pieces connected to this world?
Thank you. This one always felt interconnected, and form following function is likely to be a strong theme - so description giving up other details of the setting is as much key as certain word choices.

I'm afraid I don't yet have more, but @DeusExAlice wrote a great companion piece that's around here somewhere.
I'll keep an eye out for it. For now sleep.... Coffee cannot replace sleep, and I got work early in the morning.
DeusExAlice said:
Ohgosh, I totally forgot about that xD
...I want a carrier daemon ,_,
I'm sure I'll whip up a game where you can before long.

Hell, you could it in To Reign In Hell or maybe even Darkening Skits with the right character.
"For this skit I'm Momma Carrier Daemon just out for a sunday flight with muh little ducklings guardians"

Will there be moar progress towards the glorious god-machine's work? *frets*
Yes, but the precise form remains uncertain. I'm thinking novella or vignettes, and I can do an RP in the setting once it's that fleshed out.
For future reference, will it be in this same thread or seperate ones? Cause the world needs more organic love and I don't wanna miss it xD

*mouth in extra arm eats whiskey and the glass whole*

"I didn't ask for this."
DeusExAlice said:
For future reference, will it be in this same thread or seperate ones? Cause the world needs more organic love and I don't wanna miss it xD
*mouth in extra arm eats whiskey and the glass whole*

"I didn't ask for this."
Probably in this thread, yesss.

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